
Jun 24, 2022 – Notes Shabbat Call

Jun 24, 2022 – Notes Shabbat Call

06-24-22 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call

7-10 PM ET 712-770-4340 code: 543555 # 

Tonight as we enter into the SHABBAT CALL, we’re rejoicing over the decision for LIFE rendered by the US Supreme Court today! May God receive the GLORY, and protect all those who made and affirmed it! 

“… the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High

and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom…”

Daniel 7:21 

Statement by Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States

“Today’s decision, which is the biggest WIN for LIFE in a generation, along with other decisions that have been announced recently, were only made possible because I delivered everything as promised, including nominating and getting three highly respected and strong Constitutionalists confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. It was my great honor to do so! I did not cave to the Radical Left Democrats, their partners in the Fake News Media, or the RINOs who are likewise the true, but silent, enemy of the people. These major Victories prove that even though the Radical Left is doing everything in their power to destroy our Country, your Rights are being protected, the Country is being defended, and there is still hope and time to Save America! I will never stop fighting for the Great People of our Nation!”

We prayed corporately, thanking God for President Trump’s role in bringing about this historic moment! 

Full text of the SCOTUS ruling:


We together receive the Ephesians 6 armor of God that He has so graciously provided for us:

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, 

and having done all, to stand.

 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 

above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”

Ephesians 6:13-18

We prayed corporately to receive and wear the full armor of God, with the dignity and grace it deserves.


As we enter into this SHABBAT, we sing and thank and honor and worship our God and King.

Thank You, Lord! 

Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Lord! We just want to thank You, Lord! 

Mikamocha / Who is like You!

Who is like You, oh, Lord, among the gods?

Who is like You, Lord, there is no one else.

You are awesome in praise, doing wonders, oh, Lord.

Who is like You, oh, Lord!

Mikamocha b’elim Adonai! Mikamocha nedar barkodesh! 

Nora t’hillot oseh feleh, oseh feleh!

Who is like You, oh, Lord, among the gods?

Who is like You, Lord, there is no one else.

You are awesome in praise, doing wonders, oh, Lord.

Who is like You, oh, Lord!

We prayed corporately, thanking God for Who He is and all that He has done. To Him belongs all the GLORY for today’s VICTORY, and to no one else! HalleluYah! We then prayed individual prayers!

  • Mary Ellen (IL) And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God.” Ephesians 5:18-21 She praised God for President Trump appointing the conservative Justices to the SCOTUS!
  • Fifi (SC) declared that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. This is HUGE!
  • Ydia (FL) she went to church today, and everyone was rejoicing over the news about Roe being overturned…and hugging one another! President Trump appointed 3 Justices – Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.
  • Suzanne (ME) she spent hours cleaning cobwebs out of the Christian retreat center she’s working at this summer, and it is reflective of what is taking place in our nation! 
  • Nancy (FL) as happy as she is after praying for this all these years when she went to the computer and looked up what was happening at the SCOTUS, she saw the horrible things Dems and pro-death advocates were saying about it! We need people like President Trump to take us forward. This is the 1st step! We must uphold the gift of life, and it is in Christ alone that we have life! We MUST pray fervently for the next election!
  • Beverly (CA) thanked God for President Trump and for the Governors across the nation who are upholding life now, and she also prayed for those who need to step up and do what is right! She prayed for the states that have banned abortions, and asked that the churches will pick up the slack to assist those who are pregnant and don’t know what to do! Let us help them so that they will choose life!
  • Diane (MT) prayed for protection over Governors that are pro-life, and for all working in the pro-life movement
  • Joan (AZ) woke up this AM and heard the news and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so I did both! What a relief to have the law approving the shedding of innocent blood removed! You are God…and “Oh, what a Savior!” 
  • Andrea (NC) Your Sovereignty over the demonic powers has been established, after our praying for almost 50 years! As the darkness is removed, let Your Light shine through! 
  • Susan (GA) in GA they have the “heartbeat bill”, and their Governor has asked that it be removed. She prayed for those who feel this decision is against their will and their bodies. Overturn the false thought processes that have endured for all these years!
  • Joyce (WI) Blessed the SCOTUS Justices who voted for Roe to be overturned! Thanked God for the door for the gift of repentance which will impact many who have aborted, or assisted in aborting. Let repentance be activated throughout the Body of Christ, for all that we have allowed to come into being in the laws of this nation! Change our hearts…convict us of sin…as we no longer sacrifice children to Molech! 
  • Roxie (CO) we saw what was thought impossible, but YOU ARE THE GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE! I pray for the women who were crying out for blood in support of death, and had their children with them, participating. Restore the wounded souls of the children of those parents who were clamoring for abortion. Let them know YOUR LOVE, and that You love and cherish them! I repent for my state of Colorado and our laws against life. I pray for our Governor, and ask that there be a turning from wicked ways and restore us!
  • Marsha (CA) thanked God for the role played by President Trump, Allan Parker, Cindy Collins, Mat Staver, and the many truth-tellers who spoke for LIFE! We stand against this supposed NIGHT OF RAGE that is supposed to take place. CANCEL IT and let the dominoes fall and hearts be turned to YOU! Change our hearts, for You are the King of Hearts! 

