Mar 11, 2022 – Notes Shabbat Call

03-11-22 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
7-10 PM ET 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
We opened this call thanking God for all that He has already prepared for us tonight, and asking that He guide and lead us in heavenly places on this call! We rejoice and are glad in HIS PRESENCE as we enter into SHABBAT and find our rest in Him!
Together, we received and put on the full armor of God:
“Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,
being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately to receive and dress up on the armor, and the grace and blessings that go with it!
We then prayed in gratitude for the President’s protection during the recent situation with the plane last Saturday night! We are grateful for the pilot’s wise and correct decision to turn that plane around, and for President Trump’s safe return to his family at Mar-a-Lago. Prior to the plane’s problem that required an emergency landing, on the previous Tuesday evening, March 1st, we had a powerful time of intercession for our President. Since there is no “time” in eternity, the prayers we prayed that night might have well averted a tragedy!
We prayed corporately into these prayer points!
Bruce brought up the topic of labs in Ukraine being supported by the USA. Pastor Ioan spoke to this, saying that the labs are not necessarily bio-warfare labs! At first, Russia only spoke of the Neo-Nazi Ukrainians and said nothing about the labs. Then, it was propagandized and the “disinformation” intended to show that the USA was supporting the development of bio-warfare materials in UKRAINE! The FATHER OF LIES is moving boldly in this situation and the battle is raging! We must be cautious about what we hear and believe!
Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain,
nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father.
You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.
But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. “
John 4: 21-23
THERE IS A WAR OUT THERE! We must be committed to our engagement in it! We carry the burden for it in prayer! The call for the 24/7 family is to pray for and undergird our President Donald Trump, and the warfare is intense!
In order to be better prepared and equipped for this warfare, we are launching a series of focuses on the book War in Heaven: God’s Epic Battle with Evil by Derek Prince. As we learn, we will receive God’s wisdom and instruction for how we are to pray!
OPINIONS formed on “disinformation” are dangerous and divisive! Be careful what we say…that it lines up with the Word of God. When the people of God are united, living in harmony, dwelling in love together, the Lord guides and abides with us…and the devil can’t get in! (Psalm 133) It’s a privilege to be called to pray during this time, and the Lord is calling us to fight with Him in this battle!
We prayed into this corporately and then offered individual prayers!
- Albert (CA) thanked God for protecting our President
- Mary Ellen (IL) thanked God for Pastor Ioan and Maureen leading us in this teaching and for them being AWAKE so that they can help strengthen our armor and grow in our ability to stand on the wall when we are called to duty!
- Bev (MT) said she heard the song “Breathe on me, Breath of God” and asked God to create in us pure hearts “Breathe on me, Breath of God, fill me with life anew, that I may love the way you love, and do what you would do. Breathe on me, Breath of God, until my heart is pure, until my will is one with yours, to do and to endure. Breathe on me, Breath of God, so shall I never die, but live with you the perfect life for all eternity.”
- Mary Ellen (IL) let us discern what we hear and have the wisdom to know the difference between what is of God and what is not.
We prayed for our President, Donald J Trump, and for the redemption and restoration of the American Republic.
- Albert (CA) prayed for the President
- Janis (MA) offered a declaration re: usurpers:
They shall not prevail! They shall not remain! They shall not remain!
- Susan (GA) prayed for the pilot of the plane carrying the President
- Beverly (CA) prayed re: election results in the key states, asking that the fraud will be like fat that comes to the surface and is skimmed off the top of the soup!
Maureen prayed that God would “Give us satisfaction!” Deal with the fraud, not let us just keep talking about it!
- Susan (GA) let the states know their ability granted to them by law and constitutions, and “CARPE DIEM.” seize the moment and deal with the fraud.
Pastor Ioan spoke about meeting with David Clements and their discussion at Repeka Nuusa’s funeral! David is in a huge battle with darkness, and we who have been called to pray for him are privileged to do so! We must be faithful and serve the Lord with PASSION! David shared about the simplicity of his lifestyle and no compromise!
We were exhorted not to regret that we may not have all that others have. We have the greatest privilege…to be part of this move of God! We have the HIGHEST CALLING…TO SERVE ALONGSIDE THE KING OF KINGS! It is with Him that we fight the darkness and will be VICTORIOUS!
“Who is this King of Glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.”
Psalm 24:8:
We prayed corporately into this! We are being trained and prepared in this warfare of love! He is giving us the strength, and ability to stand now, in the hard times!
- Beverly (CA) asked that we blow a shofar, and call the people to come to this line. She also asked that more men would join the call!
