Mar 22, 2022 – Notes A Call to the Wall

03-22-22 Notes for “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President Donald J. Trump”
8-10 PM ET Tuesdays 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we opened this call tonight, we prayed that we could uphold the tenets of our ministry, to be radically holy, united in the Body and perfected in love. Maureen then led us in receiving and putting on the full armor of God:
“Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,
being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately to receive and dress up in the armor, and the grace, blessings and mercy that go with it!
Friday night’s SHABBAT CALL took place while Maureen and an intercessory team were in FL and Pastor Ioan and his team were in WI…both on assignment regarding the President! The prayer and worship between Ft Lauderdale, FL and New Richmond, WI was profound, and pierced the atmosphere with the fragrance of the KINGDOM OF GOD! We are grateful for the success of each assignment and know that we will see their fruit in the days to come!
Tonight, we are setting aside time to share our reflections about the event with President Trump (and many conservative speakers) with those on the call who undergirded those of us who went on site! As you give us your feedback, reflections, words received, et al, we will compile and post them for everyone to see.
- Richard (AK) started us out by giving his report! We had 3 rows of intercessors, all seated together, and close enough to the platform that he could hear us when we cried out in affirmation! We had a tremendous effect on what was going on in the spiritual atmosphere. The next day, Robert, Debbie and I went to Mar-A-Lago to pray over the Trump property (our Southern White House). He went on to Key West, and was able to be on the 24/7 call with all of us Sunday and sound the silver trumpet over the nation! He went back to his sister’s home and is with family in W. FL now. He will fly to see his daughter in TX, as he heads back to AK.
- Debbie (TX) what a privilege to be one of the pairs of feet on site!!! She shared highlights from the speakers:
Kimberly Guilfoyle
- They will not be able to silence us.
- Even the press realizes that a red wave is coming in November (may it be red with the blood of Jesus)
- It’s pink slip time in America.
- We must fight back for our country!
Candace Owens
- The left uses language (manipulates) – like “People’s convoy” – an indication of our taking language back
Pastor Mark Burns
- Be on notice: take kids out of public school.
- We won’t bow down to tyranny.
- We need our real President Donald Trump to return NOW! (YES and AMEN!)
American Freedom Tour Emcee
- William Penn: People not governed by God become people governed by tyrants. (Lord, may we be governed by YOU!)
Sheriff Mark Lamb AZ
- We still have our Constitution, God-given rights.
- 2 Tim 1:7 We have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.
- 2 Kings There are more with us than them.
- 1) Be authentic (Be the light that we are in the world, no matter how dark the darkness around us.)
- 2) Don’t be afraid to do the uncomfortable work. We live in a soft community.
- 3) Surrender the “I.” (We need to totally surrender to God.) Control what you can control (your thoughts, emotions). Peace be still! Be calm!
Additional takeaways from my heart:
- As we embark on assignments, expect counter assignments, overcome them, and focus on the assignment at hand. (Don’t get derailed.)
- During the sweet fellowship on Sunday with some of my eternal family, Richard was speaking about the Florida Keys, I saw a shield of Jesus’ faith be extended from the FL Keys to Alaska – engulfing the entire nation under this shield of faith. HalleluYah!
- At Mar-a-Lago, we asked twice to enter. We were denied. We were there on a stealth assignment this time. I pray, believing, that we shall be back at Mar-a-Lago at some point, as invited guests, in Jesus’ name!
In my own spirit: DE-CERTIFY! DE-CERTIFY! DE-CERTIFY! Maureen and Pastor Ioan, I thank God for
both of you, your leadership and your love!
- Nancy (FL) a wonderful experience, and as I was preparing in prayer, I asked what God wanted me to zero in on. I read in the focuses about WAR IN HEAVEN by Derek Prince, regarding the “many” kingdoms. We have authority in the spirit and we of the Kingdom of God can move the others out of the way! She heard that the kingdom of lies was to be removed, and prayed into that! She received a letter today from Don, Jr. confirming that! She expressed appreciation for all the conservative voices that we heard speak! It was a privilege to be there and hear them in person, with no interpretation of what was being said! She said she prays for Maureen and was happy to see how she handled things that came up for the group!
- Arabella (FL) So thankful for all that took place and for being a part of the group that day! The enemy wanted to run us off as we were being effective! The summation, what God showed us: The morning was like sitting in a church service, all the speakers were so inspiring. As the day went on, the two men who dealt with finances were interesting, but then there was a turn relative to finding the “other side” and we came under attack! It was the “Christian side” in the AM, and the “less Christian” in the afternoon. All the speakers were powerful and it was a representation of the nation in many ways! She prayed for righteousness in leadership!
