July 30, 2024 – Notes A Call to the Wall

07-30-24 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Tonight, as we gather on the 24/7 NSPC for our “Call to the Wall…” to pray for President Trump, Ps Ioan is in Bucharest, Romania, seeing to the needs of his oldest son David, who became ill. They are seeing Drs and running tests to determine “what is ailing him.” We thank you all for praying and together, we lift both David and Ps Ioan up to the Lord, knowing the pain in a parent’s heart when facing a sickness with their child.
Declaring “We are at WAR!” Maureen shared about the term “DEFCON” (Defense Readiness Condition). It is a ranking system used by the US military to indicate their level of readiness for a potential nuclear attack and the severity of the threat. The system has five levels, with DEFCON 5 being the lowest level of readiness and DEFCON 1 being the highest:
DEFCON 5: Normal readiness, lowest perceived threat
DEFCON 4: Above normal readiness, increased intelligence watch, and strengthened security measures
DEFCON 3: Increased force readiness, Air Force ready to mobilize in 15 minutes
DEFCON 2: Armed forces ready to deploy and engage in less than six hours, next step to nuclear war
DEFCON 1: Nuclear war is imminent or has already begun, maximum readiness, immediate response
As intercessors, we must be able to move through spiritual DEFCON levels and be ready for DEFCON 1. For the past 7½ years, we have continually been exhorted to prepare for whatever evil might be thrown at us. This is no time to relax! We MUST rise to our responsibility, and receive and wear that armor God has given us with grace and strength!
Maureen led us in praying to receive the Ephesians 6 “armor of God,” to be clothed in Your armor, Lord, in order to be able to fully engage in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our beloved nation!
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we all wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Maureen invited feedback regarding the matter of readiness and the spiritual DEFCON levels!
Sarah Tran (GA) confident that God has this and we worship Him for it!
Mary Ellen (IL) It struck me because tomorrow President Trump is due in Chicago. There is a big backlash, as the Mayor and Governor do not really want him at the National Association of Black Journalists where he will be speaking at 2 PM ET…(coverage by Rightside Broadcasting Network)
Danielle (SC) re: DEFCON – God is over DEFCON 1…Revelation 4:1 “After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”” We in SC are asking God to remove any hindrances to us being able to COME UP HIGHER! We turn the DEFCON system over to You, Lord, and You control it!
Peter (FL) “the door standing open in heaven” is full access to us…God says “I will pour out My Spirit without measure in My Church without mixture!” So take communion daily and draw near to Him! James 4:7-8 “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”
Sarah (GA) prayed in agreement with Peter and asked that the enemy would be stopped in this nation,
blocked in every way! Let us all wake up in prayer and have a revelation of heaven!
The morning after being shot 2 weeks ago, President Trump released a statement crediting his survival to divine intervention from God. He said that he would not back down in the face of evil and that America will fear not because faith will give the nation strength. This is what he posted on Truth Social:
“Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday,
as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.
We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness.”
He also expressed his sympathy to the family of the supporter who was killed by the gunman, along with the families of the two rally attendees who were seriously injured.
“Our love goes out to the other victims and their families.
We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win.”
We prayed into his statement.
Kay (IL) we were all touched by YOUR GRACE TO HIM, and thank You that he has been “graceful in his expression following the attempt to kill him!
Sarah (GA) thank the Lord that we continue to declare revival and that all is for His GLORY! We will
continue to speak, pray and thank You for the coming REVIVAL and harvest! America shall be saved!
Donna (MT) Thank You that our President favors Israel…and You said You would bless those who bless Israel
‘WILL PERISH‘: Elon Musk speaks out after Paris Olympics opening ceremony sparks controversy for using drag queens to mock the Last Supper.
Now, Compare President Trump’s expression of gratitude to God, and Elon Musk’s exhortation on righteousness with Kamala’s ungodly response to the debauchery portrayed during the opening ceremony of the Olympics!
GOD FORBID she should ever speak for or be allowed to lead the USA!
Thank God for the strong stand taken by billionaire Elon Musk against the evil afflicting our youth! Recently, he opened up about his biological son coming out as transgender, telling prominent Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson that his son was “killed by the woke mind virus.” During the discussion, Peterson brought up Musk’s recent move to pull his company’s headquarters, SpaceX, from California, after Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the new Assembly Bill 1955, which allows schools to refrain from notifying parents of their child’s sexuality or gender identity. Musk explained his decision on the move, when Peterson questioned him on why he was willing to make “gender-affirming care” an “issue.” Musk said. “It happened to one of my older boys, where I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier. This was before I really had any understanding of what was going on. We had COVID going on. I was told Xavier might commit suicide.” Peterson responded: “That was a lie right from the outset. No reliable clinician ever believed that. There was never any evidence for that, and also if there’s a higher suicide rate, the reason is because of the underlying depression and anxiety, not because of the gender dysphoria. And every damn clinician knows that.” Peterson continued to call out clinicians, stating he couldn’t “imagine anything worse” for a parent.
