Mar 15, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Monday, March 15, 2021 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“Leaping up, he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them,
walking and leaping and praising God.”
Acts 3:8
We sing: He Has Made Me Glad
I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart.
I will enter His courts with praise.
I will say this is the day that the Lord has made.
I will rejoice, for He has made me glad!
He has made me glad! He has made me glad! I will rejoice, for He has made me glad!
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of President Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania and their marriage
and for all the members of their family.
We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.
We ask that in every situation and decision, President Trump will be led by the Holy Spirit!
The 24/7 NSPC continues to stand for righteousness and justice in our nation
and affirm Donald Trump as our duly elected President!
We pray that the evil actions of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be exposed
and that they be removed from office!
We pray for ourselves and our loved ones, and corporately put on the full armor of God!
Strategic Focus for Monday
KADIMA! Moving forward…
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Isaiah 5:20
It has been said that at the time of Jesus, when the crowd chose Barabbas, it was not because they loved him…but because they hated the TRUTH! We saw that scenario reenacted in the 2020 elections, as the darkness used all resources in its power in attempting to stop the forward progression (KADIMA !) of the restoration of righteousness and justice in the United States, under the leadership of President Donald John Trump, our duly elected and rightful President.
Today, as we intercede for our nation and the things that pertain to it, we joyfully enter God’s gates with praise and thanksgiving. Assured that He is working in the background in many places, we now see Him operating overtly in the public arena. ALL will be brought into alignment with His purposes, plan, and perfect Will… and whoever or whatever fights against Him will be deluged in that “woe” our scripture speaks of!
We pray:
- Thank You, Lord, for sustaining our hope as You show us TRUTH in a myriad of ways. We are in awe of Your faithfulness to us and our nation! We are YOURS! Use us as You will, for Your GLORY! Pray.
ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations officers apprehending a criminal alien (ICE)
Eleven states have joined in the filing of a motion challenging the White House’s move to rescind a Trump-era policy that seeks to ensure that immigrants can financially support themselves in order to become American citizens or obtain permanent residency. The motion, led by Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, is part of a lawsuit against a recent immigration policy issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that halts most deportations for 100 days.
We pray:
- That God would bless the efforts of our Attorneys General as they uphold their responsibilities to the citizens of their respective states, they will bond together to achieve in unity what they might not individually. Pray.
- That they would receive favor for their arguments and prevail as they stand up for righteousness and justice in each court case. Pray.
Arizona and Montana are taking legal action to block the new Biden administration immigration regulations, saying that these would cause negative consequences for the states. Both filed for a preliminary injunction aiming to block the regulations from going into effect. The new rules would limit the capability of ICE to detain some illegal immigrants unless:
- they pose a threat to national security;
- entered through the border after November;
- 1st committed aggravated felonies.
The Biden administration says that the rules don’t impair arresting or deporting people, but the officers in the field would need to request permission from their superiors to arrest people outside of the aforementioned cases.
- Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said in a statement. “If asked about the poorest policy choice I’ve ever seen in government, this would be a strong contender. Blindly releasing thousands of people, including convicted criminals and those who may be spreading COVID-19 into our state, is both unconscionable and a violation of federal law. This must be stopped now to avoid a dangerous humanitarian crisis for the immigrants and the people of Arizona.” Pray for the AZ AG and his efforts in AZ.
- Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen joined the lawsuit. Both filed for a preliminary injunction aiming to block the regulations from going into effect. “Meth trafficked into Montana by Mexican drug cartels has wracked our state. The problem will only be made worse if the Biden administration continues to allow criminals to stay in the country. Enforcing our immigration laws and helping to keep Americans safe is one of the federal government’s most important functions. The Biden administration is failing its basic responsibility to Americans.” Pray for the MT AG and his efforts in MT.
Chief Deputy Matthew Thomas of the Pinal County Arizona Sheriff’s Office has instructed law enforcement around the US in the area of border-related issues and Mexican cartels, speaking and teaching on these subjects for organizations such as the National Rifle Association and the National Tactical Officer’s Association. He said that the crisis at the border had begun to re-emerge at around the end of 2020 because the human and drug trafficking cartels expected President Joe Biden to have a “hands-off” attitude with regard to the border situation. “When [Trump] took office, we saw that this area out here went completely dead. Nobody was moving, nobody was smuggling because [the cartels] knew that Trump was going to put all hands on deck out down here and that they would be intercepted so it came to a screeching halt. It was a very slow trickle to get back to some kind of normal but it never got back to where it was,” Thomas said.
We pray:
- We bless those like Chief Thomas who serve at the front lines honorably as “boots on the ground”…dealing with the daily issues impacting their citizens and communities. Pray.
