Jun 7, 2022 – Notes A Call to the Wall

06-07-22 Notes for “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President Donald J. Trump”
8-10 PM ET Tuesdays 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we entered the call, we began by receiving the Ephesians 6 armor, so graciously provided for us by our loving and protective God.
“Put on truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph.
Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart.
Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace.
In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield,
for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the evil one!
Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies.
And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken word of God.”
Ephesians 6
We prayed and corporately received the full armor of God, asking to wear it with the dignity it deserves! Pastor Ioan welcomed this cover of LIGHT and GLORY that God has given us and we embraced it as the precious gift it is! We stand in this truth, and trust that tonight God will speak to us as we engage in this Warfare of Love for our nation!
We prayed corporately for Pastor Ioan, as he moves forward (KADIMA!) with his application to become a US Citizen. We asked that he be able to vote in November. We then offered individual prayers:
- Debbie (TX) thanked God for Pastor ioan and said that when we ask anything in Your Name, it will be done. If he desires to vote in November or to serve in any office, guide him to it and through it!
- Danielle (SCO when You place someone strategically, You equip them to serve.
- Mary Ellen (IL) bound any delay in the administrative process, and ask that the doors swing open quickly
- Susan (GA) blessed Pastor Ioan and welcomed Him as one of “We, the People”
- Sharill (CO) thanked God for all the doors that have opened for him in the US, and declare that this is just the beginning.
- Peter (FL) His wife got her citizenship a few years back. He prayed for grace, favor, and open doors, no blockages and it will come out in record time, and he will stand there and be sworn in, and registered to vote on the spot! Let it come…and come soon!
- Kay (IL) bless him in the process and let him understand what our Forefathers desired for the USA.
- Carol (IL) thanked Pastor Ioan for the way he loves this country. He is a role model for those who were born here, as he appreciates it and does not take it for granted!
- Sharill (CO) said we will all be there and have a WTKOG service when he is sworn in as a citizen
Pastor Ioan said he had envisioned himself standing with Judge Roy Moore (AL) when he became a citizen.
- Bobbie (NC) prayed that God would bring David home to be with him then!
Update on Macy: “The doctors were pleased with how well everything went. She has been up walking. Her oxygen levels are 88 to 90 which is terrific!!! A big prayer request is that there will be no blood clots. This device is much smaller than the “hole” that was causing the problem. (Far from a proper explanation.) She and her parents are at the hospital and we don’t know how long they may have to stay. She will have to be carefully monitored with the new blood thinner. But she is her perky self! Informed us she did NOT like the jello but had four popsicles. Thanks for continuing to pray. God has done so much for her – and for all of us.” George
Pastor Ioan said that he wondered why this took place in this precious child’s life, to this family! It is a testimony of faith! The McBanes had a lifelong ministry to the Muslims in Pakistan and raised their family there. Now, they are continuing their service to the Lord by being in CO with their children, and helping with their grandchildren! We prayed for Macy and the entire family. Let healing flow through her little heart and recreate in her all that is necessary for a full and productive life! We commit her to You, Father, in Whom is our hope!
- Susan (GA) this is part of the generation of fire, and for the new heart, You are creating in her.
- Kay (IL) there is a generational blessing coming from her grandfather, and You will use this little light as a testimony to You and it will bless her entire family
Janis (MA) She and her husband Ray participate in another call, on which they heard about a group of 20 teams of 10 intercessors each who traveled at their own expense to pray for the US for a week. There were 2 teams in New England in Bangor, ME, and they attended the service where these Koreans were praying night and day for the USA. At 1 am, when they got off the plane, they wanted to go straight to the church to pray. They found out that 49 years ago, there was a huge outreach in S. Korea by the Billy Graham Evangelical Association. From May 30 to June 3, 1973, an estimated 3.2 million people attended Billy Graham’s largest-ever Crusade in Seoul, South Korea. Some 75,000 people submitted cards showing they made a decision for Christ because of that Crusade and now, the grandchildren of those in that great revival movement came to return the blessing to America!
- Sharill (CO) noted that Bob Jones had a vision of Asians in rice paddies watching TV on phones in their hands!
South Korean team with Janis and Ray Taylor in Bangor, ME
We were told that the Koreans had asked for prayer, as some had contracted COVID. We prayed for them, then invited individual prayers for these Korean sisters and brothers.
- Fatima (TN) open up all the doors that they need to get well and let them KNOW that YOU ARE STILL THE HEALER. Do not let them be given anything that will harm them…but deliver them from all evil and let them finish the work You brought them here for.
- Mary Ellen (IL) In Mark 16, it assures us that we will be safe when we are in You! Let the intercessors rise up and release worship over them all across the nation!
