July 5, 2024 – Notes Shabbat Call

07-05-24 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Maureen, who arrived home earlier this afternoon, opened us in prayer, and she is on the call with us tonight. Ps Ioan is still in the air, flying back to CA, following the successful completion of our DC assignment. Bobby (WI) led us in praying to receive the Ephesians 6 “armor of God” as we engage in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our beloved nation!
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Praise Reports:
After a successful completion of the DC assignment, many of our on-site team are now in route home. We pray for traveling, mercies, and happy landings, in particular for Ps Ioan, who is in the air as we speak.
Following the State of Louisiana’s lead, the State Superintendent of Schools in Oklahoma announced that all schools must incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in their curriculums! HalleluYah! Now, the state of Texas has followed suit and has ordered that the Bible be taught in their public schools. May this be the first three of many more to come! In fact, all of them! Praise God!
We prayed corporately and then took individual prayers.
Sandra (LA) we are so excited about what You are doing, and for LA taking the point on this! We give You praise, for we see how we are taking our nation back! We are seeing all kinds of ways that You are moving….ruling and reigning in the midst of Your people.
Diane (MT) just got off the plane and is researching what is happening in this in Montana, her state. Let it be there as well!
Suzanne (ME) there have been words such as “PUT IT BACK” and we welcome the Bible back in Maine!
Bev (MT) the lambs will no longer go astray…
Marilyn (NH) prayed into that
Dorothy (OR) it would be a miracle in Oregon, but let the Bible be a book of life in Oregon
Lois (NY) prayed for NY to align
Maureen asked that we paused and pray intr this for each and every state…those we are standing
in and those we were born in!
Diane (MT) noted that in the elementary schools there in MT, there are all sorts of books on the occult, and other things
Christine (MI) has been to school board meetings and read excerpts from some of the “dirty books” but
since no forms were filled out asking for their removal, nothing was done. You have to list the books that
are objectionable, and say why they should be removed…then it is considered. “You have not because
you ask not!”
Rhonda (MT) her 6 yr old granddaughter came home with a Transgender book…and they are now going forward with the plan to remove them, dealing with the School Board. Keep praying, know parental rights and TAKE ACTION!
NOTE: The Montana Library Commission pulled out of the American Library Association.
We prayed corporately into each of these Prayer Requests:
For all those in the path of Hurricane Beryl, which is hammering the Caribbean en route to Mexico and heading toward Texas. We ask that You cause it to reduce in strength and dissipate, Lord, and preserve life and property.
Pray against retaliation in any form following the successful completion of our DC assignment! This is for those that went on site, those that were on the call, backing them up and those who participated by Livestream across the nation and throughout the nations of the world.
We also prayed for Jennifer, (an employee of Debbie and Ddaniel’s -TX) who has had all sorts of hits in the past week. Let her turn to You, Lord, for relief!
Now, we turn to some exciting reports for those who came onsite in DC:
Fifi (SC) this is my 2nd time to travel with the 24/7, and this is my 2nd time to DC. When we read those
declarations, it was as if we were an ARMY and carrying out His Word. We focused on the assignment,
not on ourselves. I learned important lessons – that I needed to curtail my usual behavior and align with the assignment! The food was so YUMMY (thanks to Evy and Randy).
Melissa (DC area) hadn’t seen Maureen in 8 years, and while in FL a week ago, I heard about this assignment in DC. It took place where I live in Pentagon City, and I just showed up! What a blessing with the intercessors there…especially Isaely and Deannys. One of the things I shared with them before they left this AM, was that the crime rate in DC went up to 39% in the city this year, and the politicians went to the pastors of the city and asked them to pray for it! Coming into the prayer room was exciting, and sobering and as soon as we finished praying at the Capitol the sun came out, and shortly thereafter, there was a sweet mist or drizzle of rain…a confirmation by God of His approval!
Becky (FL) was here and saw the picture of you and Melissa there together, and thought of her dancing at Calvary and the beauty of the Lord was upon both of you!
Melissa (DC) said that was the 1st time she had danced in years with a group.
Brad (VA) prayed and then shared!!!! This is his 3rd time to be with the 24/7 team in DC. He’s “learning the
ropes.” (the line was disconnected and we were all dropped! After all hopped back on, Brad continued.)
He loved seeing David Clements and his family, and met a new friend Israel, who does a lot of work on
Capitol Hill. My heart was touched at the Supreme Court, and the enemy was close and trying to interrupt, but we prevailed in prayer! At the Capitol, we met and prayed with a father Ben with 2 sons. whose brother Jonathan and sister Olivia are in the DC Gulag. He shared that David allowed him to burn copies of his video LET MY PEOPLE GO! and he’s burned 400 DVDs of it. To get one: call him at 571-364-3526
Ydia (FL) said that she was blessed by the young lady that prayed in Japanese (Isaely). It was great! The whole thing was great! Loved seeing Professor Clements and hearing his stories about running for office and knowing he would not win!
