
Mar 14, 2023 – Notes A Call to the Wall

Mar 14, 2023 – Notes A Call to the Wall

03-14-23 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays 

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 # 

As we came to the call tonight, we had just learned that our WTKOG ministry bank account has been hacked, with around $2,000 in fraudulent charges made! Maureen left the line to report this to the Truist Fraud Department, and they are working on it! We prayed, presenting our need to the Lord, and asking for His intervention. We trust that we will see this matter resolved…and He will get the glory! 

Pam (TX) led us in receiving the full armor of God, according to Ephesians 6:10-18. 

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, 

and having done all, to stand.

 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace

above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”

We prayed corporately and received God’s full armor, so we can wear it with the dignity it deserves! 


President Donald J. Trump Returns to Iowa, Lays Out His America First Agenda for 2024 March 14, 2023

On Monday, President Donald J. Trump returned to Iowa to deliver a policy-focused speech to thousands of supporters at the Adler Theater in Davenport. Despite frigid temperatures, thousands of Iowans began lining up to welcome President Trump eleven hours before his highly anticipated arrival.

Iowans from 77 counties line up to welcome President Donald J. Trump to Davenport

President Trump started the day by joining NEWSRADIO 1040 radio host Simon Conway to preview his trip and highlight his America First policies that have benefited all Americans. In anticipation of President Trump’s return to the Hawkeye State, 3,500 patriots packed the Adler Theater, while thousands of people overflowed outside of the venue. In total, over 16,500 grassroots sign-ups were collected by Team Trump, representing 77 of Iowa’s counties. President Trump drew nearly 10 times the crowd of his nearest challenger, who visited the area last week.

We prayed corporately for our TRUE President, Donald Trump, and then offered individual prayers. 

  • Bobby (WI) shared the words to the song: “I Need Thee, How I need Thee”
  • Danielle (SC) thanked God for the President’s speech in Iowa…he was resolute, single-minded, confident, decisive and his plans were clearly made known! We ask for those same qualities in ourselves, to be immovable and unstoppable. We will move past all attacks and finish the race as You have called us to! 
  • Mary Ellen (IL) Psalm 27:11-14 “Teach me Your way, O Lord, and lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies. Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries; for false witnesses have risen against me,
    and such as breathe out violence. I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!”
  • Viv (OH) Proverbs 18:15
  • Bernadette (NY) Put such an anointing on President Trump that You can use him as a BATTLE AX against the enemies of this nation! 

Before we joined the J6 prisoners from across the nation, we offered a corporate prayer on their behalf! We then paused at 9 PM. as we do nightly, to sing the National Anthem, in unity with them. 

We prayed on-site for them in DC, and now, we sing corporately with them and their families,

praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones, 

and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered! 


*** We declared that TIME IS UP for this FAUX ADMINISTRATION that is now occupying the White House!

We then continued praying into what our beloved president said in Iowa! 

Over 3,500 people packed the Adler Theater to hear from President Trump

In his speech, President Trump highlighted the importance of protecting students from woke ideology in schools and empowering parents to make educational choices in the best interest of their children.

USA Today: Trump, who spoke about a host of issues before turning to education, said he will cut federal funding for any school pushing ‘critical race theory,’ ‘transgender insanity’ or ‘any other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our children.’ “‘I said the other day I will bring back parental rights into our school system, and the place went crazy,’ he said. Monday’s crowd, too, reacted with cheers, whistles and claps when he declared, ‘As president, I’ll fight to expand that right to every single state in America.’” We prayed joyfully into this portion of his statement! Then individual prayers were offered!

  • Beverly (CA) when he spoke this, she felt the ire of the enemy, and arrows were pointed against him as all their forces were called out against him. Let the bows and arrows of the enemy be broken in two…and have no effect! Let the shield of faith quench every fiery dart! 
  • Mary Ellen (IL) stood in agreement with that prayer
  • Danielle (SC) President Trump is proclaiming what is to be and we stand in agreement with him!

President Trump also touted his lengthy record of fighting and winning for American farmers, and laid out exactly what he will do when he returns to the White House. Within hours of my inauguration, I will cancel every Biden policy that is brutalizing our farmers — every single one,” President Trump said to a roaring ovation. “I’ll appoint a special team to attack the high price of fertilizer — we’ll get that taken care of. We won’t just increase ethanol production in our country, but we’ll export ethanol all over the world. And just as I did for four straight years, I will protect Iowa ethanol and I will go after anyone who wishes to destroy it. With the insane Green New Deal, Joe Biden is trying to totally kill Iowa ethanol. By contrast, I fought for Iowa ethanol like no president in history.” Pastor Ioan said that there is a global plan to shut down all food production, and to destroy our animals and the food they produce! This is a battle for survival! We offered individual prayer on behalf of our farmers…and the land God gave us!

  • Beverly (CA) prayed that President Trump will shut down the monopolies by those like Bill Gates and groups from China, that are buying up our US farmland. Raise up a generation of new farmers to produce what we need, and even more, abundance to feed the world! 

President Trump promised to hold China accountable and bolster American trade. “I will implement a four-year plan to phase out all Chinese imports of essential goods and gain total independence from China, President Trump said, drawing cheers of support from the crowd. He also vowed to immediately reverse the radical and senseless policies from Joe Biden that is destroying the American farming industry. Under Joe Biden, it has been a non-stop war on American agriculture — you know that,” President Trump said, noting his trade deal delivered $28 billion for U.S. farmers. “Biden reimposed the Waters of the United States rule. He reimposed it on the first day in office. He is trying to raise taxes on farms, reinstate the death tax, and fertilizer prices are up almost 300%. Net farm income is projected to fall by 16% this year alone.”

We continued to pray for our farms and farmers!

