
Jun 1, 2022 – Notes Shabbat Call

Jun 1, 2022 – Notes Shabbat Call

07-01-22 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call

7-10 PM ET 712-770-4340 code: 543555 # 

As we joined into the SHABBAT Call, Maureen thanked Pastor Ioan for all the work he’s doing in building web pages for each of our 50 State Strategic Prayer Calls!  Stay tuned for updates on that…as we pray for our states and see God move in our own territories! HalleluYah! 

We together receive the Ephesians 6 armor of God that He has so graciously provided for us:

“Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, 

and having done all, to stand.

 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 

above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”

Ephesians 6:13-18

We prayed corporately to receive and wear the full armor of God, with the dignity and grace it deserves.

Maureen shared about a time in Argentina when she “took a hit” while on an assignment, and was prayed for by other intercessors, who “adjusted her armor” so that it was properly in place to protect her! We offered individual prayers:

  • Troy (CA) prayed for the armor for each of us and to be worn properly
  • Albert (CA) at the 3 PM ET hour, they put on the armor and cover all of the 24/7 family
  • Bev (MT) shared a teaching about the feet being shod with the gospel of peace…that we would never bring stress to any place, and would rule over strife and disorder.
    • That also applies to entering into a conversation 


Yesterday, the US Supreme Court handed down two major decisions as it ended its current term. 

  • It ruled that the EPA does not have the power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants
  • It affirmed that Biden does have the authority to end the “Remain in Mexico” policy. 

These final two opinions came on the heels of three precious rulings that were critical! 

  • Last Thursday, the Court struck down a New York law that has restricted peoples’ ability to carry concealed weapons. 
  • On Friday, SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade, eliminating the protection for abortion that the case had ensured for a half-century. 
  • Then, last Monday, they affirmed the right of a high school football coach to pray on the field immediately after a game. 

NOTE: Yesterday’s 6-3 decision reigned in Biden’s overreaching climate change agenda, ruling that the EPA can’t impose sweeping regulations that overhaul entire industries, without Congressional approval. Justice Roberts wrote, “Capping carbon dioxide emissions at a level that will force a nationwide transition away from the use of coal to generate electricity may be a sensible ‘solution to the crisis of the day,’ but it is not plausible that Congress gave EPA the authority to adopt on its own such a regulatory schemewithout the approval of the people’s elected representatives. That’s a long-overdue blow against the bloated bureaucracy of Washington that’s grown so big and powerful that it acts like a separate, totally unaccountable. branch of government. 

Following the adjournment of this session of the Court, Justice Stephen Bryer officially retired from SCOTUS and  administered the Oath of Office to his former law clerk, now the 104th Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Ketanji Brown Jackson.  The Court will now be in recess until the first Monday in October 2022. 

Let us pray for our SCOTUS Justices, that God will work in their hearts and minds, and lead them to decide according to the Founders’ leading in their future rulings. We prayed corporately into this!


The flurry of rulings from the Supreme Court has everyone’s head spinning. The most significant among them, even if it doesn’t capture all the headlines, is West Virginia vs EPA. The majority opinion is impressive, but the part that is truly wonderful is the concurring opinion by Neil Gorsuch. This is where we see things headed, toward a major and much-welcome curbing of the power of the administrative state.

Just to review what this thing is, it is the unelected bureaucracy that rules the country without oversight from voters or legislatures. For well over 100 years, most courts have given it a pass, just assuming that the “experts” in the bureaucracies are handling things just fine, faithfully interpreting legislation, and merely creating rules for easy compliance.

Generations have gone by as this “4th branch of government” has grown in size, scope, and strength. For the most part, its baneful impositions have been felt by one business or one industry at a time. You have heard the stories. 

  • The car dealer complains about how the Department of Labor is making him crazy. 
  • The machine-parts manufacturer is going bonkers about letters from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 
  • The energy company can never satisfy the Environmental Protection Agency.

They are stories and we find them unfortunate but we’ve generally avoided thinking of these as systematic, all-pervasive, and truly dangerous to the idea of freedom itself. However, there are some 432 of these agencies

The authors of the Declaration of Independence noted their existence back in the day when they accused the English king of having “erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People and eat out their Substance.” They fought a revolution to end the tyranny but now we have a home-grown form, starting in 1883 with the Pendleton Act and continuing throughout the 20th century as each new administration creates its own bureaucracy. Approved on January 16, 1883, the Pendleton Act established a merit-based system of selecting government officials and supervising their work. 

