Mar 3, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Wednesday, March 3, 2021 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises.”
Psalm 98:4
We sing: Shout to the Lord
My Jesus, my Saviour, Lord there is none like You!
All of my days I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love.
My Comfort, my Shelter, Tower of refuge and strength,
Let every breath, all that I am never cease to worship You.
Shout to the Lord all the Earth, let us sing: Power and Majesty, Praise to the King!
Mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of Your Name.
I sing for joy at the work of Your hands…forever I’ll love You, forever I’ll stand.
Nothing compares to the promise I have in You!
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call has not changed!
We are called to intercede hourly for the safety and security of President Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection and cover him with the Blood of Jesus,
asking that he respond to every situation by the leading of the Holy Spirit!
We thank God for exposing and foiling every plan of the enemy that is set against him,
and for the angels to be stationed to surround and stand guard over him continually!
We bless the First Lady, Melania, their marriage and all the members of their family.
We forbid and bind any backlash planned against them
and any of those who faithfully served in or supported his Administration.
The 24/7 NSPC continues to stand for righteousness and justice in our nation
and affirm Donald Trump as our duly elected President!
We pray for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and all those complicit in their ascension to power.
They have come into office through fraud and deception,
and we ask that their crimes against this nation be exposed and that they be removed from office!
We pray for ourselves and our loved ones, as we put on the full armor of God!
We pray for the total healing of our sister, Repeka Nuusa (TX), and for the health of all our 24/7 family.
We ask that the coronavirus be sovereignly destroyed by Almighty God!
We pray for the fake news, the corrupted social media and big tech “giants” to be taken down and for Godly platforms to emerge to serve the needs of our people!
Strategic Focus for Wednesday
The Navarro Report on Election Fraud – Part 11
“Let him who stole, steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.”
Ephesians 4:28
Pastor Ioan often speaks about “patience being the first mark of an apostle”. The attribute of patience, coupled with perseverance, enables us to endure prolonged seasons of time before we actually see the fruit of our prayers. Recently, Dutch Sheets published a Give Him 15 in which he said that he believes that the “prayer siege” being orchestrated by the intercessors at this critical hour in our nation’s history is producing “breakthrough”. We agree! As we “labor” in prayer, we, too, “have something to give” …our intercession on behalf of our nation. As we pray, God is releasing His power, enabling people to change their thinking. These things require patient, persistent prayer until they are fully accomplished. As our 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call family engages in hourly spiritual warfare, what takes place often seems more like a siege than just a quick battle, appropriately so…because the concept of a “siege” implies time and process. We are here “for such a time as this” and are fully engaged in the process.
We pray:
- Lord, as we patiently persevere in prayer, we know that during this prolonged period following the illicit elections, You are working ALL things together for our good! Pray
Executive Summary – The Art of the Steal
“You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another.”
Leviticus 19:11
Today we begin our review of Volume II of the Navarro Report, entitled the “Art of the Steal.” The Democrat Party and its political operatives, with the unwitting aid of “useful idiots” from the Republican Party, stole the presidential election from Donald J. Trump. Democrat Party operatives frequently hid behind the shield of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus and resultant pandemic to further their goals of boosting the absentee and mail-in ballot counts in the key battleground states. The Democrat Party used a two-pronged “Stuff the Ballot Box” strategy to flood six key battleground states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – with enough illegal absentee and mail-in ballots to turn a decisive Trump victory into a narrow and illegitimate Biden alleged “win.”
- Prong One dramatically INCREASED the amount of absentee and mail-in ballots in the battleground states.
- Prong Two dramatically DECREASED the level of scrutiny of such ballots – effectively taking the election “cops” off the beat. This “pincer” movement resulted in a FLOOD of illegal ballots into the battleground states.
- The Democrats relied primarily on legal means such as legislative and rule changes at the state level to implement its Grand Strategy and thereby achieve its illegal outcome. However, at times, political operatives advancing the Democrat Party’s Grand Strategy also bent, and sometimes broke, the laws and rules of that which is most sacred to our American public – our election system.
