Mar 15, 2019 – Notes Shabbat Call

03-15-19 Notes from the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
“International SHABBAT Celebration”
7-10 PM Eastern 712-770-4340 code: 543555#
We enter this SHABBAT, coming with hearts that are expectant! We trust in the Lord, confident that He will give us grace that will bind us together in love, unite us by His Spirit and allow us to enter into the heavenly places to be with Him, enjoying His Presence and experiencing His holiness, which He will nurture and grow in us!
We were thrilled to see the love and support extended to the President by those who were in the Oval Office with him today as he vetoed the resolution that sought to block his declaration of a national emergency at the border. It was powerful to see the interactions between those present and the President – to watch them thank and bless him, and see him soak the affirmation in.
Pastor Ioan opened and covered us in prayer. We declared that there is no place for any demonic interference in this call; any and all spirits that would try to interfere are now bound and cast down to the abyss. We release ourselves to the loving arms of the Lord…and enter into His Presence together!
When asked to share more about what took place in the Oval Office today as the President cast his first VETO, Maureen said that her heart was touched to see that we now have a real Attorney General who is willing to defend the Office of President.
We shared our thoughts about what we saw today:
- Katie (CA) saw the interactions between him and the law enforcement officers there, as they thanked him for supporting them
- Phillip (CA) When Bill Barr spoke out affirming the President’s position, we finally had an AG that would uphold the Presidency
- Katie (CA) there was tremendous humility and sincerity on the part of the President, and he realized that these people were honestly backing him up
- Lois (NY) appreciated the ceremony
- Laurel (WA) the Lion of Judah showed up…and he roared
- Maureen said their words were watering the dry ground of the President. Lord, let it rain!
- Albert (CA) sang a song about “when we hear the shout of EL SHADDAI”
- Sharill (AZ) loved the song…
- Andrea (NC) go to WHITE and click the link that says CONTACT and send him an email
- Nora (MO) read a note from an IHOP intercessor, who saw the President standing, protecting and taking the arrows for us, and then Jesus was with him, catching the arrows before they could have hit him, filling the President;s quiver with the very arrows that were shot against him…equipping him…
- Nga (CA) the president is getting backlash as he stands for the nation, but he continues to stand! As Daniel, he opens his window and prays…and like Jeremiah, he exercised the authority he has correctly.
“VETO” (Latin) – vetō – vēdō / means “I forbid, I oppose” / to exercise a veto against (a decision or proposal made by a law-making body), to reject, turn down, throw out, dismiss, say ‘no’ to, rule against, overrule, put an end to, stop, nullify, declare null and void, kill, squash.
It is our President’s constitutional right to veto / reject a decision made by the legislature. When the Legislature threatens to override the President’s veto, when he is right in his position, they are wrong.
- To say they agree but can’t vote for it was “double-speak”…ambivalent… wishy-washy…LUKEWARM!
As citizens, we have the responsibility to tell the Senators and representatives that they are completely wrong…
Quote from Seneca: “Quod non vetat lex, hoc vetat fieri pudor.” / “What law forbids not, decency forbids be done”.
- The President said it is normal to protect the nation, and the legislature created a law that forbids him to protect the nation…so he vetoed it! When a law is bad…it requires a VETO!
In the 19th Century, the British Empire wanted to take over China, which had the largest economy in the world. They started to pump in opium from India and millions of Chinese became addicted, in what was known as the “opium wars” (The British took over HONG KONG and held it until it was given back a few years ago!)
* See additional information below at the end of the notes
- Now, one aspect of the invasion of the nation is a drug (fentanyl) coming in from China.
- 70 K died of overdoses in one year in the USA.
- $14 Billion was seized from the captured drug lord, El Chapo. Ted Cruz wants to use it to build the wall!
- Now they want to legalize marijuana nationwide – which is another demonic attack!
Lord, let the President know that he is right in his VETO. We affirm and agree with you, and salute you!
- Phillip (CA) said the Vietnam War was started by those wanting to bring in drugs / politicians are getting big money from those importing drugs… so they will not be stopped. They are destroying our country for their own gain!
- Pam (TX) prayed that the President knew he’d veto this bill and was prepared to do so! We affirm him!
- Marilyn (KY) she wrote to her KY Senator, Rand Paul, who voted against the President saying he was “concerned” that this was an overreach by the President, and that she corrected him saying he was wrong in what he did and that she would remember it in the next election! She suggested that we all get notebooks in which we can make notes, so we’ll be armed for the next election!
Maureen shared how over the past 28 months, we have been in boot camp with the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call…learning to respond to Him instantly…how to obey and stay focused…to prepare us for all that is coming!
- Tessie (FL) confirmed that was what she was experiencing right now…and that we are being challenged to OBEY!