Maureen said that today in liturgical churches, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is being celebrated!

  • Becky (MI) let the truth come out re: Roe vs Wade, so people will no longer be deceived. Do not allow the enemy to use any ammunition against pro-lifers in the individual states. Let the church stand for LIFE and the LOVE of children, the preborn and those who have been born! Let us RESPECT LIFE across this land and stand for it! 
  • Beverly (CA) prayed for those children in Child Protective Services, those who lived but were not wanted! They need homes where they are safe and can grow in the love of God with foster and adoptive parents. 
  • Diane (MT) said that we need to pray for CPS and asked if maybe we could do focuses on it 

Pastor Ioan asked us to pray for the protection of the SCOTUS Justices:

  • Janis (MA) so excited over this unspeakably great news today! Shore up the 5 Godly men and 1 woman who ruled JUSTLY in this matter. We continue to pray for them and all they hold, for their families, staff, and all their property, especially their homes. Bless and protect them.
  • Joyce (WI) be with them and protect them, now and forever
  • Debbie (TX) thank You that Chief Justice Roberts came around and made it 6-3. Let the people of the US desire to walk in holiness. We bound every murderous spirit, every destructive effort, and we cancel every assignment against pro-lifers and say “return to sender” to these assignments and send them to the abyss.
  • Mary Ellen (IL) we bind every one of the curses spoken over the Court, saying it’s illegitimate, and we free them from being slaves of men 1 Corinthians 7:23 
  • Nancy (MN) prayed for all pro-life clinics that are helping women who are coming in for help, the religious organizations standing for life, the churches that are speaking out and supporting life…all pro-life organizations, and all their employees.
  • Betty (AZ) declared peace of God over the SCOTUS Justices, over this decision, for it is YOUR WAY, Lord, and YOUR WILL! Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, good will toward men!”
  • Margie (LA) We give You glory, Lord…as we fight under Your leadership, and You are turning the tide. We pray against any retaliation and backlash.
  • Bobby (NC) Words are not adequate. We “look full in Your wonderful face” and thank You for Your mercy! We come tonight with our feeble words, and with hearts palpitating swiftly, because of the JOY OF THE SANCTITY OF LIFE BEING HONORED at the federal level! Word came on a Friday morning a little after 10 AM…and we celebrated! I pray that you will send Your warring angels to protect this VICTORY! Let our people rise up and help young women to be chaste and practice self-control as You return morals to our nation! 
  • Carol (TX) no loss of life, looting, fires, or destruction of CPCs. Let Your SHALOM be over this nation, and let those who aborted find reconciliation with YOU. Jesus paid it all…and You can redeem anything. What satan meant for evil, You can turn for good! Let us stand our ground and HOLD IT! 

Maureen shared about the Word we received in December 2016 about starting 24/7 STATE Strategic Prayer Calls. This is even more critical now that the Word of God has been fulfilled and that the government has usurped states’ rights and will be returning certain matters to the individual states for their determination! 

We must recruit others to join us…on both the national and our state calls! We must do both! 

Pastor Ioan added that the anointing on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is specific and that the grace will flow to the individual 24/7 State SPCs, which now are critical.

One state being well covered is Texas. Here is the comment by their AG this AM when the ruling came out!

We prayed for our righteous Governors, that they would stand strong; for the others who are ambivalent, and need to be strengthened so they do what is right; and for those who are unjust and need to repent and change course. 

