Jun 14, 2022 – Prayer Focus

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.”
Zephaniah 3:17
We sing: Mighty Warrior
Mighty Warrior, dressed for battle, Holy Lord of all is He!
Commander in Chief, bring us to attention! Lead us into battle to crush the enemy.
Satan has no authority here in this place, he has no authority here.
For this habitation was fashioned for the Lord’s Presence, no authority here.
Mighty Warrior, dressed for battle, Holy Lord of all is He!
Commander in Chief, bring us to attention! Lead us into battle to crush the enemy.
Jesus has all authority here in this place, He has all authority here
For this habitation was fashioned for the Lord’s Presence, all authority here.
Mighty Warrior, dressed for battle, Holy Lord of all is He!
Commander in Chief, bring us to attention! Lead us into battle to crush the enemy. Mighty Warrior!
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage
and for all the members of their family. We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.
In every situation and decision, let our President be led by the Holy Spirit, so that he learns the truth and acts accordingly, for the good of the nation.
For the removal of Joe Biden and restoration of Donald Trump to his rightful office.
That as the REDEMPTION of the AMERICAN REPUBLIC takes place, those leaders that God anoints and appoints will take their places in the governments of each state and in our nation’s Capitol!
For protection, provision, and peace
for all working to expose the fraud and corruption of the 2020 election!
Strategic Focus for Tuesday
Standing in the GAP – Part 3
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and His Anointed, saying, “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.”
He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.
Then He will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in His fury.”
Psalm 2:2-5
Now is the hour when “the kings of the earth” have set themselves against the Lord. His glorious army, led by our King and Savior, THE MIGHTY WARRIOR, is arising and entering into THE BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA! We say “HINENI! Here we are, LORD!” Lead us into battle to crush the enemy. Pray.
Today, we continue reviewing and praying into the interview David Clements did with conservative podcaster Joe Oltmann, the second half of which focused on the book The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates. Let us rejoice at
the expectation that we are about to see the “LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL!”
Joe: So what about this David. What if we are the lesser magistrates? What if the people, in an actionable way, would solve the problem and stand in the gap at an interposition between the tyrants and tyranny in our nation? It’s a small group of people…the intended people our society… the very ethos… the soul of our nation.
And look, the problem is they have been stealing our elections for decades. The problem is “selected, not elected.” So let’s start to say, much like our Founding Fathers:
- “We don’t recognize you. You are not doing good for us. You are trying to destroy us.” Pray.
- And we go in and say: “We are getting rid of the machines. We are getting rid of mail-in ballots. Pray.
- And then we go in and cause a solution to be made. And we do this by tens of thousands and millions in a very short period of time. We take back our Nation by the power of the word “No”. Pray.
- Before the election, we walk in and say” “The machines are gone.” Pray.
I’m not telling you what intermediary groups do. Some may choose 10,000 people to go in and remove the machines… and give the police the opportunity to pick one of three places…
1. You stand with the tyrants that stole the election.
2. You stand in opposition to those people who would do harm.
3. You are so afraid, that you stand with the victims. Pray.
And we start looking at this from the doctrine, holistically.
- We talk about our kids. You have a tyrant outside the school that wants to harm our kids. The interposition at that point is someone with a gun, hopefully a veteran, standing at the door, standing in the gap between the tyrant…the intended murderer, and the intended victim, the children. It solves the problem. Right. Pray.
Right now, they don’t want to solve the problem. They want to strip the people of more of their rights because it doesn’t have to do with the problem, it has to do with what they want to do to the American people.
So I look at this and I think, the lesser magistrates are the People and not the 50,000, because I can’t rely on them holistically across the nation. But I can rely on the people. We can solve this in the next 180 days, let’s do that. Pray
David: Amen. One of the reasons why I stopped doing the Professor’s podcast frequently is that I travel. I’ve been to 35-plus states because people need to get together and experience our power…and you cannot experience that watching the screen. So when you talk about “the lesser magistrates being us”, we need confidence…and you can draw that when you just sit and do the numbers. How many people are out there? I leave these events having tried to equip them with a strategy to get rid of the machines. More importantly, they need to see the other people who say: “Wait a minute, this is a small army!” That’s when they say: “We can leverage this in an actionable way.” That’s where I say: “Yes and Amen.” Pray
For the people who say this sounds so bizarre: When you study history, you will find so many states didn’t want to join the United States of America. If you look at the ratifying conventions of Kentucky, for instance. They said “We’ve done the king, we’ve had tyranny, and you got this beautiful thing, the Constitution that says you have 18 enumerated powers. (Article 1 Section 8). You’re telling us this is all that you’re going to do. But what happens if you act like tyrants we are used to, like King George?”
It’s interesting that James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said then you are duty-bound to resist. That’s our heritage. If the federal government usurps their authority and takes away from the states, and in this case it was Kentucky, they are saying you have to rebel. That concept goes all the way down to the ground level of “We, the People”… whether or not you were elected, selected, or you are recognized…because at the end of the day, this is the question of what you mentioned with Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is no law at all. Pray.
None of us are duty-bound to hide under corrupt legal authority, so the power of saying NO is crucial. But sometimes we are our own worst enemies. The power of cynicism and doubt and all, is incrementally stripping us off right after right, after right.
When are we going to wake up, folks? It is not that the communists are coming…the communists are here. You are surrounded by them. We need to have a “the emperor has no clothes moment.” We could solve it this year. We can solve it this week if people would say: “No. Sorry. Right is right. Wrong is wrong.”’
