Mar 18, 2022 – Notes Shabbat Call

03-18-22 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
7-10 PM ET 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we opened this call, an anointing for assignments to be carried out is filling the atmosphere!
- Maureen is on assignment in Ft. Lauderdale, FL with a team of intercessors to undergird and pray on-site with insight as President Trump speaks at the American Freedom Tour Saturday from 8 AM – 5 PM.
- Pastor Ioan is in Wisconsin on a business trip, which became an open door to his assignment to pray on-site for the 2020 election results being reversed there!
Maureen is calling in with a few of the members of the team of intercessors there with her in Ft. Lauderdale: Jackie, Nancy, Marsha, Linda, Suzy (All from FL), Mark and Karen (MI), Richard (AK), Robert (OK), Cindy (AZ), Kay (IL) and Debbie (TX).
Pastor Ioan is with his mentor in the investment business, Professor David Wolfe (CA) and Bobby Johnson (WI) in New Richmond, Wisconsin, where the 2020 election will begin to be overturned
Pastor Ioan invited David to pray as we began this SHABBAT and our time of prayer. We thanked God for all that He is doing for and through us…and for each one of our 24/7 family who is standing and praying together on this call for our President and this nation! Thank you for the new direction for this country. We are in awe of You, Lord, for You can do everything. Without You, we can do nothing. We rejoice in teaming with You
As we gather together tonight, we ask the Lord to guide and direct us as we enter into His Presence this SHABBAT! Together, we received and put on the full armor of God:
“Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,
being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately to receive and dress up on the armor, and the grace and blessings that go with it!
Two strategic assignments are in process as we gather tonight:
- one with Maureen and a team of intercessors in Florida tomorrow.
- the other with Pastor Ioan in Wisconsin on Sunday.
Both involve President Trump!
- Maureen and her team will be onsite in Ft. Lauderdale from 8 am – 5 pm, tomorrow, interceding for him as he speaks at the America Freedom Tour.
- Pastor Ioan and his team will be in Madison, WI, praying on the steps of the Capitol at 5 pm CT for a breakthrough in overturning the fraudulent results of the 2030 Presidential election! We will all join them on the call at 5 PM CT, 6 PM Eastern!
Our focuses the next two days will support each assignment, as we move together in the unity of the Spirit and undergird them in prayer!
Maureen gave an update of the happenings surrounding the event in Ft Lauderdale. We will be gathering at the JetBlue Tarmac at the FL LIVE ARENA at 6:50 AM, and we will all go through security together. We will be hearing from speakers like Don Jr, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Dan Bongino, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Candace Owens, Sheriff Mark Lamb, and other Conservative voices. The “Highlight” will be HEARING AND SEEING President Trump “in person”. We had 5 cancellations by intercessors today. Like Gideon, we have had 5 withdrawals, so there are now 44 of us with Maureen! We give a great, big HalleluYah! We expressed our gratitude for this first invitation to intercede onsite at an event where our beloved President Trump will be speaking in person!
- We prayed corporately for Maureen and the intercessory team serving on-site with her.
4 major issues to cover in the conference: faith, family, financials, freedom. The enemy is trying to crash
the nation’s freedom, finances, families (with transgender, etc), and the foundation of the nation – our
faith in God.
We prayed for the speakers.
Maureen: We give you these topics and speakers. Let all who hear receive deeply from Your Spirit.
Thank you that your people are in the midst of this conference. Anoint each speaker at this gathering
- Jackie (FL) I lift up Sarah – may she be an example to all the mothers of the USA. Bless her in every way. She steps out without fear, in the name of Jesus.
- Susan (GA) I lift up Candace. Let them be totally surrendered to you. We welcome the king of glory into this event. Take charge. Send your angel armies to protect and set the atmosphere as it is in heaven. An unprecedented event, like we have not yet seen. PTL.
- Nancy (FL) I lift up Candace, a spark plug that many will want to hear, speaking deep truth where there had been none. Truth tellers. We can move the kingdom of lying out of Washington, D.C.Let all the speakers be anointed by the Holy Spirit truth and wisdom, send the democrats fleeing, failing, silent. We pray with thanksgiving
- Corporate prayer of protection and blessing over these speakers.
Pastor Ioan covered all of our beloved ones with the Blood of Jesus. Holy Spirit push away all evil from the speakers. Some time ago we had heard that Don Jr. was divorcing his wife Vanessa. I have an uneasiness in my heart about this event. We need to pray more. . . not living Biblical Christian values, and there is a real concern about it. Go tomorrow as 24/7 intercessors without compromise. Love covers a multitude of sins. Do not be afraid or concerned. Welcome, My love, the Love of Christ, for Don Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoy. Lord, whatever is in your heart, put it in our heart. We want to see them walking in your ways. Amidst the atmosphere permeated by Your Presence, let them make decisions to live in a way that pleases you. Let’s celebrate the ministry of love in their lives.
