Mar 1, 2024 – Notes Shabbat Call

03-01-24 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
President Trump said when he issued a Call to Action to Christian voters at the NRB this past weekend, “Americans of Faith Are the Soul of Our Country.” Tonight, we are so grateful for the 24/7 family members, who have stood on the wall of the nation, manning the 24/7 call day and night, in the Lord’s Presence. We bless and thank them, and we are delighted to walk together with them in our corporate assignment!
We now pray to receive the Ephesians 6 armor of God, as we engage in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our beloved nation! Ken (NH) led us in this prayer:
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asked Him to help us wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Prayer requests:
Carol (IL) sent this message: Jan VanKlavern (IL) is resting at home, under Hospice care. Her sister and friends are with her. Join us in praying for a miracle! ❤️ Carol led us in praying for Jan, whom she’s known for many years. They became closer through the 24/7 when they began to co-facilitate. She’s been a “bright light” and has touched so many over the years, devoting herself to You, she remained unmarried. We ask that You bring healing into her body, and let RESURRECTION POWER infuse it.
Susan (GA) prayed for Jan, and then we all prayed corporately for Jan to be lifted up by God’s resurrection power!
Susan (GA) asked for prayer for her Jewish brother-in-law, Ron, who had emergency surgery for a blockage. He’s got COVID, is on a ventilator, and is struggling to breathe.
Beverly (CA) thanked God she found her Jewish Messiah, and asked that God would visit him in that
hospital bed and allow him to feel Your Presence. Give him a thirst and a hunger for You, and let him
open his arms for Your embrace, and You will come running to him as the father did to the Prodigal son.
Dee (TX) starting a new business and needs prayer backup. Also needs a new place to live. Feeling desperate.
Maureen said the first three needs we can cover in prayer, but that the feeling of desperation has to go, for it’s not from God!
Ps Ioan bound the spirits of depression and oppression and sent them to the abyss.
Dorothy (OR) prayed for Dee and assured her that God is her husband and provider.
Susan (GA) thanked God for the great exchange… desperation for the JOY OF THE LORD!
Mary Ellen (IL) remembers the days in her life when at the zero hour, He provides. When confess
Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be
added to you.”
Maureen asked if there were others on the call that needed prayer in this matter.
Beverly (CA) her husband’s nephew Stephen has a rare form of cancer, and they don’t know the extent of it. He is a believer but is not walking with the Lord.
Danielle (SC) she’s been at death’s door, and every time, God has come through. Give Stephen a HALLELU YAH moment! I Corinthians 15:57 “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Marilyn (NH) her husband Ken has prostate issues and needs prayer.
John (NJ) lifted Ken up and rebuked any demons who had tried to intimidate or embarrass him. We
speak the BLOOD OF JESUS over him and say PEACE, BE STILL!
Ps Ioan asked us to pray corporately for Ken and ask God to provide the healing he needs! AMEN!
Audrey (CA) going home to Jamaica on Monday for her cousin’s funeral. She is asking for opportunities to share the gospel. Pray for her family, which is not unified. Some are coming from London, and she prays that she will be a light in their midst!
Ps Ioan said that Jamaica is the place that slavery started in the USA. He charged Audrey to be
attentive and open to what the Lord will show you about that.
Maureen prayed for Audrey and pled the Blood of Jesus over her. She cautioned Audrey to be aware of the Rastafarian influence in Jamaica. It migrated from there to all the Caribbean islands and to the USA and worldwide. (ie. Bob Marley, partying in the FL Keys, et al).
John (NJ) when she was speaking, I heard: “peacemaker… bridgebuilder.” Let her family and those
who attend the service be moved out of darkness into the light!
Bobby (WI) spoke of opening the gates to make way for the Lord! Open all doors, hearts, minds, to Jesus and let people step through them.
Kim (NY) has family friends (Christians) in Trinidad and some of their relatives live in CT.
Bev (MT) you are going for a reason, but you are being sent. God will use you!
