
June 23, 2023 – Notes Shabbat Call

June 23, 2023 – Notes Shabbat Call

06-23-23 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration” 

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call

7-10 PM ET 712-770-4340 code: 543555 # 

Pastor Ioan welcomed everyone to the call.

Danielle (SC) led us in receiving the armor of God, according to Ephesians 6:10-18. 

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, 

and having done all, to stand.

 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace

above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”

We prayed corporately, receiving God’s full armor, asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!

May we radiate the character and attributes of Christ, as we wear this wonderful armor He has given us.

President Trump will be speaking in SC on July 1, and Danielle will be leading a team to pray for him. Praise the Lord! Corporately we prayed in gratitude.

Albert (CA Beulah) we lift up a prayer without words. We declare Your victory, O God! (shofar blast)

Bobbie (WI) Father, discernment nothing spoken, nothing shared into the wrong hands

Joan (AZ) Favor, favor, favor for all the intercessors. May only intercessors who love the Lord and President Trump answer the call.

Maureen – we are here in the “barn” which truly became a sacred place when we arrived. We were in Philadelphia today with a former councilman of the Lenape tribe and a brother in Christ John Norwood and a woman named BlueJay from the tribe as well. We pray that they both will be touched by the Holy Spirit as a consequence of our visit.

We will hear testimonies from the on-site team.

Maureen: we have had an absolutely incredible experience, especially me. I am grateful for all the armor-bearers around me: Carol, Debbie, Robert, John, Donald, and Daniel. I am excited, especially for what we have come through, albeit through tears, and anguish, and trusting God in and through it. We are like arrows now, being shot onward and upward. Preparation for tomorrow. We went through our 5 directives as we always do

Radical Holiness we got to practice forbearing; the Supremacy of Christ; the Centrality of the Cross; Unity; and the Perfection of Love. A+++ is the grade I would give us.

This afternoon was the cherry on top. For 3 hours, Pastor Ioan was in the rain, with Donald Kruse and Maureen. 3 nincompoops “Singing in the Rain.” Continue to carry us in your hearts, at least through the next 24 hours. 

Ian (UK): It’s been a great joy, which outweighs the pain, as we complete these assignments going back to 1682. Yesterday we had a wonderful experience on the floor of the Pennsylvania State House. The 24/7 family has such wonderful intercessors. It was a great privilege to pray with State Rep David Zimmerman yesterday and today. We see the kingdom of God coming with power. They are a great, loving bunch.

Sheena (UK): It has been a very significant time. The oneness has been a real protection against the schemes of the enemy and the pressure. As we bounce back with joy, it has been incredible. I sensed this morning that this was a turning point in history. Yesterday in Harrisburg, Abby mentioned that she has never before had the doors open to the House floor. Today with John Norwood – it’s like the Lord kept him hidden for such a time as this. Hearing some of the stories in the Lenape museum; having Joan with us it has all been very special. Her family history line, representing the UK, there was a significant shift today. This has been a bit of a journey. One of my colleagues at the National Reconciliation Forum has had a keen sense that The doctrine of discovery used this idea: whoever’s feet first touched the land, gets it. This evil doctrine, endorsed by the Pope, usurped the rights of those who were already there. Through William Penn, we see a different, godly doctrine of how to deal with indigenous people. We recognize our (UK) responsibility in doing this. We have had a significant amount of blood on our hands. I had an opportunity to repent to the indigenous people today. Harry Smith, A Tree Has Its Roots, is being published soon. We are on the eve of the first anniversary of the overturn of Roe v Wade. We praise God for all that He has done. 

She led us in repenting for the unjust “doctrine of discovery.” The Pope also recognized this evil on March 30, 2023.

Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land. Cleanse with your fire. Heal with your touch. Humbly we bow and call upon you now. O Lord, have mercy on us!

It was a miracle that Joan, our English lady, was able to join us in person on this trip and that John Nordwood united with us. June 23, 1683. Today a dream became true.

