June 25, 2023 – Prayer Focus

Wednesday, January 25, 2023 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart;
You will cause Your ear to hear, to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed,
that the man of the earth may oppress no more.”
Psalm 10:17-18
We sing: Lord, have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch.
Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage
and for all the members of their family. We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.
For the restoration of Donald Trump to his rightful office.
In every situation and decision, let our President be led by the Holy Spirit,
so that he learns the truth and acts accordingly, for the good of the nation.
For protection, provision, and peace
for all working to expose the fraud and corruption of our elections!
As the SAVE AMERICA movement gains momentum, let those leaders that God anoints and appoints
take their places in the governments of each state and in our nation’s Capitol!
For us to receive and put on the full armor of God as we begin this hour,
that we might be protected as we stand in the gap and pray for our nation!
Strategic Focus for Wednesday
The Returning of President Trump to the White House! – Part 136
“The wicked in his pride persecutes the poor; let them be caught in the plots which they have devised.
For the wicked boasts of his heart’s desire; he blesses the greedy and renounces the Lord.
The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God; God is in none of his thoughts.”
Psalm 10:2-4
Cahn’s book THE RETURN OF THE GODS has been a critical piece in instructing us as to the spiritual warfare in which we find ourselves engaged on behalf of our beloved nation! As we conclude Chapter 45, we will see how the demonic worked to de-Christianize the nations, deceiving the people with false gods.
The Summer Liturgies The festival of the summer month of which Jerome and others wrote involved rituals of lamentation and mourning over Tammuz’s descent. We know that women were involved in those rituals. But it was not women alone. The assinnu, the kalu, and the gala, Ishtar’s cross-gendered priesthood, the men who dressed as women, were given a central part in the rituals. They would lead the lamentations by chanting and wailing in the female dialect. So now, in the revived processions of June, men would again take on the attributes of women. After nearly two thousand years, the month that Jerome called Junium had revived its pagan function as the vessel for “the annual festival.” June would again serve the instrument of the goddess’s power, the time when her spirit would especially possess the culture in which she dwelled. Pray.
Festival of Inversion The month of Tammuz, or Junium, centered on the mythology of Ishtar and her lover. But it was not about their union. It was about their separation. It was about the obstruction of passion and desire. So the modern observances of June as the commemoration of the Stonewall riots were born of the same thing, frustration and anger over the obstruction of desire. The parades themselves were aimed at tearing down all walls of resistance and to remove the hindrances separating desire from its fulfillment. Pray.
Beyond this was a strange coming together of the goddess’s observances. The timing of Pride Month hearkened back to the days when Tammuz and Ishtar were separated, and thus to the theme of separation—the separation of man from woman and woman from man. It was thus the perfect time for a celebration of homosexuality, lesbianism, and other alternate sexualities. But the revelry of Pride Month hearkened back to the goddess’s celebratory festivals. In Pride Month the two came together. The modern observance was not a lamentation over the separation of male and female—but a celebration. It was now a festival that celebrated the separation—a month-long holiday that rejoiced in men separated from women and women separated from men. In this, the rites of the goddess converged into a festival of inversion. Pray.
The Licentious Rites of Midsummer And yet the ancient rites and festivals observed in the month of Tammuz’s separation were also noted for their sexual licentiousness. One commentator writes this of the festival as practiced in ancient Phoenicia or Lebanon: “The women of Gebal used to repair to this temple [of Aphrodite/Ishtar] in midsummer to celebrate the death of Adonis or Tammuz, and there arose in connection with this celebration those licentious rites.” The writer places the licentious rights at midsummer, the summer solstice, in June. The second-century Syrian writer Lucian gives his own account of the rites and observances of June: “I saw too at Byblos a large temple, sacred to the Byblian Aphrodite [Ishtar]: this is the scene of the secret rites of Adonis [Tammuz]…” He goes on to describe how the women would shave their heads in homage to the slain god Adonis/Tammuz and that those who refused to do so had to offer their bodies to strangers as prostitutes and give the proceeds to the goddess as a sacrifice. The early church historian Eusebius writes of the same temple of Venus/ Aphrodite/Ishtar in Phoenicia on which the rites and processions of June were centered: “…the votaries of impurity…destroyed their bodies with effeminacy. Here men undeserving of the name forgot the dignity of their sex…here too unlawful commerce of women and adulterous intercourse, with other horrible and infamous practices…” Pray.