Audrey (CA) said that as she was writing her tribute for her deceased cousin, it was as if it was what he would say to the people gathered there. She prays that it will be received as she intends it!
Sherrill (TX) asked for prayer for the wildfires in TX – so many are being affected and there is a great loss!
We prayed corporately for TX, that the fires started on Saturday will meet the BACKFIRE of the Holy Spirit, which would put them out.
Beverly (CA) we know that the rain can hinder the firefighters’ rescue efforts. She prayed for a move of God that would be like the blankets that people throw over pans that are burning, and it puts them out.
John (NJ) we are in a spiritual battle, but it’s also a physical battle. We ask for restraining orders… against those things that are coming against our nation, against the cult of death, against the communications and supply lines of the enemy! Take away all that has been stolen from us. Dry up their money and stop these attacks wherever they intend them to take place. Remove all those spirits that have usurped authority and banish them from our land.
Stephanie (TX) recently, at the U of Houston, there was to be a statue erected for abortion, and over 10K emails opposed it so it was not erected. Let the prayer warriors across the land cover their cities and states, protecting them. Give our TX Governor, and all the Governors of the other states, the ability to fight the invasion going on in the USA…we cancel it and decree that it will fail. Right now, it is snowing where the fires are…let that snow put it out!
Mary Ellen (IL) with this fire, I got Exodus 17:10-13 “So Joshua did as Moses said to him, and fought with Amalek. And Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. And so it was, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. But Moses’ hands became heavy; so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. And Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. So Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.”
Sherrill (TX) Whatever it takes, Lord…let the revival spread to the rest of the nation.
Anita (NJ) What is going to happen? All these farms and animals are being burned up…chickens, cows, cattle…as the food supply is being attacked.
President Trump’s recent appeal in the New York City ‘fraud’ case heavily cites a judicial opinion from late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The appeal largely hinges on the ruling in the Timbs v Indiana case, where the Supreme Court ruled unanimously 9-0 in favor of Tyson Timbs. In that case, the state of Indiana attempted to confiscate a $42,000 vehicle to cover $10,000 in fines owed by Timbs. The court ruled that Indiana could not confiscate the vehicle due to the Eighth Amendment, which prohibits excessive fines and cruel or unusual punishments. Obviously, the $454 million judgment against President Trump qualifies as an excessive fine. This is made more so by the fact that there were no injured parties — absolutely none.
Civil Libertarian Tom Hunter provided some advice for the Trump legal team: “Dear Trump NY fraud case legal team: Screw the appellate process in NY. Go straight to District Court SDNY, and apply for an emergency stay during an appeal there based on multiple constitutional claims:
(i) violation of due process rights under the 14th Amendment.
(ii) a possible Section 1983 counterclaim seeking damages for state violation of due process and other civil rights.
(iii) a claim of Brady Rule violations (which may have limited discovery or resulted in incomplete discovery in the NY proceedings).
(iv) violation of the 8th Amendment prohibition on excessive fines – a tick under a half Billion Dollars including pre-judgment interest of nearly $100 Million, plus post-judgment interest accruing at nearly $100K per day, with no proof of any compensatory damages.
(v) challenging the constitutionality of Executive Law 63(12) on vagueness grounds (63(12) is impossibly vague, ambiguous and internally inconsistent).
The emergency basis of the application for stay would be based on the fact that the fine must be paid within 30 days and is a condition of appeal in the state court system, which will result in grave and irreparable harm to the applicant. This should get the matter into the federal system – where they will have a better chance of success – quickly.”
Newsmax featured a portion of Ginsberg’s opinion in the Timbs case:
“The prohibition embodied in the Excessive Fines Clause carries forward protections found in sources from Magna Carta to the English Bill of Rights to state constitutions from the colonial era to the present day,” Ginsburg argued in the case. “Protection against excessive fines has been a constant shield throughout Anglo-American history for good reason: Such fines undermine other liberties.”
