Mar 1, 2022 – Notes A Call to the Wall

03-01-22 Notes for “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President Donald J. Trump”
8-10 PM ET Tuesdays 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
This call started with Pastor Ioan praying for our beloved TRUE President, Donald Trump. Then Maureen led us in receiving the full armor of God, asking that we would be surrounded by God’s peace as we participate in the call!
“Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,
being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately to receive and dress up the armor and the grace and blessings that go with it!
In tomorrow’s focus we will see that in President Trump’s recent CPAC remarks, he said:
“I have had great people come up to me and say: Sir, how did you take it? How did you take what they did to you? In many ways, I cannot answer that question, but there has never been anything like this ever done to an American president before. But I can’t do any of those things because I love this country. We love this country and we are going to bring this country back and it will be bigger and better and stronger than ever before. Remember, they are coming after me because I am standing up for you. That is it. I am standing up for you.”
Pastor Ioan made this statement as we began: Whoever is there on Capitol Hill, and will not stand up for President Trump and righteousness, is not a patriot! Tonight, we are going to pray for President Donald Trump.
- We receive his remarks at CPAC as our STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS for 2022.
- We call for the immediate removal of the imposter who now occupies the White House along with all those who are part of the conspiracy to steal the election of 2022 and destroy this nation!
One of the most powerful parts of his message was when he said:
“In summation and in closing as your President …”
This was his declaration and we affirm it!
- Debbie (TX) Father, I thank You that You order our footsteps…and direct our President! Send forth individuals that will speak the TRUTH and declare that He is the rightful President, and Biden is not! Let that message reverberate across the nation and around the world! I sense that “the tide is turning!”
- Mary Ellen (IL) In Genesis…God spoke the words ”AND GOD SAID…” over and over again! Engrave the words “as your President“ on our hearts! Let him make that statement …repeating it over and over!
- Desiree (NY) Let the people say…THIS IS GOD!
- Susan (GA) Come into the Chambers of Congress and DO A MIGHTY WORK!
- Beverly (CA) sensed that 2022 would be the year of the great turnaround! We continue to pray that the election would be turned around and “the truth will come out” and our President will be put back in office.
- Carol (IL) last Friday on the SHABBAT Call, I had a vision of President Trump and Melania walking into the White House and taking back what was stolen from them!
Maureen asked that we pray corporately, agreeing on what Carol saw…and asked that it be soon!
- Nancy (MN) praised God for the report that came out in WI, that Judge Michael Gableman, who has been studying the reports of the corruption in the 2020 election in WI, found that there was interference in the investigation of the election and that officials deliberately suppressed information!
President Donald J. Trump:
“Everyone who loves America should be closely following today’s vital hearing in the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Election with highly respected former Wisconsin State Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman.”
- Sherrill (TX) I’m hearing: JOY JOY JOY! and as President Trump hears what is said in the faux SOTU message tonight,
- Janice (AZ) I’m hearing the same thing, and tonight, President Trump will rejoice, for people will see who Joe Biden really is
- Maureen (MO) Justice will be served Proverbs 16:11 all the weights in the bag are of His making!
- Beverly (CA) when we prayed about the Trump’s coming back into the WH, I saw a picture of the Israelites in Egypt, and how time after time, Pharoah rejected the pleas to “Let My people go!” BUT they finally left with the booty of Egypt… and the people sending them out! Let the people WELCOME President Trump back into the WH.
- Mary Ellen (IL) as she heard about Judge Gableman, she asked that this give hope and that it will get out of Committee and onto the floor, and that be the turnaround!
- Nancy (WA) Joel 2:25-28 “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, The crawling locust, The consuming locust, And the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, And praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; And My people shall never be put to shame. Then you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel:I am the Lord your God And there is no other. My people shall never be put to shame. And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions.”
- Joan (AZ) watching CPAC and hearing President Trump speak, I sensed that he’ll be back soon! I know that he was encouraged by the support there!