- Sally (WY) Thanked Richard and Debbie for their help in “rides and a room”, and Maureen and Pastor Ioan for the focuses we share each day! Drove 10 hours to Denver to catch a flight to FL, then arrived FL at 2 AM Saturday! The focus was FAITH, FAMILY, FINANCES AND FREEDOM! By the time lunch was finished, it was packed out! She recalled Mark Lamb saying “Do the right thing!” and Sarah Huckabee sharing about going into Iraq with President Trump! Don, Jr. said: “WAKE UP!” Then President Trump came on and she noted that he swore more in this speech than ever before! (It is like slime and yuck on him and she is praying for humility and holiness for him!)
- Susan (GA) Did not know what to expect, and was at the opposite end of the row. There was a lot of expectation that President Trump would save the country, and she was praying that people would take the responsibility to do the work and not put it all on President Trump! She was disappointed in his language, and we need to pray for him. I hoped that there would be more painting of the future, stepping out of the muck and mire, and into something beautiful. Disappointed that it was a lot of rehashing of things from the past!
- Danielle and Robert (SC) had not planned to come, but God asked her, “For what reason are you not going?” so they came! Was inspired by watching throughout the day, and she took notes of all that was said. In between, She sent this message: Please find my intercession over the America’s Freedom Tour Event
Joshua 1:5,6 No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you, 6) Be strong and courageous, you shall give the people possession of the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.
As GOD’s representatives for HIS people in America we release this promise of victory over the America Freedom Tour and Donald John Trump.
I Declare and Decree that Donald John Trump is revealing the pre-existent nature of divine leadership; he has divinely received authority and empowerment to bring completion to GOD’s great mission of recovery and restoration implementing the Key of David; to open what no man can open and to close what no man can close over America’s destiny. Isaiah 22:22
We pray emphatically GOD’s authority does not contradict the legitimacy of HIS divine will over America. Trump is in the fox hole receiving divine revelation through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. It is ordained to be this way for now; there are different strategies for war. We are witnessing the divine formation, organization and establishment of “Righteous Governance to come” back into America. So was the empowerment given to David, Cyrus and Jesus Yeshua. Samuel 16:1 Isaiah 45:1, Psalm 11:26
We Declare by extension GOD’s authority has been granted to Donald John Trump as a representation as to unfold and engage one step at a time. The Mission: To recover GOD’s Righteous transformation back to our founding principles of IN GOD WE TRUST allowing GOD to raise up America from a shadow government to pinnacle governance shining as a light around the world setting the captives free.
This day March 19, 2022, we Declare that the premature rhetoric or analysis of unknowing men is rendered worthless. We are walking through phenomena outside our understanding. We see through a glass mirror dimly not to see the ordained maneuvers only to realize victory begets victory. (I Corinthians 13:12) The victory will come because HE declares it and watches over HIS Word to perform it. (Jeremiah 1:12)
The launch of The America Freedom Tour: We Declare there is no greater way to give GOD the Glory for a destined victory than to celebrate it and announce it before it manifests in the natural. Just as Israel sent out the worshipers before the victory battle so shall we blow the Shofars and declare it, activate it and pray it as they go from city to city for this battle is the LORD’S
We also Decree the airways of lies are fading away. No oxidation comes to those in deception. Let your enemies gasp for air realizing their words have fallen flat. Words of Righteousness and TRUTH are prevailing in every county, city and state in Jesus Yeshua’s name.
Donald John Trump will fulfill his name. His name in Hebrew declares the function of his destiny. He will fulfill his calling. John means “favored by GOD” Trump means “to win” Triumphed means “the victory” In English it means “the winning card.” The card that gives the winning hand.” The meaning of his name in Hebrew is important it represents the function of his destiny. He has been given a spirit to never give up and sets his sights to WIN His destiny will be fulfilled it is declared in his name. Therefore we wait in expectancy.
We Declare that Donald John Trump is a “trumpeter” meaning he opens his mouth to speak and when he speaks “He telegraphs” Messiah is our example! HE spoke in parables that did not make sense to the world; yet the righteous understood. GOD we thank you that YOU have given Donald John Trump an apparatus for communications as coded signals; knitting heaven and earth together to fulfill YOUR future purposes. Therefore we patiently wait in service with faith, strength and courage.