Real estate investor Grant Cardone had this to say about the verdict: “WOW! Trump Organization ordered to pay $364M in NY civil fraud trial by Judge Engoron. A case with 0 victims, all loans were repaid, the Lenders testified in defense of Trump Hotels. FEWER & fewer places to do business without gov’t intervention. Will it be won on appeal?”
We prayed corporately into this matter and for our President!
Statement from President Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba
Let’s just go to common sense, because the order that you’re reading is not common sense. It’s absolutely absurd… and for me to try to explain to you how Judge Engoron got to his ridiculous number would mean I have to go speak about politics and the problem with the dual justice system and election interference right now. But the numbers are what they are.
What bank, whatever, just write a check. So that’s how they feel they had a right to come in under a consumer fraud statute that’s never been used in this way and butt their nose into two private, sophisticated individuals in a contract that has never been breached. No loan defaults, no loss of money, no victims, no damages, that banks had nothing to do with the lawsuit and actually testified that they loved working with the Trump Organization.
Ms. [Letitia] James is supposed to value properties now? She’s got a bunch of associates under her, giving you what they think the value of Trump Tower is, and that’s the basis of a lawsuit?
Meanwhile, Deutsche Bank and Trump have no problems, no lawsuits. No one’s saying they lost money. No one’s saying they were hurt. Everyone’s saying we did our due diligence. Trump’s saying we did our due diligence. Everybody looks at the values. They put a number on it, they get a deal. They make a contract, and then they’re good on the terms of that contract. Where is the harm? Because Ms. James and Judge Engoron say Mar-a-Lago is worth $18 million?
If you look at Judge Engoron he made a terrible decision that was reversed, hurting landlords and tenants in the state of New York, and he’s known for that. He has said on the record, that even if a jury says something and gets it wrong, he won’t agree with it, and he can use his own powers as a judge to completely disregard what a jury says. This is who we are dealing with.
So if you want me to make sense of a nonsensical order, I just would assure you that number one, I’m not going to do it today. I’m going to do it thoughtfully, methodically, and it’s going to be on the appeal, and you know, you can read it and weep, but that’s where we are at right now. (
We offered individual prayers for this matter:
Dorothy (OR) Thank God that President Trump is willing to STAND IN THE WAY!
John (NJ) this case has brought the criticism of this radical judge and AG into the light. Billionaires and poor alike are seeing the false weights and measures being used in this court!
Susan (GA) no one can be a judge in his own cause or case; judges are not to rule for his own benefit.
Where is the harm in this case? Bring the remedy!
Bev (MT) Isaiah 29:15 Woe to those who seek deep to hide their counsel far from the Lord, and their works are in the dark; They say, “Who sees us?” and, “Who knows us?” Let them repent and come under the law.
The following letter may be copied and sent to the SCOTUS on behalf of President Trump. It will only take a few minutes to do, and may make a huge difference! ACT NOW!!!

The Supreme Court of the United States
1 First St NE
Washington, DC 20543
To the Justices of the US Supreme Court: Mr. Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Thomas, Justice Alito, Justice Sotomayor, Justice Kagan, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Kavanaugh, Justice Barrett, and Justice Jackson:
As a proud, freedom-loving American citizen, I, as one of WE THE PEOPLE, am appalled that the sitting President and his bureaucratic allies have thus far been allowed to engage in outright legal warfare and blatant Election Interference against the 2024 presidential frontrunner and Joe Biden’s chief political rival – Donald J. Trump.
The goal of their “D.C. case” against the President is to JAIL him for life as an innocent man purely out of disdain for his political beliefs… beliefs that, I might add, have prioritized the interests of our own country for the first time in decades.
This is not only un-American, it defies our Constitution to its very core – and in the year 2024, is only fathomable in Third World Dictatorships that should bear no resemblance to the America we know and love.
Justices, with the fate of our free Republic hanging in the balance, I ask that you rule President Trump IMMUNE from the Democrats’ D.C. Witch Hunt.