We prayed for Elon Musk to be touched by God and for a revelation of Jesus Christ that will cause him to become a follower of Christ and a champion for His righteousness!
Ydia (FL) Senator Vin Gopal from NJ (Chair of the Senate Education Committee) who sponsored S3156
will allow the state to take custody of children
Peter (FL) Elon Musk was interviewed by the Babylon Bee and said he’d take it when asked what he
thought of salvation!
Sharon (CA) has prayed for 1 ½ years now, and he said he never realized how unkind Dems were and
then he left them. He said “I am not a religious man, but I was on my knees!” She knows he will come to
the Lord, and feels he is following God, whether he knows it or not. She thanked God for his support of
righteousness and that he stands his ground re: leaving CA…the love of his children! Let his light shine
Mary Ellen (IL) He said that the voting machines are high risk and need to go! Thank You, Lord, for
working with him. Let his words be what you would have him say!
Dorothy (OR) Has had him on her heart and wanted to pray for him. She sees the wounding he has had in
his life, and asks that God heal and restore him.
Debbie (TX) thanked God for His Word. The Lord said to him, “Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it.” Ezekiel 9:4 You mark those who cry out for righteousness and take a stand for You and Your Will. Bring forth justice as You separate those who serve You and those who oppose You! Thank You for restoring him to his son and family.
Janis (MA) supernaturally protect Elon Musk with the armor of God. Give him a supernatural encounter with you that will let him turn to You with all his heart!
Deborah (CA) put the Word of God before him…if he does not have one, let someone give him a Bible. Let him read and receive revelation knowledge…and let Your love overwhelm him!
Kathleen Mitchell sent out an SOS stating that the J6 Patriot Pod at the DC DOC will be engaging in a unified “Hunger Strike” beginning at lunch. All trays will be refused at the door in response to the impending forced integration of our unit with non-J6rs. A proclamation listing our grievances, failed attempts at resolution and requests for remedy is currently being drafted and will be released publicly tomorrow. Please, share with all interested parties and continue to pray for the Men and Women in the J6 Community.
We are being urged to ACT IMMEDIATELY!
☎️Call Mike Johnson: 202-225-2777
☎️Call Deputy Marshal Brown: 202-772-0301
Email your members of Congress: Senators and Representatives.
Last Friday, when visiting David Dempsey, he said that the administration was considering doing this. The prisoners believe that the jail is doing this in response to the fact that the assassination attempt to President Trump failed! Yes, you heard me right. The guards take things out on the prisoners at their whim. It’s hard to believe this stuff happens, but what this will do is put them in danger. They are hated by the general population, who thinks that the J6rs are all white supremacists. (The guards assigned to them know differently since they have gotten to know them.) Still, they want to place VIOLENT offenders among them. There are all these dynamics of prison life that David was speaking about, that are just crazy and shocking. So suffice it to say that this is meant to cause danger for them within the prison, physical danger. The fact that they are holding a hunger strike and protesting will bring even more punishment.
We paused just before 9 PM to pray corporately for the J6 prisoners entering into the HUNGER STRIKE!
We then united our hearts with theirs from across our nation as we sang our National Anthem.
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, returned to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
We then offered individual prayers:
Lauren (AR) prayed that the rest of the country will receive President Trump as their president
Donna (MT) had a dream about bandits coming in – and she declared that no weapon would prevail
against President Trump in this election. Your angels surround him and keep him!
Mary Ellen (IL) thinking about the shoes of peace…and decrees over President Trump as he comes to
Chicago tomorrow! As he walks in, all the hate will go! As his words come forth, all will be
together in Unity as he declared in Milwaukee. Thank You for the healing of the city and state. As
President Trump goes there tomorrow!
Nancy (MN) protect him from all harm as he goes to Chicago tomorrow…physically, emotionally and spiritually!
Sarah (GA) only Your power can destroy the power of darkness and we command the darkness there in Chicago to do no harm to him! Be gone, in Jesus’ Name!
Kay (IL) we praise You that You came into IL through Billy Sunday, Pastor Moody and that Your Spirit is still here…we believers call forth the Spirit of the Living God to protect President Trump.
Sarah (GA) called the backslidden Christians in IL back to the LORD!
***Pray for President Trump tomorrow at 6 PM ET
as he goes to Harrisburg PA for a MAGA RALLY!***
Statement by David Clements:
“If Trump wins in November—it will be in spite of the RNC’s efforts—not because of them. He is the only candidate that could conceivably survive the amount of rigging heading our way. Sadly, instead of learning from our mistakes, Trump’s victory will give cover to a thousand strategic blunders and errors. The real casualties will be the honest, down ballot candidate that doesn’t have the name of Trump. The swamp will endure 4 more years of Trump if they can convince you that their slave devices (election machines) aren’t the problem.”