Joan: I had the privilege of coming here. I was impressed with what Sheena just shared. I have citizenship in 3 countries: the UK, Canada, and the United States (2010). I love this nation now that I am here. Today was the pinnacle of the time I have spent with the 24/7 group. The Love that they have. They don’t take offense. It feels like I have known the 24/7 family here for years and years. I started out as a princess and have become a queen. Stay strong in your prayers and in the 24/7. We will plunder hell as we keep going. I was so blessed to represent William Penn, who didn’t turn anybody away. He did so much good here, especially for the Lenape people. When I began, a while back, to sense a love for the native peoples in my heart, I didn’t know it would lead to today. God is awesome. I was a little nervous to hear the protocols of don’t do this, don’t touch that. Then John Nordwood asked if he could give me a kiss. We fellowshipped in such a sweet and easy way. We both needed a cane and a seat. We were taking care of each other. I was blessed beyond blessed. 

Someone brought a wheelchair and they have been pushing me around in a wheelchair everywhere. My wish is their command. The anointing of joy is manifesting right now. I have also experienced the pain. I took on the whole thing, which I don’t quite understand. I think I felt God’s heart for what was happening. Glory to God!

Corporately we prayed for Joan.

Robert (OK): in reflecting on yesterday, I recall the art in the State House. The pave stones from the Moravians, who for 100 years prayed 24/7. What an influence that they made in the world. I saw the struggle against the tyrannical world. They faced imprisonment. They weren’t just looking for people in America but they sought freedom for the whole world. It was getting back to the faith foundation of our fathers. It was a download from God to George Fox and William Penn to Pennsylvania and the USA. And to go to the place where the treaty was held. The Delaware Indians are in Oklahoma.

Brad (VA): When we were in the Governor’s Office, we were in the hall with Abby who gave us a spiritual tour. William Penn’s father trained him to serve the king and beat William when he became a Quaker. William was told that he needed an army to quell the savages. The black-robed regiment, “We serve no other king but Jesus.” King Charles II put a bounty on x and John Hancock. The black-robed regiment had trained the men (their congregation) well.

Maureen: Each staff member rotates Everyone has value. We walk in each other’s shoes to honor one another. 

Debbie (TX): 

Maureen – You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Abundant life on the land. The spiritual connection between the UK and the USA

Daniel (TX): It is interesting to see how the enemy works. You can see it in the modern-day Quakers who don’t want to use correct pronouns. You can see it in some of the paintings in the Capitol. It is important to have a prayer covering. Thank you for praying for us. 

Pastor Donald Kruse (America Samoa): it’s a pleasure being here. This has been quite an experience. The scenery is good, but even better is being with God’s people. I came here for Pastor Ioan and sister Maureen, but I have come to know some good people: Indonesia, Ian, Texas, Oklahoma, and NJ. I am thankful I also get to see my spiritual daughter Suzanne. I am a pastor, an executive of Assemblies of God, a businessman, and involved in praying for Israel. Repeka and Suzanne were both a part of our church. Blessings to Pastor Ioan, sister Maureen and all of my brothers and sisters. The icing on the cake was to meet Queen Joan, a descendant of William Penn.

Suzanne (ME): I am so grateful that my son Micah and I were able to make this trip and grateful that Don made it. I learned how to be an intercessor when I was on the island of American Samoa for two years while my husband worked there. I had also been in Pennsylvania a year ago with the “If My people pray” team. The heavens opened up and we experienced flooding rain. Isaiah 28:2 “Behold, the Lord has a mighty and strong one, like a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, like a flood of mighty waters overflowing, who will bring them down to the earth with His hand.”

Be prepared to go to American Samoa, Pastor Kruse, his wife, and the whole family. 

Carol (NY): I am so thrilled. I can see the picture of William Penn as a young man receiving a visitation, scripture from Joel. I couldn’t stop crying looking at that painting. He was willing to go to whatever links it would take. Finally, on his father’s deathbed, he embraced his son again. Another painting showing the shackles being cut off made an impression. Everywhere we went doors (schedules shifted) were opened again and again. This also happened at Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. The Lord provided a wheelchair. Going to the Lenape museum which was in Kensington, a destitute area that was worse than the tents of D.C. Evy had insisted that we go to McPherson Park (in Philly). It was like a bad movie with needles all over the street. People were drugged up. It was very heavy. We waited forever for Randy to bring the pizzas. A handful of people were drawn into the worship. Three men were humble and gentle lambs, drawn by the Spirit of God. I thought of Zaccheus. Randy experienced a supernatural delay. We had heart-to-heart conversations with these men. I want that joy but I’m up and down like a roller coaster. My feelings also go up and down, but when we receive joy from God, it is different. We have to thank Him. Then I shared the things I am going through with my son and my husband, and these three men were crying. The Lord, “I allowed the scars because when we are wounded we can share.” Suffering levels the plain of life. There’s unity and love can flow in showing your wounds and demonstrating God’s joy in the midst of the trials. One man was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Ten pies of pizza, bunches of bananas, water, soda. . . Ian was praying for multiplication. It was like a victory in heaven. Abel, one of the three men kept repeating, “God, make me strong.” The Lord directed me to give the Lenape chief a piece of glass from the World Trade Center. My husband agreed and had a case for it. The Lord directed me to look up the Lenape, who had had the land on which the WTC sat. In the mystery of the suffering, we unite with Christ and He brings beauty from the ashes.