  • The Pendleton Act provided that federal government jobs be awarded on the basis of merit and that government employees be selected through competitive exams. 
  • The act also made it unlawful to fire or demote, for political reasons, employees who were covered by the law.

May the SCOTUS continue to take back the power and authority that was incorrectly given away to these agencies, who have continually used them corruptly. We prayed corporately to restore the balance of power that was established by our Forefathers when they set up the three branches of our government…Legislative, Judicial, and Executive. 

JUSTICE GORSUCH, with whom JUSTICE ALITO joins, concurring.  “To resolve today’s case, the Court invokes the major questions doctrine. Under that doctrine’s terms, administrative agencies must be able to point to ‘clear congressional authorization’” when they claim the power to make decisions of vast “economic and political significance.’” ( Ante, at 17,19.) Like many parallel clear-statement rules in our law, this one operates to protect foundational constitutional guarantees. I join the Court’s opinion and write to offer some additional observations about the doctrine on which it rests.”

These rights, reserved for Congress,  have been usurped by the agencies. ENOUGH! These types of activities by the agencies and unelected bureaucrats must be stopped!

But no less than its rules against retroactive legislation or protecting sovereign immunity, the Constitution’s rule vesting federal legislative power in Congress is “vital to the integrity and maintenance of the system of government ordained by the Constitution.” Marshall Field & Co. v. Clark, 143 U. S. 649, 692 (1892).

It is vital because the framers believed that a republic – a thing of the people – would be more likely to enact just laws than a regime administered by a ruling class of largely unaccountable “ministers.

But by vesting the lawmaking power in the people’s elected representatives, the Constitution sought to ensure “not only that all power [w]ould be derived from the people,” but also “that those [e]ntrusted with it should be kept in dependence on the people.”

The Constitution, too, placed its trust not in the hands of “a few, but [in] a number of hands,” ibid., so that those who make our laws would better reflect the diversity of the people they represent and have an “immediate 

dependence on, and an intimate sympathy with, the people.” Id., No. 52, at 327 (J. Madison). Today, some might describe the Constitution as having designed the federal lawmaking process to capture the wisdom of the masses. See P. Hamburger, Is AdministrativeLaw Unlawful? 502–503 (2014).

Admittedly, lawmaking under our Constitution can be difficult. But that is nothing particular to our time, nor any accident. The framers believed that the power to make new laws, regulating private conduct, was a grave one that could, if not properly checked, pose a serious threat to individual liberty.

As a result, the framers deliberately sought to make lawmaking difficult by insisting that two houses of Congress must agree to any new law and the President must concur or a legislative supermajority must override his veto. The difficulty of the design sought to serve other ends too. By effectively requiring a broad consensus to pass legislation, the Constitution sought to ensure that any new law would enjoy wide social acceptance, profit from input by an array of different perspectives during their consideration, and thanks to all this prove stable over time. See id., No. 10, at 82–84 (J. Madison). The need for compromise inherent in this design also sought to protect minorities by ensuring that their votes would often decide the fate of proposed legislation—allowing them to wield real power alongside the majority. See id., No. 51, at 322–324 (J. Madison). The difficulty of legislating at the federal level aimed as well to preserve room for lawmaking “by governments more local and more accountable than a distant federal” authority, National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, 567 U. S. 519, 536 (2012) (plurality opinion), and in this way allow States to serve as “laborator[ies]” for“novel social and economic experiments,” New State Ice Co. v. Liebmann, 285 U. S. 262, 311 (1932) (Brandeis, J., dissenting); see J. Sutton, 51 Imperfect Solutions: States and the Making of American Constitutional Law 11 (2018).

When Congress seems slow to solve problems, it may be only natural that those in the Executive Branch might seek to take matters into their own hands. But the Constitution does not authorize agencies to use pen-and-phone regulations as substitutes for laws passed by the people’s representatives. In our Republic, “[i]t is the peculiar province of the legislature to prescribe general rules for the government of society.” Fletcher v. Peck, 6 Cranch 87, 136 (1810). Because today’s decision helps safeguard that foundational constitutional promise, I am pleased to concur.