As we wait, we strategically battle in love declaring; social and cultural inner-mixture of wickedness must disconnect in Jesus’ name. All things cursed as untouchable are released to be touchable under true justice. What was unofficially codified in non-compliance to the Constitution across this land and adopted in deception is rendered null and void; its replacement decisions come in righteous justice alone.
Therefore America’s Freedom Tour, you are released this day, March 19, 2022, in all power and GOD given authority to go and open up the gates of Truth, Restoration Renewal, all divine power that will pull down darkness and deception. Everywhere you go will bring resuscitation in place of the suffocation of lies and deception. America’s Freedom Tour, the Presence of the LORD is with you – go forth – America will be re-birthed into spiritual regeneration after the labor pains have stopped.
- Richard (AZ) blew the trumpet and Danielle blew the shofar over this word!
- Tesi (FL) Every speaker was honoring God, and the intercessors prayed over each as they came to the stage. God was exalted! They prayed that the messages would be amplified…especially the message brought by Candace Owens regarding the family! They called every soul in the arena to Christ!
- Jackie (FL) We need to pray for the Joshua’s that are out there fighting the battle.
- Debbie (TX) how beautiful to hear all the perspectives, and to see how Maureen handled the challenges. We also joined with Ps Ioan by video while we were at Mar-A-Lago! I keep hearing decertify!
- Kay (IL) Thought it was great!
These are some of the written messages sent to us by other on-site intercessors:
Nancy Ross (FL) As I was prayerfully preparing for the American Freedom Tour and praying through the Days Focus, I was stirred as Derek Prince was teaching that since the Church is a kingdom that can be moved…so can earthly kingdoms. It greatly excited my spirit. I pressed in to listen to the Lord as to how to pray & use this truth. Immediately, I got the habitual lying we see in Washington thru the Democratic Party. I got very energized to move the lying spirits operating thru any Dems to cease speaking lies and move. In Jesus’ Name I tear down and stop the lying spirits. It stayed with me for quite a while. I continue to so pray. As for the whole event, I was so glad I went. The main named speakers were all inspiring and motivational. My personal favorite was Sarah H. Sanders. So grateful she will remain in politics. Felt similarly with others. Loved meeting and seeing the face of voices I recognized. What a great time of fellowship we had. Maureen did have her hands full, particularly over lunch. But let her speak to that. All in all it was super glad to be a part of our group that accepted the assignment.
Dean + Diana Millsaps (FL) We were so moved when we went from: we need to either fast or get our food from the concourse, to: communion and prayer to being escorted to the high places, the sky lounge to have complimentary lunch as well as a place to which we prayed and made prophetic declarations concerning Jesus, His Righteousness, His Blessings and Glory, His Protection and Mercy for the stadium, event, Florida and the USA
Anita Christopher.(MI) The ekklesia is finally awake and making a difference. Prayer is a game-changer and Friday night prayer put a beautiful hedge of protection around the freedom tour. Corporate repentance for Don Junior and Kimberly was powerful and much needed. Let’s continue to ask God to release His goodness to them that will lead to repentance. Thank you for putting the intercessors and the tour together. One noteworthy observation is the confusion over lunch. Once you brought us together for communion in honoring the body and the blood of Jesus Christ, the door opened for our blessing of lunch. Thank you for your hard work and effort on behalf of our nation. Tools were given by most of the speakers to put faith into action.
Norman Christopher (MI) The 4 pillars stood out for me as a very good platform. The platform should continue to be built and developed around purpose and values that can be shared and updated with all. The Trump family speakers should have spoken more into that. Everyone attending one of these freedom events already has a good idea of what the current leadership has done to this country.
Wesley & Arabella Weaver (FL) Allow us to say thank you so very much once again for this opportunity. I can say God showed me from the diversity in speakers how good and evil operate in our Nation. It was as if God/good ruled in the morning and as mammon entered into the afternoon, the enemy/evil showed up and the battle for good to rule increased. We must focus on Righteousness being in Leadership. The heart of the leader open to hear God’s guidance. I believe just our focus to pray in that manner will shift the function and direction of our Nation. Without Righteousness in Leadership we will constantly be putting out reoccurring fires, out this month, but the same fire six months from now, because the same people are in Leadership. This applies to the House of God functioning by faith not fear as well. Judgment starts in the house of God, and the decision of the King is in the hand of the Lord. Father, we cry HELP!!!
