Mar 25, 2022 – Notes Shabbat Call

03-25-22 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
7-10 PM ET 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we began our SHABBAT call, Maureen greeted those who joined in for this precious time of fellowship with our Lord and one another. We gather in the Lord’s Presence and ask that all we do will delight Him. We say to our God and King: “SHABBAT SHALOM!” Pastor Ioan led us into this SHABBAT CALL with prayer!
We together received the Ephesians 6 protective armor that God has so graciously provided for us:
Put on truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph.
Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart.
Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace.
In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield,
for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the evil one!
Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies.
And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken word of God.
Last Tuesday, Maureen and the on-site team who served in intercession for President Trump in Ft. Lauderdale shared. Tonight, Pastor Ioan will give a report about what took place with him and those who served on his team in Madison, WI as they prayed for a resolution to the fraudulent election of 2020.
Pastor Ioan invited Bobby (WI) to share about what took place with her! When he and David arrived there for a business meeting, but God had an assignment for them as a team, and HE revealed it to them. She had no idea of what was to take place regarding prayer for the election fraud. When Pastor Ioan revealed what he been assigned to do, at first, she had no intention of going along, yet she was compelled to by the Lord! From where she lives in New Richmond, they drove 4+ hours to the Capitol, and en route, Bobby had a vision of the COMING GLORY OF THE LORD! Pastor Ioan, David and Bobby walked from where they had parked to the Capitol to pray and she was amazed at how David Wolfe, Pastor Ioan’s business partner and a worship leader, was able to participate! As Bobby and Pastor Ioan climbed the steps of the Building, David remained behind, praying for them! The assignment to HERALD THE COMING OF THE KING OF GLORY was completed as they read the Covenant Document aloud, along with all of us who were with them in Spirit on the 24/7 NSPC, on the Capitol steps in WI,
We offered corporately prayer and then invited individual prayers:
- Sharon (Paraguay) Colossians 1:13
- Sandra (LA) thanked God for His intervention re: WI! SHe declared the decertification of the election in WI in 2020. They have seen the evidence, know it’s true, and can not deny it anymore!
- Bobby (WI) the evil entities were all in the shades in pieces of concrete…and she saw them as petrified, frozen in place! The statue on the Capitol is called FORWARD!
- Mary Ellen (IL) 2 Timothy 1:7
- Susan (GA)
- Mary Lou (TX) the assignment to not move forward is cut off and they will boldly move forward
- Judy (VA) “On Wisconsin! On Wisconsin, we will win this game!”
Forward is an 1893 bronze statue by American sculptor Jean Pond Miner Coburn depicting an embodiment of Wisconsin’s “Forward” motto. The 1996 replica was located at the Wisconsin State Capitol grounds at the top of State Street before it was vandalized in 2020.
Bobby’s written report: This past weekend, Pastor Ioan Peia (Romanian pastor, now a US citizen), Pastor David Wolfe from CA and I drove to Madison to “Welcome the King of Glory” into the State capitol. We had a group prayer call on-site with others from the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call (founded by Peia with co-administrator Maureen Bravo), took communion, and declared the attached covenant on the East side of the capitol. Pastor Ioan and I then scaled the capitol steps, at the top of which he then anointed the entrance of the capitol and again prayed.
Our mission aligns with yours inasmuch as we proclaim the overturning of the iniquitous structures that have ruled and reigned in our state government and replace them with Him upon whose shoulders the government is meant to be (Is 9:6). When we first drove up to the capitol building to park, I envisioned a red carpet being rolled out (as when the president visits a foreign nation) and all evil beings backing away – still encircling the area, but observing only, unable to stand in the presence of the Holy One of Israel. After the 3 of us entered the capitol area with hearts of praise and worship, and after praying, reading the covenant, blowing the shofar, and taking communion, I felt as though that is what transpired – the evil backed away and witnessed the “ceremony” as we proceeded down the “aisle” to declare the covenant and anoint the capitol.
Jim Hoft, author at the Gateway Pundit, wrote: True the Vote found 107 ballot trafficking suspects (ballot harvesters) in Wisconsin visited the Ballot Drop Boxes over 2,000 times in the two weeks before the 2020 Election. True the Vote founder, Catherine Engelbrecht, joined Dave Michaels on the Dan O’Donnell Show on Wednesday before her much anticipated testimony before the Wisconsin committee on Thursday morning.