- We’re not going to have perverted books in the schools.
- We’re not going to have our children in your building if you cannot protect them.
- We are not going to lose our voice using those machines.
It’s nullification in its most righteous way. Pray.
So where is the line? Because that is the question. Remember: “The shot heard around the world?” The Founders knew that their cause had to be a just cause, so they waited until they were fired upon. Once that happened they had the full righteous authority to destroy the enemy. In many ways, this is an information war. Many shots were fired against us already, verbal or with the machines. It doesn’t mean that we have to take it. We have to fight this fight wherever we go…use words when appropriate. Use our numbers when that’s appropriate, which is always. Wait until the shot has been fired by the enemy and once you have that righteous charge…and it’s over because God is going to bless that. Pray.
Joe: Frankly, the reason why I see The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates working at every level at the schools, downstream healthcare, and doctors is that it no longer relies on being patient, waiting for justice to be served because they are not serving justice. Pray.
The reason why the lesser magistrates work, in my opinion, is that we no longer rely on others to do good deeds. We ourselves become the “good deed doers”. We become the arbiters of reality and morality. It is only used to defend the victims, our society, and our children. Pray.
We no longer have to say that the school board or the teachers can do whatever they want. We can walk in…1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000 strong…and say:
- We are going to take down every LGBQ flag. They have no place in our schools.”
- Walk in and take out the pornographic books. They have no place in our schools.
- We can walk in and we get to decide life, liberty, and property. We get to decide who we are and who are our children until they are 18. They do not belong to the school system, they belong to us until we release them into the world. Pray.
So I think, from my standpoint, this is actionable and doesn’t require the government to maintain power. And by the way, it will spread like wildfire because it doesn’t matter if you are a democrat, republican or other. People are feeling enslaved in my opinion.
David: I agree. It really comes down to the thing which we are in short supply of… which is courage. They just need to see it modeled. For the Gideon 300, we need to experience victories and we need a spirit of Christian wisdom. And that doesn’t mean passivity folks. Look at the Old Testament figures. Men that are wrestling lions and bears. These are warriors. Part of being meek is knowing that there is a time to restrain that power. But when it’s time to strike and defend our children and to defend our voices, you’ve got righteousness on your side. We need to start acting as the sovereigns that we know that we are. Pray.
We talk about the Declaration of Independence with all these beautiful words that obviously meant something. So nothing that you are saying should shock people because that was the birthright that purchased the greatest nation ever. It was a Revolution. It was defiance of tyranny… and in 2022, we are there again. And in many respects, many things are far worse than they were during the Revolution because we have been given over to a depraved mind. People don’t know whether they are a man or a woman depending upon what time of day it is. So when you are talking and having conversations with absolutely deranged Marxist communists, there is no way to rationalize your way through this. Pray.
There is going to have to be righteousness through this and the doctrine of the lesser magistrate as far as I can tell is about foundationally resetting posts that you need or pillars to make sure our country survives. We are on the brink of losing everything and we must start driving down those posts. A Joe Oltmann post that is foundational solid and a Dave Clements post find each other… and are unmovable. We connect with one another, we build a structure of what this country felt like a long time ago. We’ve lost that. Pray.
Joe: So 20 men and women, walking two by two, going to a hundred cities in 100 days and speaking to those 100 people in 100 cities in 100 days about the lesser magistrates and the plan and activating people. And last night David, I spoke to 60 people. And all 60 people said, I will activate and I will enroll. 60… and I did not have anyone that wasn’t in. Not one hand. So I don’t know what you think about that, but I asked people if they are afraid. You know what they said; “Yes.” People put their hands up and said: “I’m afraid.” And I said: “Yes, you should be. It’s normal to be afraid.” And then I asked this question: “Is it worth it? Is it necessary?” And every single person said: “Yes!” Every single person. Pray.
David: It will work. It will work.
Joe: The idea is we all stand together. And by the way, it’s a leaderless movement. Lesser magistrates is a leaderless movement because we become the lesser magistrates. We become the people that dictate the moors of society. (the customs, norms, and behaviors that are acceptable to society or social group.) We take back the ability to be governed for the people, of the people, and by the people. We create the direction of our nation and people can actually do something and it’s equalized. Every person that gets involved in this Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates is equal. We are all going to be expected to do the same thing. Empowered to do the same thing. Power in numbers. Pray.
We pray:
- Father, protect Your servants and our American patriots, David Clements and his wife, Erin, and help them to continue to stand in the gap, encouraging all of us to engage in the Battle to SAVE America! Pray.
- Grant them favor with every local group of Commissioners that they address in the coming days regarding election fraud matters Pray.
- Let many groups of Country Commissioners “see the light” and enter into the process of rectifying fraud in each of their election processes! Pray.
- Guard and protect the members of our 24/7 family with the Blood of Jesus, as we engage with patriots across this land in this BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA! Pray.
- Call Donald Trump forth quickly, and guide him in his preparations to return to the White House. Pray.
- Protect our Supreme Court Justices and their families. Help them to stand for righteousness and justice, and release their decision to uphold the lives of the unborn soon! Pray.
- Protect the sovereignty of the United States of America and do not let it be compromised in any way! Remove Biden and all those who want to betray our Constitution and sell us out! Pray.
- Let our homes get in order so that they might be places for Your HABITATION and sanctuaries for others! Pray.
- That we will joyfully release the LOVE of GOD from our hearts over this, our beloved nation. Pray.
Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it!
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