And in turn, you will return the power of WE THE PEOPLE to elect the 47th President of the United States.
(Your signature)
We lifted up the SCOTUS for every case they will deal with regarding President Trump, asking for FAVOR beyond measure for him.
“The Supreme Court on Wednesday agreed to decide whether former President Donald Trump can be tried on criminal charges that he conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 election. In a one-page unsigned order, the justices ordered a federal appeals court to continue to keep on hold its ruling rejecting Trump’s claims of immunity from prosecution, and they fast-tracked the case for oral argument in late April.
Trump was indicted in Aug. 2023 on four counts arising from Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, attacks on the U.S. Capitol.
US District Judge Tanya Chutkan originally set a trial date of Mar. 4, 2024, for Trump’s case, but in early February, she threw that date out and indicated that she would set a new one “if and when” Trump’s immunity claims are resolved. Chutkan had denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the charges against him on the ground that he is immune from prosecution. Smith came to the Supreme Court in December, asking the justices to review that decision without waiting for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to weigh in on Trump’s appeal, but they declined to do so.
On Feb. 6, the D.C. Circuit unanimously upheld Chutkan’s decision and rejected Trump’s claims that he cannot be prosecuted for his official acts as president and that a former president cannot be prosecuted unless he has first been impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate.
The court of appeals set the stage for Trump’s case to move quickly, telling him that the ruling would go into effect (and the criminal case could move forward) on Feb. 12 unless he asked the Supreme Court to intervene by then. Trump came to the Supreme Court on Feb. 12, seeking to have the D.C. Circuit’s ruling put on hold to give him time to file a petition for review of that decision and, if possible, reconsideration by the full D.C. Circuit. He stressed the importance of “thoughtful consideration,” particularly when – he warned – allowing the D.C. Circuit’s decision to stand could lead to “destructive cycles of recrimination,” in which future presidents face criminal prosecutions for their actions, thereby clouding their ability to do their job effectively.
The Supreme Court instructed Smith to file his response on Feb. 20, signaling that the justices did not necessarily regard the case as a true emergency. However, on Feb. 14, six days ahead of schedule, Smith urged the justices to allow Trump’s trial to proceed without further delay. The crimes with which Trump has been charged “strike at the heart of our democracy,” Smith wrote, and there is a “national interest in seeing” them resolved promptly.
Smith offered a second option for the justices: Treat Trump’s request to put the D.C. Circuit’s ruling on hold as a petition for review, grant that petition, and fast-track the case for oral argument in March, to resolve the dispute quickly.
Nearly two weeks after Trump filed his reply brief, the justices chose (for the most part) Smith’s second option. In an unsigned order, the justices agreed to decide whether and to what extent a former president is immune from prosecution for conduct that allegedly involves his official acts during his time in office.
Stressing that it should not be regarded as any sign of the justices’ views on the merits of Trump’s claims, the justices instructed the D.C. Circuit to keep its ruling on hold until the Supreme Court issues its decision. The court indicated that the case will be argued during the week of April 22 – the second week of the court’s April argument session, and the last week in which the court is scheduled to hear arguments in its 2023-24 term. Trump will have just under three weeks to file his opening brief; Smith will then have just under three weeks to file his response.
The justices already have one case involving the former president on their docket for the 2023-24 term. On Feb. 8, they heard oral argument in his challenge to a ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court holding that he can be excluded from the state’s ballot because of his role in the Jan. 6 attacks. The court has not yet issued its ruling in that case.”
We were approaching the 9 PM hour, and paused to pray as we do nightly, for the J6ers.
We prayed corporately according to Hebrews 13:3
“Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them;
and them in adversity as being yourselves also in the body.”
We lifted up all who were accused, tried, and imprisoned unjustly…
and for those with pending cases, such as President Trump.
We were then led by Sally (WY) in singing the National Anthem
united with the J6ers, as we joined them from states across our nation!