Catherine spoke about her investigation into the hundreds of Democrat ballot traffickers across the nation in the 2020 presidential election. Engelbrecht dropped several bombs during the interview. During the interview, Dan announced that True the Vote purchased 25 terabytes of cell phone data from Milwaukee and other Wisconsin communities in the two weeks before the elections, from October 20th to November 3rd. True the Vote examined the data and found over 53,000 visits to the drop boxes. True the Vote examined the data and looked at who visited the drop boxes in Wisconsin and found over 107 of those people visited the drop boxes over 2,000 times! Several of the people visited the boxes over 15 times per day. We are witnessing similar antics in all of the battleground states. First Freedoms Foundation has filed an amicus brief in the Wisconsin Supreme Court on behalf of national election integrity group, True the Vote.
We prayed that the Lord would raise up and stir up the Spirit of the American Revolution, the Holy Spirit, in our people, so we will stand for truth and fight!
- Rhonda (MT) has been thinking of the different types of timing…kronos, kairos and horaios…let them all come into alignment at this hour!
Definition of “HORAIOS”
- Strong’s #5611: “horaios” (pronounced ho-rah’-yos) belonging to the right hour or season (timely), i.e. (by implication) flourishing (beauteous (figuratively)):–beautiful.
- Thayer’s Greek Lexicon: hōraios 1) blooming, beautiful (used of the human body)
This word is used 4 times in Scripture:
- Matthew 23:27: “which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full”
- Acts 3:2: “gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of”
- Acts 3:10: “alms at the Beautiful gate of the temple: and”
- Romans 10:15: “as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace,”
- Joyce (WI) let the spirit of the American Revolution rise up and upset the darkness! We stand in awe of You, Lord! Your river is flowing in WI!
- Mary Ellen (IL) raise up those with holiness and the fear of the Lord, like Deborah and Barach
- Bobby (WI) thinking that you never want to get in the way of a Mama Bear when the Baby bear is around. Help those in WI to realize the life of their state and the nation is being threatened.
- Sherrill (TX) as Maureen and team were in FL during last Friday’s Shabbat, Pastor Ioan was in WI with David and Bobby and the worship was going from one place to the other…it was like antiphonal singing! It had such a powerful release in the Spirit…and even still the angels are still rejoicing and praising God for all He is doing!
- Joyce (WI) Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”
- Cindy (CT) heard a bell as Sherrill was praying! Maureen said she heard it, too!
We offered praise:
We worship and adore You, bowing down before You,
Songs of praises singing, HalleluYahs ringing,
HalleluYah! HalleluYah! HalleluYah! Amen.
I will sing unto the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously, the horse and rider thrown into the sea.
I will sing unto the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously, the horse and rider thrown into the sea.
The LORD, my God, my strength and song, has now become my victory.
The LORD, my God, my strength and song, has now become my victory.
The LORD is God, and I will praise him, our covenant God, and I will exalt Him.
The LORD is God, and I will praise him, our covenant God, and I will exalt Him.
Hear the bells ringing, they’re singing that You can be born again
Here the bells ringing, they’re singing Christ is risen from the dead
The angel up on the tombstone, said: He has risen, just as He said
Quickly now, go tell His disciples that Jesus Christ is no longer dead
Joy to the world! He has risen, Hallelujah! He’s risen, Hallelujah! He’s risen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Hear the bells ringing, they’re singing that You can be healed right now
Hear the bells ringing, they’re singing Christ, He will reveal it now
The angels, they all surround us and they are ministering Jesus’s power.
Quickly now, reach out and receive it, for this could be your glorious hour.
Joy to the world He has risen, Hallelujah! He’s risen, Hallelujah! He’s risen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Maureen sensed that a healing anointing was being released as we sang these words:
“The angels, they all surround us and they are ministering Jesus’s power.
Quickly now, reach out and receive it, for this could be your glorious hour.”
- Danielle said she sensed it was for healing of the nation…the people first, from all the pain and suffering they have been through,
- Nina (MI) said that she had heard “Balm of Gilead”…and feels that it refers to healing of the nation!