Kay (IL) we have been praying every hour of every day about that…for God to take these places for His Name’s sake…for RIGHTEOUSNESS! We declare that God will raise up the people to VOTE for those who are honest and believers who will band together and knowing the spiritual atmosphere in DC and help the newbies who come in so they are not deceived by the system!
Sarah (GA) save the Dems from themselves, Lord, and stop their wickedness. Remove those who are corrupted and replace them.
With the Republican Convention concluded, the DNC Convention will now take place in Chicago, Illinois, from August 19 to 22, 2024. The Trump campaign decided not to proceed with the debate against Kamala Harris, scheduled for September 10, citing the Democrat Party’s yet-to-be-formalized nomination of their presidential nominee. President Trump has said he would prefer to shift the debate to Fox News, but he would be willing to face off with Harris more than once.
Never-Trump GOP Governor Now Offers Endorsement Following Attack A Republican governor who has never been a supporter of Donald Trump has now offered a resounding endorsement following the unsuccessful assassination attempt. Just this past month, Utah’s governor, Spencer Cox, mentioned that he had no intention of supporting Trump in the upcoming election. However, his stance has since undergone a significant shift. Cox unequivocally declared his support for Trump’s candidacy when he addressed reporters, following his acceptance of the GOP nomination for President. “I am doing everything I can to help and support him,” the governor – who had called on Trump to resign on Jan. 6, 2021 – said. “We will still have lots of disagreements, I’m sure, and we’ll still do everything we can to help the state of Utah and help the Republican Party be successful.”
The day after the shooting, Cox privately put his support behind Trump in a letter, writing that he believed Trump’s life was spared due to a “miracle,” adding: “I humbly submit that you — and I sincerely mean this — only you — can” unify the country. Mr. President, I know we have some differences and you probably don’t like me much. And that’s OK. I get it. I am not writing this letter looking for a position in your Cabinet or a role on your team. But I have loved so many of your policies …[and] I have told everyone that you are going to win the state of Utah and you are going to win the presidency again.”
May this “awakening” experience impact others who will now stand in support of TRUMP-VANCE 2024!
Let this take place across the nation, with those of influence as well as in our general population!
Tesi (FL) this is confirmation of the word that You would remove the “duct tape” from people’s eyes…
Desiree (NY) You are the God of the impossible, and we ask that You would deal with the hearts of NY Governor Hockel, and Mayor Adams, Sen, Schumer and all those with hard hearts. Let NY be a KINGDOM State!
Joan (AZ) thanked God that what the enemy meant for harm God turned for good, and people began to see the truth of HIS life! Thank God for the UT Governor seeing the truth and we ask that he come into full relationship with You and turn things around in UT. Let the Gov. of AZ come on board and endorse him!
Nancy (WA) the phrase “status quo” keeps coming to me…let this be a sign that people will no longer cling to the past, but let it go and cling to TRUTH! The prayers of the righteous are taking effect…and the blinders are coming off!
Cindy (SC) thanked God for Musk’s and Cox’s support for DJT, and for all the black conservatives who have woken up. NY’s nickname has been the BIG APPLE!
Bettina (NY) Dutch Sheets renamed NY God’s KINGDOM STATE!
Desiree (NY) Times Square Church is out there in the streets every Sunday worshiping. Oct 12 they will be in DC.
Sharon (CA) Michael Savage said he had a dream…and that he is not sure of whether Kamala or Donald Trump will be President! She prayed for protection around President Trump!
Dorothy (OR) prayed into the protection of Donald Trump. He is the greatest “farmer” ever…breaking up the fallow ground! She blessed him as he goes to each group and speaks the words that diffuse deception and plant seeds of TRUTH in their hearts! Hosea 10:12
Mary Ellen (IL) over time, he knows that relationships are built…and they will remember him
Iowa’s strict abortion law went into effect yesterday, preventing most abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy. The law passed last year, but a judge had blocked it from being enforced. The Iowa Supreme Court reiterated in late June that there is no constitutional right to an abortion in the state and ordered the hold to be lifted. Last week, a district court judge ordered that the law go into effect on Monday, July 29th.
As we prepared to close out this call tonight, we prayed again for healing for Ps Ioan’s son David. Then we were led in receiving communion by Bettina (NY) and Sharon (CA) and we thanked God for His mercy and grace for us and for our nation! God bless the USA and prepare our people to repent to be used by Him in the coming days,
We love you all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We still NEED PERMANENT FT Facilitators for
2 PM ET Sunday,
4 PM ET Sunday
(If you are willing to serve, please contact Maureen at 407-810-4665)
All of our participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour each week.
That “two by two” Biblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
See the list of available hours on our website: https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/facilitation-and-co-facilitation-needs/
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com
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