Maureen heard the Lord say, “Drop the rocks from your hands.” There is life after divorce. We embrace
these young people with God’s love.
- Susan (GA): thank you that you make the crooked places straight, that your grace is sufficient, that they will have a divine exchange. 333 reminds me of Jeremiah 33:3 Seek me, and I will share with you things you did not know.
- Rita Youngman, (Seminole tribe of FL) – multiple 3s are used of the Promised Land. Milk and honey. Ex 3:8, 7, 5, Exodus 33:3 – God commands. . . . exceptional fertility of the land God promised. We lift this up to you that America would be exceptionally fertile, a beautiful reflection of your abundance.
- Bev Spooner prayed a beautiful prayer for Don Jr and Kimberly. God wants the generations to join together like we see with the Trumps. I also pray for all of the children represented by everyone on this call, for those who have slipped off the foundation that they will find their way on the solid rock. We bless this couple as a type of all of our families. Pray for restoration
- Richard (AK) Father, I declare we love you Donald Trump, Jr. We open our hearts and extend this love to you. Thank You, Lord, that his heart is being drawn by your love. Restoration to the Lord in Don Jr’s life!
We began to worship, with Robert on the harp, Richard on the drums
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth be filled with your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Who is like You, O God? Lord, there is none else. You are awesome in power, doing wonders, O Lord, Who is like You, O God!
Pastor Ioan said: Stretch out your faith, way more we dare ask. Thank You, Lord, for the faith of Jesus for this world, our families, President Trump’s family. Thank You, Jesus! The Lord is not only moving in Florida, but also in Wisconsin. What the President will do/say tomorrow will change something in our nation; it will trigger the shaking in our nation; the aligning of the United States with God’s will. Let President Trump declare God’s will for the nation. We prayed and blessed him corporately.
Globalists are pushing hard for war, global conflict. Restore this nation, the American economy. Sources in Israel have said: something strange is happening. Putin left Moscow in a private jet – and others – towards Siberia. President Trump has a voice, is respected worldwide. Bless President Trump – to stand up and speak out as President.
- Tesi (FL) – Father, in the name of Jesus, we stand in agreement – we ask you to move divinely to President Trump. Show him exactly what you want him to do. May he come back quickly as President. We cancel every assignment against him; these devices will not work.
Maureen – prayed for Putin –a man who is demonized and controlled by darkness. Lord, reach into his Saul of Tarsus person and bring forth the Paul in Putin in the name of Jesus. There is nowhere he can go to escape you. Let President Trump speak to this man’s heart. Let them forge a place out of darkness into peace.
Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your Presence?
If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
Even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.
If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,” even the night shall be light about me;
Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, but the night shines as the day;
the darkness and the light are both alike to You.
Psalm 139:7-12
- Bobbie (WI) Mathew 7: the people were astonished. Taught with authority. I pray this over our President as he speaks tomorrow. Why would God send a youth (David) to stand against a giant? I think because David spoke with such authority. May President Trump speak with godly authority and tear down the giants facing our nation.
- Richard (AL) – Pray, act, speak that President Trump is our President, and may this resonate in his heart that he will do whatever is necessary to “deliver” us from the evil under this faux administration. May he see how to walk in the Cyrus anointing.
- Kay (IL) – Glory to you heavenly Father. Thank you that you are all-wise. We depend upon you, knowing that you have all the answers and they are in Christ Jesus. Thank you for President Trump, his gifting, and his abilities even as a child. Thank You, Lord that you. . . As we are praying tomorrow, may PresidentTrump receive full assurance that you are leading him / confidence in You.
- Mark – an arrow sent from heaven for this time. Give him efficiency, a message, a call that drives him to the mission. Let him not be pulled to the right or to the left.
- Karen – thank you that the beloved was willing to come down the escalator, willing to serve, victory over the enemy in every way, shape, and form that the enemy would have no strength to fight him.
- Marsha – Eph 1:15 The Message – you President Trump have. . . we couldn’t stop thanking God for you. Intelligent, discerning in knowing him personally. You can see exactly what he is calling you to do. Thank You, Lord, for filling the atmosphere where President Trump is. Holy Spirit, come and fill that room, this room, everywhere your ekklesia is meeting tonight. Thank You that You called us. Ekklesia, govern! America shall be saved.
- Debbie (TX) – prayed (and continued to take notes for this call! THANK YOU, DEBBIE!)
- Cindy (AZ) – We come into your gates and rest at your feet. Holy, holy, holy. You weigh each thing. You know the beginning from the end. Let President Trump be in your hands. Let his sons continue the legacy you began in Donald Trump.