- Nancy (MN) when Pharaoh let the people go, after they left, he changed his mind and went after them. BUT GOD…brought them through!
- Ydia (FL) so many young people at CPAC…the Republican party is not the party of the white, old men anymore! Thank God for NEW BLOOD!
- Bobby (WI) when we began the call, I saw the President and Barron, and ask that there be NO RIFTS between father and son.
- Kay (IL) Thanked the Lord for “the gift of fathering” that He has given to this man! That transfers over to him being the “Father” of our nation!
- Bobby (WI) Nehemiah 5:19 Remember me, my God, for good, according to all that I have done for this people.
- Kay (IL) thought about the value of this “time off” in letting him see the value …the real importance of the Presidency!
- Gloria (NJ) remembers President Trump always gave his children ACCESS…
Pastor Ioan intervened, remarking that the prayers are really being led by the Holy Spirit tonight! God gave him time to WAIT, and now He will give him time to ACT! Donald Trump must be ready…have the desire. Then he must move. May this return to the WH not be in an “ordinary” way, but through supernatural intervention! We pray:
- For God to work in his heart and mind, so he will understand God’s offer to let him turn back to the WH. Let him have time to weigh it all…and then know!
- When he says he is ready and says “YES!” to God, then God will do it! Let President Trump have his own HINENI moment!
- We were reminded that on September 2, 2017, after Pastor Ioan prayed for Mary Hopkin’s hearing to be restored, he asked her to tell him whenever it took place! She called him in the middle of the night, and said she had received the healing of hearing again! That was at 630 AM in DC, and we believe that the President received the blessing of hearing as God spoke directly to him! We ask You to speak to him now!
We prayed corporately into that!
- Kay said that while we were praying, she felt that during these days, anybody he cannot trust will be exposed and he will know who he should have in his inner circle and who needs to be out!
President Trump has such an anointing to hear the Voice of God. As President, and Commander in Chief, he had the gift of knowing what was really happening…(ie calling COVID the “China virus!”)
Pastor Ioan then thanked the 24/7 family for all the feedback we have received from what has been in the focuses on the situation in Ukraine!
- Many questioned reports of bio-laboratories in Ukraine and said they read that Putin went in to clean those out, and that some of the “prophetic voices” who post on the internet saying that God spoke to Putin and that he was doing God’s will. This is pure war propaganda! God speaks to people, but people must hear and obey…which Putin did NOT!
- There are true prophetic words, from years ago, that said that Russia must repent for its sins and turn to God. (see last SHABBAT notes)
- During WWII there Russia aligned with the allies against Hitler and the Nazi’s…but was Stalin a good man? NO! He was a murderer and a tyrant, and killed 60 million of his own people!
- Our focus in this matter is to pray to STOP the war! We pray for the Spirit of the Lord to visit and speak to Putin…so that he will do that!
This intended destruction of Ukraine by Putin cannot stand! The Russian soldiers are literally starving, with their supply chains depleted! Their vehicles are stalled…no gas! They thought they would be received as LIBERATORS in Ukraine, but they were sent there to take the nation captive!
We are praying that the Russian soldiers will turn around and go home…and if Putin does not relent and repent, his own people will turn against him and remove him…and the “elite” oligarchs who control their nation and use the people of Russia for their own purposes and personal gain!
The 24/7 family NOT to entertain the rumors and false propaganda that is filling the airwaves at this hour! Do not listen or participate in the conversations that are designed to break the unity of the Body as we stand for righteousness in our nation and around the world!
The anointing is upon President Trump, a “Cyrus” that is saved, and he WILL lead this nation and then lead the nations to the resolution of these matters!
Our assignment is so precious – to pray for and protect President Trump and to pray for that which pertains to the nation! We pray for revelation and discernment to understand what God is revealing to us, and the grace to OBEY Him!
We shared in communion together, and blessed one another as we departed this call! SHALOM and love!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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