Pastor Ioan said that what the President did today is a “model” for us…to take a stand and do what is right! Last
Tuesday, during the CALL TO THE WALL, we spoke of a potential betrayal of the President and prayed against that! The # of subpoenas has gone from 60 to 80 some, including all the President’s family and associates, and the attorney who just resigned from the Mueller investigation may be joining the legislators who are attacking him. Kellyanne Conway’s husband, Gordon, is one of the most outspoken opponents of the President, and Wednesday, he blasted President Trump, claiming that he has a problem with “pathological” lying. Conway later suggested that the president has a “disorder” and that an inquiry needs to be made regarding his “condition of mind.”
Today, the President VETOED a bill and acted as a child of God in protecting this nation! We also have a veto, and have the responsibility to VETO / oppose / not accept those who are coming against this nation and our President!
The word NO occurs over 5K times in the first 5 books of the scriptures…and there is not one YES! (Let your YES be YES and your NO be NO!) A Rabbi told Pastor Ioan that the TORAH, the WORD OF GOD is a person…and he told the Rabbi about the Gospel of John and how Jesus was called the Word of God… Yet, they do not accept the incarnation!
Life is defined by the NO’s…and TRUTH (YES) is lived out! (To live is Christ!) He is the revelation…the TRUTH!
We carry the power of the word in us…so when the President said NO to the invasion of drugs and human trafficking, to those who betray this nation, he defined the context in which this nation can exist. When he said NO he was upholding the values of the KINGDOM of GOD! We welcome him on our call and receive him by the Spirit on the call. Tonight we come together and bring him with us in spirit, and along with him, WE SAY NO!
The name “YAHVEH” is central in everything (Hallelujah) and is used 6,832 times in the Torah. From the time of Babylon, they did not say “Yahveh”…but substituted Adonai / Hashem…Lord / God.
* See additional information below at the end of the notes
God says that He is over all and all is for Him, and when He says NO to His sons and daughters, He is right! . When we say NO in the context of the WILL OF GOD, it is perfect.
We prayed corporately, saying NO to all that is out of alignment with God and His Will for this nation!
- We say NO! to the enemy, and we raise up a shield on our southern border against those who’d violate us
- We say NO! to those who legislate evil and want to destroy this nation.
- We say NO! and veto the plans of the enemy to take over this nation through socialism or any other “-ism”
- We say NO! to human trafficking and to child abuse
- We say NO! to all illegal drugs and harmful substances, especially fentanyl
- We say NO! to marijuana being legalized
- We say NO! to abortion and to infanticide
We then offered individual prayers, highlighting the things we are saying NO to!
- Beverly (FL) we are saying NO to every work of darkness that dares to come against God’s plans
- Andrea (NC) we thank You for the spiritual wall that was built around our nation through these NOs
- Stephanie (AK) we thank You that You are making a way, and that we can say NO to any other gods
- Diane (CA) we say NO to LGBQ…to pornography…to anti-Semitism…no to pharmakia…to suicide, to abortion to infanticide…
- Steve (MA) we say no to those in gov’t who have sold themselves out to other systems and nations and the UN, and to those who have changed the Constitution, to those in the Courts
- Repeka (CO) NO! to PP, to the SOCIALIST DEMS
- Jane (MD) Matthew 18:18 whatever you forbid on earth must be what is already forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth must be that which is already permitted in heaven. We say NO! to the UN,
to one world government, to AGENDA 21, and we bind and cast you out of the US, and welcome the SON OF RIGHTEOUSNESS into our nation
Beverly (CA) to brainwashing of our children, to the Hollywood elite, to the indoctrination in colleges
Irma (VA) to those who demonstrate disrespectfully as in the Kavanaugh hearings
Debbie (VA) NO! to the investigations into the Trump family
Ina (MO) to those at the border who let illegals in
Janis (MA) to the twisting of the minds of our children about their identity – to gender confusion – to transgender efforts
Annie (CA) to those who are trying to undermine the President
Sandra (LA) NO! to Mueller and any further investigation
Beverly (CA) to the “dumbing down” of America – and to the taking away of guns from the people
Juanele (NC) to anything and anyone who is trying to keep the church asleep, and to those who try to keep President Trump and PM Netanyahu from being reelected to office
Gloria (NJ) No to witchcraft, voodoo
Carol (MT) we say NO! to pornography – please save AMERICA, Lord
Irma (VA) say NO! to the random shootings and slaughter in public places and churches
Steve (MA) NO! to any government involvement in shootings and assassinations
Repeka (CO) NO! to university research attempting to create life from aborted babies
Mary Ellen (IL) NO! to NARAL (a Pro-Death group) and to all the companies that are rising up to legalize marijuana and the restaurants creating recipes once it’s legalized
Irma (VA) NO! To the pharma cos that are hiding cures to ills
Stephanie (AR) NO! to poisoning of the American population with vaccines, cell towers, etc
Beverly (CA) NO! to the SOROS $$$$, to the embracing of the NEW GREEN DEAL, to young people rebelling and thinking they have power that do not know how to use properly
Juanele (NC) NO! to that which is trying to hinder the gospel from going forth
Steve (MA) NO! To chemtrails in the atmosphere
Jane (MD) NO! to Hollywood, to LGBTQ, to BLUE STATES, to all anti-Christ spirits, anti-Bible spirits, to censorship of Christianity on FB
Joe (FL) NO! to sanctuary cities
Gloria (NJ) Shooting in theaters- especially in the new UNPLANNED movie against abortion
Anita (NJ) to pesticides and GMO
Lois (NY) NO! To manipulation to elections, and to the Jezebel spirit
Nancy (FL) NO! to T-Mobile for charging for prayer lines – back # 425-535-9161
- Tessie (FL) NO! to unrighteous laws in this land
What a JOY to hear all these NO!s spoken aloud! We now declare together:
1 “The heavens declare the Glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.
