Mar 4, 2022 – Notes Shabbat Call

03-04-22 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
7-10 PM ET 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
We thank God for the grace He pours out on us each and every day, and tonight we reaffirm our commitment to be fully present as we join in this call, and as we are responsible for our duties in it!
We begin this night with Wonderful news! Florida’s First Lady, Casey DeSantis, has been declared CANCER FREE! She has been an inspiration to us all as she passed through difficult times. We are incredibly thankful for her healing and thank God for everyone who participated in prayer for Casey, her husband FL Governor Ron DeSantis, and her family. We prayed corporately in thanksgiving for her healing.
We begin tonight as we always do, putting on the full armor of God spoken of in Ephesian 6. This Warfare of Love – the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE – being fought on behalf of our nation is intense, and we are so grateful for the protection the Lord provides! Receive
“Stand firm and hold your ground,
having tightened the wide band of truth – personal integrity, moral courage – around your waist
and having put on the breastplate of righteousness – an upright heart-
and having strapped on your feet the gospel of peace in preparation – to face the enemy with firm-footed stability and the readiness produced by the good news.
Above all, lift up the protective shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God,
praying with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.“
We then prayed corporately and received God’s protective armor for ourselves and those we love and pray for!
Additional answers to prayer:
*Ukraine – Reports from quite a number of soldiers are saying “strange things are happening”. They’re saying, “We’re seeing things at night that we don’t normally see… that save us.’” He continued, “It seems like sometimes bullets are just passing us by, instead of hitting us’ and things like this.”
A Belarus pastor claimed that they are very much “in shock and dismayed that their territory is being used for an invasion of a friendly nation. We’re praying and hoping that this thing comes to an end very quickly because this is a horrible, horrible situation causing untold amounts of suffering upon innocent men, women, and children elderly. You know, it’s really a terrible story.”
Another pastor who has lived in Belarus for 12 years, serving Holocaust survivors there, has a lot of friends in neighboring Ukraine. The testimonies from his Ukrainian friends have encouraged him and other believers that God has been answering our prayers. One of his Ukrainian pastor friends said that their current situation “made him feel like he is dreaming. When we go through these hard times, then we, you know, reap joy and something good,” he said. Thankfully, God had already spoken to him and his congregation and promised them victory through it all. God led them to open Psalm 25, which says: “I trust in you; do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me. No one who hopes in You will ever be put to shame, but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause.” He noted that they received a prophecy back in the fall that “there was going to be a hard time coming to Ukraine. And then, afterward, it was going to be one of the best times for Ukraine. And I understood that probably meant a great move of God’s spirit.”
Children of Ukraine saluting their flag!
God is putting confusion in the enemy ranks! It was reported today that Russian soldiers who had invaded a Ukrainian town, stole the national flags from the City Hall…and mockingly, drove off, flying the Ukrainian flags on their tanks. A little way down the road, they came upon a larger force of Russian tanks, who, seeing the flag of Ukraine on the oncoming tanks, fired on them. They returned fire, and fulfilled the intercessors’ prayer that the enemy would be confused and begin to turn upon themselves!
At times like this, miraculous things… supernatural things…take place, which we can’t explain naturally!
Pastor Ioan reminded us that when we were in Israel, Avi Mizrachi told us that during the war, they saw rockets coming toward them in Tel Aviv. As they approached, they miraculously turned around and exploded in the fields…leaving people and buildings unharmed! We prayed corporately for the end of this war, and then offered individual prayers!
- Carol (IL) send angels into the enemy camp to remove parts from their tanks and weapons, so they are rendered useless to them.
- Bobby (WI) let the angels come against the demonic forces supporting the aggressors
- Sherrill (TX) let all that has taken place in these miraculous occurrences be for the glory of God
Maureen shared that as a child in school, she was taught to put “AMDG” at the top of her papers. It translates as ”All for the Greater honor and Glory of God!”
- Sharon (Paraguay) asked for a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will result in great conversions
- Mary Ellen (IL) Thanked God for sparing the people from nuclear destruction and shared a vers from
2 Chronicles 18:31 “So it was, when the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat, that they said, “It is the king of Israel!” Therefore they surrounded him to attack; but Jehoshaphat cried out, and the Lord helped him, and God diverted them from him.”
- Desiree (NY) let the “Hamans” and their followers be hanged on the gallows they prepared for the “Mordecais.” She asked that the God of Justice deal with the Bidens and Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, et al
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused NATO leadership of giving the “green light for further bombing of Ukrainian cities” by refusing at Friday’s summit to establish a “no-fly” zone over Ukraine, saying those who oppose the move bear responsibility for civilian deaths going forward.
