Mar 8, 2024 – Notes Shabbat Call

03-08-24 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
One day after the annual STATE OF THE UNION message, delivered last night by the “Usurper-in-Chief,” President Trump posted: “CROOKED JOE BIDEN IS ON THE RUN FROM HIS RECORD—AND LYING LIKE CRAZY TO TRY AND ESCAPE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE HORRIFIC DEVASTATION HE AND HIS PARTY HAVE CREATED!” It is “being ‘panned’ all over the World. Only the Radical Left lunatics are trying to make the best of it. It took him 41 minutes to talk, briefly, about Immigration and the Border, on the topic of which he was very weak. No talk of weaponization against his very calm and nice opponent. Angry as hell, this guy is a PSYCHO!” May the lies told be shown for what they are, so no American will be deceived by Biden!
We now pray to receive the Ephesians 6 armor of God, as we engage in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our beloved nation! Anita (NJ) led us in this prayer:
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Praise reports/prayer requests:
Carol (IL) shared the news of our dear sister and 24/7 facilitator Jan Van Klavern’s peaceful transition into the Lord’s arms on Tuesday evening. Her Celebration of Life service will be on Saturday, March 16th. Carol wrote: “Jan has been a part of our family of faith for many years…she was always joyful, kind, and focused on God’s Kingdom and her part in it! For the last few years, we were co-facilitators on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call on Friday mornings and we found a new level of friendship between us! I will miss Jan and the joy she always shared with everyone around her!”
“Jan…a life well lived!”
Plant a tree in memory of Janet
Mary Ellen (IL) Several of us got together this summer and being with Jan was like walking with the Lord. She lived as Christ would have her live, and was always ministering to others. We were so blessed to be with her and pray with her. She went through the fire and was taken up with Jesus. Thank God for having known her.
Carol (IL) It’s hard, cuz you go from mourning to HALLELU YAH! She never married as her whole focus was the Lord, and she always spoke of Him, wherever she was.
Carol and Mary Ellen prayed for those who were part of Jan’s life and recipients of her love and service!
We all agreed that she will long be missed and remembered…and certainly not forgotten!
We then took time to remember all those of the 24/7 family that have preceded us to heaven! PTL!
Nancy (WA) I love meeting all our 24/7 prayer warriors, and feel so privileged.
Danielle (SC) shared that it is a matter of the heart, and it starts with us.
Pastor Ioan said that he spoke to Ps Donald Kruse today and that he is going to give an opening prayer at the American Samoa GOP gathering, and may be sent as a delegate to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukie this summer. Ps Mauga shared that he was an election official and that everything was done by hand, with paper ballots, and the votes were counted on-site. So it is not possible to rig the election there…thus, “Joe Biden lost the American Samoa Democratic primary to little-known candidate, Jason Palmer, becoming the first incumbent president to lose a primary since Jimmy Carter in 1980. Palmer’s surprising victory tarnished an otherwise perfect night for Biden, during which he scored a string of primary wins across the US. Only six delegates were at stake, with Palmer taking four, and Biden two.”
We prayed into this and thanked God for AS operating in the way we all should conduct elections!
Ps Ioan asked that the American people would learn from this and do likewise!
Maureen prayed into this and asked that we can help get the story of American Samoa out so others follow.
Donna (MT) Affirmed that prayer and asked God to intervene and raise up a standard against the evildoers!
John (NJ) lifted up David Clements and his movie: LET MY PEOPLE GO! Let the media grab hold of it, and cause the “movers and shakers,” with microphones across the nation, to invite him as their guest to speak. We need to show up…like the 300 in Gideon’s army. Let us continue to stand and listen to Your voice as You utter instructions to Your ARMY! With You, we have the VICTORY!
Mary Ellen (IL) let Joe Rogan, and all those influencers like Tucker, catch this and help get the word out.
We were exhorted to pay particular attention to the focuses which started today of Tucker Carlson’s interview with Mike Benz. This information is fresh, and the bad actors exposed in the interview are virtually unknown by the American people. We prayed corporately into that, and then individuals prayed.
Getting back to the tragic “SOTU” message last night: We invited people to share their reflections.
Bernadette (NY) Biden said “Lincoln Riley” instead of Laken Riley, who was killed by an “illegal immigrant”
Janis (MA) so many, even after that public display last night, will still vote for Biden. It is so discouraging! They are deceived…and there are so many of them! Let them have their eyes and ears opened and tuned to the frequency of TRUTH!