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
Let them be comforted and at peace in their cells tonight, knowing that God is near!
We lifted up the SCOTUS regarding every case involving President Trump, asking for favor for him.
Statement from Mark Levin
“Nikki Haley demands that the entire justice system accommodate her political demands? I guess, including, the Trump lawyers, who should drop any motions and constitutional challenges? Haley is truly an embarrassment. And it turns out she’s not only among the nastiest RINOS, but moronic.”
The basis for his statement: Nikki Haley calls for all Trump legal cases to be ‘dealt with’ before November
“I think all of the cases should be dealt with before November,” she said Thursday in an interview with NBC News’ Meet the Press. “We need to know what’s going to happen before it, before the presidency happens, because after that, should he become president, I don’t think any of it’s going to get heard,” she continued.
May God have mercy on her soul…(which seems to be the realm from which she is operating!)
Carol (NY) prayed for the SCOTUS, that the Constitution would stand. She bound those spirits that have come against our nation and repented for removing God’s Word from the public arena. Have your way and be glorified, Lord.
Ps Ioan said that we have been alerted to the danger that the SCOTUS is in, and we have been praying for them. Have mercy, Lord. Give them and their families Divine protection.
BREAKING: Attorney General Merrick Garland has been SUBPOENAED by the House Oversight Committee. The House Judiciary GOP announced: “Jim Jordan and James Comer subpoena Attorney General Merrick Garland for records, including transcripts, notes, video, and audio files, related to Special Counsel Robert Hur’s investigation of President Joe Biden’s willful mishandling of classified information.” Hur essentially found Biden to have “committed no wrongdoing” due to his feeble memory and his age—which just raises more questions about Joe Biden’s fitness to lead this country. Garland’s DOJ has been particularly moot on Biden’s numerous scandals, and it is clear that the DOJ is providing cover for America’s “Resident-in-Chief.”
After years of denials, Hunter Biden FINALLY acknowledged Joe was ‘the big guy’ in $5M China deal.
At long last, first son Hunter Biden affirmed during his Wednesday impeachment inquiry deposition that his father, Joe, was “the big guy” referenced in an email about a business deal with a Chinese state-linked energy firm that yielded millions for Biden family members and other associates, more than three years after The Post broke the story — but rejected the notion that the president was ever penciled in for a 10% stake.
The deposition represents the first time the 54-year-old Hunter has admitted that his former business partner James Gilliar was referring to Joe Biden when he raised the prospect on May 13, 2017, of the first son holding a 10% stake in the lucrative joint venture involving CEFC China Energy “for the big guy.”
The email, found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, was first reported by The Post in October 2020 as part of a bombshell series of reports on the first son’s influence-peddling schemes. Hunter Biden and his allies had long insisted that information found on the laptop either was not his or had been manipulated by bad actors — with dozens of former intelligence officials insisting the trove bore the hallmarks of Russian election interference.
Testimony of James Biden, younger brother of Joe Biden:
My Brother Gave Me $40K, $200K Loans For Chinese Company
James Biden, brother of Joe Biden, confirmed that his older brother gave him a couple of loans that purportedly went to the CCP-linked energy firm CEFC China Energy. During his impeachment inquiry testimony released by the House Oversight Committee on Friday, the younger Biden admitted that his brother gave him a $200,000 and $40,000 loan in 2017 and in 2018. James claimed that he needed the money to pay “outstanding bills.” However, he also claims that he used the money to invest in the Chinese energy business. The reason remains unknown.
Subpoenaed bank records revealed that James Biden had a balance of $46.88 in his bank account prior to receiving the first check from his brother. James asserted that he paid back the interest loans without filling out additional documentation, emphasizing that they came from a family member. “I repaid two loans that I secured from my brother,” James Biden said.
He received the $40,000 wire on July 28th, 2017, and paid back Joe less than two months later on September 3rd. He received the second wire of $200,000 on January 12th, 2018, which was repaid to his big brother on March 1st. When asked where he got the $200,000 to pay back his brother in such a short time span, James said that he received it through his work with Americore, but he refused to state the specific source of the funds.