Evy (MD): William Penn established a nation through God’s vision. After I heard about how his sons trampled on the treaty with the native people, I can see that there is a lot of warfare. The devil is a liar. He steals, destroys, and kills. Thank God that He brings Life. Isaiah 60:1-3 Arise, shine; For your light has come!

And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. 

You cannot have any idols before Me. So we cannot open any doors to the enemy. I tell my sister she cannot have idols, Buddhas, Mary, but that she must call upon the name of Jesus. She had difficulty breathing until she remembered to call upon the name of Jesus. I prayed for the descendants of William Penn and the Lenape. Ebby gave testimony to us about when she was at Harrisburg one day when she got something re: the “freedom lady.” The empire building in Harrisburg was blown up.

Is there anything in your home that may need to be removed?

Sally (WY): This is my third trip across America this year by bus. March to North Carolina for a 3-day conference then Bakersfield with Mario Murillo for a powerful conference. I worked 139 hours last pay period. Why do you think God had you come today? The silence was beautiful worship this morning. It is pure in our hearts; when we speak it out it can become tainted. I have been hearing Joan’s, John’s, and Carol’s voices for two years. I knew their voice, but it is like a taste of heaven to meet people in person. On Wednesday, Becky and Candace were on the call. “Philadelphia is key for the nation. It is key for the world. Walk in brotherly love. You must bear fruit. The body of Christ must bear much fruit.” We call forth the fullness of destiny for God’s plan for Philadelphia, the fullness of destiny for America, and the fullness of destiny for you, in Jesus’ name!



We paused just before 9 PM, as we do nightly, to pray for the J6 prisoners from across the nation,

We prayed that they would know that they are NOT abandoned, but that we stand with them!

Then we joined them in singing the National Anthem in unity. 

Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,

praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones, 

and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered! 


Randy (MD): I come from Indonesia but the Lord sent me to America (years ago). I have been helping the Indonesian church in Harrisburg. I have seen beautiful landmarks. We had no clue that the paintings in the Capitol demonstrated that what William Penn did was not just for this nation but for all nations. For some reason, America’s government has become twisted. No wonder America is in trouble now. But we the 24/7 are turning it back to God. Keep praying. In spite of what America has done, God loves America. We have to witness to America. Be bold and share what the Lord is doing. 

Ian prayed for Randy and Evy, Oma, and Kitty. Thank you, Lord, for their faithfulness, that they walk by faith and not by sight. May they continue to be blessed, whether they are in Hong Kong, DC, or wherever they may be. Release miracles, and bring transformation into the heart of the city. Drive out the powers of darkness. An explosion of your love and grace. Those that are fed and clothed, may they be filled with the Holy Spirit and go forth to testify.

Sara (MD): I am very humbled to be around all of you here. Thank you for this call. Unity, prayer, love. . . unity in the Spirit. The Lord said that the Levites are mine and they got no land. They had to go out first, with the shofars, and they have the victory. God’s purpose for this land/this nation is to be a blessing to all nations. The people of the kingdom of God are here. God has started His kingdom on the earth. I see friendship, reconciliation, and forgiveness, God is so pleased because we honor Him and the diversity in who He has created.

Thanks to Sara and Brad who invited me for Father’s Day. I was with them on Thursday night, when Brad facilitates the call. Brad also connected me with an auto mechanic. But more importantly: fishing, food, and fireflies were a wonderful way to celebrate Father’s Day. I have endured many stress and attacks since the Lord said, “Pack your bags and go.” So the love was a wonderful reprieve. I have heard, “Go home. Go home” always whispering, and being attacked as a group is even more difficult.