Why it matters: The furious new tone from Zelensky reflects his growing frustration with NATO’s refusal to “close the sky” — a step he believes would change the trajectory of the war, but that NATO fears would spark a direct conflict with Russia.
Context: Implementation of a no-fly zone over Ukraine would likely require NATO forces to shoot down Russian aircraft and potentially take out air defense systems located on Russian territory.
- It would be a major escalation between nuclear powers in order to defend a country — Ukraine — that is not a member of NATO, for precisely this reason.
- NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the topic of a no-fly zone was “mentioned” at Friday’s summit, but that the allies once again agreed there should not be NATO aircraft operating over Ukraine’s territory.
What they’re saying: Zelensky began his latest video praising the Ukrainian people for their incredible resistance on the ninth day of Russia’s brutal assault, saying “the history of Europe will remember it forever.”
- His tone turning darker, he paused and said: “Unfortunately, today there is a complete impression that it is time to give a funeral repast for something else: security guarantees and promises, determination of alliances, values that seem to be dead for someone.”
- “The NATO summit took place today — weak summit, confused summit, summit which shows that not everyone considers the struggle for freedom to be Europe’s No. 1 goal.”
Accusing NATO countries of turning a blind eye to atrocities while having intelligence on Russia’s intent to destroy Ukraine, Zelensky called the “narrative” that a no-fly zone would provoke Russia’s direct aggression “self-hypnosis of those who are weak, under-confident inside.”
- “All the people who will die starting from this day will also die because of you. Because of your weakness, because of your disunity,” a furious Zelensky said.
- “Is this the NATO we wanted? Is this the alliance you were building? … You will not be able to buy us off with liters of fuel for liters of our blood, shed for our common Europe, for our common freedom, for our common future,” he added, referring to supplies NATO has delivered to Ukraine.
Between the lines: Zelensky ended the video by thanking the countries who have provided military aid and support to Ukraine, well aware that the U.S. and NATO remain the closest and most important allies Ukraine has at this critical moment.
- “There are many countries … who help our state no matter what, from the first day of the invasion and — I’m sure — until the victory. And that’s why we do NOT feel alone,” Zelensky stressed.
We continued to pray corporately for the end of this war, and then offered individual prayers!
Maureen prayed: “The life is in the blood”, and blood sacrifice is what satiates the demon’s thirst! They can’t get enough of it! Tonight, we stand with the people of Ukraine and pray that the Lord Himself will rebuke the enemy, and remove it! Let every demonic force that empowers the Russian aggressors to be broken loose. so that the Russians can exercise NO POWER over the Ukrainians! Give VICTORY to the “David’ of Ukraine and fell the “Goliath” of Russia!
The ruling spirit behind all this is the Prince of War! The tactic that they applied today in Ukraine is to instill fear…and cause the people to give up and not resist. Then, declared their intent, that after they capture a city, to execute those publicly who stood against them.
- Mary Ellen (IL) asked if abortion is involved
- Desiree (NY) human trafficking abounds
Pastor Ioan said that these things are prevalent in the region…and to continue with praying into the matter of the Prince of War!
- Albert ICA) it was in the month of Adar that Haman declared the destruction of the Jews. God has extended grace which has been refused by Putin, and just as Haman built gallows, and was hanged on them…so too, Putin will be!
- Bernadette (NY) send an angel to let the world know YOU ARE GOD and You answer the prayers of those who are crying out for You! They don’t need NATO, they need YOU!
Pastor Ioan asked that we pray right NOW for supernatural protection for our brothers and sisters who live in Ukraine, especially in Kyiv, (home to 3 million people who are coming under vicious attack!)
We prayed corporately for them.
We were charged to pray…asking for the revelation of how and when this war in Ukraine will stop.
We turned next to the topic of the TRUCKERS traveling to DC in CONVOYS to stand for FREEDOM!
Thousands of truckers are preparing to converge on Washington, D.C. to shut down the Capital Beltway. Seven different convoys are participating, with one, the People’s Convoy which originated in CA including ten thousand trucks participating, forming a line of 70 miles long!.
Law enforcement agencies in the D.C. metropolitan area have called in support from the National Guard as they prepare for the American convoy to arrive. Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said that the Department of Defense has received a request for assistance from the U.S. Capitol Police and the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency. “Those agencies have asked for National Guard personnel to provide support at traffic control points in and around the District to help the USCP and DC government address potential challenges stemming from possible disruptions at key traffic arteries.”
