July 19, 2024 – Notes Shabbat Call

07-19-24 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Tonight during our call, Ps Ioan will be in the air, returning to CA after attending the GOP Convention in Milwaukee, WI. We pray traveling mercies for him and all those who participated as they make their way home!
Carol (IL) prayed that with all the flight cancellations out of Chicago, he will NOT be one of them! Let the technology SNAFU be corrected and get the passengers who are stranded safely home, and quickly!
Pat (MS) led us in praying to receive the Ephesians 6 “armor of God” as we engage in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our beloved nation!
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Praise Reports:
President Donald Trump said he has a new “viewpoint on life” and an increased appreciation of God in his first public comments since surviving an assassination attempt. “You say, ‘How did that happen?’ But I got lucky. God was with me, I tell you,” he said at the Miller High Life Theater. “That’s what they call a close call. That was an amazing, horrible thing. Amazing thing. And in many ways, it changes your attitude, your viewpoint on life. And I think, honestly, I think you appreciate God even more. I really do.”
Yesterday afternoon, Maureen released this declaration:
“I declare that this curse of indifference to the Lord is over and done with. People are being set free to seek the Lord as never before, and will be hungering and thirsting for Him and His Presence, and will come into alignment with His Will, His plan and His purposes for this nation! Through, with and in Him, we will fulfill our destiny and purposes!”
We prayed for President Trump to have an EPIPHANY and the revelation of what this is meant for him, and for our nation.
Danielle (SC) thanked God for this sign and wonder, and the very imprint of God’s hand on DJT/ It is an indication that God is not only going to rescue this time but between now and election day, people will be touched and influenced by God. This is a time of visitation. The earth belongs to God, and so does DKT.
Bev (MT) we saw the wisdom of Solomon, the compassion of David, and the strength of Samson and we ask that he never take it for granted.
Jeff (TX) You, Lord, saved him by millimeters. What a magnificent God You are. At the Convention, everyone was talking about YOU.
Carol (NY) Let this continue to resound in President Trump’s heart and mind…let him continue to search for the “PROVIDENCE” that saved him, and let him find YOU! Let there be such a transformation that it will affect the entire nation and we will all see You for WHO YOU ARE!
Dorothy (OR) I don’t have enough words to THANK YOU and praise You for Who You are and what You’ve done! Thank You for raising him up in the power of Your love, and for hearing our prayers all these years. We love You, Lord. Thank You for the work You are doing for Melania and the children and grandchildren.
Pat (MS) We prayed that the anointing of the Holy Spirit would be upon him as he spoke, and it was. It was a watermark of what we have been praying for…it was YOU, LORD!
Mary Ellen (IL) We prayed for laser thinking…and as he was face down on the ground, he was thinking… and as he rose, he was thinking of the people who were there with him. It was Your work in and through him…and it gave hope to those there. He took a bullet and You spared him!
Peter (FL) shared 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Thank You, Lord, for the new KINGDOM AGE we have crossed into…and the restoration of YOUR WILL to us…and for Jesus Christ being lifted up there.
Maureen said that what God has begun He will continue to unfold and complete!
Elvin (OK) You are in the midst of Your people and You have shown Your miraculous power to the world…all saw and are calling it a miracle! We feel and sense Your presence with him…and those who stood fast and did not run…but were there with him through it all! We are ONE in You, Lord, and we thank You for Your supernatural work in and through him.
Jeff (TX) feels a lot of gratitude for what God is doing…and for this WAKE-UP CALL…we ask You to wake us up in the middle of the night with dreams, visions, and revelation. Give us strategies – for us personally, for our family, community, state, and nation!
Susan (GA) her husband watched the RNC for the 1st time, and as Bob kept watching it, he saw the twisting of so much that was said about DJT and said she was right, and now he supports Trump!
Justice (NY) prayed for Susan and Bob
Prayer Requests:
From Sen Tom Cotton, (R-AR) “As I’m writing this, I’m in Milwaukee for the Republican National Convention. This is a huge week for Republicans running for US Senate across the country. Many of them will be, or have been, on the same stage as President Trump, sharing their message. For all of them, the convention is a critical marker on the road to Election Day.