- Key methods used by the Democrat Party to strategically “game” America’s presidential election included:
- changes in the law approved by State Legislatures;
- rule changes and new guidance initiated by Secretaries of State or other election officials;
- court rulings and interventions;
- and the aggressive use of so-called “public-private partnerships” to commandeer and manipulate the election process in key Democrat strongholds such as Wayne County, Michigan and Dane County, Wisconsin.
We pray:
- That Americans will learn from what we have undergone in the 2020 elections, and take whatever steps are necessary so that we will never have to experience this level of fraud and corruption again. Pray.
- That the use of blanket mail-in ballots will be stopped in every state and only critical absentee ballots will be allowed. Pray.
- That in every polling place across the nation, there will be trained poll workers who will screen ballots correctly and prevent any future fraud. Pray.
- That the “so-called” legal means used by Democrats to “game” the election will be reviewed and thwarted in the future. Pray.
Prong One of the Democrat Party’s Grand Strategy used seven basic gambits to dramatically INCREASE the flood of absentee and mail-in ballots:
- relaxing mail-in and absentee ballot rules;
- sending absentee or mail-in ballots or applications for such ballots to every voter (universal mailing);
- increasing both the legal and illegal use of drop boxes;
- ballot harvesting;
- and the use of corrupted voting machines.
Prong Two of the Democrat Party’s Grand Strategy used five additional gambits to dramatically DECREASE the level of scrutiny of the new flood of absentee and mail-in ballots into the battleground states;
- relaxation of ID verification;
- reduced signature matching requirements;
- illegally counting naked ballots to increase ballot curing – both legal and illegal;
- and reduced poll watching and observing.
The practical result of the Democrat Party’s two-pronged Grand “Stuff the Ballot Box” Strategy was to flood the six key battleground states with enough illegal absentee and mail-in ballots to turn a decisive Trump victory into a narrow alleged Biden “victory.” Key political operatives assisting the Democrat Party included:
- Wall Street oligarch George Soros…Soros money helped fund efforts to change election laws and rules through instruments such as referenda. Soros and his network of organizations, such as the political action committee “Secretary of State Project” also helped to elect puppet Secretaries of State in Michigan (Jocelyn Benson) and Pennsylvania (Kathy Boockvar) who would play instrumental roles in bending or breaking election rules and thereby advancing the Grand “Stuff the Ballot Box” Strategy. Pray.
- Silicon Valley oligarch and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg…nearly half a billion dollars of Zuckerberg money helped engineer what was effectively a hostile Democrat Party “public-private partnership” takeover of what should otherwise be a nonpartisan election process in key Democrat strongholds such as Wayne County, Michigan and Dane County, Wisconsin. Pray.
- Marc Elias, Hillary Clinton Campaign General Counsel and one of the alleged architects and financial conduits for Fusion GPS and the Russia Hoax designed to topple a duly-elected President. Pray.
“Useful idiots” for the Democrat Party included Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp and Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger who entered into a Consent Decree that dramatically INCREASED the number of absentee and mail-in ballots while dramatically DECREASING the rejection rate of such ballots. Republican state legislators who voted for the bills, that would help the Democrats advance its Grand Strategy, likewise were unwitting dupes.
By implementing its Grand “Stuff the Ballot Box” Strategy, the Democrat Party and its political operatives have strategically gamed one of the most sacred elements of American democracy, our election system.
- This was “brass knuckle politics” played at the highest level, which has delivered a brutal punch to the nose of the American people and a vicious kick to the groin of American Democracy.
We pray:
- That those who have served as “useful idiots”…helping the Democrats achieve their evil goals…will realize they’ve been used and no longer allow themselves to be played or be removed. Pray.
- That the Republican governors and Secretaries of State across the nation will hold the line for conservative values and lead their citizens forward in the coming years. Pray.
- That’s the Republican legislators in each state will have the inner fortitude that it takes to unite and do what it takes so that the election process in their individual states is secured and protected. Pray.
That the Democrat Party and its operatives have, up to this point, gotten away with their Immaculate Deception and Art of the Steal, represents a signal failure of the media, Republican state legislators, other Republican government officials across the battleground states, the US Congress, and our judicial branch of government at both the state and federal levels. Volumes 1 and 2 of the Navarro Report together make the strong case for a full investigation of the election irregularities and strategic gaming of our political process that in all likelihood have led to a stolen presidential election. Any such investigation must begin immediately as this nation simply cannot risk the inauguration of a president who will be perceived by a large segment of the American people as illegitimate.
