Mar 20, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Saturday, March 20, 2021 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;
Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him.
Psalm 28:7
We sing: What a Mighty God We Serve
What a mighty God we serve! What a mighty God we serve!
Angels bow before Him, heaven and earth adore Him!
What a mighty God we serve!
(repeat 2 x)
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of President Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania and their marriage
and for all the members of their family.
We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.
We ask that in every situation and decision, President Trump will be led by the Holy Spirit!
The 24/7 NSPC continues to stand for righteousness and justice in our nation,
and together, we affirm Donald Trump as our duly elected President!
We bless our Vice President Mike Pence, his wife Karen and their family.
We pray that the evil actions of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be exposed
and that they be removed from office!
We pray for ourselves and our loved ones, and corporately put on the full armor of God!
Strategic Focus for Saturday
General Michael Flynn – Part 1
“He who follows righteousness and mercy finds life, righteousness, and honor.
A wise man scales the city of the mighty, and brings down the trusted stronghold.”
Proverbs 21:21-22
The US Military observes a formal “Code of Conduct”, which applies to all members of the US Armed Forces, at all times. It is to be strictly observed by the rank and file of all branches of our service! The last of its 6 articles reads:
“I will never forget that I am an American fighting for freedom,
responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free.
I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.”
In speaking about the US military, FOX host Tucker Carleton recently said:
“Here’s a reminder: the US military exists to fight and win wars. That’s its only purpose.
The US military is not an NGO. It is not a vehicle for achieving ‘equity.’ It’s not a social experiment.
It’s definitely not an employment agency.
Nobody has a God-given right to work in the military. No one does, and that includes all of us…
It’s not about us, it’s about the country.
Making people feel valued and included is a good thing, but it is not the point of the US military.
It cannot be the point of the US military, or else we’re done.
The bottom line is, it’s out of control, and the Pentagon’s going along with this.
This is a mockery of the US military and its core mission, which is winning wars.”
We pray:
- Those that serve in the United States military will fulfill their responsibilities and uphold their sworn duty to preserve this nation and the principles that have made America what it is. Pray.
- That God would bless our military with good leaders who have been raised up to uphold the US Constitution and teach others to do the same. Pray.
- That the United States will always have a strong military, which would be the major deterrent to engagement in any war. Pray
General Michael Flynn, one of America’s most respected military heroes, was subjected to an ignominious, public humiliation in which he was disgraced, dishonored and thoroughly discredited…for standing with President Trump in his bold stance of always putting America First! He was tried, convicted and imprisoned…until he was pardoned last Thanksgiving by President Trump.
General Flynn wrote about his experience in an article entitled: “5 Lessons I Learned When the Deep State Came After Me and My Family”. Today and tomorrow, we will get a glimpse of his inner man as we read and pray into it.
“You do not have to watch the news for long to see that America is rapidly changing. The downward slide can be found not only in our leadership but also in the shifting definitions of right and wrong blindly accepted by many Americans today. Pray
Our leaders would have us believe that these changing values are inevitable and that they are good. That is why they are called “progressive.” Yet to those of us who still believe in the immortal truths upon which America was founded, their so-called “progress” is alarming, to say the least. Sadly, some will allow this alarm to grow into defeatism. They will turn their faces away from the battle before us in hopes of finding a position to retreat to. Pray
To those who would prefer retreat or surrender rather than the fight, I ask you one simple question: If America falls, where will you go?
- Where will you go to find another nation that provides the opportunities and individual guarantees of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
- Where will you find a nation whose founding documents guarantee a government of, by and for the people? The answer is simple: There is no such place. Pray
In spite of our downward slide, America is still the best nation on the face of the earth. This is our land, these are our people, these are our cities, neighborhoods, and streets. This is our country. Though the battle for the soul of America is fierce before us, we cannot afford to look away in hopes of finding retreat. There will be none. Pray
Though I may sound pessimistic, I am anything but. God enabled me to endure a years-long campaign by the left to destroy me and my family. They wanted me to serve as an example to anyone who would defy the entrenched bureaucrats of the swamp. Despite their best efforts, I stand before you as living proof that victory is absolutely possible. Pray
The very fact that we are gathered here today as American citizens free to speak and peaceably assemble should fill us with hope. But being hopeful is not a survival plan. Hope has never won a war, nor will it win peace on the home front. In this article, it is my intention today to share with you a few lessons I learned in my battle against the dark forces that still threaten our nation today. Pray
When fighting for truth, the most important place to start is to be well-grounded in the Truth itself. I am referring to Truth with a capital T, as in “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Faith in God is an essential part of the fight to restore American greatness. Our personal faith is inextricably linked to our personal liberties. Pray
Alexis de Tocqueville, the great French author of the groundbreaking work “Democracy in America,” wrote
“Upon my arrival in the United States, the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention…
The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds,
that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other.”