These tough conservatives include:
– Tim Sheehy, a Navy SEAL, running in Montana against Jon Tester.
– Dave McCormick, a fellow Army veteran, running Pennsylvania against Bob Casey.
– Sam Brown, another fellow Army veteran, running in Nevada against Jacky Rosen.
– Bernie Moreno, a proven business leader, running in Ohio against Sherrod Brown.
– Rep. Jim Banks, a Navy veteran, running in Indiana to keep a Senate seat red.
Let’s unite America, and win in November.”
Additional names submitted by the 24/7 participants:
For Governor – NH – Chuck Morse
For US Senator – TX – Ted Cruz
For US House – OR – Monique Despain
For US Senate – VA – Cole Cao
For US Senate – WA – Dr. Raul Garcia
For Governor – WA – Dave Reichert
For US House – IL – James Marter
For US Senate – CA – Steve Garvey
For US Senate – MD – Larry Hogan
We invited Debbie (TX) to share her reflections from the GOP Convention, which she attended as an alternate delegate from TX. She first thanked God for all He did in the process with her and asked that He allow her to share as He wished. She had little sleep this week but is glad to be here tonight. She said she would share two themes: 1- The coming together of America’ and 2- How she experienced it.
The RNC is obviously a political apparatus and serves as a representation of the conservatives of America. She said they prayed before departing for Milwaukee, and her husband told her to be prepared to be disappointed.
At the state level, it was messy, and they exercised vigorous debate that could make a difference in the heart of the party. Her busmates shared with her, and she learned that the debate in the pre-convention meetings was shut down. Disappointment.
She heard two words: “Righteousness exalts a nation” and “True unity only comes from true humility.”
It was an amazing party all week long. She had access to so many people and there were good connections. She suffered weakness, and the Lord sustained her. There was a mixture of things…some good, some compromised! People were happy, having fun, and enjoying themselves as they represented TX. She was weeping over what the Lord showed her, mixed with the joy and hope, amidst sorrow.
The body has different parts that do different things. No single part can survive on its own.
She was disappointed in some of the speakers and delighted by some. Laboring in the spirit, tears came with the seriousness of holiness and God’s desire to see this nation truly serving Him!
Although sent as an alternate, she served as a delegate on 3 of the 4 days. In the TX delegation, a man in his 70’s was full of joy, dancing in their midst! He is overcoming cancer, and as they prayed, his friend joined in. There were prayer moments all throughout the Convention. It was beautiful to see. She prayed for a photojournalist from WAPO (Washington Post). There was joy, and at the same time, a sadness and a longing that the crowds would cheer for King Jesus!
She understands why the platform was “watered down” on some items; the party is not based solely on Biblical values. God wants us to desire righteousness, and we Christians are the ones responsible for injecting that righteousness into the nation! We must speak the words that will lead others to Him, to accomplish His will! We must connect with them in a deep way, so they can yearn for Him and connect with Him! We are to beat the darkness and advance the Kingdom of God.
On the morning of the 4th day, she heard “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!” and prayed into Psalm 33, reading that we are not to trust in chariots and horses, but in God alone. Let DJT and Melanie see this passion and receive it!
The masses of people there were all engaged in the battle, and our prayers over the years were being answered. It was a political battle and it was focused on politics. The Lord sent her there to engage in a spiritual battle, of which most of them were totally unaware. They don’t know what is at stake, but we do!
God also emphasized that GOVERNMENT IS NOT POLITICS! We are called to GOVERN as the EKKLESIA! We ask God to show us how we are to exercise the rule and reign of God, as part of His Body! Whatever part we are, we are critical to the whole! Show us how to do each unique part…as we follow God! “We don’t compete…we complete.” She said,”I learned that from Maureen.” We are to flow together in Him…and we do.
She hesitated to give specific disappointments, saying that as we pray together, we will get answers. ‘
We need to pray for Usha Vance, a Hindu, to come to know the Lord.
We need to pray for the platform changes, such as the sanctity of marriage between a man and a
woman…and the sanctity of life.