2 Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard.
4 Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world.
In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun,
5 Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, And rejoices like a strong man to run its race.
6 Its rising is from one end of heaven, And its circuit to the other end; And there is nothing hidden from its heat.
7 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;
8 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;
9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
11 Moreover by them Your servant is warned, And in keeping them there is great reward.
12 Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults.
13 Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me.
Then I shall be blameless, And I shall be innocent of great transgression.
14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.”
Psalm 19
Today, we join the heavens in proclaiming the KINGDOM of GOD.
Jesus said: The KINGDOM of Heaven is at hand!
The question is seen…in vs 12…Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults.
The answer came at the cross!
All the time before, the High Priest had gone into the HOLY OF HOLIES once a year, and sprinkled the Mercy Seat 7 times with the blood of the lamb, to cover the “errors” – his sin and the sin of the people.
It purged the sin and cleansed them…until Christ came ONCE AND FOR ALL!
THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND…it is in us…it’s already here!
We now have a part with the heavens in declaring the GLORY OF GOD!
As we took the bread and drank the cup, we received the complete restoration that comes from being one with God, in the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN! We take these elements on behalf of our nation…
and declare that it will not compromise with its relationship with the Lord!
We cry out for mercy for those who are against You, against this President and nation…
Touch them and bring them into a love relationship with YOU!
We closed in song:
How can I say thanks for the things You have done for me?
Things so undeserved, yet You gave to prove Your love for me;
the voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude.
all that I am and ever hope to be, I owe it all to Thee.
To God be the glory, to God be the glory, to God be the glory for the things He has done.
With His blood He has saved me, with His power He has raised me;
to God be the glory for the things He has done.
Just let me live my life, let it pleasing, Lord to Thee,
and if I gain any praise, let it go to Calvary.
To God be the glory, to God be the glory, to God be the glory
for the things He has done.
With His blood He has saved me, with His power He has raised me;
to God be the glory for the things He has done.
We encourage our 24/7 family to share the focuses and notes from the Friday “SHABBAT Call” and the Tuesday “Call to the Wall to Pray for our President” on social media such as Facebook pages, groups, and other places! You are the Ambassadors for this call and by sharing, you will bring more people to the wall and to the call! Let’s all make an effort to copy and paste the 24/7 material, and help get the word out! All are welcome!
We love you!
Pastor Ioan and Maureen
To print the PDF file, use the following link:
YHVH – The Holy Name
One of the most significant and wonderful way used by God to invigorate His people is to enliven in them the love for the Written Revelation – the Holy Scriptures. To those who are seeking God with all their hearts, He lets Himself to be found. Studying the book of Exodus together with Rabbi Sorin Rosen during the Shalom Israel broadcasting, I asked him to read to me in the Hebrew language, the scripture passage from Exodus 3:15:
“And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, the Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is
My Name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.” (KJV)
In Hebrew “the LORD God” is written and read in transliteration “YAHWEH ELOHIM”. I asked the Rabbi when exactly the Israelites stopped uttering the Holy Name – YAHWEH. The Jewish tradition states that the Israelites stopped saying the Name of God after they were being carried in the Babylonian captivity in 586 BC.
I felt the urge to study the Tanach – known by the Christians as the Old Testament, which is actually the Holy Scripture of the Jewish people. I found out that the most frequent word in the Tanach, which occurs 6832 times, it is the very Name of the LORD God – YAHWEH. In the Hebrew language, there are only the consonants written, that is why in the written form God’s Name is known as the Tetragrammaton – YHVH. Instead of the Holy Name YHVH, the Jews say Adonai, meaning the Lord, or Hashem, which means the Name.
While praying, in most of the blessings it is said, “Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melek HaOlam – Blessed be Thou LORD, King of the Universe!