While the Biden family’s relationship with CEFC ended in 2018, James, Hunter Biden, and Hunter’s associates made millions of dollars through the lucrative deal. Joe Biden has adamantly denied that he had any involvement in the business deals, however, a May 2017 email sent by James Gilliar, the Biden family’s associate, stated that Joe Bidem was penciled in as “the big guy.” The email also revealed that Joe Biden wanted a 10% cut in a proposed joint venture with CEFC. Within 10 days after the email was sent, Hunter and James Biden received $5.1 million in their accounts. This testimony is a part of House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.
We pressed in, praying corporately that Joe Biden be impeached. Then we offered individual prayers.
Kay (IL) there are people suffering everywhere because of the evil that is emanating from our White House through Biden and Co. Take down the evil ones, and give them their just due!
Dorothy (OR) praised God that Jim Jordan, James Comer, and others are doing a thorough investigation, and are finally exposing what we’ve known for a long time to be true, so all in America will be able to see and recognize the truth about the Biden crime family!
Brad (DC) the FBI knew all about this before Biden ever ran for President. Expose that and all the deception involved in DC and throughout the country!
The following letter was sent by House Dems to Mike Johnson, Speaker US House, and the Rev. Dr. Margaret Grun Kibben, US House Chaplain. Our Sunday focus addresses this matter, but we will read and pray into it tonight…asking for protection for Speaker Johnson and Ps Jack Hibbs.
Dear Speaker Johnson and Chaplain Kibben:
The undersigned members write to express our concerns about Speaker Johnson’s sponsorship of Pastor Jack Hibbs as the Guest Chaplain of the House of Representatives. Pastor Hibbs is a radical Christian Nationalist who helped fuel the January 6th insurrection and has a long record of spewing hateful vitriol toward non-Christians, immigrants, and members of the LGBTQ community. He should never have been granted the right to deliver the House’s opening prayer on January 30, 2024. In the days leading up to the attack on the Capitol, Hibbs echoed Donald Trump’s election fraud lies and inflamed his followers by preaching that January 6th would go down in history alongside the War of Independence and the War of 1812. By preaching that God had anointed the Trump administration and could still intercede to save Trump’s presidency on January 6th, Hibbs advanced a religious permission structure that led to violence by those who believed any means were justified to carry out what they viewed as God’s plan. On January 6th, Hibbs attended the MAGA rally at the Ellipse that preceded the attack. Immediately after the sacking of the Capitol, he went on Tony Perkins’ “Washington Watch” program to tacitly justify what had just happened by repeating the lie that the election was “manipulated” and claiming: “This is what you get when you eject God from the courts and from the schools” and teach children they are “evolutionary byproducts.” As if spreading election lies and providing religious support and cover for the January 6th insurrection was not enough to disqualify Hibbs from being a Guest Chaplain, Hibbs also has a hateful and divisive public record on civil and human rights. When his opening prayer invoked “holy fear” and “repentance” for “national sins,” these were allusions to the militant and fanatical agenda he preaches about the LGBTQ+ community, Jews, Muslims, and anyone who conflicts with his “biblical worldview.” Among other things, he has called transgender people a “sexually perverted cult” who are in “violation of the word and will of God” and part of an “anti-God, anti-Christ plan of none other than Satan himself.” He launched a nationwide campaign to require schools to out transgender students in order to defeat “demonic and dark satanic powers.” He claims that same-sex marriage has “crucified God’s word” and that homosexuality and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people is evidence that humanity is living in the “last days.” He champions discredited “conversion therapy” and has rallied opposition to a California law to reduce anti-LGBTQ+ bullying in schools. Hibbs’ intolerance of non-Christians is also breathtaking. He preaches that Christians are at “war” against the “death cult” of Islam, which he calls a “vehicle” for Satan in the Last Days. He criticizes Christians who seek interfaith dialogue with Muslims based on the common Abrahamic origins of the two religions as falling for “a demonic doctrine being propagated by heretics.” At a time of