Mar 7, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Sunday, March 7, 2021 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“The Lord marches forth like a warrior, He rouses His zeal as a man of war!”
Isaiah 42:13
We sing: Break Every Chain
There is power in the name of Jesus! There is power in the name of Jesus!
There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain, break every chain, break every chain…
to break every chain, break every chain, break every chain.
There’s an army rising up! There’s an army rising up!
There’s an army rising up to break every chain, break every chain, break every chain…
to break every chain, break every chain, break every chain!
There is power in the name of Jesus! There is power in the name of Jesus!
There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain, break every chain, break every chain…
to break every chain, break every chain, break every chain.
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call has not changed!
We are called to intercede hourly for the safety and security of President Donald John Trump, and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection and cover him with the Blood of Jesus, asking that he respond to every situation by the leading of the Holy Spirit!
We thank God for exposing and foiling every plan of the enemy that is set against him, and for the angels to be stationed to surround and stand guard over him continually!
We bless the First Lady, Melania, their marriage and all the members of their family.
We forbid and bind any backlash planned against them and any of those who faithfully served in or supported his Administration.
The 24/7 NSPC continues to stand for righteousness and justice in our nation and affirm Donald Trump as our duly elected President!
We pray for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and all those complicit in their ascension to power.
They have come into office through fraud and deception, and we ask that their crimes against this nation be exposed and that they be removed from office!
We pray for ourselves and our loved ones, as we put on the full armor of God!
We pray for the total healing of our sister, Repeka Nuusa (TX), and for the health of all our 24/7 family.
We ask that the coronavirus be sovereignly destroyed by Almighty God!
We pray for the fake news, the corrupted social media and big tech “giants” to be taken down and for Godly platforms to emerge to serve the needs of our people!
Strategic Focus for Sunday
The Navarro Report on Election Fraud – Part 15
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
1 Timothy 6:10
At the top of the hour, we sang: “There is power in the name of Jesus…to break every chain.” Today as we continue our study of the Navarro report on election fraud, we call upon the name of Jesus and ask the Lord to rise up as the Mighty Warrior that He is, to break every chain with which the darkness has tried to encompass this nation. Pray.
For decades, this nation has been “playing with fire” and “flying close to the flame”…only to find itself entrapped, enmeshed and bound by the chains put upon it by the spirit of mammon. Timothy reminds us that the love of money (mammon) is “a root of all kinds of evil”, and as we pursue it, we move further and further away from God…the Source of all goodness. The consequence of greediness is ultimately sorrow. We need to look no further than Judas to see how that played out.
We pray:
- Lord, today we corporately invoke the power in the name of Jesus to break every chain that has bound this nation, our people, and us individually. We ask that you set us free to worship You and You alone. Pray.
Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer stands out among the Christian leaders during the Nazi era, as one of the few to actively resist the racist actions of the Nazi regime. He spoke out for truth and righteousness and often found Church leaders unwilling to do the same. One of his biggest indictments was against pastors for their silence.
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
And God will not hold you blameless.”
Bonhoeffer’s words ring true for us today, and as we see the evil emanating from the White House, the Democrat Party, the globalists, the mass and social media and from big tech, we cannot remain silent. We must speak out and take the actions that are appropriate to redeem this nation from the darkness that has pervaded it.
We pray:
- As we study this next portion of the Navarro report, let us pray that all those individuals and organizations that, in their greed and lust for power, have ensnared our people, would be brought down and removed from power and influence. Pray.
Public-Private Partnerships (Zuckerberg-Soros Effect)…Both the Wall Street oligarch George Soros and the Silicon Valley oligarch and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg used their deep pockets to finance public-private partnerships that would help advance the Democrat Party’s grand strategy. Both are corrupt to the core!
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”
Matthew 6:24
Zuckerberg money – over half a billion dollars – helped engineer what was effectively a hostile Democrat Party “public-private partnership” takeover of what should otherwise be a nonpartisan election process in key Democrat strongholds such as Wayne County, Michigan and Dane County, Wisconsin, and Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.
It is worth noting that there is only one degree of separation between Soros and Zuckerberg.
- Zuckerberg’s Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) was founded in 2012 and is staffed by people that worked at the New Organizing Institute, a now-defunct organization that was funded in part by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.
- During the 2020 Election, it would be Zuckerberg’s CTCL that would spend hundreds of millions of dollars to fund cities, towns, and counties for “election administration.”
We pray:
- That God would send a Kingdom emissary to visit the home of Mark Zuckerberg, his wife Priscilla Chan and their 2 daughters, Max (4) and August (2) and that they would be received, able to present the message of salvation and lead them to the Lord! Pray.
- That someone in the Soros family would have a definitive encounter with the Lord, receive Christ as their Savior and Lord, and have a tremendous impact on the rest of the family, and that all of them would be saved, and through that God would be glorified. Nothing is impossible with God. Pray.
The public-private partnerships they have established were overwhelming help for the Democrats in effecting their “ART OF THE STEAL” In 2020:
- Wisconsin received a $6.3 million CTCL grant from Mark Zuckerberg to support the installation of drop-boxes and illegal ballot harvesting events like “Democracy in the Park.”
- These funds were also used to help with various other election administration activities in several Democrat strongholds including Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Racine, and Kenosha.
- Pennsylvania received over $12 million from CTCL.
- Fully $10 million of those funds poured into the Democrat-dominated Philadelphia to help boost turnout and count ballots.
- The strings attached to these funds required the city to open no fewer than 800 new polling places, thereby dramatically changing how Philadelphia managed its General Election processes.