- Joan (AZ) as they travel back, let them be in perfect peace, for You are the Healer, and they are serving You! Bless them abundantly, along with their families! Let us all be more sacrificial!
- Janis and Ray (ME) thanked God for being able to learn about this team’s sacrificial love for our nation and said it truly humbles us. As they return to S Korea, let them be more full, more rich, and have more favor than when they left. Let them receive whatever they need to replace what they have been given!
- Kay (IL) as we think about Pastor Cho and his prayer practices, we ask that our own pastors would be totally dependent on You and through Your grace, as they spoke out, their congregants and this nation would be changed!
- Susan (GA) thanked God for these grandchildren coming here…crying out for our nation. This is a testimony of seeds sown…and an impetus for us to go forward in this GREAT REVIVAL that is coming.
- Sharon (Paraguay) thanked God for the opportunity to undergird and pray for these brothers and sisters as they have come to serve God in our nation! COVID and any other attack against them, bow your knee to the Lord Jesus Christ. No spirit against them will be able to accomplish its assignment!
In 1995, Pastor Ioan, as the head of the Romanian Evangelical Fellowship, hosted Pastor Cho for a crusade there for 3 nights in Bucharest. It was packed every evening and many miracles occurred. Pastor Cho said that he had encountered great resistance in the spirit realm, and it was the most difficult time of his ministry! He definitely challenged the Romanians, when he said that we need to pray specifically for what we need…and with the belief that God will provide it! After he left, the prayer ministry exploded! We prayed for Korea and Pastor Cho’s legacy!
Our friend David Clements seemed encouraged as he posted this message from Lake St. Louis.
“Terrific meeting last night. Osage County Sheriff and Linn Police Chief were present, along with many local patriots. Getting rid of machines at the county level has to be non-negotiable. A year ago everyone was saying “prove the elections were stolen.” Now they are saying, “we know our elections are stolen. What can we do about it?” That’s progress. We are showing people what they can do now. Keep grinding.”
We prayed corporately for those who are on the cutting edge of election reform, exposing the fraud and corruption and trying to get the people to see the truth about what took place in 2020.
MORE ON THE ELECTIONS! From ATLANTA, GA The Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections is set to recertify results from the primary election held on May 24 at a meeting this weekend. Officials say the meeting will be held at the Fulton County Election Preparation Center, located at 1365 English St. NW at 2 p.m. Sunday. Michelle Long Spears recently alerted officials to a problem in the DeKalb County Commissioner District 2 race the Wednesday after the primary election. Spears said she noticed she received zero votes at more than a dozen precincts, including the one she voted at. After a recount by hand, county officials announced it is delaying certification in the general primary election after a series of technical issues. The county did not specify the issues but shared it is working with the Georgia SOS to determine what caused the problem.
- Susan (GA) shared an update about what she sees taking place in GA
- Mary Ellen (IL) David Clements has 2 meetings in NM regarding the removal of the DOMINION machines
- Susan (GA) there is a National Assoc of US COUNTIES, and they are meeting in Adams County, Colorado. Colorado is the home of Dominion. The NACO President is a DeKalb County GA Commissioner.
-DeKalb County received 9.6MM in CTCL grants, the fourth largest grant total in the nation in 2020.
-DeKalb county had an amazing 39% shift in D voter turnout in the 2020 from 2016 presidential election.
2016 D/R = 4.884 2020 D/R = 5.279
A sarcastic suggestion for a Keynote address to the NACO. “How we turned 9.6MM in Grants into 57,000 more D Votes in 2020…A Retrospective” https://www.naco.org/events/2022-naco-annual-conference
We prayed corporately for President Trump and the restoration of truth and righteousness to our country. We called him forth to assume his rightful place as the President of the United States.
- Kay (IL) asked if we needed to declare the end of DOMINION machines
The money for these machines came from China. We prayed that God would take down the spirits behind these machines that falsely carry the name of DOMINION…which is reserved for HIM ALONE!
“You have made Him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under His feet” Psalm 8:6
“What is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe,
according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead
and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and
might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.
And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His Body,
the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”
Ephesians 1:19-23
We sang:
Jesus, Name above all names Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord
Emmanuel, God is with us Blessed Redeemer, Living Word
We took communion together, asking that we would be ready and able to defend out nation and do what we must to protect and preserve our freedom! As we closed, we told the participants on the call that we have changed our processes of distributing the focus, due to being canceled (censored) by MAILCHIMP. We now send out all our mail through our 24/7 NSPC google and post our focuses and notes on our website: 247nationalstrategicprayercall.com, Truth Social and Telegram.
We closed our call with love and blessings to all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com
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