- Robert – sang out: “as Your Presence now fills this place”.
Pastor Ioan – tomorrow will be a turning point back to the White House. For 1,800 years, the Solomon Islands was the lowest place of humanity – they were cannibals. There is a parallel in history. How far can a nation go from God before it stirs up his wrath? When President DJT was in the White House, it was a beautiful place. It has become a den of thieves. Let’s pray that tomorrow is the turning point back to the White House. This cannot be done with politics or any other worldly way. It must be an act of God – back to the White House! We prayed corporately for this. Like a parable, here in this living area in WI, we have a fireplace. As we prayed corporately, suddenly there was a mini-explosion and the fire appeared. The fire of God comes and says it’s enough.
President Trump issued this statement re: WI:
“Speaker Robin Vos, of the Great State of Wisconsin, just said there was “widespread fraud” in the 2020 Presidential Election, but that the State Legislature cannot do anything about it. Wrong! If you rob the diamonds from a jewelry store, if you get caught, you have to give the diamonds back, votes should be no different. There is already a very powerful resolution in the Wisconsin State Assembly that calls for the decertification of the 2020 Election and reclaiming of Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes. There is so much fraud, as Vos knows, that this should be done quickly and easily. The highly respected Special Counsel, Michael Gableman, has exposed so much already, including election bribery with Mark Zuckerberg’s $8.8 million, horrific fraud stealing votes from the elderly in nursing homes, and rampant ballot harvesting and phantom votes. Far more votes than is needed for the Republican candidate, me, to win. Our Country would not be in the mess it’s in if Republicans had the courage to act. We would be energy independent, no inflation, the Ukraine desecration would not be happening, our economy would be strong, there would have been no surrender in Afghanistan, and so much else. Speaker Vos should do the right thing and correct the Crime of the Century—immediately! It is my opinion that other states will be doing this, Wisconsin should lead the way!”
Pastor Ioan said that RE: Wisconsin, we had this exciting news when Chairman of the Special Counsel, Judge G? announced that the nursing homes had been used to manipulate the vote for Biden. By God’s grace, he had set a business meeting, which turned out to be at the same time we were asked to pray on-site for President Trump. Of course, there was disappointment that Pastor Ioan would not be with us in FL, for the first time we were called to pray on-site for the President, but the Lord was doing two things simultaneously: the activation of the President and the decertification of the election.
While Maureen and the team prayed for the president on-site in FL, Pastor Ioan was assigned to go to the Capitol in Madison, WI, where they can decertify the 2020 election. There, they will Herald the Coming of the King of Glory! When asked if he wanted to participate, David Wolfe, Pastor Ioan’s business partner, said, “I’m in!”
We prayed to push away the principalities and powers from the Wisconsin House. Will the people serve God or Satan? Let them choose to serve God, stand for Truth, and decertify the election. We sounded trumpets and shofars, and shouted HalleluYah! Professor David Wolfe led worship: Great is Thy Faithfulness
United prayer and united worship
- Professor David – we are so grateful that you have chosen this group of people to partake in what you are doing, to enter the throne of grace, that WI will be the first of many that will fall like dominoes. Father, we want you to take back this nation. Thank you for your people who are committed to pray and join together. If 2 or 3 join together, agree, thank you for what you are doing in Jesus’ name.
- Nancy – in Derek Prince’s writing the church is a kingdom. Lying is a kingdom. Sexuality is a kingdom. Let’s take our authority and move these other things out of the way. In Jesus’ name, I take authority over the lying kingdom over both houses of Congress and the White House; we command you to move out of DC. Wisdom and mercy follow us. We plead the blood of Jesus over DC. The lying kingdom over DC, come down in the name of Jesus! And the kingdoms of the world shall become the kingdoms of our God.
- Linda – release Truth and revelation into the dark places. Let the veils be removed in Jesus’ name!
Darkness cannot comprehend the Light. Release truth and light into thinking of the people of the US.
- Jackie – those in fear of man instead of reverential fear of God will recognize that God alone is the one to fear. Politicians cannot control our souls, but You, O God, can!
Maureen – we tell every other spirit operating in our nation, to step aside in Jesus’ name.
- Beverly – President Trump, return to the White House. The movie Back to the Future. Thank you, God, as President Trump comes back to the White House, you will restore the future of the United States.
- Susie – thank you for your plan, giving us strategies, wisdom, understanding. Give us faithfulness, even in our sleep you are giving us what we need.
Pastor Ioan – Steve Bannon calls it the Uniparty. We pray that all of the compromised, ungodly people must go in the name of Jesus.