Dina Ramos, President, Regional Council of Prophets We had a debriefing meeting for this assignment (as we usually do) to hear what each of the intercessors perceived, scan and discern during the assignment.
- The Lord opened the eyes of one of the intercessors to see the Canadian and the USA flags, when the Lord said “I’m bringing these 2 countries together”.
- Many angels were seeing around the Sheriff
- Angels in suits were seen around Sarah Huckabee.
- Great Favor was seen over Candance Owen.
- An intercessors saw “snipers in position, and the laser-lights of the snipers”
- The Lord said to an intercessor “Release the Chariots of Heaven”
- There was a black-revolving door that opened. The Lord said if you studied Isaiah 45 when Trump became President then study now Isaiah 47 (Deliverance from Egypt).
- Kimberly Guilfoyle – seductive spirit, a spirit-man was seen right behind her, whispering in her ear. Some intercessors sensed great evil on her, like she is very dark, and possibly purposely positioned to get at President Trump.
- We felt impressed to pray for President Trump’s health, he looked tired. We prayed, especially for his legs (we usually pray for good health). When President Trump walked away from the stage we saw him limping from his left leg.
- The atmosphere was charged with hatred, mocking spirits, snare, pride, despair, anger and lots of heaviness. The atmosphere was so thick and heavy with these spirits that almost all of the intercessors felt physically sick. They mentioned rushing home to take a shower, some had stomach issues and even one of them came home vomiting from the sense of dirtiness.
- One of the intercessors saw the Fire of God over the Sheriff.
- Donald Trump Jr – has another agenda
- One of the intercessors saw a change of guards for Trump, there is a new entourage of Angels assigned to President Trump.
- The afternoon atmosphere changed when a new set of speakers came in with great amount of critical spirits and negative attitudes.
- Right after the announcement that President Trump was coming to speak, and the intercessors began praying, there was a huge amount of Angels that came in at that moment. Hundreds upon Hundreds of Angels invaded the whole arena right before President Trump showed up.
- Thank you kindly for the opportunity and the honor of participating in this assignment. We were greatly blessed and are looking forward to more opportunities of praying for President Trump.
Milagros Pereria (FL) Once again, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the opportunity to serve our President, Donald J. Trump and to cover him with prayer. My heart was overwhelmed with love for him, and the job God had positioned him to fulfill. I sensed the love of our Heavenly Father for him. I also sensed the hate that has been released to discourage him. His authentic love for our nation was so evident. I was blessed by the opportunity to pray for the other speakers as well. Please confirm if you received the pictures I sent you. Thank you for the opportunity to attend the 4F’s tour. It is truly an honor to serve our President Donald J Trump and our Country through prayer. I was blessed beyond my expectations. I have attached some pictures/videos. I hope they help.
Maureen opened it up for those who were on the Call backing the on-site intercessors up!
- Crystal (TN) Hearing all the positive things, along with the negative things, shows that the dark spirits are getting in there! This will cause me to shift my prayer to him being a humble man with a great God!
- Mary Ellen (IL) Throughout the event, I felt like praying in the spirit…being in the heavenlies…with the angels. Listening to the different perspectives, I remembered how Washington was at Valley Forge, and making that rough crossing…I realize it’s not all about being disappointed in things that they say or do, but pray on for them! The ugliness and hate that came out in 2020 and this is what it created and what President Trump has been experiencing!
Maureen said “GRACE! GRACE! over the President!”
- Danielle (SC) Cyrus is a parallel to Trump! A WARRIOR! A FIGHT ‘TIL HE WINS!
- Mary Ellen (IL) Trump’s heart is open to God!
- Crystal (TN) Pray that the President’s relationship with God matures!
Pastor Ioan said that the testimonies have been wonderful! We all thought that the speakers were wonderful. The President was supposed to be the “star” of the event…yet there was little said about his part, maybe due to a disappointment about his using rough language. We have never doubted that President Trump is a born-again believer, and we pray for him to grow in his walk with the Lord, maturing continually! We remember how he declared that Jesus is Lord and the most famous Person ever!
This man has such a potential and his words often cause troubling to the hearts of the intercessors! We overcome that by the love that is in our hearts for him. We pray that he will only be able to speak what is edifying and pure before God! Instead of cursing, let him bless! And we will continue to love him as You love him, Lord!
We shared in communion and closed the call by praying for Sheryl Heller (CA)’s father who is transitioning right now! Let him receive You, Lord, and come into Your Presence!
SHALOM and love!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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