
Jun 20, 2023 – Notes A Call to the Wall

Jun 20, 2023 – Notes A Call to the Wall

06-20-23 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays 

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 # 

Tonight, Maureen and Pastor Ioan are just outside of Philadelphia, at the Pendle Hill Quaker Center in Wallingford, PA. Gathered together with wonderful saints from across the United States and witnesses from the nations, they held the first session of a Holy Convocation to Welcome the King of Glory into the East Coast of the United States. We offered an opening prayer and thanked God for our safe arrival on-site in PA! 

Pastor Ioan concluded his comments about God’s sanctifications in person at Pendle Hill while joining the call. 

Maureen: There are 18 of us here this evening. 18 is very significant. Life is going to be restored to this nation.

Janis, MA led us in receiving the full armor of God, according to Ephesians 6:10-18. 

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, 

and having done all, to stand.

 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace

above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”

Lori Fields: 28 years ago, my husband and I moved to PA. Suddenly and shockingly, we saw that economics and race divided people in PA. What was in the mindset of the people we had come to pastor? Darryl knew that he needed to go to the Capitol and sought the Lord for His purposes. We ran into the knowledge of William Penn’s relationship with the native people. My husband began to delve into this. Thomas Jefferson? Said of William Penn, “He is the greatest lawgiver the world has ever produced.” Penn came bearing two burdens: from an empire and a Quaker who laid down his weapons. Because the son became a Quaker, he lost privileges. Literally keeping one’s head was at risk. The crown would demand its property and wealth back if one wasn’t going to conform. Penn was willing to give in to all the desires. Then he has this experience with the Holy Spirit and he emptied himself of everything his family had vested in him. He really tried to reform England. He wrote resolutions. George Fox, Penn’s mentor, went to the U.S. If there’s no room here, maybe there is room for reform there (the colonies). Reform, civil equality, good government. 

The king granted him land. Even though Penn was granted land, he went to the native people to truly befriend them. Tamanen and Penn set a precedent of living together in love, harmony, and consent – this was unprecedented. The Native Americans would refer to this treaty many times. “We would have all believed but you held your good book in one hand and a sword in the other.”

Penn believed we needed to have all the ingredients together in one spot for the Holy Spirit to come. Radical holiness, emptying yourself of every worldly thing that you had once thought mattered, and waiting for the Holy Spirit to move and to speak. . . just like Jesus did when He emptied Himself of all He had in heaven to come to earth to live as a human.

We prayed corporately for Lori (knee operation, books, documentary) and her family (especially her son Jeffrey) and her special anointing!

Danielle – a deeper place for people to reawaken. Thank you for the revelation of her life, for her purpose, that we may begin again. Bless her with strength. Revive her.

Maureen – mental, emotional, physical, and financial healing. Be the strength of her life, Lord, by your spirit.


Abby Ableness was one of the organizers of the anniversary in Harrisburg in 2022. Reformation State Director, Apostolic Network State Director . . . what we have to share is from Penn’s holy seed. Lori’s message set so many of us on fire. A prophetic artist pointed out the messages on the halls of the Statehouse. Violet Oakley, The Sacred Challenge, wrote about the holy seed painted on the walls. Penn’s prophesy about Pennsylvania, “My God will make it the holy experiment (example) for the nations want a precedent for we will do the thing that is good and wise.” People began to want tours from other states and other countries. Even Middle Easterners seemed to revere the model of government and recognized that this God-given form of government is to be coveted. One legislator began to fear that citizens would find out that Scriptures are on the walls.

In this hour, there is an awakening of what that holy seed is. Penn’s writings were for a parliament of nations and a world court. He was trying to prevent a controlling, tyrannical government. Penn was imprisoned 6 times because of his faith. As a result, he sought to set up this form of government somewhere it might succeed.

The nations of the world need the jewel of this knowledge, her friends encouraged her to write in the UN Special. Leaders of nations are seeking her assistance. The birthplace of the nations. Central American nations and nations of Beulah are being stirred. May Penn’s seed be awakened in the nations. Penn: We were created to have dominion on the earth. May God reawaken this effort. May He restore the native peoples with those who settled here.

We prayed corporately for Abby and her special anointing to awaken nations and national leaders to pursue God-given dominion and government that honors all people, as you intended!