Melissa (DC) we were regaled by Robert’s stories
Evy (DC) Thanked us for upholding DC in prayer! They are so grateful!!!! Our God is an AWESOME GOD! He so wonderfully provided! The beautiful ballroom was a blessing! It was quite intense…and we had to FOCUS…not drift off on our own. Stay together and press in! She loved hearing about this ministry of the 24/7 NSPC and our 24/7 family. This is an end-times ministry, and is all about preparing our hearts…for COMPASSION! It is HEART TO HEART! We sang “this is the day that the Lord has made” and worshiped in front of the SCOTUS with Robert playing on the harp! The Presence of God was like a cloud over the SCOTUS, and we bowed down and cried out! One man carried the cross and we prayed for the Holy Spirit to be poured out in these last days, giving us dreams and visions. In front of the Capitol, 2 brothers – Levi and Logan from Indiana – joined us! We prayed repentance and worshiped! We need to keep praying for Ps Ioan and Maureen to keep moving forward with this ministry.
Maureen asked Evy to share about the feeding ministry they do every week in DC…
Evy said that people come to DC wanting freedom and then become homeless and confused. The compassion ministry is critical for them. This is a jubilee year and the blind will see, the deaf will hear and the lame will walk…they are coming and need to be cared for! I have no fear…I care for them! The Holy Spirit inside of us is greater than any spirit that is in the world! There are grandmas and older women in the shelters and on the streets and they need to feel our love! Don’t be scared! REJOICE!
We offered individual prayers for Evy and Randy and their ministry to the homeless:
Bobby (WI) Your Holy Spirit moves from them to the people
Audrey (CA) blessed God for Evy and Randy for serving. I went with them one time while in DC,
and she was in the heart of black DC as an oriental lady, serving them! I bless their businesses, ministries and their children, and I cover them completely as they go and serve and minister to the people. They are doing a great service to those down on their lick…and helping to heal their hearts! Let many come to know You through them, as they nourish hearts and bodies.
Mary Ellen (IL) let their ministry be like the ACTS 2 church in DC. Bring in more resources, food, donations and helpers. Let people come and be healed, saved and delivered. Let this be a hub, a shining light coming out of DC. Let the light grow stronger and brighter.
Bobby (WI) felt that the Father was delighted by their testimony and how they gave willingly with JOY! He is so please with them…and I have a smile on my face as I hear of what they do in serving YOU, Lord.
Christine (MI) Honor what they are sowing into the Kingdom – fill their storehouses to overflowing
and break off any fear coming from those who would want to participate with them. Let them reach
the prodigals and the outcast…open the doors and let them hand out the fruit! Let people give to
them freely!
Evy thanked God for those who help them…and prayed for BREAKTHROUGH in the lives of those
who are on the street…especially the women who are being abused and raped by possessed men.
Contributions can be made to the homeless ministry through POWER OF COMPASSION MINISTRY
We continued with the DC debrief:
John (NJ) said he was overwhelmed hearing David Clements share in all the areas he spoke to. It humbled us and helped us grow and strengthened us to do our part! It was great connecting with others I have been with on the call and in previous assignments. At SCOTUS, I hated seeing the targeting of the believers by the paid mercenaries hired to spew venom at us. There was one man who was bullying, intimidating and antagonizing us with a loud megaphone, and he ran to the police saying John had assaulted him. The DC and SCOTUS police surrounded John, and he confronted the officers for watching and waiting until something happened, and not intervening! What the man was doing was NOT free speech…but harassment…and John took control and told him to go…then the police tried to stop him! All’s well that ends well, and it ended with the man walking away! John prayed into all this!
Bobby (WI) loved hearing David Clements sharing. He encouraged me. The Japanese prayer was amazing…her volume and passion showed how her heart was in it.
Bev (MT) saw it from beginning to end…and it was an answer to prayer! She spoke the words to “It’s beginning to rain!”
Desiree (NY) while you were evicting the principalities, we were at the Trump Tower, and tonight at Madison Square Garden, there is great worship going on. There is thunder and beautiful rain overhead, and we believe it is a direct result of what took place in DC and across this land yesterday!
We paused as we do nightly, to pray for the J6ers just before 9 PM.
While in DC, we went to the Gulag on Tuesday night, where we prayed for and with the J6 prisoners and those standing in solidarity with them. We did the CALL TO THE WALL from the site, and
prayed and lifted up all who were accused, tried, and imprisoned unjustly…
and those with pending cases, such as President Trump, and others being persecuted!