Mary Ellen (IL) I knew he would just say a pack of lies…and when I heard what he said to the SCOTUS Justices, it reminded me of Schumer when he threatened the SCOTUS. Biden was saying exactly WHO HE WAS…not HIDING ANYTHING…
Bev (MT) “WOE !!!!!” Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight! Woe to men mighty at drinking wine, Woe to men valiant for mixing intoxicating drink, Who justify the wicked for a bribe, And take away justice from the righteous man! Therefore, as the fire devours the stubble, And the flame consumes the chaff, So their root will be as rottenness, And their blossom will ascend like dust; Because they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts, And despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. Therefore the anger of the Lord is aroused against His people; He has stretched out His hand against them and stricken them, and the hills trembled. Their carcasses were as refuse in the midst of the streets.”
Jeff (TX) a father whose son was killed in Afghanistan shouted out in the SOTU gathering last night and was arrested. He prayed for mercy because we have allowed this!
Beverly (CA) my husband and I were eating as we watched it (Gag!) He just beat that horse of INSURRECTiON and it stuck in my craw! She prayed into this and asked that people would really listen and see the truth!
Nancy (WA) reminds me of Hitler, with that “I’M IN POWER” spirit. She blessed Eric Metaxes and his “Letter to the American Church” and prayed that pastors to have the courage to speak out!
Jerri (FL) “What does the Lord require of you? But to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 We the Church of the USA repent.
Steve (NH) prayed in agreement into this matter
We paused before 9 PM, as we do nightly, to pray corporately for the J6ers.
We lifted up all who were accused, tried, and imprisoned unjustly…
and for those with pending cases, such as President Trump.
Jeff (TX) prayed for those still being arrested, like a journalist this week. This is evil. Bring the truth out.
Minister to them and send Christians to visit them.
Kay (IL) Go into the cells of the discouraged J6 prisoners and encourage them, and let those who KNOW YOU encourage others. We pray for families…for children who are missing their parents. Send others alongside to bless them. Bless the spouses who are waiting and comfort them.
There is nothing You do not see…let them see YOU!
We were then led by Maureen in singing the National Anthem
united with the J6ers, as we joined them from states across our nation!
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
Let them be comforted and at peace in their cells tonight, knowing that God is near!
President Trump posted many times on TRUTH SOCIAL during Biden’s HORRENDOUS State of the Union speech. These are his statements, in order!
There is very little that Joe Biden can say that can mitigate the damage he has done to our Country. We are under a MIGRANT INVASION the likes of which has never been witnessed in World History. Migrant Crime is rampant, and he just doesn’t want to do anything about it. AMAZING!
This will be an exciting evening. You never know what you’re going to get with Crooked Joe. Follow our Play by Play on TRUTH! DJT
The President is very substantially late. Not a good start, but let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. I’m sure he had very important things to do, but he is just now getting into the car. They will have to drive very, very quickly, you just don’t want to be late to the State of the Union. They will need Mario Andretti to be at the wheel of the Limo.
There is nothing he can say tonight that can absolve him from letting 15 million people into our Country illegally. He’ll probably blame me, but I had the Safest Border in the History of our Country, so that won’t go very far!
Maxine Waters, a very nice woman, even though she’s constantly saying she wants to beat up or kill people on the opposite side of the aisle. If I ever said that, they would call me an Insurrectionist, and all hell would break out!
Thankfully, we won’t have to be looking at RINO Mitt Romney much longer!
Joe Manchin had it made, was one of the most popular politicians in America, but then he, as he usually does, blew it. He approved the Inflation Reduction Act, and he was toast – Not recoverable!
Crooked Joe is making his way to the Chamber. Very disrespectful to some. Not good!!!
Who kissed him on the cheek with lipstick? Now he’s got lipstick on his face. How stupid of her!
His hair is much better in the front than on the back!
This is the longest walk in Presidential History – It is ridiculous! Now he’s actually taking the selfies at their request. He’s not a Photographer – He’s got to get moving!
No, I said NATO has to pay its bills, and if it doesn’t pay its bills, we are not going to protect you. THE MONEY CAME POURING IN! Under other Presidents, NATO was BROKE.
Putin only invaded Ukraine, because he has no respect for Biden. Would have never happened under the Trump Administration, and for four years it didn’t happen!
Interesting that Romney and Manchin are sitting together, and nobody wants to talk to them. I think they’d make a great No Labels Team!
NATO only became strong, because of ME, I got the NATO Nations to pay up. They were almost all delinquent. The United States was paying for them all!
The so-called “Insurrectionists” that he talks about had no guns, they only had a Rigged Election. The only gun was that used on Ashli Babbitt, who sadly, is no longer with us!