Maureen prayed for Jim and Abby.

Ian Watkins prayed for great grace and empowerment. Words of freedom, life, truth, proclamation and declaration. May they hear your voice and dream your dreams in Jesus’ name.

Joan, as a direct descendant of William Penn, prayed for this couple who loves William Penn. Keep Jim and Abby close to you and close to one another. Thank you for the double anointing over them. Our new Capital

Abby requested a realignment of the State Legislature in PA to model the purposes of Penn’s petition for the holy experiment here to become a seed of a nation. 

Evelyn was raised as a Quaker, and they would sit and wait. Part of the Quaker’s rich heritage includes the underground railroad, women’s suffrage, and temperance movement, not to mention the development of the United States government. Evelyn prayed in agreement with the prayers of our ancestors, that Quakers would once again “quake.” Thank You Father for all that has been done in studying, intercession, and every aspect – that they are all coming together for Your glory.

The vision of Ben Franklin handing me a key. Identificational repentance. Penn should have gotten the credit for it, but Ben Franklin did. I long for people to desire holiness and be set free from sin. A hunger to know Christ Jesus Thank you Lord for your mercy, compassion, and friendship of God.

John, NJ prayed for Evelyn: May holy fire from your altar come forth to draw your people back to you. Give them teachable hearts. The past is behind us and need not predict the future. Help us to stand as a beacon to nations. We need revival, repentance, and forgiveness. Help the Quakers find that zeal and fervor find and fan that fire.

Sheena, England prayed in gratitude for the Quaker movement. Lord, you set them apart for yourself. You downloaded your blueprint for that holy seed and found fertile ground for it. We call them back to their original DNA by the power of the Holy Spirit. When the Word and the Spirit come together, you said that there would be that End Time Revival. Reconcile them to you. May we have a mighty spiritual encounter during this meeting that will reverberate around the world. Come Holy Spirit. Awaken. Reawaken. Thank you, Lord. We pray for the cleansing of everything not of you and for the right alignment and reaping of all that was sewn in your holiness.

I’m coming back to the heart of worship

And it’s all about you

It’s all about you, Jesus

I’m sorry, Lord, for the thing I’ve made it

When it’s all about you

It’s all about you, Jesus`


We paused just before 9 PM, to pray for the J6 prisoners, 

seeking DIVINE INTERVENTION to correct the GROSS INJUSTICE being done to them! 

We ask that those, who have been harmed, be recompensed for all that they have suffered! 

 At 9 PM, we joined them in singing the National Anthem, led by Daniel, TX.

Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,

praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones, 

and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered! 

Corporately we prayed for Mike and Andra Berry, according to a vision pastor Ioan had for his divine healing.

Bernadette prayed for the synapses to be healed, for God to touch his brain, for resurrection power, for strength. Bless his wife and heal her knee, to run and not grow weary. Bless them coming and going.

Sandra, LA prayed in gratitude for our brother. Completely heal him in his body and mind in Jesus’ name. We have been freed by the cross of Christ, so nothing can hold us down. We are no longer slaves to anyone or anything. We do not fear man. 

Pastor Mike blessed the 24/7 family. Thank you that they are praying into this nation and the nations of the earth. Give us the wisdom to pull down the strongholds of this nation. We pray for the restoration of William Penn’s vision for our nation. Break the strongholds and reset America to her original intent in Jesus’ name.

Danja from Switzerland, the youngest member here, thanked the Lord for gathering us in this special place. We bless this gathering and this room. Bless each one’s heart that we are open to whatever You want to do in our personal lives and together. Protect our hearts, minds, and this place in Jesus’ name.

Pastor Ioan, with Sheena and Danja, drove through the countryside. Danja ran through the wheat fields. It was so beautiful.

Desiree, NJ, led us in singing America the Beautiful.

We were called in 2020 by sister Kara to WTKOG in Colorado. I stopped in Colorado Springs, which had been a hub of over 280 Christian missions’ efforts. Almost all had been halted because of demonic opposition. The owner of Glen Eyrie was General Jackson Palmer who was a Quaker. He was an abolitionist and wanted to fight in the war (though Quakers are pacifists). Palmer’s father gave his blessing saying, “Fight well.” General Palmer received all of the land of Colorado Springs. The manager allowed us to use the beautiful Rose Garden.