May the rightful power to legislate and chart the course for this nation of laws be used boldly by the conservative legislators, and upheld by the SCOTUS!  We offered individual prayers: 

  • Mary Ellen (IL) let there be people who will use this case as a precedent and bring cases forward testing it with the agencies that are abusing the Constitution! 
  • Susan (GA) tear down those agencies that have abused us and give that life back to us!
  • Carol (TX) the taxes we pay have been sucked dry. Our country is to be protected from foreign invasion, and that is why the federal government was created. 
  • Martha (NY) hem in the agenda of the new Justice Brown and break any unholy alliance that tries to form with her and the other liberal Justice. Do not let her be an Obama on steroids!
  • Sharill (CO) She used to know You, Lord, and we see her as a PRODIGAL, and call her back! Let Amy Barrett befriend her and lead her back to You! 
  • Diane (MT) lifted up the testimony of JFK, who said he returned to his faith prior to his assassination. Let the Justices desire to honor YOU! We cut off all funds from our tax dollars to the nefarious non-profits.
  • John (NJ) we have had conservative Justices who made so many liberal rulings. Let them now see clearly, and rule righteously! Thanked God for Joe Manchin, or W VA, who has stood against his own DEM party boldly! 


SCOTUS to Hear Case That Could Give State Legislatures, Not Judges, Power to Regulate Elections

The ‘independent state legislature doctrine’ is a longtime favorite of conservative legal thinkers and Republicans.

The Supreme Court decided on June 30 to hear an important new case that Republicans hope will re-empower state legislatures to make rules for redistricting and governing congressional and presidential elections.

Republicans say the U.S. Constitution has always directly authorized state legislatures to make rules for the conduct of elections, including presidential elections. Democrats say this idea, encompassed by the Independent State Legislature Doctrine, is a fringe conservative legal theory that could endanger voting rights. The Supreme Court has reportedly never ruled on the doctrine.

The doctrine, if endorsed by the high court, could allow state legislatures to select presidential electors in disputed elections, something critics decry as a threat to democracy.  “It means that the Court may take up all the nonsense that has been occurring over the last 10 years,” Adams told The Epoch Times by email.

In a series of Twitter posts, Democratic Party attorney and election law activist Marc Elias denounced the court’s decision to hear the case. “The Supreme Court will hear a case next term that may validate the dangerous independent state legislature theory. Congress must enact comprehensive voting rights and anti-subversion 

legislation before it’s too late, the future of our democracy is on the docket.”

The doctrine has been in the news because conservative Republican activist Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, sent emails to 29 Republican state lawmakers in Arizona urging them to choose the state’s presidential electors, despite the disputed popular vote tallies, showing Democrat Joe Biden had won the state.

Her emails were sent on Nov. 9, 2020, after media outlets had called the Arizona race for Biden. The efforts by Republicans to change the result in Arizona were unsuccessful, and ultimately the state’s 11 votes in the Electoral College were awarded to Biden.   In her emails, Ginni Thomas, a supporter of President Donald Trump, asked Arizona legislators to “stand strong in the face of political and media pressure” and asserted that the responsibility to select electors was “yours and yours alone.” Lawmakers, she wrote, had the “power to fight back against fraud” and “ensure that a clean slate of Electors is chosen.”

A Supreme Court ruling that state legislatures alone have the power to make decisions about federal elections, within the boundaries set by federal law, could have a dramatic impact on redistricting processes and election procedures.

Actions by state legislatures could still be subject to challenge in federal courts, but state courts and even governors could be sidelined under the most expansive interpretations of the “independent state legislature” theory.

With 30 state legislatures currently in Republican hands, GOP state legislative leaders would be strongly positioned to skew maps in their party’s favor and to make changes Republicans have sought to voting procedures.

Four conservative justices – Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh – have signaled at least an openness to some version of the theory.

The theory was also central to President Donald Trump’s ultimately unsuccessful attempt to get states to appoint a slate of alternate electors in the 2020 presidential contest. The court is likely to hear arguments in the case late this fall or early next year.