Needing all the resources we have available to us in this Battle to Save America, we call upon the angelic host, and welcome their presence among us tonight. We ask God to instruct them in all they are to do, to protect us and the nation we all so dearly love!

Shalom Aleichem

Shalom aleichem, mal’achei ha-sharet, mal’achei Elyon,

mi-melech mal’achei ha-melachim ha-kadosh, Baruch Hu.

Peace be with you, ministering angels, messengers of the Most High,

Messengers of the King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed be He.

Bo’achem le-shalom, mal’achei ha-shalom, mal’achei Elyon,

mi-melech mala’chei ha-melachim ha-kadosh, Baruch Hu.

Come in peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High,

Messengers of the King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed be He.

Tzeitechem le-shalom, mal’achei ha-shalom, mal’achei Elyon,

mi-melech mal’achei ha-melachim ha-kadosh, Baruch Hu.

Go in peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High,

Messengers of the King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed be He.

While focusing on the angelic, let us listen to a dream that was given on June 23, 2022, to Maria Negron, Florida Co-Coordinator for the National Day of Prayer (NDP). It is confirmation of what we are hearing! Maureen read it aloud to us:

“I was hearing a rumble like a huge shaking and my eyes looked to heaven and saw a huge, huge white cloud. I knew it was coming from the throne room of heaven. The cloud was full of thousand upon thousand of angels. There were angels on chariots, myriad upon myriads of warring angelic beings. Then, they came to the second heaven and warred against the demonic angels who flew and thrust themselves onto earth and they gazed upward to see that their dominions had been taken over by God’s heavenly angelic beings.

Here on earth, the demonic began to rampage, and there was a separation of the people with light that came together. As they did, a huge, huge beam of light was brought forth. The light was soo strong that it was like a lighthouse that was shining amongst the huge darkness, guiding and leading those that were in the dark towards the light. The demons were very angry but as they were trying to take hold of those going to the light the demonic angels were blinded…

I woke up and felt like a birthing was coming on and I heard the Spirit of God remind me of…

1) Hezekiah’s enemies were destroyed by one angel (2 Chronicles 32: 21)

2) The two angels that brought Lot out of Sodom & Gomorrah prior to its destruction (Genesis. 19:1-29)

3) The angel that came down and set Peter free from jail and killed King Herod (Acts 12:7-11; 12:21-24)

4) The heavenly chariots of fire over the city of Dothan when the Prophet Elisha asked Yahweh to open his servant’s eyes and not be afraid (2 Kings 6: 15-17)

The Lord would say…”There is a birthing pain amongst my people that will bring forth a light that will draw many to my son, Jesus Christ. It is there and has been there since you received Jesus Christ into your hearts, yet my people have hidden it. The birthing of My Spirit will arise and shine… and the shining within my people will be manifested… Like the day of Pentecost, it will be so!

There will be many shakings and destructions upon this earth… Many cities and countries will no longer exist, for the enemy will want to take over the earth. But, his time is limited and My city will shine and My people will rise up in a light and anointing to destroy their works. My people will have all my weapons at their disposal, including my heavenly angelic hosts. An abyss will be revealed where the demonic realm will be entrapped for eternity!”

Then, I saw the most beautiful city, full of light, people dancing with such joy! Praise and worship. Beyond description! Even the odor and colors of the city were indescribable… dancing and colors, intertwined with gold, silver and all kinds of minerals, jewels, not even known here on earth….wow!!! Worship and resounding songs throughout. 

And there He was, seated on His Throne with such joy, laughter, and indescribable satisfaction of His people…I’m left crying with joy and yet praying for those that need to be awakened to the Light of His Son, Jesus Christ… the Light of the World…Savior, Son of Man, Son of God, Eternal One.” Prayerfully submitted: Maria Negron

We invited others to share: 

  • Danielle (SC) We received a divine strategy that was being given about how we did warfare over our nation. She read it aloud to us.
  • Audrey (CA) I have been sick since the first week of June, and today, I was able to speak. I heard that the 6th Justice to vote to overturn Roe was Chief Justice Roberts! I went to Zechariah 7 and walked through it and found LORD OF HOSTS in several places!
  • Bobby (WI) when we were praying the thought came that God needs to let His enemies see these angels.
  • Debbie (TX) has never had an awareness of the presence of angels, and now she is feeling a strong sense of angels around her. She was even asked by an Uber driver if she was an angel. She agreed that the Lord has His angels around us and it confuses the enemy. 
  • Susan (GA) shared that Tim Sheets speaks about angels all the time, and said we would see them and would partner with them. 
  • Judy (VA) saw angels around the White House when Danielle was reading about them. At first, they were facing outward, guarding the White House…but then they were facing the White House, to restrain the evil within. God has His angels on assignment!

