Mar 15, 2022 – Notes A Call to the Wall

03-15-22 Notes for “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President Donald J. Trump”
8-10 PM ET Tuesdays 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we entered the call, we were encouraged to let go of all that has taken place today, and refocus on the Lord and His Presence with us now! We come together in unity to pray according to Your Word, as ONE!
We thanked God for the series on the book WAR IN HEAVEN by Derek Prince. We welcomed the love of Jesus into our own hearts, and then released it to all the others who are on this call with us, and front here to our entire 24/7 family!
Maureen then led us in receiving and putting on the full armor of God:
“Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,
being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately to receive and dress up the armor and the grace and blessings and mercy that go with it!
Maureen gave a quick update on the intercession plans for the AMERICAN FREEDOM TOUR that we will be undergirding on prayer this weekend. It takes place on Saturday, March 19th in Ft. Lauderdale at the FL LIVE Arena. We have an intercessory team of 50 going “on-site” and the entire 24/7 family will be backing that team up on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call for 24 hours on Saturday!
We welcomed John Garcia, our host for the gathering, to share his heart about it! John said that there are 9 points that he asks us to consider as we prepare to intercede.
9 Points for Intercessors
1- Praying from HEAVEN to earth…a place of unending supply…from a place of humility…a place of identity.
2- We are no longer servants…or just friends…but we are sons…and as sons, we are kings! We cannot come with passive aggression, as we live in a world at war! We need to move from the servant and friend prayers, to sons and kings! NOT pretty prayers, but those of KINGDOM Dominion!
3- Pray solutions, cures and answers.
4- Pray with thanksgiving, not complaining.
5- We do not pray on the devil’s agenda, but the Kingdom agenda.
6- We do not pray from the judgment seat, but the Mercy seat! Love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and restoration! God is fighting our battle, and we are repairers of the breach!
7- The Church is a Kingdom…and we possess the authority to move other kingdoms out of the way!
8- The things that should follow us…(not the enemy)…but rather, goodness and mercy.
9- We believe in finances, and wealth is not always money! Preserving relationships is critical! We must do all we can to stay united and bring reconciliation and healing throughout the group! Within our hearts we hold no ill will! We cannot pray for the healing of the nation if we are not healed ourselves!
The AMERICAN FREEDOM TOUR event focus is “faith, family, finances and freedom.”
Pastor Ioan said that the foundations of this 24/7 ministry are: Radical Holiness, Unity of the Body and the Perfection of Love!
We prayed corporately for John and for the 9 points he just presented to us, which are beautifully aligned with what we believe and teach! We prayed individually:
- Peter (FL) John 1:51 And He said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter[a] you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.” We open those doors that are to be opened and all will see the manifestation of the Kingdom in FL.
- Richard (AK) thanked John and said he was impressed with John and these points
- Danielle (SC) thanked him for bringing the wisdom of the Kingdom to us in these 9 points, and that they would be part of us and expand from us, out into the future and accomplish much that would birth things in the Spirit realm.
- Mary Ellen (IL) when he started speaking it was “as if we need to be in a new place”. We are seated in the Lord’s Presence and the keys of the Kingdom have been given to us! Use him to raise the intercessory ministry in this nation to a new level. Sent warring angels to be around him and this event, and all those participating to it! Let us grow closer to Jesus through it!
- Tesi (FL) Thanked God for the understanding of the authority You have given us in Christ! We are a HOUSE OF PRAYER and she called forth the Body of Christ…not just a few, but the whole Body! She blessed all of those who will be there, and the intercessors who are covering them!
Maureen said we serve our way into whatever God has for us! The way we are received will determine the outcome of the event!
- Debbie (TX) Thanked John that it is “faith and family” first. When we speak that love for each person attending, it will transform their lives. We rejoice in that!
- Joan (AZ) We are praying from Heaven to earth! You are seated on the Throne and pouring out Your love and blessing, which we will carry to others we encounter! Let heaven come down on Saturday in Ft. Lauderdale! Let Your Kingdom come!
- Kay (IL) How privileged we are to be chosen as Your children, and to be brothers and sisters who work together, serving in this endeavor! YOUR PRESENCE, LORD, is the blessing we ask for! Impact us with the GLORY! Overwhelm us with Your Glory, Lord!