rising antisemitism, Hibbs also disparages Jews as being in a “stupor” and a “God-given blindness,” unlike the “true Jews” who worship Jesus because “they didn’t get bogged down in Judaism, which…cannot save you.” He also recently argued that the Israel-Hamas war is another sign of the End Times and that Jewish people must save themselves by turning to Jesus; if they do, he urges Christians to “look past the sins of Israel and the sins of the Jew and give them the hope of Jesus.” Hibbs also embraces the false and exclusionary Christian nationalist narrative that the United States was established as a “Christian nation,” and he has repeatedly flouted separation of church and state by working to institutionalize Christian prayer and bible readings at local school board meetings, among other things. In addition to all of these reasons why Hibbs should never have led Congress in prayer, the decision to allow him to be a Guest Chaplain makes a mockery of the basic Guest Chaplain Instructions for Member Offices. Hibbs is not from the district of Speaker Johnson (i.e. the sponsoring member), Speaker Johnson did not deliver a welcoming speech, the prayer was not delivered on the last legislative day of the week, and Hibbs was Speaker Johnson’s second sponsored Guest Chaplain in the span of just a couple months, even though Members are limited to one request per Congress. Moreover, in light of Hibbs’ radical and divisive record, no reasonable person could view his invocation’s sectarian references to “holy fear,” “repentance” and “national sins” as meeting the Chaplain’s stated expectations for a prayer that is “mindful of diversity,” “transcend petty differences,” and “expresses a common aspiration to a just and peaceful society.” These facts suggest a breathtaking lack of consideration for the religious diversity of our Congress and pluralistic nation. It appears that Speaker Johnson – with the tacit approval of the House Chaplain – decided to flout the Chaplaincy guidelines and use the platform of the Guest Chaplain to lend the imprimatur of Congress to an ill-qualified hate preacher who shares the Speaker’s Christian nationalist agenda and his overriding antipathy toward church-state separation. The decision by the Speaker and House Chaplain to welcome Pastor Hibbs is especially galling in light of the Chaplaincy’s refusal to allow some signers of this letter to sponsor Guest Chaplains who meet all the stated expectations of the program. We should all be able to agree that the Guest Chaplain program should not be used as a political tool, nor should it be implemented in a way that favors one religion over others or applies inappropriate religious tests. For all these reasons, we request a complete explanation of the process by which Pastor Hibbs was recommended, vetted, and approved, including the reason(s) why the Chaplain waived basic requirements of the Guest Chaplain program for Hibbs, of all people. Please also describe the steps you will take in the future to prevent someone with a hateful and divisive record from delivering the opening prayer and to ensure that people of all faiths and values are equitably represented as Guest Chaplains. Finally, please explain why the Chaplaincy has continued to prevent Members from sponsoring certain fully qualified Guest Chaplains such as Representative Mark Pocan’s constituent, Nontheistic Chaplain Dan Barker. We hope to work with you in the spirit of upholding constitutional protections for religious freedom and pluralism and to ensure that the House reflects and respects our country’s essential constitutional values and increasingly diverse faith perspectives. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.”
We offered a corporate prayer for protection in this matter for Speaker Johnson and Ps Hibbs.
The following links are suggested listening for all our 24/7 family! Be aware!
Mike Benz was a guest on The War Room and shared about how the CIA and Deep State are actively working to keep Trump out of the White House in 2024.
Mike Benz is the Executive Director at the Foundation for Freedom Online, a free speech watchdog dedicated to restoring the promise of a free and open Internet. Benz recently sat for an interview with Tucker Carlson that went viral, when he did a deep dive into the history of the Deep State and how it affected the 2020 election. On Friday, Mike joined Steve Bannon and the War Room and explained how the CIA and the Deep State are actively working to keep President Trump out of the White House in 2024. In fact, according to Benz, the CIA and Deep State are ready to use the same tactics on Americans that they use to overthrow unapproved regimes on foreign soil.