IVF was just approved in Alabama, and the Republicans are totally in support of helping women. We are stronger on IVF than the Democrats!
He looks so angry when he’s talking, which is a trait of people who know they are “losing it.” The anger and shouting is not helpful to bringing our Country back together!
He just screwed up his primary line of the evening, having to do with Roe v. Wade, while looking at the Highly Respected Justices of the Supreme Court, for whom it was intended!
He is so angry and crazy!
“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE NINE-MONTHS APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!
Why doesn’t he bring up East Palestine and the other Towns all throughout America that he has left behind, and destroyed with Inflation?
Shawn Fain sold out the Auto Workers, ALL Electric Cars will be built in China within three years. THEY SHOULD THROW HIM OUT, MICHIGAN IS ASHAMED OF WHAT HE HAS DONE!
Biden’s All Electric Car Mandate is a disaster for our Country, but great for China!
He did nothing for the Veterans Administration or the Veterans – It was all TRUMP!
All Reduction Pricing was done by us, and kicked in after we left!
They only show the Democrats clapping! They rarely show the other side of the room – It’s called, THE REPUBLICAN SIDE!
Republicans have no plan to cut Social Security, a made-up story by Crooked Joe!
Biden talked about the SNICKERS Bars before he talked about the Border!
His Border Bill is a Disaster, it would let at least 5,000 Migrants in a day, and that is one of the better aspects of it!
See, as he’s getting ready to cough yet again into his right hand, the Fake News Media rushes him off the screen!
Other Countries are laughing at our stupidity on “Climate.” The Green New Scam is destroying our Economy and our Country!
He’s talking about Violence, but Migrant Violence is leading to the Worst Crime Wave in History!
He wants to take away everyone’s gun. Remember that when you go to the Voting Booth, because if I’m not elected, your guns are GONE, along with your Freedom!
What a contrast between Republicans and Democrats!
He’s having a hard time now – The words are not flowing smoothly out of his mouth!
He’s done nothing for Israel compared to what I have done. It’s only words he speaks, not TRUTH!
He made Iran RICH. This is why we have the problems in the Middle East. With me, Iran was BROKE. He is the reason that the Middle East is blowing up!
He said I bowed down to the Russian Leader. He gave them everything, including Ukraine. I took away Nord Stream 2, he gave it to them! He was a Puppet for Putin and Xi, and virtually every other Leader!
Whether the Fake News Media likes admitting it or not, there was tremendous misrepresentation and lies in that Speech, but the People of our Country get it, and they know that November 5th will be the Most Important Day in our Nation’s History!
That may be the Angriest, Least Compassionate, and Worst State of the Union Speech ever made. It was an Embarrassment to our Country!
He didn’t stand up to Putin, he gave Putin Ukraine!
This was an angry, polarizing, and hate-filled Speech. He barely mentioned Immigration or the Worst Border in the History of the World. He will never fix Immigration, nor does he want to. He wants our Country to be flooded with Migrants. Crime will rise to levels never seen before, and it is happening very quickly!
If you get rid of TikTok, Facebook and Zuckerschmuck will double their business. I don’t want Facebook, who cheated in the last Election, doing better. They are a true Enemy of the People!
Katie Britt was a GREAT contrast to an Angry, and obviously very Disturbed, “President.” She was compassionate and caring, especially concerning Women and Women’s Issues. Her conversation on Migrant Crime was powerful and insightful. Great job Katie!
The Story is that he got through it, he’s still breathing, and they didn’t have to carry him out in a straitjacket. Other than that, he did not do a very good job!
The Fake News Media is taking Crooked Joe Biden’s anger, and calling it “fiery.” That’s why they’re the Fake News, and there’s nobody like them!
Biden’s speech last night is getting “panned” all over the World. Only the Radical Left lunatics are trying to make the best of it. It took him 41 minutes to talk, briefly, about Immigration and the Border, on the topic of which he was very weak. No talk of weaponization against his very calm and nice opponent. Angry as hell, this guy is a PSYCHO!
We prayed corporately into President Trump’s remarks, then invited individual reflections.
Tesi (FL) thanked God for President Trump and his ability to expose the lies told by Biden last night!
Carol (TX) what a contrast with Biden and Katie (from AL) who gave the Republican response. Let people’s eyes be opened so they see the truth about BIDEN, and refuse to vote for him!
Brad (VA) the puppet masters installed Biden, and now he doesn’t want to leave, and he will take them all down with them.