On January 22, 2020, while on the SHABBAT CALL, Pastor Ioan was in DC and heard that we were to restrain the evil that is coming out from the White House. Prior to that, while serving in intercession at the National Prayer Assembly in DC in 2018, Maureen and Pastor Ioan went out on an assignment to pray at the Supreme Court. We had a group of 9 as we approached the north side of the SCOTUS building to pray.

The Babylonian star is a symbol of satan, and is seen all over the world, and in this aerial view, you can see the structure that is like a Hindu temple, with 8 corners and something in the center – the seat of power of the principality. The SCOTUS has two rectangles that overlap, with 8 corners and in the middle, the seat of power! 

Isaiah 33:22 tells us that “the Lord is our Judge, The Lord is our Lawgiver, The Lord is our King; He will save us.” 

The Lord showed us that when we approach such strong spiritual powers of darkness, we must not go in fear! We shared the anointing of JOY with the group, and the picture below shows the heavens above us as we did! 

There, one woman in our group confessed that she had had an abortion, and asked for prayer. We ministered to her and, as she stood in the place of all abortive women, she was set free from her pain! That was all by God’s design.

Then, Pastor Ioan saw the root of the demonic at the SCOTUS being plucked up. The unjust rulings of SCOTUS for several of the past decades were influenced heavily by the demonic, and God was plucking them up! 

“BREAKTHROUGH” was heard…and we are seeing the fruit of it today! This ruling today marks the beginning of the SCOTUS to align with God’s will. This is a historical moment when the Lord is taking over the SCOTUS and restoring it back to the original intent and design of the Founders!

It is critical that the 3 Justices that stood for abortion repent to save their own souls. They are in grave danger! 

We also need to pray that as the Court realigns with God’s purposes, we will see the overturning of the vile laws that allow homosexuality and all types of perversion, as well as keeping prayer out of schools. 

We prayed corporately into those matters. Then, with 67 on the call, we invited individual prayer for SCOTUS and its restoration! 

  • Desiree (NY) prayed into this issue
  • Jim (CA) CA will be a righteous state
  • Mary Ellen (IL) Prayed for those legal minds at SCOTUS and those who will present before them

Daniel 2:20-23 Daniel answered and said: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him. “I thank You and praise You, O God of my fathers; You have given me wisdom and might, And have now made known to me what we asked of You, For You have made known to us the king’s demand.”

  • Bobby (WI) show us how to step into this victory and make sure the Glory goes to You! We got ourselves into this mess and need to be careful not to let the leaven come in again. 
  • Kay (IL) give the Justices the desire to want to be righteous. Bring revival to this land! 
  • Bobby (WI) the 24/7 State SPCalls need to mirror the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call.

As we finished praying into this, Pastor Ioan said he had great news to share with us. Talk about the CONFIRMATION of what we have just prayed

June 24, 2022, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote Friday that the high court should reconsider rulings on contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage in a solo concurring opinion released Friday that struck down Roe v. Wade.

The Republican-appointed justice argued that the Supreme Court should reconsider other cases that fall under prior due process precedents. “I write separately to emphasize a second, more fundamental reason why there is no abortion guarantee lurking in the Due Process Clause,” Thomas wrote. “Considerable historical evidence indicates that ‘due process of law’ merely required executive and judicial actors to comply with legislative enactments and the common law when depriving a person of life, liberty, or property.”

We sang for joy! Jesus, Name above all names Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord

Emmanuel, God is with us, Blessed Redeemer, Living Word

We took communion, asking that the Lord help us to receive His directive to be GOD’S CHAMPIONS FOR LIFE!

We prayed that President Trump would be returned to office…and Biden be dismissed, along with all his cabal. Let there be a positive response to our prayers from heaven 

We closed our night’s SHABBAT CALL joyfully singing SHABBAT SHALOM! 

With love and blessings to all! 

Maureen and Pastor Ioan




Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com

Angels on Assignment

Never has there been a time when the bombardment of evil is at this level of magnitude. This nonstop spiritual attack is likened to “a thousand cuts wanting death.” Yes, our effectual prayers have made a difference, and major victories won.