John responded to the prayers, speaking of the principalities he’s encountered, that the focus is on God and His Presence with us! Give no credit or honor or recognition to evil forces. It is all about Jesus! He is the one and only ABSOLUTE POWER over this event! John blessed us and spoke the “fresh breath of heaven” into our lungs and lives!
Maureen shared that the intercessors coming represent a cross-section of the Body, and we are cross-pollinating as we come to this gathering! HalleluYah!
Pastor Ioan shared this verse:
“For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;
and you are complete in Him, Who is the head of all principality and power.”
Colossians 2:9-10
We prayed corporately for John and his two children, Devon and Katriel, for the Lord’s total healing, restoration and abundance in their lives and futures! We then asked John to bless the 24/7 family. He thanked God for the prayers invested in the Kingdom, and that each of their lives would have abundance, with nothing lacking! No feeble ones among them! They will always find refreshing and restoration in Your Presence! He blessed us coming and going! We said goodbye for now, as John was going to pack for his trip to Florida from Puerto Rico, where he lives!
(Additional information on the Colossians scripture: Jesus is spoken of in Scripture as being “the head over all rule and authority” Colossians 2:10. Although the Greek words for rule (arche) and authority (exousia) are sometimes used in describing human political leaders, they are also used in the New Testament as titles for demonic spiritual rulers. The classic passage about the Christian’s struggle against rulers (arche) and powers (exousia) in Ephesians 6:12 is one example.
When we read contextually what Paul wrote about Jesus as being the head over all rule and authority in Colossians 2:10, it seems clear that he is speaking of spiritual powers. For example, in the same passage just four verses later, Paul writes of Jesus, “When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him” Colossians. 2:15
If Jesus is the head of the spiritual rulers and authorities, then He is sovereign over them. This is a wonderful revelation to Christians living in pagan, animistic cultures, who spent their former lives worshiping idols in fear of the evil spirits whom they knew ruled over them.)
We as watchmen cannot operate at the level of intercession we have been called to…if we have fear!
We reject all the activity of the evil one and keep our focus on God ALONE! He is on the Throne and SOVEREIGN OVER ALL!
We prayed corporately into this! NO FEAR!
We then prayed for our lawful, true President, Donald John Trump. We blessed him and declared that his family is secure and protected and that Mar-a-Lago is a place of refuge for him and them! We prayed into this corporately!
After circling the city for days, the American truckers standing up for FREEDOM left the beltway yesterday and drove through downtown DC, with flags flying and horns honking! They have committed to continue until they see the mandates eliminated and Biden’s EO Emergency Powers terminated. (They are supposed to be reviewed periodically (every 6 months by Congress) , not kept indefinitely.
- We prayed for their peace and protection as they continue to press in with their assignment! We prayed the Blood of Jesus over them, and asked God to purge the darkness in DC and set the captives free!
We then prayed for our 24/7 family and all our loved ones!
- Pastor Ioan shared that his granddaughter Adelina and her husband Anthony are pregnant with a baby boy, his first great-grandchild. He asked for prayer to cover her and the baby throughout the pregnancy!
- We extended that prayer for all babies in the womb, that they might be given the chance to live and declare the GLORY OF GOD! The SCOTUS is considering the Dobbs case right now, and we pray they will STAND FOR AND DEFEND LIFE IN THE WOMB!
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will give a virtual address to a Joint session of the US Congress tomorrow, (Wednesday morning at 9 AM.) The invitation comes as Russia continues its assault on Ukraine. Mr Zelensky joins a group of foreign heads of state who have addressed the US Congress, including his predecessor Petro Poroshenko, former German Chancellor Anglea Merkel, Winston Churchill and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. We prayed corporately for him and Ukraine!
We prayed for this man, who is courageously standing for his nation, and willing to die in its defense! We asked God to intervene in Russia’s war with Ukraine, and to stop it…in whatever way He chooses!
When we came to the top of the hour, we shared in communion together, and asked God to help us to stand strong and pray for the President and this nation! We asked for feedback on our study of Derek Prince’s book War in Heaven. It was appreciated and welcomed! We then blessed one another as we departed this call!
SHALOM and love!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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