Why is it so important to uncover this hidden treasure? The fact that the most frequent word used in the Tanach was the Almighty God’s own Name which was revealed to the people of Israel, shows actually that it was HE who was the very essence and heart of that revelation message. Of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things.
Then as I was led to study the frequency of all the other words that occur in the Tanach I found out a message of the Tanach for God’s people in all the generations.
1. | 6832 | YAHWEH | YHVH, Hashem, Adonai |
2. | 5681 | al | on, upon, over |
3. | 5448 | asher | who, which, that |
4. | 5446 | el | to, towards, for |
5. | 5406 | kol | all, every, any |
6. | 5306 | amar | say, said |
7. | 5165 | lo | no, not |
8. | 4906 | ben, bat | son, daughter |
9. | 4454 | ki | that, for |
10. | 3502 | heyeh | to be, to become |
11. | 3059 | melek, malka | kings, queens, to reign |
A direct interpretation of these words taken in their frequency order is as follows:
YAHWEH (Who is) over (all), to Whom and for Whom (are) all, says no to sons that they be/become kings/to reign.
YAHWEH said this quite clearly to the children of Israel at Mount Sinai:
Exodus 19:5 Now, therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:
Exodus 19:6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. (KJV)
YAHWEH has the same plan and works for the people of the Lord Jesus Christ:
Revelation 5:6-10 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of saints. And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. (KJV)
Lord Jesus says that no jot or title from the Scripture is without meaning. The word Lo which means No, is the seventh in the word frequency order. Number 7 is the number of perfection. This signifies that the Will of God is perfect. Our entire existence in harmony with Him is contained between YAHWEH’s positive utterances and His Nos. To know and obey God’s will means that we are to love Him, to respect Him, to have a friendly fellowship with Him, to be searched by Him, so that He may delight in us and dwell with us.
Anything that passes beyond God’s Yes and No comes from the evil one.
Therefore the Holy Spirit – Ruach HaKodesh has been given to us so that by fulfilling His holy urgings, we may fulfill entirely God’s will for our lives.
In a father-son relationship based on love, intimacy and mutual acceptance, it is awkward to address the one who is your father and loves you by the name Sir or Master. The same is true about two spouses that love each other. If the wife would address her husband only by calling him Lord, or my Lord, not after a long while, he would wonder whether something wrong might be in their relationship. The intimate relationship initiated by our Creator requires using His own names. We know that the Most High addresses us by calling our own names for He knows us all. He revealed to us His Name – YAHWEH to enable us to live close to Him, in an intimate relationship with Him, as His sons and daughters.
In 1820, China’s economy was the largest in the world, according to British economist Angus Maddison.[3] Within a decade after the end of the Second Opium War, China’s share of global GDP had fallen by half.[4]
First Opium War
The First Opium War, fought over opium trade,[4] financial reparations,[5] and diplomatic status,[6] began in 1839.
In the late 18th century, the British East India Company started smuggling opium from India into China through various means and became the leading suppliers by 1773.[7] By 1787, the British were sending 4,000 chests – one chest weighed 170 lbs – of opium to China a year.[8] The Chinese Emperor passed many decrees/edicts against opium in 1729, 1799, 1814 and 1831, but the trade flourished.[9] Even some Americans entered the trade by bringing opium from Turkey into China. Some of the American opium smugglers included the great-grandfather of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and ancestors of US Secretary of State John Forbes Kerry.[10] By 1833, the number of chests of opium trafficked into China soared to 30,000.[8] According to United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the British sent the opium to their warehouses in the free trade region of Canton (Guangzhou), from where Chinese smugglers would take the opium into mainland China.[9] The opium trade resulted in 4–12 million Chinese addicts and devastated especially the large coastal Chinese cities.[8] In 1839, after having a letter to the Queen of England pleading for a halt to the import of opium ignored, the emperor issued an edict ordering the seizure of all the opium in Canton, including that held by foreign governments. British traders alone lost 20,000 chests (1,300 metric tons) of opium, without compensation.[9]
China initially attempted to get foreign companies to forfeit their opium stores in exchange for tea, but this ultimately failed too. Then China resorted to using force in the western merchants’ enclave. Forces confiscated all supplies and ordered a blockade of foreign ships to get them to surrender their opium supply.
The British government responded by dispatching a military force to China and in the ensuing conflict, the Royal Navy used its naval and gunnery power to inflict a series of decisive defeats on the Chinese Empire,[11] a tactic later referred to as gunboat diplomacy.
The war was concluded by the Treaty of Nanking (Nanjing) in 1842. The treaty ceded the Hong Kong island to the United Kingdom in perpetuity, and it established five treaty ports at Shanghai, Canton, Ningpo (Ningbo), Foochow (Fuzhou), and Amoy. Another treaty the next year gave most favored nation status to the United Kingdom and added provisions for British extraterritoriality. Then France secured concessions on the same terms as the British, in treaties of 1843 and 1844.