How can the human mind cover such a deluge of evil effectively? The reality came. It is impossible in human capabilities alone. Our adversaries are powers and principalities that have abilities beyond human beings. The LORD began to open up the revelation needed for this hour. A change in strategy is needed.

We are entering into a spiritual shift requiring Divine Strategy from our High Commander in Chief Jesus/Yeshua. It is time to remember the importance of God wanting to commission HIS Holy angels to fight with us on HIS behalf.

HIS angels are looking to the throne of GOD for instructions. The Holy Spirit will direct us into the plans and purpose of GOD. HIS word gives us five reasons GOD sends HIS angels to help. 

They come to give specific messages to an individual or people. Genesis 18, messengers to Abraham and Sarah, in Judges 6 for Gideon, in Luke 1 to tell Mary she would give birth to the Son of God, and in Luke 2 an angel was sent to tell the shepherds of Jesus/Yeshua’s birth. In Matthew 28 an angel announced that Jesus/Yeshua had risen. 

To protect us: Psalm 91 HE gives HIS angels charge concerning us to guard us in all our ways. Daniel 6:22 an angel came to Daniel in the lion’s den and shut the lion’s mouth. In Exodus 23:20 God sends an angel ahead to guard them along the way. Matthew 18:10 God tells us of his special care over children. 

To Serve Believers: I Kings 19 Elijah was running for his life and an angel provided food and water for his journey. In Luke 22:43 Jesus/Yeshua has an angel come and strengthen HIM. Matthew 4:11 After Jesus/Yeshua was in the wilderness for 40 days the angels came and ministered to HIM.

To execute GOD’s judgment: 2 Kings 19 King Hezekiah prayed boldly to GOD asking for help against his enemies. Verse 35 says the angel of the LORD went out and put to death a thousand and eighty-five thousand men. Revelation 12:7-9 tells us a war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels were fighting against the dragon who was defeated.

To give praise and worship to GOD: Angels are mighty beings of praise and worship to GOD. Revelation 4:8 Day and night they never stop saying ‘Holy, holy, holy is the LORD GOD Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come. Revelation 5:11-12 more worship is displayed for the LORD.

2 Corinthians 4:4 in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not; lest the light of the glorious gospel of Messiah who is the image of GOD, should shine unto them.

Consider the amount of evil being released into our airways here on earth. Evil spirits still work upon our brains, trying to keep our mind blinded from the eternal truths, a spirit of offense have caused our culture to take offense at everything and keep GOD’s people separated. Whereby; angels always see things from heaven’s perspective. 

It is written: Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,

against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against

the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

We are going to start crying out to the LORD to consider commissioning HIS Holy angels into situations beyond human abilities; our elections, healthcare, our children, economy, and a possible hostage takeover of our Whitehouse; the list goes on. Scripture is clear, angels are ministering spirits sent forth to work FOR those of us who love Jesus Yeshua.

Hebrews 1:14 Are they(angels) not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

Angels represent GOD and serve HIS will. Believers are not to command angels to serve their needs, but rather serve alongside GOD’s holy angels to worship GOD and carry out HIS will in this world Psalm 103:20 Bless the LORD, you HIS angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of HIS word.

Angels also carry out GOD’s judgments. Read Revelation 15:6

GOD’s angels are messengers of hope, to protect, to serve, to carry out HIS judgment, and give HIM praise. We realize GOD’s angels are real and they surround us day to day though we don’t often see them. Colossians 1:16 We do not worship angels, we do not have authority over angels, only GOD does. GOD knows when we are in danger and HE is at work for us.

Our Divine Strategy: We can begin to acknowledge that GOD loves us and has already set angels around and about us. They can prevent harm to one or thousands; they can protect children, attend to our needs, and bring justice and mercy. Start thanking Him for HIS angels who are on alert. When evil overwhelms us we can cry out for mercy thanking HIM that angels are there at HIS disposal to intervene on our behalf if HE desires. We do this humbly in our weakness HE makes us strong. May we not forget there are angels in place to assist us in this warfare to stop the removal of HIS Name, HIS people, HIS Word, HIS ownership of the earth and the removal of every godly trace of who HE is to the people. This is a great curtain call for humanity and the victory belongs to the LORD and to us.

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