We pray:
- That every branch and department of our government that has failed to carry out its Constitutional responsibilities and duties will undergo re-formation and restoration and come into alignment with the will of God for the United States of America. Pray.
- That the US Supreme Court will experience a shaking that will serve to unite the conservative justices, resulting in the restoration of liberty and justice for all. Pray.
Volume 1 of The Navarro Report, The Immaculate Deception, revealed a coordinated Democrat Party strategy to steal the 2020 Presidential Election. That strategy was to stuff ballot boxes with illegal absentee and mail-in ballots across six battleground states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. This Democrat gaming of our political process was manifested by six types of election irregularities observed across the battleground states. These irregularities included outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, due process fouls, violations of the 14th amendment’s Equal Protection clause, voting machine irregularities, and statistical anomalies.
By exploiting these election irregularities – by bending, and at times breaking, the law or election rules – the Democrat Party thereby illicitly transformed substantial Trump leads into alleged narrow Biden leads across each of the battleground states. However, as The Immaculate Deception documented, these alleged Biden “victory margins” are dwarfed by the number of potentially illegal ballots in every single battleground state.
- For example, the alleged Biden “victory margin” is less than 12,000 votes in Arizona, while the number of potentially illegal ballots was more than 10 times that.
- In Georgia, the alleged Biden “victory margin” is a mere 12,670 votes, yet the number of ballots in question is more than 400,000.
We pray:
- Though the coordinated Democrats’ theft of the 2020 election may seem to prosper right now, it will be fully exposed and come crashing down on their heads. Pray.
- That the state laws will be reviewed sbd clarified all across this nation, to remove the possibility of future voter fraud in the upcoming elections. Pray.
In the wake of the release of the Navarro Report on December 17, 2020, I received numerous requests to explain just exactly how the Democrat Party and its operatives managed to pull off its Immaculate Deception. That is the purpose of Volume 2 of the Navarro Report, The Art of the Steal.
The Art of the Steal takes a more granular look at the Democrats’ Grand “Stuff the Ballot Box” Strategy. It seeks to answer some of the most basic questions now rising in the minds of the American public and an American political leadership increasingly skeptical about the fairness and legitimacy of the 2020 election.
- How did the Democrats pull off its Immaculate Deception without detection and appropriate countermeasures by the Republican Party?
- When did the Democrats’ effort to topple a sitting president start?
- How much of what the Democrats did was illegal?
- And how much of what the Democrat Party and its agents did was done within the bounds of the law and rules but nonetheless led to an illegal outcome?
It seems as if we have more questions than answers at this moment, but that is about to change. May the Lord guide and direct “We, the people” as we seek to find those answers and resolve the issues that have plagued our nation.
We pray:
- Lord, there is none like You! “We, the people” shout from every corner of this nation, asking that You give us justice by removing the usurpers and restoring righteousness to our land once again. Pray.
- That the Republican Party would come together under President Donald Trump and usher this nation out of the darkness and into the light. Pray.
- That many in the Democratic Party will see that they have been duped and walk away. Pray.
- That those that engaged in illegal election activities will be found out, prosecuted and convicted. Pray.
- That there will be a resurgence in morality all across this nation and truth will once again become a treasured commodity. Pray.
Praise God that our new website is up and functioning! Go here to get our 24/7 NSPC focuses and notes.
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
The link is here so you can listen to the songs ahead of time and be familiar with it.
Please do not play it on the call. Either sing it or pray it!
To print the PDF file, use the following link:
NOTE: We will not tolerate any demonic interference on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call. As necessary, bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss and lift up the Name of Jesus in song, then pray a shield of protection, deliverance and healing over our CC line and our 24/7 family, and immediately return to the focus.
One Response
Proverb 21 speaks very strongly against the wicked who have fallen into evil.
We look on the outward appearance,
but God looks on the heart and
He our Lord will judge righteously.
We submit to YOU and YOU alone LORD.
James 4:7