She believes President Trump is “caught in a man-made web”, and we need to pray that he gets out of it! God is providing that as we pray…and God will send us in as needed to cover the mistakes of ignorance…a lack of understanding of the spiritual battle.
One young woman (Caroline) asked what issue most affected people and responded “Reproductive rights”. That was confirmed by another young man (Steve). Then they were asked about two other issues: drugs coming over the border and their kids being mutilated…(which most people agree are more important than reproductive rights, when they are asked about issues.) Let GOD REVEAL HIS STRATEGIES To engage those people who have different views….and win them over!
She and a woman named Leslie prayed together in wonderful unity! They prayed that DJT would understand what it meant to invoke other gods in the gathering. (re: Harmeet Dillion, a Sikh who invoked her god and guru from the platform.)) Do not open the door to harm the nation! She asked that God would reveal His plans for how to WIN…to come up higher to learn God’s way! Draw DJT and Melania to Him and let them understand the need for national repentance.
She then prayed for us to understand our role in the GOVERNMENT OF GOD! We are advancing and the battle is intensifying. We need to toughen up and not be offended by each other…we need to repent and forgive…QUICKLY!
Let His light shine through you. Be ready to go when He calls…then move out! Rely on Him solely, for nothing in us can get it done! Be willing to go across the street… or the nation or the world…when He calls! Step out of your comfort zone and answer the call! QUIT HOLDING BACK! He says: “You are enough…in ME!”
Debbie then led us in corporate prayer, thanking God for all He’s done and asking Him to show each of us what role He has for us in the days to come! HALLELUYAH!
We then responded to her sharing:
Brad (VA) my heart was convicted in many ways and confirmed about the spiritual battle heating up and to put fear aside
Ydia (FL) when people talk about abortion, (which we disagree on), I can bring up other issues that we do agree on!
Angela (CA) American is to be a gospel portal and Jesus is the gate…and Debbie is our Father’s daughter, and can’t understand why we would even tolerate any of this! Those who are “appointed” to lead can not lead…they must be “anointed” to lead. Whoever would be great must be a servant…without a servant’s heart, they can not lead. It’s a new day! This is a KAIROS moment, and we are going in to declare that this is the day that the Lord has made. Those not led by Him will not lead us!
Joan (AZ) loves Debbie and how she represents Jesus Christ. She realizes she is not too old to still do things for the Lord, and will step up to the plate!
Debbie responded that Moses was 80 when he took his last job which lasted 40 years!
Audrey (CA) repented for not receiving where we are in the Lord and who He’s made us to be. Just be grateful to be in the BODY! No more “oughts” or “shoulds”…just BE! Do it unto the Lord!
Debbie said we need you…and we want you…and you are ENOUGH!
Susan (GA) blessed Debbie and thanked her for that report of her experience! Asked about Eric Trump,
who said, “I’m sorry.”
Debbie: He was recognizing the Trump family and their role in government and was apologizing to the people who have been harmed by Biden!
Dorothy (OR) DJT is not the savior of America, nor is the Republican party. It is not the Body of Christ…it is just an assembly of good people (mostly) who want to do good for the nation.
Debbie said that God is King, lawgiver, and judge! Isaiah 33:22
Susan (GA) The government is on Jesus’ shoulders and we are to exercise His authority as we govern!
We thanked Debbie, blessing and encouraging her to get a well-deserved night’s rest as she departed the call!
We paused just before 9 PM, as we do nightly, to pray for the J6ers.
We prayed corporately and lifted up all who were accused, tried, and imprisoned unjustly…
and those with pending cases, such as President Trump, and others being persecuted!
Then, in solidarity with the J6ers, Kay (IL) led us in singing the National Anthem.
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
Let them be comforted and at peace in their cells tonight, knowing that God is near!
We continued to share our own reflections on the GOP as well as Debbie’s sharing.
Fifi (SC) had been with a friend from Venezuela and she was tired but rejoiced in all Debbie shared. If we are an armpit, or a knee joint, or an eye, together we are one Body and can declare His promises and God will change the government of this land!
Desiree (NY) it’s the start of creative miracles, more souls coming to Jesus. Each part is important, and there are so many sick and in need of healing. When the Lord restores us, there will be no feeble among us! Nahum 1:9 “Declare this affliction will not rise a second time.” We declare and believe it…and call forth creative miracles!