We prayed for Justice Amy Barrett to join the four Justices, along with Justice Roberts. We also pray that there will be a change in leadership of the SCOTUS, and Justice Thomas to become the Chief Justice!


Following Landmark 2nd Amendment Decision, SCOTUS Overturns Appeals Court Decisions in 4 States

July 1, 2022

The Supreme Court followed up its June 23 landmark ruling, that for the first time recognized a constitutional right to carry firearms in public for self-defense, by issuing a series of rulings on June 30, reversing federal appeals court decisions that upheld gun restrictions in California, New Jersey, Maryland, and Hawaii.

Courts will find it difficult to uphold the firearms laws in question, after the high court’s June 30 and June 23 rulings. In unsigned orders, all four cases were remanded June 30 to lower courts “for further consideration in light of” the Supreme Court’s June 23 decision in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen. In that 6–3 ruling, the high court invalidated New York state’s tough concealed-carry gun permitting system.  We prayed into this!

  • John (NJ) in order to get a carry permit, you had to PROVE need, and it was difficult to do! The Constitution gives us the right to protect ourselves, and the 2nd Amendment will STAND! 
  • Ydia (FL) Thank You, God, for orchestrating this whole thing.
  • Desiree (NY) Concerned about the proposal of the Dems in the House to enact red flag laws, (ie. to confiscate arms due to questions of mental health.) The Dems negotiated with the RINOS and they got it through, and Biden signed it into law. She is deeply concerned about it!


US Supreme Court Tosses 3 Rulings Against Abortion Laws  July 1, 2022

Two cases regarding lower court rulings on abortion bans and a third abortion-related case were thrown out of the Supreme Court on Thursday in light of Roe v. Wade being overturned.

Federal appeals courts in Arizona and Arkansas had made rulings that invalidated abortion bans in those states. The third case in Indiana involved parental notification of abortions performed on minors.

Those lower court decisions were based on Roe, which was decided in 1973, and a companion precedent known as Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which was decided in 1992. After the June 24 Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe, the three cases will now return to lower courts to be reconsidered.

In Arkansas, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit blocked measures passed by lawmakers to ban abortions performed because of fetal genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome. This decision was made in Rutledge v. Little Rock Family Planning Services.

A federal appeals court in Arizona made a similar decision to block a ban on abortions due to fetal genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome.

Speaking to LifeNews, Denise Harle, the senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, praised the decision.

“Every human life is worthy of protection; Arkansas’ laws protect both unborn children and women. And now that the Supreme Court has returned policy decisions of this sort to the states, we trust that the 8th Circuit will conclude that Arkansas’ laws protecting unborn children, the health of pregnant mothers, and the integrity of the medical profession are legitimate.”

The third case thrown out of the Supreme Court relates to a law in Indiana that required the parents of minors seeking abortions to be notified. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit will now have to reevaluate its decision in Box vs. Planned Parenthood of Indiana.

Praise God!  Talk about a DOMINO EFFECT!  We prayed corporately into this “great toss” of the 3 cases! 


While in Europe for NATO meetings, Biden declared that the biggest problem in the US is the SCOTUS decision in Roe v Wade. For the “Commander in Chief” who is the head of one branch (Executive) to attack those of another branch (SCOTUS) is a disgrace. He literally called for an OPEN SEASON on the Justices! After Biden took office, on January 22, 2021, the Lord told us to restrain the evil that was coming out of the White House! Biden is spreading the lies globally now, and playing our nation for the fool! He needs to be impeached and removed!  We prayed into that corporately!


Biden: Drivers Must Pay More for Gas ‘As Long as It Takes’ to End Russia War  June 30, 2022

Joe Biden on Thursday said that American motorists should expect to pay elevated prices for gasoline until the Russia–Ukraine war is over. In a press conference following the NATO summit in Madrid, Biden was questioned about how long people should pay higher gas prices.

  • “How long is it fair to expect American drivers and drivers around the world to pay a premium for this war?” 
  • Biden said in response, “As long as it takes so that Russia cannot in fact defeat Ukraine and move beyond Ukraine.”

