Jun 30, 2017 – Prayer Focus

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call – Friday, June 30, 2017
Call in: 712-770-4340 enter code: 543555 #
*** Today is Day 26 of “50 Dayz A Blaze” –
please take 5 minutes at the top of the hour to pray for the State of Montana
Strategic Focus for Friday
Praying for our US Military re: the Transgender Policy
“Make sure no predator makes you his prey through some misleading philosophy and empty deception
based on traditions fabricated by mere mortals. These are sourced in the elementary principles
originating in this world and not in the Anointed One (so don’t let their talks capture you).”
Colossians 2:8
The US Military is one of our most important, conservative and patriotic American institutions, also a major educational institution. It takes young men and women, many right out of high school, and trains them to be soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen and guardians of our coastlines, and eventually, responsible adults. Our new Secretary of Defense James Mattis faces a significant decision in the military’s “sexual revolution legacy” from the Obama administration, as he faces a profound deception that has been launched against our military, one that will hinder the readiness of our forces to defend our nation and reverberate with debilitating impact on us.
Issue: A planned interjection of transgenderism into the US Military which is set to be further implemented.
- Former President Obama opened the military to avowed gays in 2011; he subsequently allowed women to try out for direct ground combat jobs, then lifted the transgender ban last year. His Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, issued a directive permitting transgender troops to remain in the military and undergo sex reassignment procedures instead of facing automatic discharge.
- The transgender agenda is now setting the stage for “transgenders” to join the military.
- Deputy Defense Secretary Robert O. Work, an Obama holdover, required each service to submit plans for how they will open the ranks to transgender recruits.
“They speak in loud voices empty and arrogant…. exploit the desires of the flesh… take advantage of
sensual natures, to entangle people who have just escaped from those who live by deception.”
2 Peter 2:18
- All military personnel will be required to undergo transgender “sensitivity training”.
- All troops (male and female) will share locker, shower and bathroom facilities with persons with genitalia opposite to their own. They have been told: Get used to it.
- Commanders will be forced to take time away from fighting and winning wars to nurse “confused” men and women, who will require all kinds of specialized medical and psychological treatment, have a shockingly high suicide rate and can easily accuse others of “discrimination” at the drop of a hat.
- Our top military officers will have to set aside time (that they would be using for military strategizing and battle preparations) to get involved in each such case.
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave… when first we practice to deceive!” – Sir Walter Scott
Execution: The Army Policy & Training Module serves as a guideline for leaders to make sure the transgender policy is “handled correctly”.
- This policy, formulated by the Obama Administration under Secretary Ash Carter, will go into effect beginning July 1st, 2017.
- These “road maps” leave the next move up to President Trump’s new Secretary of Defense James Mattis, (USMC General, Rtd) who will have to sign off on the final policy or give his permission to it. It will be fully implemented on Saturday, unless he delays it. (NOTE: General Mattis, our Secretary of Defense, is said to be a liberal Democrat, bringing Dems to serve in key positions on his staff, which resulted in friction with President Trump.)
- The chiefs of staff of each branch have “consented” to this, and assured Congress that they can make it happen. Marine and Army chiefs have requested a delay in implementation.
- They have also said that they are prepared to transition to a female draft if directed.
“He employs every manner of wicked deception to wile away those who are destined for eternal death
because they reject the love of the truth that leads to salvation.”
2 Thessalonians 2:10
President Trump
- As yet, President Trump has not weighed in on stopping this shocking and dangerous policy.
- He has issued a directive repealing the Obama DOJ and DOE bathroom mandate (to let transgender students choose showers and bathrooms associated with their gender identity).
- He did not declare June as LGBT Pride Month (as his predecessor did), but the Pentagon encouraged celebrations, complete with a new 2017 poster.
Social conservative response:
- A campaign of “Restoring America’s Military Strength” to persuade Secretary Mattis to suspend the Carter transgender directive with the ultimate goal of recalling it and all of the associated manuals.
- A statement from the Conservative Action Project states: “The policies adopted require our Armed Forces to officially assume the risks of recruiting and retaining persons who are suffering with a condition requiring long-term medical and perhaps, surgical treatment, with uncertain results often associated with higher rates of depression and suicide. The accommodation of such individuals in the military indicates that the US Department of Defense will bear the cost of hormone treatments, surgery, and post-operative care to facilitate ‘gender transitioning.” The Carter order requires commanders to “master the nuances of a complex psycho-sexual medical sub-specialty, and initiate or approve procedures for which they have no formal training.”
- That General Mattis would make the right decision and shut this agenda down… NOW!
- that the American people will pray, rise up, speak out, and demand this perverse agenda be stopped
- that God will respond to the prayers of His people and cause our leaders to withdraw this insane policy.
- that our military men and women will not be assaulted, harmed or die due to this untenable policy
- that any confusion or problems intended to be injected into our fighting forces will come to naught
- that the morale of our fighting forces will be high and they will freely execute their service on our behalf
- that the Obama holdovers in the Pentagon making policy will be removed and replaced
- that political correctness (about both gender identity and women in combat) will cease so troops will not have to spend hours in classrooms learning about gender issues
- that those who are deceived by the enemy about their gender will get the help they need to embrace the identity God gave them, male or female.
“We come from God, and those who know God hear us. Whoever is not from God will not listen to us.
This is the way we discern the difference between the spirit of truth and the spirit of deception.”
1 John 4:6
Resources: FRC, Washington Times, The Daily Signal, Christian Post
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love!
The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
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