  • Deb (TX) You created man and gave him land to grow food and sustain himself. In the colonies, each one had land and a source to provide for their own. YOu cause all things to work together for the good of those who love You, and we rest in You. In You there is no lack…but in You we have abundance! No fear or anxiety for Your Body, Lord! We look to You!
  • Becky (MI) HOwever You do this, Lord, slow down time so the plans and schemes of the enemy have an inability to work. As well, bring in the leaders You have chosen for this nation, along with the reset and turnaround!

After his speech, President Trump answered questions from the audience and listened to the issues that are important in their communities.

When asked about bringing manufacturing jobs back to the United States, President Trump said: I saved so many different manufacturers. If you look at Whirlpool in Ohio, they had such a problem. South Korea was dumping, and China, thousands and thousands, millions of units in at a price that was not going to work. I ended that. I put a 50% tariff on. That part of Ohio is thriving today. Those companies are doing great. We have to look at individuals. We will be able to handle that situation very easily. Don’t forget, we have a power called the economy. The problem is we have people who do not know how to use it to our collective advantage. But I know how to use it.” We gave thanks for this man who can answer questions freely and off the cuff!

While in Davenport, President Trump made a surprise visit to the Machine Shed restaurant to greet local supporters. At the restaurant, President Trump ordered pot roast dinners to be delivered to the Davenport Fire Station, and ordered several pies to take back to Florida. Roger Barwick, a maintenance worker at the restaurant, was elated to finally meet President Trump. “It was awesome,” he told WQAD-TV. “Used to seeing him on TV. Great seeing him in person. I think he’s gonna win, I think he can get us out of the big debt we got.”

Matthew Kaperka. “I think it says a lot that, you know, an individual with his title and you know, prestige that they take time out of their schedule to stop in and see the people everyday life.” 

What magnanimity and generosity to so many others….who could NEVER repay him! We LOVE him!

  • Beverly (CA) God bless him for being the REAL DEAL! He runs into the crowd and gets the people what they need!
  • Deb (TX) raise up 70 righteous men and women to come alongside him. Reinstate him into the office for which You created him…President of the United States of America!

“I’m an election denier, and so are, substantially, I would say substantially more than 50% of this country. 

And I think it’s a much higher number than that. 

You get a lot of election deniers in this country, and they’re not happy about what happened.” 

– Real POTUS (DJT)


The most obvious signal of a nearing presidential election cycle is when both declared and potential Republican candidates schedule stops in Iowa, where candidates can thrive and build momentum or quickly realize that it’s not their time to shine.

  • Leslie (IO) We have the earliest caucuses in the nation. The people get together and have an informal straw vote which launches the election cycle! 
  • Audrey (CA) read an article that asked why the NH primary and IO caucuses were important. It does show the candidates off and helps to eliminate those who won’t make it!
  • Mary Ellen (IL) so it’s a test for the people and a test for the candidates

Pastor Ioan reminded us about our friend Dick Patton and his attempt to remove the DEATH TAX. It is critical to help PRESERVE THE PROPERTY FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION, instead of taxing the heirs and forcing them to sell off their family property. Preserve, protect and defend them, Lord! 


We invited prayer requests to be shared by those in our 24/7 family. 

  • Beverly (CA) asked for prayer for their son (not yet a believer) and his girlfriend (Millie) who need the Lord and is rejecting Him! That is hard for parents who are waiting for this seeker to find the ONLY thing that will ever satisfy: right relationship with You, Lord! She just bought a pressure cooker for canning, and has found uTube videos about it, most of which end with comments of: “God bless you!” Be wise and ask God how to prepare for whatever is coming! 

Maureen then asked for prayer for her daughter Erin’s husband, Ryan, who is choosing alcohol over Erin and their two sons: Carter, who is 15 today, and Noah, who will soon be 17 and is on the autism spectrum. Erin loves Ryan, but that spirit possessing him is destroying their family! We prayed corporately for all of them. Lord, save this family! 

We know we of the 24/7 family are under attack, and that the attacks are intensifying! We come together tonight, and say: LORD, help us! Place a shield of protection over us and guard our hearts and minds from the attacks of the enemy! Cover us, our children and grandchildren and defeat the enemy wherever he tries to harm them! Protect our beloved nation and guard it with Your care! 

We took communion together and closed this call, wishing all love and blessings in Christ Jesus!! 

Maureen and Pastor Ioan



We have 2 open hours that need FT facilitators: 4 AM ET Sunday and 4 AM ET Thursday 

Participants are asked to sign up to serve for one hour each week as a “Co-Facilitator. 

Our “two by twoBiblical model will assure that every hour is covered… and the need for subs is eliminated! 

We now have ***108*** co-facilitators…and call forth the other *** 60 *** to secure the call! 

PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)

Hours needing Co-Facilitators: 

12 AM ET – all slots filled

 1 AM ET – Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday

 2 AM ET – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

 3 AM ET – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 

 4 AM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

 5 AM ET – Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

 6 AM ET – all slots filled

 7 AM ET – all slots filled 

 8 AM ET – all slots filled

 9 AM ET – all slots filled

10 AM ET – all slots filled 

11 AM ET – Monday, Tuesday, Friday, 

12 PM ET – Monday

 1 PM ET – Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 

 2 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday

 3 PM ET – Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

 4 PM ET – Monday, and Tuesday 

 5 PM ET – Tuesday, Saturday 

 6 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday 

 7 PM ET – Wednesday, Thursday 

 8 PM ET – Monday, Saturday 

 9 PM ET – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday

10 PM ET- Friday, Saturday 

11 PM ET – all slots filled

May God help us to have committed facilitators to cover all the hours… and co-facilitators as well

Touch hearts and cause them to be open to the need and willing to fill it! 

Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work! 




Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com

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