We prayed for Joe Biden’s removal:

  • Debbie (TX) Habakkuk 1:4-5,12Therefore the law is powerless, And justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; Therefore perverse judgment proceeds. The Lord’s Reply “Look among the nations and watch— Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you. Are You not from everlasting, O Lord my God, my Holy One? We shall not die. O Lord, You have appointed them for judgment; O Rock, You have marked them for correction.” Work Your justice and law and order in our nation, in all the branches of Government! 

Have mercy on us and bring back our duly elected President, Donald John Trump!

  • Diane (MT) the riots have been set up…and we cancel the words of Biden, who wants to cause them! 
  • Susan (GA) thanked God for His Word,  Luke 10:18-19   And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”  
  • Jim (CA) remove this usurper, and restore Donald Trump, as we keep knocking until we get justice! 
  • Cindy (AZ) we trust in Your love, Lord, and know You will make a way where there is no way!  Remove Biden from the White House, along with those Dems and RINOS who are not standing up for Biblical values. Protect our young children, and put President Trump back into the office, so the children can once again look up to our leaders! 
  • John (NJ) this usurper will be removed and there will be a peaceful transition of power. Drain that swamp and keep those who are Yours free from corruption! Return civil service to its high calling! 


Biden’s global initiative to replace Christianity with atheism

The Biden Administration discreetly launched an anti-Christian globalist grant program in April 2021 that was designed to subvert religious practice and instead ensure “dissent from religious belief” within the “context of intersectional identities.”

The program, titled “DRL FY20 IRF Promoting and Defending Religious Freedom Inclusive of Atheist, Humanist, Non-Practicing and Non-Affiliated Individuals,” has been called out by congressional Republicans who have noticed that the Biden Administration’s defense of “religious freedom” is now “inclusive” of distinctly a-religious disciplines.

The GOP noted that any program like this within the United States would be unconstitutional and asked: “how such a grant or cooperative agreement program advances the foreign policy interests of the United States.” The Republicans remarked how foreign leaders could view this program as a type of colonization where America was trying to “shatter local religious and cultural relationships.”

The grant program’s official website states that is a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) that will award one to two grants up to $500,000. through a competitive process to applicant organizations committed to “strengthening networks” and “advocacy” for atheism, humanism, and “non-practicing” religious pluralism in South/Central Asia and in the Middle East/North Africa.

It “is one thing for the Department of State to be tolerant and respectful of a wide range of belief systems” but “It is quite another for the United States government to work actively to empower atheists, humanists, non-practicing, and non-affiliated in public decision-making. The Biden State Department is promoting CRT, abortion and now atheism abroad. This is not what America stands for!

Atheism is the foundation of the communist/socialist doctrine! This has not been in the news for over a year! It’s our money, being given away to those who fight our belief as a Christian nation! 

It must be stopped! We issue an order of restraint about this, and ask that it be brought down now!  The role of the USA in the end times is to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  Biden is promoting the opposite! 

This is our hour as intercessors…for 2,100 days, 8 1/2 months, we have been praying on this call!  We have been attacked, stretched, and tired, but we continue to come to the WALL…to the CALL! 

We pray for the strengthening of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call and for new intercessors to join our 24/7 family, who will sacrifice themselves for the sake of the nation, and join us in praying! We welcome all those who are taking part in the 24/7 Calls, both the national and individual states!  

As we are praying for our 24/7 NSPC, we are also praying for the building up of our 24/7 State Strategic Prayer Calls. Maureen listed the individual states that have current calls and those that still need coordinators so that they might be launched! She called us forward to take the lead in our individual states and on the 24/7 NSPC! Then Pastor Ioan exhorted us to pray into these things, and not hold back! 


Our hearts are heavy for Israel, and the trials it is once again going through. We pray that it will be raised up to be the light to the nations that God intends it to be! We also grieve over the loss of Dr. Zelenko, who was a fighter in the VAX WARS! Lord, have mercy on him! May his name be a blessing to all who remember him! We certainly will! 


We took communion, then we asked the Lord to bless and protect our brother, David Clements. He says hello to our 24/7 team, and he will be traveling with his family to MO for J6 Retreat, July 2-3. Then, on to Michigan for a patriot event on July 9th.  He will be posting dates of events for us to pray re: same. We prayed corporately for them!  

We closed our night’s SHABBAT CALL joyfully singing SHABBAT SHALOM! 

With love and blessings to all! 

Maureen and Pastor Ioan




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