
July 7, 2023 – Notes Shabbat Call

July 7, 2023 – Notes Shabbat Call

07-07-23 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration” 

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call

7-10 PM ET 712-770-4340 code: 543555 # 

SHABBAT SHALOM, everyone! We open this SHABBAT Call…rejoicing that Pastor Ioan is finally back home in CA and Maureen is safe in Orlando. Debbie and Daniel will now return to their business in TX, which we pray will prosper greatly due to their service traveling with Pastor Ioan this past week. 

Debbie (TX) led us in receiving the armor of God, according to Ephesians 6:10-18. 

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, 

and having done all, to stand.

 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace

above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”

We prayed corporately, receiving God’s full armor, asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!

May we radiate the character and attributes of Christ, as we wear this wonderful armor He has given us.


Prayer requests:

For Susan Strevens (GA) who had surgery this morning in NY after a fall in which she broke her neck! We are praying for a MIRACLE through which God will be greatly glorified! Here’s the timeline of our text conversations.

Wednesday, July 5 

Bob: Hi Maureen: Susan asked me to text you that she is unable to transcribe the work requested by Pastor Ioan. She is in intensive care and immobilized.

Maureen: What’s going on with her? We will pray. Pastor Ioan is in Phoenix, AZ with the Lutheran nuns at the retreat site called Canaan in the Desert… I called and notified them and they all are praying for Susan. Tell her we are with her right now!!!!!


Bob: Hi Maureen. Sorry, I missed your call. Was driving from the hospital back to our campsite. I was with Susan when you two spoke. She asked me to call you from my phone. Thank you for your prayers. Bob

Maureen: Just spoke to Susan! Can you believe that? She called – drugged up and immobilized – from her trauma unit bed! She said her spinal cord is still intact – not severed, PTL! 

After another MRI tonight, they will take her into surgery at 7:30 am tomorrow (Friday) to repair the broken neck (vertebrae). most likely fusing it to the ones above and below it. 

Pray as the Spirit leads, including: 

– for the Drs, nurses, and those who will care for her.

– for her peace as she goes in and comes out of surgery

– for Bob as he stands by her through it all

– for a miracle…that she has a supernatural recovery that is a testimony to the goodness of God!!!

Thank each of you for praying and standing for our GA peach!

Love and blessings,


Friday, July 7

Bob: Dr said she did very well and he was pleased with the results. She is still in the OR. She should be in recovery in another 2-3 hours. Thanks for your prayers. Bob


Bob: We got to visit at about 3:45 pm. She’s still pretty foggy from the anesthesia. She’s having some respiratory complications so they are moving her to ICU. ICU visitation ends at 8 pm. More later. Bob


Maureen: We will be praying for her on the Shabbat Call that starts at 7 pm. If you would like to come on and share about her for a few minutes, let me know! People would love to hear from you and get a praise report! 

The number is 712-770-4340 Code: 543555 #

Bob: I’m in the process of moving campground to shorten the commute from 60 miles to 20.

Maureen: We are all so proud of you, Bob! You are her knight in shining armor! M 😇

Friday pm:

Renee, Susan’s daughter:

Hi Maureen. This is Susan Strevens’ daughter Renee. She asked me to reach out to ask if you would please pray for her for easy breathing. Thank you so much.

Maureen: Yes. We heard she was having breathing problems, and we lifted her up all night on the call, and closed just now with a prayer for her! When she is able, I’ll pray with her by phone. Give her a kiss for me!

We prayed corporately for Susan, Bob and for her full and complete recovery! HalleluYah! AMEN!

We offered individual prayers:

Danielle (SC) prayed Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen .” for her, and said this situation will be the birthing of determination in all of us! 

Bev (MT) let the door open for the King of Glory and the windows open for the Sunshine in that room. Let everyone going into that room KNOw it is the Lord

Audrey (CA) prayed for Susan, and spoke the words of the song: I speak the Name of Jesus over you!