The Temple of Venus The ending of the midsummer festival and processions of the goddess is implicit in the
writings of the early church historians Eusebius and Socrates Scholasticus. Both record the clearing away of the shrine of Venus, Aphrodite, Ishtar, in Lebanon by the Emperor Constantine: “He likewise demolished the temple of Venus at Aphaca on Mount Libanus, and abolished the infamous deeds which were there celebrated.” The temple, or shrine, of Venus at Aphaca on Mount Libanus served as the source of the festivals of which Saint Jerome wrote and identified with June. So the festivals of June, or Tammuz, came to an end. Pray.
Thus one of the most overlooked signs of the conversion of Western civilization to Christianity was the ending of month-long celebrations of midsummer with its June parades and gender-crossing spectacles. And thus the return of the monthlong celebration of midsummer, the revival of the June parades, and the reappearance of the gender-crossing spectacles was not an accident. It was a sign of the de-Christianization of Western civilization and its subsequent re-paganization.
The temple of Venus was, ultimately, the temple of Ishtar. The ending of the June processions was linked to its destruction. And its destruction was linked to the exile of the goddess and the gods. So if the hallowing of June, the annual festival, the parades and processions of the cross-gendered, should return, it would be a sure sign not only of de-Christianization and re-paganization but of that which accompanies both—the return of the goddess, and the return of the gods. Pray.
The Return of Junium For Christians of the first centuries, such as Eusebius, the rites of June and their associated practices could only be seen as celebrations of immorality. For Christians of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, the revived rites of June and their related practices would be seen in the same way. They were not alone. Many others in ancient and modern times would view it similarly. For those not swept up in its fervor, June’s transformation was a mystery. The month-long celebration seemed almost religious in nature. And it was. It was the return of an ancient religious observance. The “sacred” procession of June was not a strange phenomenon to pagan culture. The sight of parades in which men dressed as women and women as men and the distinctions of gender were blurred was, to pagan eyes, a familiar one. Their return was the natural outcome of the re-paganization of Western civilization. What had begun with the turning away from God had now given birth to the rites and processions of the pagan summer festival. The parades had vanished with the gods. Their disappearance was a sign that the gods had departed. The return of the parades was thus the sign of the opposite—the gods had returned. And the rising magnitude of the summer celebration was a sign of the rising power of the gods and the intensifying hold they were exerting on America and the world. The departure from God had allowed the pagan mystery month to rise from the dead. June was reverting to its pre-Christian state. Junium was returning. Pray.
Month of Apostasy In the Bible the month of Tammuz is known for something else. It was in Tammuz that the nation of Israel first turned away from God and to the realm of gods and idols—to the golden calf. It was June that most often began that Hebrew month. And so now again, June would mark the turning away of another nation and another civilization from God and to the gods. It was the month of apostasy—that of a nation and that of a civilization. What happened to June is another reminder that whenever a nation or civilization or, for that matter, a life turns away from God, it will never remain neutral. It will never stay empty. It will become indwelled by something else, something other than God. It will become inhabited by the gods.
Those who had taken part in the removal of prayer and the Word from American public life could not have imagined what it would lead to. But the empty house could not stay empty. A civilization had turned away from its worship of God. Now the sacraments of a different worship had come in. The door was left open; the house was found empty; the spirits came in; the gods returned and with them, their holy days. Pray.
Is it possible that behind a sign that now appears in everything from corporate logos, video games, and children’s cartoons to T-shirts, coffee mugs, cereal boxes, and the flagpoles of American embassies—a sign lifted up by people of every background, by leaders and nations—lies an ancient deity? And is it possible that this sign that now covers the world actually serves as an instrument of that deity to accomplish purposes unknown to those who bear it?
We pray:
- Father, we have sinned grievously and repent before You, asking for mercy for our nation and our people. Fill this land with Your abiding Presence and receive the worship that is due to YOU ALONE! Pray.
- As we prepare to corporately encounter You at the European Prayer Summit this week in Bucharest, we ask You to step in, to remove the demonic force behind the EU and end the war ravishing Your beloved Beulah! Pray.
- For President Trump: Guard, guide and govern his every word and action; protect him from all enemies, without and within; help him discern rightly about counsel given by those who advise him. Pray.
- In thanksgiving for all the conservative candidates who will “stand in the gap” with us and our President, engaging in this BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA, and rejecting the “usurper” and those pulling his strings in this faux administration, removing them from office! Pray.
- Protect and strengthen our 24/7 family and bring in new intercessors who are called to this assignment with us, to pray for our President and our beloved nation! Pray.
REVIVAL – from Heart to heart!
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