Maureen asked us to pray for any among us that are in need of healing…and that
they would receive one of those “creative miracles!”
Nadine (TX) when I heard President Trump speak about Franklin Graham urging him to watch his language, I was so thankful. He is still teachable and willing! He confessed and is changing! PTL!
Nancy (MN) saw that Barron was there – maybe a few rows behind.
Joann (MO) A prophet said “I have covered Donald Trump and his children…” and God is watching out for His own. Do what needs to be done in him. He realizes WHO saved him. He and Melania will come out better for it! Bless him and his Presidency…and let it bless YOU, Lord!
Bernadette (NY) was so blessed by his sobriety…you could see he was transformed…and I ask God to continue it! We are NOT immortal…use that experience to teach and train him…for Your service. She prayed for JD Vance and his wife Usha, a Hindu, that they would have an encounter with Jesus that transformed their lives! She exhorted …as she has done with her neighbors!
Joann (MO) saw some Indian men in Walmart, and they were talking… I wonder if they were discussing that there will be a Hindu woman as the VP’s wife. She is emboldened to speak out to them.
Bernadette (NY) the neighbor called her from India and told her that the prayers were answered. She will be blessing the untouchables there in Jesus’ Name.
Bev (MT) loved it when DJT shared how his father took him to see Billy Graham when he was a little boy!
She said something is wrong with the Secret Service – bring it all out! Job 34:21-22
Brad (VA) when I saw him raise his fist and say “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” I knew it was an iconic moment in American history…and throughout the world!
Nadine (TX) felt that Melania was very stressed…she prayed for her. Let there be more than enough to take care of Cory’s family, and the others who were wounded. Anything in the shadows that is being covered up, expose it!
Ps Ioan called in before he boarded his flight to LA. He shared that Ps Robert Jeffries of FBC Dallas shared about the armor of God protecting President Trump against the bullet, and tonight there was an explosion causing a huge fire at his church. We prayed for him and his congregation!
Ps Ioan said that yesterday, he and David Clements had a time of prayer with the Pacific Islanders, followed by fellowship during which he shared that when slaves were set free during jubilee, if a slave loved a master and didn’t want to leave, they took an awl and pierced their ears in the upper lobe. After it healed, all knew that it indicated that they were no longer slaves…but bondservants, those who hear, keep the covenant, and serve out of love. Exodus 19:5-6 “Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel.” He quoted John 10:27-28 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” and Romans 10:17 “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God!” When they heard the voice of God, the people asked the disciples “What shall we do?” They were told: “Repent and be saved!” Paul, a slave to sin, was set free, became Jesus’ bondservant, and then was called FRIEND! President Trump’s ear was hit right where that awl would have made the hole. He will carry the sign forever! (That part of the ear is where the greatest sound is captured and where it bleeds the most!)
Ps Ioan prayed for the 24/7, welcoming all who are ready to join us as bondservants…and Jesus’ friends!
He then shared one more thing: During the final session, they wanted to take communion before President Trump spoke. With only had fresh, warm pretzels and cups of delicious cranberry juice, they had communion together for 25 minutes! That was the only time any of them could remember that communion took place at a Convention…and it took place just as Tucker declared that “God is in our midst!” Ps Ioan then thanked God and led us in communion.
With the Republican Convention concluded the DNC Convention will now take place in Chicago, Illinois, one month from now, August 19 to 22, 2024. The timing for each party gathering is set by tradition, with the convention of the party currently “holding” the White House following that of the other. We are praying for that gathering to be what God intends it to be, and through that, he will receive the GLORY…and no other! AMEN!
With our love and blessings.
Pastor Ioan and Maureen
We NEED FT Facilitators for
2 PM ET Sunday,
4 PM ET Sunday
Participants are also invited to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour a week.
We use a “two by two” Biblical model to ensure each hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
(Contact Maureen to volunteer to serve…407-810-4665)
See the list of available hours on our website: https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/facilitation-and-co-facilitation-needs/
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch hearts, Lord, and cause our family to be open and willing to step up to serve!
Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work!
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