Mary Ellen (IL) no weapon formed against Susan will prosper. Thank You for bringing the King of Glory into that room, and everyone will experience His Presence!

Debbie (TX) she will recover and her body will be as You designed it to function. She also blessed Bov and their marriage

Beverly (CA) Let her stomp on the devil in Jesus’ Name

Tesi (FL) thanked God for His goodness and that He has saved her and that she will fulfill her destiny in Christ

Richard (AK) prayed for full restoration of her spine and all that was harmed. 

Anita (GA) She’s our girl! We are lifting hearts and hands to You in praise! You will use this situation for good to strengthen us and build Your Church. You are her breath, and whatever is going on there with her oxygen, You are her GREAT PHYSICIAN. We come before You grateful for what You are doing with Susan. 

Carol (GA) agreed with Anita from GA and thanked God for the miracle for Susan…for complete healing and restoration. 

Bobby (WI) Susan has brought so much history, info, and background to the call, dug in, and been committed to the call. Continue to be gracious to her and let her continue to contribute to this call as she has in the past! 

Diane (MT) I think of her, with head back, fists out, and screaming FREEDOM in DC.

Additional prayer requests:

For the ongoing needs of the Clements family…protection, provision, peace!

Eben, the son of Pastors Arnold and Jojo Brewer (AK), is struggling with thoughts about not wanting to live. We prayed for deliverance for Eben, from the attacks of the enemy to his mind! We call upon him, and all his family, to stand strong in Christ as the Blood of Jesus covers and sets them free! We blessed them and called upon the Holy Spirit and the angels to protect them and their community! 

Bobby (WI) I had those thoughts when I was young and needed to find my purpose in life! Let him as well! 

Debbie (TX) prayed against any spirit that might try to come in and take Eben out. Let Eben find the way in Christ to his freedom from these attacks. No fear! Thank You for fulfilling the work You have begun in them! 

Joah (AZ) show Eben and all those in that region of Barrow who they are in You and protect them from the evil spirits that are trying to take them out! I speak LIFE and HOPE to them. I also pray for the Clements family, and ask that You provide for all their needs! 

Richard (AK) Thanked God for sending angels to surround them. Let Arnold’s heart go out to his son, and express his love for him, to bring life and hope to him. Let Eben turn his life totally over to You and never turn back. I also pray for the whole North Slope area and Arnold’s influence there. Push the satanic spirits away, and let the LIGHT of Christ shine through there. For the Clements family, guard and protect them and meet their emotional needs when their father is gone. David will be in Fairbanks on the 16th, and in Anchorage on the 18th to speak! 

Danielle (SC) lifted up Eben, Arnold and Jojo…who belong to You! They are trying to do what is right in Your eyes, and we break the power source of darkness menacing this family! We ask for complete restoration for that family, and for the Clements family as well. We declare: Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22 over them. I pray for Alaska, and ask for a RESERVED sign over the State of AK…and cancel the demonic plans in that state, and call it forth for the Kingdom!

Desiree (NY) prayed for Sean Feucht who followed those of us who went there to NY on assignment 

Beverly (CA) whatever entered into Eben’s life that was not of God, we cut that spirit off from his life now. His land may be filled with hopelessness, but he will be filled with HOPE and a PURPOSE. I see his footsteps in loose sand (snow) and wherever he goes he will make an impact. 

Jeri (FL) every place he steps will take territory for the Kingdom. The demonic will be broken and committed for the Glory of God! Let him walk in the path You have ordained for him!

Danielle (SC) Lifted up all our youth across this land Psalm 34:18 The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as [a]have a contrite spirit.”

John (NJ) our youth are so rejected and we release a spirit of acceptance over them…as we stand for them and against depravity, suicide, and death! We lift up the lost youth, who don’t fit in, and feel rejected. Let them know they are Yours and they are accepted in the Body! 

Diane (MT) I echo those words, and lift up one of us on the call whose son Max is in the hospital with the same problem! Let him feel YOur loving arms around him, and realize that You know and love him.