We pray for this situation, and for those involved!
- Betty (AL) all entry points into DC have been blocked
- Susan (GA) the truckers had said they would be encircling the beltway (64 miles of I-495 around DC)
- Desiree (NY) said that they were not going into DC – the aim was not to disrupt
- Ydia (FL) all they need do is drive around I-495
- Richard (AK) be with them and protect them as they go and return
- Diane (KT) prayed for the multiplication of their fuel and for a peaceful, protected demonstration. No freedoms will be taken from them!
- Desiree (NY) it was for freedom that Christ set us free. Let the American flag fly free! Your banner over us is LOVE! It’s all about You! Let the people come out and cheer them on!
- Betty (AL) let the people who come get an insight into “WE, the People” as they see true patriotism
- Mary Ellen (IL) thanked God for the example of the Canadians and asked that GOd’s GLORY be manifest among them, and the people along the way, as they pray together! Let it have a great impact on the 2022 elections, and let their voices and influences of the REAL PEOPLE OF THE USA be heard in Congress…
- Bernadette (NY) the mandates are already coming down, and we ask that the truckers will take it further and address the SCOTUS and demand that they address the election fraud
- Lois (NY) let there be a great LIGHT that is seen by the masses, that will awaken them
- Susan (GA) thanked GOD for March 4th being the 3rd Anniversary of the 24/7 GA SPC. She is hearing: “MARCH FORTH!” and she read the lyrics of the hymn: “ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS.” She prayed these words over the USA and Ukraine.
- Maureen (MO) prayed Psalm 31:15-18 “My times are in Your hand; Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, And from those who persecute me.”
Another praise report! *Women’s Health Protection Act” As SCOTUS weighs the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, which has the potential to overturn Roe v. Wade. some lawmakers were trying to implement laws that will protect abortions up to the time of birth, and stop the Supreme Court from protecting life. We stand at a critical point in history where the defining legal case in favor of abortion, Roe v. Wade, is being challenged in the highest courts. This past Monday, the Women’s Health Protection Act, a bill seeking to codify abortion rights into federal law, was defeated by the Senate, after being passed in the House of Representatives last September. As this legislation failed to garner enough support in the Senate to pass, federal law cannot mandate the legality of abortion in all 50 states. PTL! More than ever, it is important for everyone to know where they stand on abortion and why. The media is filled with angry outbursts from both sides, with each trying to gain support for their position. It is time for Christians to understand the pro-life case and form beliefs on more than what they hear from the media. We prayed corporately into this!
- Diane (MT) prayed into this
- Betty (AL) prayed for those women who choose NOT to abort
- Ydia (FL) watching a show called THE MIDWIFE and suggested that having women serve in this capacity could be a solution to these abortions
- Nadine (TX) there are official “doulas” who help and assist mothers in labor and delivery
- Debbie (TX) thanked God for answering prayer on this. Overturn Roe v Wade and save babies’ lives
- Diane (MT) while we pray against abortion, we rejoice in those who help pregnant women
Joe Biden is a liar…a deceiver…who is deceived! He stole the election in 2020…yet he went to church on Ash Wednesday and received oil dipped in ashes. We ask God to apprehend and confront him with the truth of who he really is …and what he has done! Let him genuinely repent, recant and step aside…ASAP!
7 Then he said to the multitudes that came out to be baptized by him,
“Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”
8 Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves,
‘We have Abraham as our father.’
For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones.
9 And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees.
Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.”
10 So the people asked him, saying, “What shall we do then?”
11 He answered and said to them,
“He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.”
12 Then tax collectors also came to be baptized, and said to him, “Teacher, what shall we do?”
13 And he said to them, “Collect no more than what is appointed for you.”
14 Likewise the soldiers asked him, saying, “And what shall we do?”
So he said to them, “Do not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages.”
15 Now as the people were in expectation,
and all reasoned in their hearts about John, whether he was the Christ or not,
16 John answered, saying to all, “I indeed baptize you with water;
but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose.
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
17 His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor,
and gather the wheat into His barn; but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire.”
Luke 3:7-17
We prayed…asking that Biden repent…and do it publicly…and the VICTORY will go to the Lord for redeeming such an evil person! What a joy it would be to see such a sinner repent!
We shared in Communion, welcoming CHRIST into our own bodies. Christ Alone is the SALVATION OF THE USA, of UKRAINE, of RUSSIA, of every nation! We say MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus!
We closed singing SHABBAT SHALOM!
Blessings and love from Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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