- Susan – went to the Republican party in my county. So many are there for themselves, rather than for faith, family, and the right thing. No more deception in the name of Jesus. Thank you for the patriots.
- Richard – Lift of the Republicans who represent the lukewarm church. I pray that the church would wake up and heat up and see the Republican Party change. Corporately pray.
Pastor Ioan – Our ministry is a ministry of prayer, and we are engaged in a warfare of LOVE. We love these people. We are called by God to love them. We pray for them to hear the voice of God, repent and serve God. How do we love bad people that seem to never change but continue to do evil? Our business is not to judge or curse, even if our flesh wants to do so. In the spirit, we want them to repent, walk with God and do good things. Lord, if they don’t want to repent, send them home.
Maureen – “The pattern is in the book of Revelation.” I have this against you. God expected them to change. We are not to love our party more than we love our country. We are not to love our country more than our God. I believe there is a movement that will shift leadership to true patriots.
- Robert – on the harp, We Exalt You; You are Worthy of It All
Maureen – thank You, Lord, for joining our hearts together to pray for our lawfully elected President in the name of Jesus. Thank you that this will be the first of many – groups joining together, laying aside the separate moves, coming together, flowing together as one body. Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!
Pastor Ioan noted that his office address is 333 North Wilshire. But 333 seems to be a good number: 3 is the Holy Trinity.
- Bobbie: Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will show you great and mighty things that I know not. Father hear our call. We don’t want to call on anyone but you.
Consider the financial areas in America Tour – not to be filled with avarice, but a crusade against mammon. We were the first prayer group to pray re: Federal Reserve Board, etc. Come as believers and set people free. Bobbie got a sense of this today. Restoring the United States, not in terms of corruption, spending millions to steal elections. No. To use the resources to help everyone.
Pastor Ioan: It’s time for conservatives to finally take control of their finances. Big government and corporations aren’t going to be there for anyone. Take care of ourselves and then others. Conservatives need to learn
how money, financial markets work. Professor David will be teaching at Cornerstone Church in New Richmond, WI: sharing what the Bible has to say about money. He is a Doctor in mathematics, a businessman for 4 decades, and an outstanding worshiper
Maureen then shared Malachi 3
“Behold, I send My messenger, and he will prepare the way before Me.
And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple,
even the Messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight.
Behold, He is coming,” says the Lord of hosts.
2 “But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears?
For He is like a refiner’s fire and like launderers’ soap.
3 He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi,
and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness.
4 “Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasant to the Lord,
as in the days of old, as in former years.
5 And I will come near you for judgment;
I will be a swift witness against sorcerers, against adulterers, against perjurers,
against those who exploit wage earners and widows and orphans, and against those who turn away an alien— because they do not fear Me,” says the Lord of hosts.
6 “For I am the Lord, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.
7 Yet from the days of your fathers you have gone away from My ordinances and have not kept them.
Return to Me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord of hosts.
“But you said, ‘In what way shall we return?’
8 “Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me!
But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’
In tithes and offerings.
9 You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation.
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,”
says the Lord of hosts,
“If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing
that there will not be room enough to receive it.
11 “And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground,
Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,” says the Lord of hosts;
12 “And all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a delightful land,” says the Lord of hosts.
13 “Your words have been harsh against Me,” says the Lord,
“Yet you say, ‘What have we spoken against You?’
14 You have said, ‘It is useless to serve God; What profit is it that we have kept His ordinance,
and that we have walked as mourners Before the Lord of hosts?
15 So now we call the proud blessed, for those who do wickedness are raised up;
they even tempt God and go free.’ ”
16 Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord listened and heard them;
so a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord
and who meditate on His Name.
17 “They shall be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts, “On the day that I make them My jewels.
And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.”
18 Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked,
between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him.
Malachi 3:1-18
We’ll Go Out with Joy
Sing Unto the Lord a New Song
Bless the Lord, O My Soul
Psalm 33:3
The most joyful celebration of the Jews, the feast of Purim, – the book of Esther is so dramatic. We see the usurper trying to destroy the United States – the spirit of Haman (socialism and communism) manifesting in our time to destroy the people of God May the church rise up like the beautiful Esther.
Maureen reminded us that we have been seeing Haman’s gallows since before the election. Corporately we prayed for a similar victory – a Purim for the United States to happen.
Isaiah 56 Keep justice and do righteousness for my salvation is about to come. . . keeps his hand from doing any evil. As we are worshiping you on this Shabbat, thank you for teaching us. Redemption and restoration of the American people. We speak PEACE… Shalom Aleichem…over Russia and Ukraine and for the entire world.
We shared in Communion, thanking God for all He has done in us, for us, and through us this night!
We closed singing SHABBAT SHALOM!
Blessings and love from Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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