- May their expertise and experience cause their voices to be heard and their “wise counsel” to be followed. Pray.
Map of the Pinal County boundary, the US–Mexico border, and the major highways in central-south Arizona.
Since Biden has ordered a halt to the construction of the southern border wall, it has created more trouble for Pinal County.
- It doesn’t have physical barriers, promoting the criminals to “funnel through”, reaching the highway, and then transporting drugs or bodies throughout the country.
- Once the people or drugs are smuggled in, they can go anywhere inside the United States, sometimes as far as Canada.
“For us, effectively, I-8 becomes the new border and even the cartels will tell you that’s their goal line because once they get there, they’re shooting west or they’re shooting east and then they’re on a main interstate right into downtown Phoenix…we become the kickoff point for that. These people and these drugs are not coming here to Pinal County to stay. This is a transport location. This is a spot they get through to get to their final destination and they’re being sent all over the country.” the Sheriff said.
We pray:
- That the lunacy being orchestrated by the darkness controlling “Biden and company” will become evident to all, and there will be a massive revolt against it at the state’s level, containing and reversing the curses that have been put upon us! Pray.
From Louisiana: Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) blames President Biden for the surge of migrants that have presented a crisis at our southern US border. February saw the largest number of unaccompanied minors apprehended at the border since May 2019. When asked to what degree Biden’s policies have caused this, Cassidy responded: “I can’t help but notice that the administration changes and there is a surge.”
Senator Cassidy recalled hearing one of Biden’s advisers say, in Spanish, that the border was not closed, only to then say in English that she misspoke. “I can tell you the Spanish version is being heard, not the English,” Cassidy said, claiming that this message emboldens people to send their children, even if it means putting them at risk.” “When people think they can get in,” Cassidy claimed, “they begin sending their unaccompanied child on a train ride across Mexico where she may be kidnapped and trafficked, on the hope that they’re going to be waved through at the border.”
The Biden administration has refused to characterize the situation at the border as a “crisis,” despite calling on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to support a “government-wide effort” to house child migrants as numbers continue to spike. Cassidy said this is evidence that the administration expects the number of unaccompanied children to continue to grow. “They’re sending FEMA for reinforcements — not for today, not for tomorrow, but for three weeks from now,” he said.
We pray:
- Pray for Senator Cassidy and his efforts on behalf of the United States and his state of LA. Pray.
From Florida, Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis slammed Biden’s ‘disastrous’ border policy: and commented on the influx of migrants coming to the border.
- “They’ve created this crisis,” the Governor said, noting that President Trump had kept the border under control during his presidency. “But I think that this is intentional, I think it is ideological. I think they’re getting bit by this politically now.“
- “It’s a disastrous way to start an administration,” DeSantis said of Biden. “I think most of the American people are going to be strongly opposed to this and hopefully they’ll reverse course.”
DeSantis noted that during his time in office, Florida has “banned sanctuary cities” and instituted E-Verify, a web-based system that helps employers assure that their employers are legally eligible to work in the USA. “Biden is going in the absolute wrong direction,” he told Pirro. “Trump had it right at the border, Biden’s got it wrong.”
We pray:
- Pray for FL Governor DeSantis and his efforts on behalf of the United States and his state of FL. Pray.
What an encouragement to know that we have strong, Godly leaders who are valiant patriots, willing to stand up and speak out for this nation! Let us encourage one another a step further now, as we read and pray into these words of a passionate prophet and preacher, Smith Wigglesworth, who spoke them 82 years ago in 1939 as he prophesied to Lester Summerall about the final wave of God’s glory. As he spoke, he began to sob…saying:
“After that, after the third wave, I see the last day revival that’s going to usher in the precious fruit of the earth. It will be the greatest revival this world has ever seen! It’s going to be a wave of the gifts of the spirit. The ministry gifts will be flowing on this planet earth. I see hospitals being emptied out, and they will bring the sick to churches where they allow the Holy Ghost to move.”
Pray into this word, thanking God for all that He will do to glorify His Name and bring about HIS PURPOSES in the coming days! Pray.
(Resources: The Epoch Times. FOX News)
Our 24/7 NSPC website is up and functioning!
We have a page on our website for people to post prayer requests.
Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it!
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One Response
God The Father gave seven motivational gifts to His family members mentioned in Romans 12:6- 8 to describe a Christ-like lifestyle, to be lived out explained in Romans 12:9-21.
God The Son gave five people gifts to His Ekklesia (congregation) Ephesians 4:7 explained in Ephesians 4:11 with their purpose described verses 12-16.
God The Holy Spirit gave us nine gifts for us to experience His Works through us for the benefit of others listed in 1 Corinthians chapters 12 and 14. The key for both chapters to operate and to be fulfilled is by the heart motivation of Chapter 13.