“George Soros said he’s hoping for a long, drawn-out Republican primary. Sadly, we’re now watching disloyal Republicans (RINOS, we call them) play right into Soros’ hands by giving him exactly what he wants. A group of RINOs is spending $200 MILLION in an attempt to eliminate our campaign in the Republican primary. All that will do is divide us at a time when we should be going after the true menace to our country: Crooked Joe! Now, here’s the worst part……$200,000,000 is MORE than Soros is spending against us! Soros and a Soros-linked Super PAC have spent a combined $125 MILLION to stop us in 2024. But RINOs are now OUTBIDDING Soros. Look, you always expect your enemies to attack you. But it’s far worse when the devious plot against you comes from within…”

We prayed for the RINOs to be stopped and taken out of office and for Soros to be deported from the USA.

We offered individual prayer in this respect:

Beverly (CA) heard “pry” and “pray”…pry him and the RINOs out and pray that they do not come in ever again.

Debbie (TX) let those who are “prey” be safe from those who would capture them and be restored in Christ

John (NJ) there are many traitors in this nation, and the Greco-Roman system confirmed and revoked citizenship. Let them be banished for the crimes they committed. 

Mary Ellen (IL) We bind that spirit that will take the money from the Soros empire. After the spirit of mammon was evicted, the spirit of God is going forward and taking dominion over this nation, and they are no longer welcome. 

Diane (MT) Stalin’s daughter tried to be different from her father. Let the Soros family be the same. She read Psalm 9 about giving thanks for the Lord’s righteous judgments.

Angela (CA) had a vision of Jesus walking the grounds of the WHITE HOUSE and Blood was dripping from His hands, and obliterating the roots of evil there. “I have poured in the Blood and lured them out of their holes, and once they have emerged, they will be plucked up and plucked out! “ Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done! Break the hold the Soros family has had on our nation. Expose the hatred that they and the RINOs have for this nation. Let there be uninhibited worship in this land!

Desiree (NY) There is power in dance, and it brings forth VICTORY!

Danielle (SC) the word I received is GREAT JUDGMENT is coming… evil will be judged…the unrighteous will be filled with greed and strife…the leadership of this country not only do this but affirm those who do them. 

She gave these verses: 2 Peter 3:9, Psalm 94:23, Psalm 28:5, Psalm 73:19. Soros is at the root of the bloodshed and we ask that Your judgment for him and others who are traitors be swift to come.

Bobby (WI) read from Isaiah 13 asking God to destroy the wicked

Bev (MT) read Isaiah 3:8-12 that we might discern good from evil

Angela (CA) As she said” WOE,” I saw an angel in front of the White House…and it began to shake. There was such a shaking that it was like an earthquake…at the sound of the word “WOE”… the entire White House to shake. 

Maureen asked us to corporately declare WOE, and release the shaking that has been spoken of! Bobby (WI) Isaiah 5:18Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as if with a cart rope”

Sharon (CA) Soros passed the baton to his 35-year-old son, who is more political than his father. Let this foundation wither and the son walk away with no funds…that are being used for evil! “Therefore I will shake the heavens, And the earth will move out of her place, In the wrath of the Lord of hosts And in the day of His fierce anger.” Isaiah 13:13

Mary Ellen (IL) We know Soros money has come into our country and bought Dems in every state, and controlled races everywhere. And as we declare WOE the evil is being shaken out! 

Debbie (TX) sang out these words: “Shake, shake, shake, shake the evil!” 

Richard (AK) prayed that the shaking starts with the Body of Christ, to root out the lukewarmness in every arena of our lives! 

Annie (SC) thinking of the treasuries of the righteous and the treasures of the wicked – Proverbs 15:6 In the house of the righteous there is much treasure, but in the revenue of the wicked is trouble.” No more money to carry out wicked plans.

Danielle (SC) “Woe” is indicative of our sorrow and the need for something to stop…and it released God’s hand to act. The RINOs are hypocrites and they can’t stop…but continue to rebel against God! There are “3 woes” in Revelation. 