Bobby (WI) Biden is so programmed and seemed drugged up…hyper…and it was a performance! He tells the people (libs) what they wanted to hear, and they lapped it up! Liberty and Justice only come when a nation is UNDER GOD! She remembers Audrey saying STRATEGY. Let our people see how important it is to OCCUPY!
Annie (FL) thanked God for the information we receive through the 24/7 and for speaking TRUTH to Your people. Open eyes to see the truth.
Sherill (MO) asked for wisdom on how to pray for Biden, who is ensnared by the darkness that plans to destroy our nation!
We read President Trump’s response to Biden’s State of the Union message… and prayed into it.
The Republican Party has completely united behind me, and soon the entire United States will elect me the 47th President of the United States, so we can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
This is how we will SAVE AMERICA from the hands of Crooked Joe and the Radical Left together…
#1 We will rebuild the greatest economy in AMERICAN HISTORY!
Beverly (CA) Thanked God that President Trump laid out his plans to the American people. He knows the business and will do it again. We will see lower gas and food prices, prosperity, and true new jobs!
#2 We will ensure Fair Trade for the American Worker!
Tesi (FL) one of the things I see in President Trump is that he cares about the American people and our well-being, and that we prosper. Continue to use his wisdom, insight, and intelligence to bring back all that was lost.
#3 We will unleash America to achieve ENERGY DOMINANCE!
Sherill (TX) he will open the pipeline and bring back the oil supply that is needed, that is under our feet, so we won’t depend on enemies to provide fuel for us. He knows exactly what to do and he will open up all natural resources because we have it.
#4 We will Close the Border, Build the Wall, and Restore American Sovereignty!
Dorothy (OR) Father, You are sovereign, and You have established this as a sovereign nation.YOu will restore our sovereignty!
#5 We will launch the War on Drug Cartels to Restore Safety and Stop Crime in America!
Beverly (CA) He will complete the wall and stop illegals from coming into our land.
#6 We will embrace Patriotism and Reject Globalism!
Tesi (FL) schools and universities will have to teach the truth and we will bring back patriotism.
#7 We will care for Veterans and protect Parents’ Rights!
Kay (IL) thanked God for those who have served in the military and for the way President Trump values them. We pray for the restoration of all veterans’ support, health wise, housing, jobs et al. We also pray for parents and their children…and that parents will take time for their children!
#8 We will End Censorship, Reclaim Free Speech, and Defend the First Amendment!
Abigail (MI…relocating in MS) Asked that we would have the freedom to speak upheld!
#9 We will restore Free, Honest, and Fair elections and STOP ELECTION INTERFERENCE!
Kay (IL) HalleluYah! That is what we are asking for…and we are standing with President Trump for that.
We plead the Blood of Jesus over the elections!
Joann (MO) Thanked God that God is speaking to and through President Trump, and asked that he pick a VP who is God’s choice! Help us to remain faithful in prayer and repentance, and carry us through the election. She declared PEACE and that the hand of satan would be stayed as we prepare to vote!
I can’t do this alone, and you’ve been by my side through every single
This is the most critical election in American History,
and I need you and every TRUE MAGA PATRIOT if I’m going to win…
Comments following:
Dutch Sheets: “We were born ‘for such a time as this’. We are not to be reactionary. We are to take back ground that the enemy has stolen. We are to be bold and zealous. We have been given the weapons to do this…”
Ray Lewis: “There will be Haters. There will be Doubters. There will be non-believers, then there will be You, proving them all wrong,”
Lara Trump has been elected as the Co-Chair of the RNC. Pray for her protection!
“It Was Crazy Talk!” – Tucker Carlson Breaks Down Joe Biden’s SOTU Address
“There was no upside for you in anything he said for you… Biden and his party are encouraging people to have more children…He’s offering abortion, war, castration of children. Who wants all that? Joe Biden can’t win. In a fair election, Joe Biden cannot win…Chris Hayes the most famous lesbian on television…We know they’re going to steal the election because they are saying it out loud.”
Ps Mauga hopped on just as we were preparing to receive communion…He shared Romans 8:28 and exhorted us to be here together, standing in the gap! We must get on our knees and pray harder for the nation!
Sandra (LA) and Jerri (FL) led us as we shared in communion, and then we closed singing
With our dearest love and blessings.
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We have openings for FT Facilitators on
Tuesdays at 3 AM ET,
Wednesdays at 3 AM ET,
and Wednesdays at 4 AM ET.
Participants are also invited to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour a week.
We use a “two by two” Biblical model to ensure each hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
(Contact Maureen to volunteer to serve…407-810-4665)
See the list of available hours on our website:
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch hearts, Lord, and cause our family to be open and willing to step up to serve!
Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work!
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