Steve Bannon: Right up front you’re saying, and you say you have evidence that the CIA and the deep state apparatus is already actively at work to make sure that President Trump does not return to the White House and that we do not win in 2024. Am I overstating your case that you’re making, at least on Twitter and other social media platforms?
Mike Benz: No, not overstating that at all… Yeah, I mean, just yesterday on Twitter X, I watched a documentary with people about how the CIA and the State Department did this during the 20th century when they would try to basically rig an election in a foreign country. And then, if the person won anyway, there were all these destabilization techniques in order to include basically having anarcho-terrorist gangs, militia groups, take to the streets, working with the union groups to shut down the industrial sector, mass protests, and walkouts, economic destabilization…All of this is the blueprint that our foreign policy establishment, the Pentagon, State Department, and CIA have been doing for now 70 years. We saw basically an up close and personal glimpse of that in the year 2020 when you had groups like the Transition Integrity Project run by Rosa Brooks. Rosa Brooks was a high-ranking Pentagon official with a CIA blue badge who ran a simulation with John Podesta personally role-playing the role of Joe Biden for how to overturn the results of an election in 2020 if Trump won. So what you’re going to see is a White House completely surrounded on all sides in the event that Trump wins by every instrument of society weaponized against.
Steve Bannon: What signs are you seeing right now that we have another issue in this?
Mike Benz: So there’s a few. They’re using this ‘dictator’ framing, that Trump is going to be a dictator, to pull out this, kind of, CIA department of dirty tricks style to take down a dictator from dictatorship to democracy type playbook that we do to topple foreign governments all around the world. And so some of the early warning signs involve things like the fact that just one month ago it was either the New York Times or the Washington Post who published a story about how the Georgetown Law Center is working on lawsuits and trying to basically tee up bills that can be codified before Trump takes office around stopping the ability to invoke the National Guard to break up protests. Which the Georgetown Law Center is exactly where Rosa Brooks is right now, by the way, who was the head of the transition integrity project that, again, had John Podesta role-playing the role of Joe Biden in soliciting Black Lives Matter street muscle to shut down the country if Trump were to win the electoral college victory. So it’s that exact same network that was coming up with a plan about how to stop the ability for the federal government to basically, if it was put under crisis by mass destabilizing protests, to be able to call in backup to defend themselves.
That is, there would be no way. If they can get millions of people on the streets by getting the unions they work with to just basically all do a walkout, there’d be no way to stop that. And then, in addition, you have this civil society capacity building by the Biden administration. The Biden administration has created all of these basically proxy militias. There are things like, for example, this new climate corps, which is basically these youth student movements. And there are many adjacencies to these climate protest groups and Antifa and the street muscle protests of the Summer of love in 2020. And those groups are now getting federal government dollars and are essentially a force on standby that could be used with government dollars as a sort of mercenary army to participate in these destabilization efforts if Trump were to win the election.
Read and pray…and may God have mercy on us!
Maureen exhorted us to see what hours need facilitators and to step up and serve. Also, we need co-facilitators to walk 2×2 with the hourly facilitators. If you have an hour you enjoy being on, volunteer to serve!
We shared in communion, and then closed the SHABBAT CALL singing “SHABBAT SHALOM!”
With our love and blessings.
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We have an IMMEDIATE NEED for FT Facilitators
Tuesday and Wednesday at 3 AM ET
and Tuesday at 3 PM ET.
These slots must be filled to preserve the integrity of the 24/7 call!
(If you are willing to serve, please contact Maureen at 407-810-4665)
Participants are also invited to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour a week.
We use a “two by two” Biblical model to ensure each hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
See the list of available hours on our website:
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch hearts, Lord, and cause our family to be open and willing to step up to serve!
Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work!
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