I sense that a big shift will be coming. 

On our drive from D.C. to Pendelhill with Sheena and Danja: we saw such beauty on the country roads. We stopped in a wheat field, and Danja showed us how to chew the wheat – chewing gum. The first night and day were difficult here because of the other spirits that were here. But as we have pressed on, the atmosphere has been becoming purer and purer.

Wednesday: The signers of the Declaration of Independence after signing, went outside and publicly pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. We prayed and outside we sang the National Anthem.

Thursday: Road trip to Harrisburg. Twenty-one years ago, Randy and Evy began ministering in Harrisburg. I was so happy to declare the WTKOG on the House floor. My heart was bubbling with joy until Robert came to me. The enemy attacked us viciously. Thankfully Sheena came in the morning to pray for me.

Friday: In spite of the difficulties, we came as one. This moment today was only a step toward the eviction of Mammon from America.

We will be stopping in Greenwich Village on the way to Wall Street via the Empire State Building. This faux administration in the White House has defiled it. The “old gold glory” on the top of the 

Corporately we prayed for tomorrow’s assignment.

Beverly (CA): Thank You Lord for the boots on the ground. As the team marches forward, they march as one. I see a tent over them as if a hoopa covers a married couple. They come together, and the hand of God covers them as one.

Aida (MI): We cover the team with the precious blood of Jesus. No demon in hell will be able to touch them because of Your glory. The knowledge of You, the hope of Your calling, Your will is being done. Let them relax into You. All is well in the name of Jesus.

John (NJ): This trip has been very different. We have been received with a welcoming spirit. William Penn came over on a ship called Welcome. I feel hospitality everywhere. The enemy has attacked and defiled every landmark. As Sheena was repenting for the “doctrine of discovery,” in Carlisle near Harrisburg is where the native children were abused, and indoctrinated into another culture and I believe is the root of the modern-day targeting of our children. The “walking theft/purchase” was an abuse of the native people, the Lenape. William Penn was given divine knowledge on how to expand His kingdom on earth in government for the good of all people. The current administrative state is/has been run by the administrative state through bribes and the love of money. A lot of this money is blood money. I believe there is something corrupt in The BAR – the British Accredited Registry. The first radio tower was set up at the Empire Building – to indoctrinate the masses, to program them. Joan was a physical embodiment of the sins of the Penns (not William); the intercessors around the nation were like Aaron and Hur. Sara shared about the joy she gets from her children serving the nation. This has been such a beautiful assignment. Young John was given a slice of cake in the Governor’s Reception Hall.

Robert blessed us with a song.

We shared in communion and prayed for our time declaring the covenant and WTKOG into Manhattan, NY tomorrow, then serving the Notice of Eviction to “Mammon” there! 

We closed the SHABBAT CALL rejoicing and singing: “SHABBAT SHALOM!”

Love and blessings! 

Maureen and Pastor Ioan



We need a FT Facilitator to cover the 1 PM ET Tuesday slot – who is called to this?

All participants are asked to serve as “Co-Facilitators for one hour each week. 

That “two by twoBiblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated! 

We now have ***117 *** co-facilitators…and call forth the other *** 51*** to secure the call! 

PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)

Hours needing Co-Facilitators: 

12 AM ET – all slots filled

 1 AM ET – Tuesday, and Saturday

 2 AM ET – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

 3 AM ET – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 

 4 AM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

 5 AM ET – Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday

 6 AM ET – all slots filled

 7 AM ET – all slots filled 

 8 AM ET – all slots filled

 9 AM ET – all slots filled

10 AM ET – all slots filled 

11 AM ET – Monday, Tuesday, Friday, 

12 PM ET – all slots filled 

 1 PM ET – Friday, and Saturday 

 2 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday

 3 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday 

 4 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 

 5 PM ET – Tuesday, Saturday 

 6 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday 

 7 PM ET – Monday, Wednesday

 8 PM ET – Monday, Saturday 

 9 PM ET – Wednesday and Thursday

10 PM ET- Friday, Saturday 

11 PM ET – all slots filled

May God help us to keep committed facilitators and co-facilitators covering all the hours

Touch hearts, Lord, and cause them to be open and willing to step up to serve!

Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work! 

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