- Mary Ellen (IL) Exodus 15:24-26 after the Song of Miriam, the waters were made sweet and God said to heed His voice and keep His statutes, I will heal YOU!
- Sally (WY) She sang out: “There is a balm in Gilead!”
- Bobby (WI) thought of the song: “Lord, have mercy on us! Come and heal our land!”
Pastor Ioan asked that we read Ps 133 and then pray corporately, releasing the blessing to one another!
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron,
Running down on the edge of his garments.
It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion;
For there the Lord commanded the blessing — Life forevermore.”
Psalm 133
Pastor Ioan said that we all need healing. Those legislators in the Capitol in WI, and their families, as well as us and ours! He said the statue FORWARD! (KADIMA!) was pointing to DC! We welcome the healing power into our lives, hearts, minds, and welcome the healing into our lives!
- Rainy (NJ) Sang out: “There’s healing in His wings!”
Maureen said she felt that God was also saying to ask for healing of those who have been so wounded, tormented and experienced tremendous loss during the war in Ukraine!
- Debbie (TX) Let go of the pain, sorrow and grief and receive the wholeness and the healing and the peace He wants to give you right now.
In the Presence of Jehovah, God Almighty, Prince of peace
Troubles vanish, hearts are mended In the Presence of the King
In and out of situations that tug-a-war at me All day long I struggle For answers that I need But then I come into His presence And all my questions become clear And for that sacred moment No doubts can interfere Through His love the Lord provided A place for us to rest A place to find the answers in the hour of distress Now there is never any reason For you to give up in despair Just slip away and breathe His name He will surely meet you there
In the Presence of Jehovah, God Almighty, Prince of peace
Troubles vanish, hearts are mended In the Presence of the King
Lord, I give You my heart, I give You my soul, I live for You alone!,
Every step that I take, every moment I’m awake, Lord, have Your way in me!
We prayed for those who are close to death and may not have received the Lord yet!
- Sharill (CO) Annie’s mother, who was a Mormon, is in her last hours, and on hospice! We prayed for her salvation and the blessing of Annie’s being assured of it!
- Rhonda (MT) pray for Sheryl in CA; her father Edward is about to pass, and she is praying for assurance of his salvation!
Maureen suggested that we pray for those whose salvation we are unsure of in our own families. We prayed that this is the beautiful time… the horarios time…for them, and they will experience salvation!
- Several prayed for individual family members! (Private things shared by individuals were not scribed!)
- Selma (NC) sang AMAZING GRACE and read. Luke 4:18-19 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
We are praying that the Holy Spirit will extend this healing anointing we are praying about to President Trump, who has been so viciously attacked and surely, hurt and wounded by those who oppose him, as he served this nation; she has now been ordered to pay reparations…around $300 K. As we prayed for our beloved President Trump, we were well aware of his hurts, and asked God to heal and restore him completely! We ask that God will put an ax to the root of his wounds, to remove the hurt and memory of it, and to set him free to be and do all that God has purposed for him! NO HINDRANCES!
Maureen shared about a gathering she attended yesterday, in the Panhandle of FL, at the site of where those who were saved in the Azusa Street revival gathered almost 100 years ago! The intercessors came together to pray for this state and our nation, and prayed that the wells of revival would be stirred up and spring forth, flowing like a river across the state! Bobby (WI) shared that a similar RIVER MOVEMENT was taking place in WI…and we prayed for the two states together…FL and WI!
Maureen extended that prayer to all 50 states, asking that the RIVER OF GOD that is moving all across the nation would be seen by all of us…and when we opened our house door in the morning, we would step into the RIVER! Pastor Ioan asked that we pray into it and that we would all step into the RIVER OF GOD!
We prayed into that corporately!
- Albert (CA) Psalm 46:4-7 There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn. The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah
Pastor Ioan asked us how we liked the focuses on the study of War in Heaven by Derek Prince.
- Sandra (LA) loved it and said it was refreshing for much we have known and needed to review
Maureen shared how Pastor Ioan had transcribed and edited the entire book, so we could make focuses out of it! She thanked him for his effort in that!
We took communion together, and then Pastor Ioan asked us to pray for understanding and discernment about an upcoming assignment in ALASKA. He said that something is moving and we cannot postpone it!
Love and blessings to all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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