Desiree shared that some of the J6ers were engaging in a hunger strike, but it ended due to the intended “force feeding” of the prisoners. We lifted them up, and then,
in solidarity with the J6ers, at 9 PM, Desiree led us in singing the National Anthem.
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
Let them be comforted and at peace in their cells tonight, knowing that God is near!
We continued to share re: the DC assignment:
Deannys (FL) the Word of God touched my heart, and the preparations given to us to be in the Presence
of the King touched my heart deeply! Professor Clements shared so well. She thanked us for inviting her to share in this time together, and for all those who prayed for us who went onsite! She was deeply moved by the family members of the J6ers who were in jail who were there at the corner by the Gulag each night! She felt their pain as they loved those they had lost to the injustice of the system against them!
Barb (WI) asked if the demonic could move from DC and other places to her state of WI. She is concerned for the way WI is moving re: abortion, Planned Parenthood, and the illegal ballot boxes…and asked for help!
We said she could contact David about doing a Gideon 300 gathering there and prayed corporately for her and those who are like-minded in WI to join together with her at an appointed place and time to do so!
Janis (MA)…now introducing herself as Janis from New England!!! Said Barb from WI will not be
overcome by evil. She will overcome evil with good! RE: July 4th, she and a group of 24/7 NSPC
intercessors met in Concord NH on behalf of New England. At first they had 7, then it grew to 10…a minion! Then they met at 1 PM and Annette Tuttle let them use a prayer room there across from the State Capitol! They were in complete harmony once they went into that room, and all incumbrances were left outside! They were anointed with oil and went through the documents in order in alignment with the DC group! They took communion and then they dined in the presence of their enemies!
Ray (MA)_said all were in sync with one another!
Suzanne (ME) said it was powerful.
Mary Ellen (IL) as Suzanne was praying, her lilac bush has 4 new blooming flowers…and they usually bloom in May in IL – ALL CREATION TESTIFIES!
Bernadette (NY) her husband went to get the mail, and found an envelope with the words NOTICE OF EVICTION right as the ZOOM CALL WAS STARTING…and she got a word that the Notice of Eviction will be VICTORIOUS! She prayed into that.
Peter (FL) at 11 AM they convened at the geographic center of FL at the Hebron Church, where they prayed and made the decrees. As he drove home, he smelled the refreshing of the rain in the air! We have entered into the most supernatural era in HISTORY! He prayed we would take and occupy the land God has given us. God’s GLORY is coming and we will be His GLORY CARRIERS!
Teddi (TN) they were watching the Nashville fireworks and then the broadcaster said “God did His fireworks!”
Desiree (NY) In NY, there is a huge church near the Trump Tower, and she said that she called the city to repentance from there! She asked that the revival will stand! The thunder, lightning and rain are taking place!
Sandra (LA) thanked God for small beginnings. A young man Eric was at the state Capitol in LA, and she and a few others were on the LA call and prayed for him and for LA.
Rhonda (MT) lives near Helena, the MT Capitol, and a group of intercessors went there and entered in with thanks and praise and made the declarations there. She was asked to pray for the NW USA…Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana and declared that it will be saved and fulfill its prophetic destiny! Let the birthing take place there that will flow out to the nation! She also prayed for Eureka, MT in the Rocky Mountains and for REVIVAL!
Donna (MT) while at the Capitol, they repented for abortion and evicted the spirit of Molech! The women were delighted to be outnumbered by MEN who came to pray! Praise God! MT is a womb state, and they declared that they were a state that honors and protects LIFE!
Carolann (NY) is still in PA at Messiah University for the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America conference, where God made a way and provided a team, and a worshiper to lead them in P+W and then they repented, made their declarations and took communion together…and made the declarations! They danced under a red hoopa – and the people who joined in were from the US, Israel and Canada. There were 40 people who participated…and they have been thanking her all day!
What a joy it has been to share this night with one another, to hear the praise God is receiving for all He’s done, and to look forward to what is to come! HALLELUYAH! We shared in communion, led by Donna (MT) and Teddi (TN)… then closed singing “SHABBAT SHALOM!”
With our love and blessings.
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We NEED FT Facilitators for
2 PM ET Sunday,
4 PM ET Sunday
Participants are also invited to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour a week.
We use a “two by two” Biblical model to ensure each hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
(Contact Maureen to volunteer to serve…407-810-4665)
See the list of available hours on our website: https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/facilitation-and-co-facilitation-needs/
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch hearts, Lord, and cause our family to be open and willing to step up to serve!
Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work!
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