- In a clear violation of its tax-exempt status, CTCL has posted anti-Republican and anti-Trump statements on social media.”
We pray:
- That these public-private partnerships that have been established will be looked at with a more critical eye and monitored closely so that they cannot do the same things in the future that have caused such disaster in the past. Pray.
Despite its claims of “non-partisanship”, CTCL’s officials have a documented history of involvement in left-wing political movements.
- A complaint filed on August 28, 2020 with the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) showed that the organization is comprised of Barack Obama’s allies, who were highly skilled in recruiting Democrat voters to the polls.
- Mark Zuckerberg has long sought to enter the Chinese market. While this report does not examine any possible interventions by the Chinese Communist Party into our election, these facts remain:
- He speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese, and his company, Facebook, has – despicably – hired Chinese Communist Party members to increase Facebook’s ability to censor Trump supporters and the conservative movement. Pray.
- Zuckerberg also has expressed sympathies for Chinese Communist Party ideology. In 2014, Zuckerberg met with Chinese internet Czar Lu Wei in Silicon Valley, and was caught on Chinese state-run media promoting Chairman Xi’s book entitled “The Governance of China.”
- Zuckerberg also distributed this propaganda trash to his colleagues, because he desired for them to understand Communist Party ideology such as “socialism with Chinese characteristics.” In 2016, Zuckerberg also met with China’s propaganda chief, Liu Yunshan, and praised the Communist Party for its “development of the internet.”
- As for George Soros and his web of progressive organizations, the Soros effort to influence the 2020 election ironically would be assisted by a key department in the Trump Administration, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
- In November 2019, DHS announced it would partner with Soros-funded VotingWorks – a left-of-center non-profit provider of voting machines and open-source election verification software – to salt key battleground states with voting machines.
- Alleged Russia Hoax participant Marc Elias used tactics similar to Soros and Zuckerberg that likewise helped advance the Democrat Party’s Grand Strategy.
- For example, Elias assisted Stacey Abrams’ nonprofit, the New Georgia Project, in filing a complaint on May 8, 2020, which called for radical Election Law changes. These changes included absentee ballot receipt deadline extensions and increased ballot curing.
- Elias’ plan would reap major fruit in Gwinnett, Georgia, as Republicans lost major races for District Attorney, Sheriff, and County Commission Chair. The Democrat Party also flipped the 7th Congressional District seat to the blue side.
We pray:
- That those who use their influence and power to establish relationships and do business with those who are enemies of this country will be called out, restricted, and prohibited by law from doing so. Pray.
- That in every place where violations of election law occurred due to these public-private relationships, the violations will be discovered and rectified, and the perpetrators will be punished. Pray
We have prayed for a long time against the fake media and all these big tech platforms, asking that the evil ones be taken down and the good ones prosper. Facebook is continually censoring and restricting us on our 24/7 Prayer Call Facebook page. Zuckerberg, Gates, Soros and others are using their money to fight against President Trump and trying to destroy the United States.
We pray:
- That FB will be taken down and that God will raise up platforms developed by patriotic, conservative Christians that will serve his purposes and help restore righteous communications across the nation. Pray.
- That President Trump will have a voice on those platforms and be able to reach the masses with his message of AMERICA FIRST! Pray.
Propaganda “Public Awareness” Campaign…Many of the gambits advanced by the Democrat Party, their operatives, and their “useful idiots” were done under cover of “public awareness” campaigns that often amounted to little more than propaganda.
“You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. “
James 4:4
These “public awareness” campaigns were designed to target voters through published statements, reports, and media stories. The goal was to influence – and soften – public attitudes towards the liberalization of absentee and mail-in voting.
- In leaked documents from Soros’ Open Society Foundation, the Soros-funded Brennan Center was listed as the recipient of funds earmarked for the express purpose of “litigation to expand access to registration and improve ease of voting.” As was common practice with the Democrats, the Brennan Center would use the shield of the CCP (Chinese) virus pandemic to advance its goals.
- In March of 2020, the Brennan Center issued a memo to influence mail-in ballot election law changes as a result of the CCP Virus pandemic. The memo stated: “All voters should be offered the option to cast their ballot by mail (with multiple submission options, as provided below), so as to enable voters to avoid lines at the polls and exposure to COVID-19.”
Soros-funded Brennan Center memo also made five key recommendations aimed at expanding absentee and mail-in voting. These included:
- polling place modification and preparation;
- expanded early voting;
- a universal vote-by-mail option;
- voter registration modification and preparation, including expanded online registration.
We pray:
- That instead of “public awareness campaigns” intended to deceive the public, that there would be a new level of public awareness regarding the campaigns so that the public is no longer deceived. Pray
- That the Soros fortune that has been used for evil and to perpetrate wickedness throughout the world will dry up and no longer be available to him or his family members. We speak the same to others who are involved in this despicable work. Pray.
- That expanded absentee and male in voting will be stopped and eliminated, putting an end to the fraud and corruption that it entails. Pray.
- That we will have one day on which our national elections are held, and but for serious exceptions, the majority of our citizens will vote in person. Pray
Praise God that our new website is up and functioning! Go here to get our 24/7 NSPC focuses and notes.
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
We have now added a page to our website where people can post prayer requests
and each week, during the SHABBAT Call, we will continue to pray for them.
The link is here so you can listen to the songs ahead of time and be familiar with it.
Please do not play it on the call. Either sing it or pray it!
To print the PDF file, use the following link:
NOTE: We will not tolerate any demonic interference on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call. As necessary, bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss and lift up the Name of Jesus in song, then pray a shield of protection, deliverance and healing over our CC line and our 24/7 family, and immediately return to the focus.