We shared about the opportunity we have been given to pray for President Trump and those who are rightly aligned with him…in person. We are invited to assemble an intercessory team who will serve “on-site with insight” at the American Freedom Tour, a one-day event, taking place on March 19th in Ft. Lauderdale, FL!
Since seating is limited, a prompt response is necessary. If the Lord prompts you to take part on-site in this strategic prayer assignment, then please respond to us ASAP by email to Include your name, address, city and state, along with your cell and email address. Details will follow for those who accept the call to serve.
We prayed blessings on all the preparations, the details and for all those who are sacrificing to be there!
- Jim (CA) our prayers are ammunition in intercession that day!
- Diane (MT) wanted to be there, but will be on the call that day! She sent the focuses that were about him to the President so he’d see we were praying for him! She prayed into this!
- Joan (AZ) will be there in Spirit and praying along with us! Prayed for Maureen’s strength to do all she’s called to in this! Our 24/7 NSPC team is privileged to answer this call to pray for the President. Prayed for John Garcia to be directed each step of the way as he coordinates with Maureen in this!
- Nina (MI) so excited about this…God has been telling her that He is making a way! A door has been open and no man can shut it!
Maureen prayed that when we walk through that door, we can serve with distinction…and grace and glory will be with us! She shared about the nets we are constructing, and sewing them together, and were caught up by the hand of the Lord with the world in it…a sweet offering to the Lord!
- Susan (GA) praised the Lord for what He is doing in this
- Ydia (FL) remembers the net Maureen spoke of, and was blessed by it! She is blessed by this call and thanks God for the opportunity of being together on the call!
- Danielle (SC) when I first came on the call on April 9th and gave the word about the HalleluYah Year, she saw a golden net over the nation as we sang! Their website is going “live” soon, and someone is helping to build the “WE HIS PEOPLE NETWORK!” website!
- Joan (AZ) prayed for those who responded to Danielle and offered their services to help her ministry!
- Cindy (AZ) prayed into this and was excited about joining us in Ft Lauderdale
- Jim (CA) re: the ammunition he spoke of earlier…it is penetrating and will go deep
- Kay (IL) coming to the event with Janet (FL), who precedes her hour of facilitation on the call. So blessed to come together. She prayed for the provision of facilitators on the 24/7 Call.
- Beverly (CA) we also need Associate Facilitators.
Our American truckers are continuing their effort in the DC area! They met with Senators and presented their case, and yesterday, Ted Cruz rode in the lead truck and covered the 60+ miles on the beltway. We thanked God for the myriad of truckers who have traveled to DC to speak out and speak up, and mobilize the patriots for FREEDOM! They go out at 10 AM each day, and drive the beltway! We prayed for them to have all the provisions they need to complete their assignments well, and receive the desired results!
“Today we’re going to change it up because this IS The People’s Convoy – today we’re going to have the passenger cars/4 wheelers lead the way; followed by RVs and campers, and then the trucks shifting gears in the rear!! Mike Landis’ truck will still lead the convoy with the cars following him Landis’ truck will split the two lanes (if law enforcement will allow it) We will then have a meeting on the Capitol steps at 1 PM with another Senator that is publicly endorsing The People’s Convoy, Sen. Dan Sullivan, Alaska!! In attendance will be the Alaska state convoy lead Randy Jackson, who lead the convoy from Alaska to Hagerstown, Dr. Paul Alexander, and Brian Brase. Call your representatives TODAY!! Rally at your capitals!!”
Pastor Ioan shared that while we are at the event in Florida with the President, he will be in New Richmond, Wisconsin on a business trip…March 19th and 20th. He will have an opportunity to pray on sight in Wisconsin, one of the most critical states involved in the 2020 election fraud! This is an assignment to go and proclaim the coming of the King of Glory there in Wisconsin! As the King’s coming is heralded, we ask that the electors be decertified and the true President, Donald Trump, given the nod! On Sunday, March 20th, intercessors are invited to meet and pray with him. If you are interested in being part of this effort, please let us know. Email us at
President Trump’s next Save America rally is tomorrow night, Saturday, March 12th, in Florence, SC.
This is a continuation of President Trump’s unprecedented effort to advance the MAGA agenda by energizing voters and highlighting America First candidates and causes.
The Venue will be the Florence Regional Airport 2100 Terminal Drive Florence, SC, 29501
Doors open at 2 PM, and the program begins at 4 PM with a list of speakers presenting!.
The President will deliver his remarks at 7:00 PM EST
FREE General Admission Tickets: REGISTER HERE
We shared in Communion, thanking God for all He has done in us, for us and through us this night!
We closed singing SHABBAT SHALOM!
Blessings and love from Maureen and Pastor Ioan
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at:
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