De Tocqueville is exactly right. Prior to America’s founding, no document in the world had directly linked the individual rights of citizens to their unique value and autonomy before an omnipotent Creator. Pray
We should not try to commemorate our Founders’ willingness to “pledge their lives, fortunes and sacred honor” without also acknowledging the faith that served as the foundation for such boldness. Faith and freedom can never be separated from one another. If you wish to have boldness in the fight for America like our Founding Fathers did, have faith in Almighty God. Trust in his power as your sword and your shield. Pray
I must confess that I am rarely one to wear my faith on my sleeve, but fighting with the deep state taught me just how faithful our God is. Even when so many of my friends and colleagues abandoned me, God never did. In fact, going through those trials only brought him closer. Make faith an essential part of your battle strategy today. Pray
As we root ourselves in faith, we must also root ourselves in the writings of our Founding Fathers. If we are to preserve the legacy of such great men as George Washington, John Adams and Patrick Henry, we must know what they stood for. Anyone can learn more about our nation’s founding. Start simple.
- When was the last time you read the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence? We tend to forget just how easy it is to read the Constitution from cover to cover. President Obama’s Affordable Care Act was more than 314,000 words long, but the document that frames our entire system of government is only 4,500 words in length. The average American can read it in half an hour.
Of course, if we really want to get into the mindset of our Founding Fathers, we must dig deeper. “The Federalist Papers,” de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America,” Paine’s “Common Sense” and the writings of John Locke are all well worth the read. Pray
America’s conception was indeed miraculous, but it was far from accidental. The men who met in Philadelphia were bold men of faith and character who risked everything to “secure the blessings of liberty.” We must learn of their sacrifice, and we must honor it. Pray
The great pamphleteer, Thomas Paine, eloquently wrote in his “The American Crisis” that
“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.
Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods;
and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.”
Those words were read to the entire Continental Army by order of General George Washington, but they still apply equally to us today. Freedom requires the sacrifices of every generation. Pray
As we build upon our faith and a clear understanding of our founding documents, we must never forget the importance of our family in the stand for truth. Lori has been my rock on a sea of uncertainty. The same strength of character and conviction that made her an amazing Army wife has also equipped her to withstand the political battles of the past few years. She is my best friend. I count myself blessed beyond measure to have her by my side. Pray
There is a reason why the forces of darkness are trying so hard to eradicate the family as we know it. They see how powerful the bond of family can be, so they want to redefine it, water it down and replace it with a dependency on the state. We cannot allow them to destroy the family. As long as marriages and families are strong, freedom will always have a fighting chance. Pray
As Ronald Reagan famously said, “Freedom is a fragile thing, and it’s never more than one generation from extinction.” Take Reagan’s words to heart as you train up your children. Your fight for freedom today will mean nothing if the next generation does not know to keep it. Pray
Do not think of the fight to protect our families as distinct from our fight to save America. The fight to protect the family is the cornerstone of our fight to save America. It is unlikely that anything else you do in life will be as important or as meaningful. Pray
Looking again to our forefathers, we see that they acted courageously for the sake of future generations. We see their concern for their children and their children’s children in everything they said and did.
- Benjamin Franklin urged ratification of the US Constitution with the reasoning that “For the sake of our Posterity we shall act heartily and unanimously in recommending this Constitution, wherever our Influence may extend, and turn our future thoughts and endeavors to the means of having it well administered.”
When you fight for America, remember that you are fighting for your family. Make that a guiding light when you do battle against the forces of darkness. Pray
“Be of good courage, and let us be strong for our people and for the cities of our God.
And may the Lord do what is good in His sight.”
1 John 5:4
“For You have girded me with strength for battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me.” Psalms 18:39
We pray:
- That all Americans would be citizen-patriots, recognizing that we are “the first line of defense” for our nation and that we must keep faith with our Constitution and our God. Pray.
- That we wilt understand the price of freedom: eternal vigilance and we will be on guard to protect and defend this nation at all times. Pray.
- That we would know and believe that “victory in Jesus” is the destiny that awaits those who keep faith. Pray.
- That the faith of our fathers will be a model for us, which we will pass on to the next generation, and that from generation to generation, this nation will bless and serve God. Pray.
(Resources: Association of the US Army / Western Journal)
Our 24/7 NSPC website is up and functioning!
We have a page on our website for people to post prayer requests.
Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it!
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