We paused just before 9 PM, as we do nightly, to pray for the J6 prisoners from across the nation,

We declare “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” for them, and pray that they all will be set free!

We prayed that they would know that they are NOT abandoned, but that we stand with them!’

We offered individual prayers for them: 

Richard (AK) We speak Freedom! To them.

Kay (IL) let them know that You are the LIGHT of the world

Angela (CA) we pray for Your Presence and the LIGHT of Your LOVE to rest upon them and be seen

Carol (TX) prayed for the children and the impact this is having on them. Comfort those separated for the stolen years! Let all that has been taken be restored 7 times. 

Then we joined them in singing the National Anthem in unity from our 50 states across the nation!

Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,

praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones, 

and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered! 


Three releases on Tucker Carlson through The Professor’s Record /Professor David Clements

Tucker says the Chief of the Capitol police told him that the crowd on January 6th was filled with federal agents. He planned on airing that interview but was canceled before he could do so. Now we know why he was canceled and fired. Are you seeing it clearly now? They don’t want the world to know the truth.

Twitter (https://twitter.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1677360775281934342?s=20

Tucker doubles down on electronic voting machines and the lies the establishment repeats about January 6th:

“The lying about it was immediate. These are people who thought the election was stolen from them… There was no effort at all to convince people that electronic voting machines are secure. Any country that has electronic voting machines by definition is at risk of having its election stolen. No country that cared about Democracy would have electronic voting machines. There was no effort to reassure anybody. They immediately used it to make their political opponents shut up and send them to jail. They were just immediately lying about it with maximum aggression. That’s the key for me. It’s like an infection. They immediately recoiled when you asked any questions about January 6th.”

Twitter (https://twitter.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1677364674831208448?s=20

Tucker tells the establishment to F*** itself after their reaction to him exposing the tapes showing that the “Qanon Shaman” was escorted by Capitol Police into the Senate. “The amount of lying about January 6th is really distressing and anyone who is covering for those lies should be ashamed of themselves. There are people (at Fox) who were mad at me. The Qanon Shaman, they put the guy in prison for years. There is surveillance tape that they hid, escorting him (through the capitol). You cannot call that guy an insurrectionist, that’s a lie. To put Jacob Chansley in jail for years after he was let into the Senate Chamber by uniformed capitol police officers and I play that and I’m the bad guy. F*** you. To take a man’s freedom away and call him all these names for something he didn’t do and then show no remorse at all. It’s an outrage to me.”

Twitter (https://twitter.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1677371243170009089?s=20

We prayed for Tucker, his family and for their protection and safety. 

Richard (AK) prayed for their protection

Beverly (CA) You are putting up walls of protection around him so people around him will not harm him

Joan (AZ) guard him with angels and don’t let him be diverted from what You have called him to do. Let it all come out and l(*NY) He is a man who says: “If I perish, I perish!” Whether we live or die, we will glorify You! We see in 2 Kings 6 that You reveal where the enemy is coming. 

Diane (MT) prayed that any language about insurrection be removed from President Trump and others accused falsely

 Rescue scene from the SOUND OF FREEDOM!

“When God tells you what to do….you cannot hesitate.”

“The incredible The Sound of Freedom movie. YOU MUST SEE IT! This movie will shake you to your core. If you are working in election integrity. it will reinvigorate your drive both by seeing Tim Ballard’s incredible bravery and how this horrible evil is tearing our globe apart. What is happening at the border is directly tied to election rigging. And after seeing this movie, you can’t help but draw the sobering conclusion that the selling children is most likely funding most of the rigging. There was a reason you were called to this moment.”

“I went to the theater to watch Sound of Freedom last night. The quality of the movie is top-tier. The acting is excellent. Especially from the child actors. I also thoroughly enjoyed the chemistry between Jim Caviezel and an ex-criminal who teamed up with him to save the children. Jim has some powerful moments, especially in his final speech after the credits. One couldn’t help but shed a tear. The entire movie theater was completely quiet. Not a word was said once the movie ended. You could hear a pin drop. No one wanted to look at each other as we left the movie and walked to our cars. Everyone was legitimately somber. It ends on a high note. It’s almost eerie how much it strikes a chord in you, as the soundtrack has children singing the lyrics, ” We are not for sale.”

