Mar 19, 2019 – Notes A Call to the Wall

03-19-19 Notes from “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President”
8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Tonight, as we enter into this special time of praying for our President, we come with expectant hearts, knowing that as we stand in the Presence of our God and King, His peace will flood our souls and we will be able to dialogue with Him and speak into the earthly realm that which we have heard in the heavenly places!
President Trump Tweeted this today:
“Facebook, Google and Twitter, not to mention the Corrupt Media,
are sooo on the side of the Radical Left Democrats.
But fear not, we will win anyway, just like we did before! #MAGA”
We follow our President’s lead and declare that we will FEAR NOT! Nor will we tolerate any demonic interference on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call. We bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss, and pray a shield of protection over this call and our 24/7 family! ALLELUIA!
The following scripture has been burning in Maureen’s heart for the past week, and she read it and prayed into the power of the love God has placed in our hearts, thanking Him for causing us to so deeply support and LOVE OUR PRESIDENT, Donald Trump!
“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm,
for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave.
Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the Lord.”
Song of Solomon 8:6
Let’s look at what it means:.
A “seal” is a symbol of something especially dear and precious.
This type of “jealousy” denotes strong passion, from a word meaning to be red with flame
(“aglow and burning with the Spirit”)
“Love is indestructible, Its holy flame for ever burneth,
From heaven it came, to heaven returneth.”
God and God Alone has created and fueled and sealed that burning love in us as we pray for President Trump and we look toward the restoration and transformation of this nation as God leads him and us forward…KADIMA! We will not allow anyone or anything to touch, or corrupt or to cause us to question that precious love! It will blaze and continue to burn brightly against the darkness…lighting up this nation! ALLELUIA! LOVE NEVER FAILS!
Tonight, we declare that WE WILL NOT ALLOW THE SPIRIT OF FEAR TO ENTER into OUR MINDS OR HEARTS, causing us to question God and “His Choice” for this nation! We will continue to stand with God and our President, Donald Trump for this nation, and rejoice in advance for the blessings we will be to Israel and the world as we approach the end times and the coming harvest! MARANATHA…COME, LORD JESUS!
Pastor Ioan shared that Americans are giving the nation’s economy ”glowing reviews” This came in a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, and Donald Trump’s approval rating may be reaping the benefits. Overall, 71% say the nation’s economy is in good shape, the highest share to say so since February 2001, and the best rating during Trump’s Presidency by two points.
We were challenged to pray and declare that we will not allow the corruption of that love in any way! We will not question that precious love! Turn this nation, Lord, and start with me
- Diane (CA) saw pearls all around the President, and felt God is giving him pearls of wisdom for what must be done
- Laurel (WA) proclaimed that President Trump is loved by the people and will be known as the most beloved President in our history.
- Gloria (NJ) saw the President’s face very content and prayed in gratitude for his willingness to do Your will, Lord. Give him those who will walk with him and weed out those who don’t belong! Keep him content as he rises to each challenge…
- Kay (IL) has been seeing something similar…she sees his face and thinks that although he is @ 73, he does not look old, drawn, stressed…and believes it the Presence of God that he walks in…
- Mary Ellen (IL) as we pray, he will rise up on eagles wings and over the obstacles put in his way!
- Joyce (WI) expressed gratitude for the oil of anointing of God’s peace (SHALOM) that destroys the chaos and allows that precious contentment to rule and reign in the President’s life
We sang out:
“I will call upon the Lord. Who is worthy to praised.
I will call upon the Lord. Who is worthy to praised.
So shall I be saved from my enemies.
The Lord liveth and blessed be my Rock and let the God of my salvation be exalted.
The Lord liveth and blessed be my Rock and let the God of my salvation be exalted.”
Pastor Ioan shared about attending a congregation as a guest this past weekend. That pastor shared about Nehemiah coordinating the work of building the wall around Jerusalem, which took 52 days to be restored. They had a good leader, a good vision, and worked in unity…and it made Pastor Ioan think of how the BODY OF CHRIST must stand together with our President for this nation! He thought of how we could mobilize the Body – to raise it up – to call it to speak out – so that the President does not feel as if he is alone! Those in Nehemiah’s time who taunted him did not belong there…and he would not allow them to draw him off focus from his appointed task! Pastor Ioan thought we must call the Body to this now! .Then the pastor spoke about Absalom pursuing David, his father, to kill him…but one of David’s men, an alien, said he would go with him. So too, with us…we go with our President, and stand with him, for this nation and the world! This is the time for us to speak out…for a unique bravery…courage…boldness…and put an end to the political correctness that has infected our society!
We prayed that this is a time for the Body of Christ to rise up and take a stand…boldly, courageously. We must recognize that the President is moving in the right direction, and no longer allow themselves to be manipulated by the media or political parties, but to stand united to fight for this nation!
- Kathy (MO) Let each one cry: “I am TRUMP!”
- Barbara (NB) Nehemiah 4:14-16
- Bonnie (WI) thanked God for today’s visit of President Bolsonaro from Brazil with President Trump at the WH today.
- Irma (VA) The Johnson Amendment stifles many pastors, causing them to fear speaking out in case they might lose their tax status. (Thank God the President isn’t enforcing this evil law and is against it!)
- Ydia (FL) not fearful, just letting the Liberal Democrats control them
- Sandra (LA) some of the pastors, black churches are against the President and speak out from the pulpit against him, because they don’t like him for whatever reason.
- Annie (FL) encouraged tonight to stand with the President.
We thanked Sandra, who is a black woman, for speaking out, and we stand with her for the black community! Let there be a mass EXODUS from the bondage of slavery in the United States, as they leave the Democratic party’s enslavement and walk on the path to freedom for their people and this nation!
Albert said that President Trump signed HR 1242 – 400 Years of African-American History Commission Act
This bill established the 400 Years of African-American History Commission to develop and carry out activities throughout the United States to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the arrival of Africans in the English colonies at Point Comfort, Virginia, in 1619. The commission must:
- plan programs to acknowledge the impact that slavery and laws that enforced racial discrimination had on the United States;
- encourage civic, patriotic, historical, educational, artistic, religious, and economic organizations to organize and participate in anniversary activities;
- assist states, localities, and nonprofit organizations to further the commemoration; and
- coordinate for the public scholarly research on the arrival of Africans in the United States and their contributions to this country.
Pastor Ioan said that in Christ there is no black or white and that He embraces us all …and together in his arms, we are ONE! When the KING OF GLORY COMES IN, nothing can stand against HIM!
The most secure position we can have in this world is to be in Christ, to give our freedom back to HIM and become HIs Bondservants…and have His love and friendship! We surrender to Him…TO HIS LOVE!
We have come full circle now, from where we started earlier this night!
“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm,
for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave.
Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the Lord.”
Song of Solomon 8:6
We thank God for each of you who participate so joyfully in the 24/7 NSPC!
With blessings and love,
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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