We expect something wonderful in Penn Treaty Park.

When we WTKOG into Orlando, birds came. Likewise in Glen Eyrie, so many birds came, along with the deer. Also when we WTKOG into Utkiavik, the whales came on Resurrection Day. The following day they spotted 100 whales, which had never happened. We also spotted caribou in April.

Expect extraordinary things. All of nature rejoices when the King of Glory comes.

Satan has nothing in me.


Randy and Evy put Pastor Ioan to work serving the homeless last Saturday. I never saw such beautiful believers in D.C. Every week they feed 150 – 200 people. Randy cooks the food every week. They were in this ministry for 10 years. We were giving out sleeping bags on Friday nights. One night at Union Station, there was a woman there, and it was so cold that I could not stand outside for more than 20 minutes. I asked her what I could provide for her, and she replied, “I would really like a good meal.” I would have said a warm place to stay. The Holy Spirit solidified in my heart to not continue to give them PB sandwiches. We learned from this and now cook for them every week. CCNP shelter hosts about 100 homeless and the other park hosts more. 

Four children: Melchizedek, Abby, . . . They worked 3 days to prepare the food. While serving, I felt the anointing (goosebumps). At that moment, my friend was preaching the Word of God, and another person was using a loudspeaker but ceased. 

They are the most qualified to present the eviction notice to Mammon are Randy and Evy, with their humility and years of serving the homeless, the least of these.

Meanwhile, our government is spending billions to kill people in Ukraine, operating in the opposite spirit.

Corporately we prayed for this anointing of Randy and Evy to be shared for all of us, that our hearts will be broken for the destitute. Lord, share your compassion with each of us in Jesus’ name.

Evy acknowledged Kity’s and Oma’s help. We are not doing this alone. It is a team effort. Thank God that He gives us healthy people even when it is snowing. One man took the remains of the scraped rice on the cold, snowy day. Another time a man came looking for grapes, which appeared spoiled but a man ate it anyway.

Randy prayed in thanksgiving for the 24/7. He released their compassionate anointing over all of us in person and on the phone.

Sister Oma and Kitty beautifully sounded the shofars. Oma can see in the Spirit with such clarity that it seems uncanny to us.

Some years ago, a man came and angrily asked why they always “have to talk about Jesus before feeding us”? This man ended up stealing their bag. He denied it. But the Lord caught him. After that he knelt down and acknowledged God. Everywhere you go, there is an angel protecting us.

Corporately we prayed for Oma, Randy, Evy, and Kitty. We are so grateful for their pure and wholehearted example to all of us! We thank you for their friendship. Refresh them, Lord.


We thanked God for calling us to this assignment and for those standing in the gap for us these days! We took communion and together, we again reaffirmed President Trump’s statement:




With love and blessings! 

Maureen and Pastor Ioan



We need a FT facilitator for the 1 PM ET Tuesday slot! Who is ready to step up?

All participants are asked to serve as “Co-Facilitators for one hour each week. 

That “two by twoBiblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated! 

We now have ***117*** co-facilitators…and call forth the other *** 51** to secure the call! 

PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)

Hours needing Co-Facilitators: 

12 AM ET – all slots filled

 1 AM ET – Tuesday, and Saturday

 2 AM ET – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

 3 AM ET – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 

 4 AM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

 5 AM ET – Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday

 6 AM ET – all slots filled

 7 AM ET – all slots filled 

 8 AM ET – all slots filled

 9 AM ET – all slots filled

10 AM ET – all slots filled 

11 AM ET – Monday, Tuesday, Friday, 

12 PM ET – all slots filled 

 1 PM ET – Friday, and Saturday 

 2 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday

 3 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday 

 4 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 

 5 PM ET – Tuesday, Saturday 

 6 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday 

 7 PM ET – Monday, Wednesday

 8 PM ET – Monday, Saturday 

 9 PM ET – Wednesday

10 PM ET- Friday, Saturday 

11 PM ET – all slots filled

May God help us to keep committed facilitators and co-facilitators covering all the hours

Touch hearts, Lord, and cause them to be open and willing to step up to serve!

Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work! 




Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com

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