“A mixture of emotions. From anger to sadness to astonishment is potent. There’s something to putting a story on screen that makes the child trafficking atrocity more real than it has ever been. What if that was a child from my own family? What would I do? Words cannot describe it. I’m certain that this movie is a powerful tool and can be used as a lightning rod for change. All of us prayer warriors must begin to pray like never before for the complete end of this horrendous crime that has plagued our society. May God awaken and empower us all.” 

We hit 2 million tickets ($15 M in sales!) for @SoundofFreedomMovie! 

This is a representation of the children’s lives who will be saved. 

Thank you to Angel Studios for championing this film and to the audience. 

Please continue to share this message because God’s children are not for sale!

Ydia (FL) the movie was held back for 5 years, and Angel Studios got it and put it out

Pastor Ioan (CA) said it was interesting that it was released after we evicted “Mammon”

Bobby (WI) it outdid the income earned by all other movies that weekend

Debbie (TX) since mammon was evicted, and “mammon” was seen by one of the intercessors as “caged,” we had the desire to go to the border…but held back on that for the moment, 

Pastor Ioan said that when we saw the movie, there was anger against the power of evil worldwide…we were seated in front and had reclining seats and saw the whole movie that way. I believe that last night the Lord prompted me to be so bold, and sensed that the Lord is speeding up the schedule…and as the enemy tries to take the entire world captive, we in the USA are standing against him. This movie is activating the Body of Christ and stirs hearts. 

Joan (AZ) shared that when they called and said they were “en route” and would stay for the call and dinner. She ordered a door dash meal, and it arrived right after the call. What a sweet time of fellowship they had! 

As Donald Kruse prophesied in NY, the Lord is activating our 24/7 family and taking it to a new level! 

Desire (NY) said that on July 3rd, Sean Feucht was leading worship in NY and it was a powerful time. She shared some details and then said since you all left NY, it’s been good! “Only in America…we’re all Americans!” 

Pastor Ioan said that it has been revealed that the angel of the Lord has been released now and has replaced “mammon” and is protecting this nation! That is indeed GOOD NEWS! We praised God for this new season and for the signs we see that God is turning things around! 

We agree with President Trump’s statement made in Iowa at the MAGA Rally tonight: 


We shared in communion and continue to entrust our assignment to pray for this, our beloved nation, to the Lord. We continue to pray and prepare for the “next steps” whatever they may be.

We sang “SHABBAT SHALOM!” and then we lifted up Pastor Ioan’s daughter Fenya and her husband Corneliu as they travel to Israel tonight. 

Love and blessings! 

Maureen and Pastor Ioan



ALL SLOTS FOR FT Facilitation are now covered! PTL! 

All participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators for one hour each week. 

That “two by twoBiblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated! 

We now have ***116 *** co-facilitators…and call forth the other *** 52*** to fully secure the call! 

PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)

Hours needing Co-Facilitators: 

12 AM ET – all slots filled

 1 AM ET – Saturday

 2 AM ET – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

 3 AM ET – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 

 4 AM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

 5 AM ET – Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday

 6 AM ET – all slots filled

 7 AM ET – all slots filled 

 8 AM ET – all slots filled

 9 AM ET – Sunday, Thursday, and Friday

10 AM ET – all slots filled 

11 AM ET – Tuesday

12 PM ET – all slots filled 

 1 PM ET – Friday

 2 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday

 3 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday 

 4 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 

 5 PM ET – Tuesday, Saturday 

 6 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday 

 7 PM ET – Monday, Wednesday

 8 PM ET – Monday, Saturday 

 9 PM ET – Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday

10 PM ET- Friday, Saturday 

11 PM ET – all slots filled

May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.

Touch our hearts, Lord, and cause us to be open and willing to step up to serve!

Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work! 

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