
July 11, 2023 – Notes A Call to the Wall

July 11, 2023 – Notes A Call to the Wall

07-11-23 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays 

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 # 

As we begin the call tonight, we have a praise report from Bob Strevens, Susan’s husband

“Hello everyone. Once again, thank you for your prayers. Here’s the latest on Susan’s condition. She spent several hours in a chair today and made two trips with the walker. Made it about 30 ft the first time and about 100 ft the second time. She says she is very weak on her left side, but so pleased she is able to walk. With the respirator out, they performed a swallow test. It’ll be a few more days. She is still on positive pressure O2 and her O2 levels are good. She needs rest. Praying she gets some rest. Regards, Bob” 

What a joy to receive such good news…and to know that the fervent prayer of the righteous prevails much! HalleluYah! We can send cards and letters to: 

Susan Strevens % Strongs Memorial Hospital – ICU 

601 Elmwood Avenue Rochester, NY 14642 

Danielle (SC) led us in receiving the full armor of God, according to Ephesians 6:10-18. 

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, 

and having done all, to stand.

 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace

above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”

We prayed corporately and received God’s armor and asked that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!


It has been truthfully said that “we live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended.” Enough is enough! As we intercede, we will see the hand of God moving in amazing ways, answering the prayers that He has caused us to pray! AMEN!


We paused to pray for Susan: 

Mary Ellen (IL) last year I fell twice and could have been taken out in a flash. Thank You for holding our sister close, and receiving that glory from her healing! 

Joan (AZ) it is wonderful that she is so upbeat in her suffering! 

Kay (IL) Susan has been such a blessing to all of us. Thank You for how You made her. We lift her up before You…for total healing. We lift up Bob and ask that You encourage them both. Thank You for saving Susan’s life. We give Your glory, in Jesus’ Name.

Tesi (FL) thank God for restoring her. You are answering prayers and she will be totally herself very soon. This will be a miracle for her to share…what a testimony! 

Marsha (CA) when we were not sure if she would walk, here we get this wonderful report! We rejoice with her and pray that all around her will see this miracle and receive the witness of who You are to them!


Two statements from President Trump:

“I have an idea. Get Deranged Jack Smith to take just a “tiny” portion of the millions of dollars he is spending illegally “targeting” me, and let him go to the White House with his army of thugs to solve the Cocaine dilemma. I’d bet they already know the answer, but just in case, it could be done in 5 minutes. Is it Crooked Joe and his wonderful son, Hunter? Release the findings, release the tapes. We can’t have a crackhead in charge of our Nuclear Arsenal!!!” 

“On the anniversary of the July 11 protests in Cuba, Joe Biden has betrayed the Cuban people and surrendered Cuba to Communist China. By allowing China to sink their teeth into the island and establish military bases 90 miles off our shore, something unthinkable, Biden not only risks our own national security, but he abandons the dream of freedom for those many amazing Cuban Americans who under my administration, were going to get their wish. Today, we also ask God to strengthen and watch over all the political prisoners and protestors being cruelly held captive by this evil regime. Three years ago, the Cuban nightmare was ready to end. The Biden administration has given it up – but I will get it back again. We pray for the day when all of Cuba will be free.”

We prayed corporately into these statements of our true President, anding that the imposter Biden be removed. Anyone in his condition couldn’t possibly fulfill a president’s duties. It’s a mockery! We then offered individual prayer:

Mary Ellen (IL) we bind that spirit operating through Biden, Obama, and all the evildoers in league with them. This is the beginning of our country being set free from this plague. Let them be evicted and President Trump take over.,

Beverly (CA) Let there be a whistleblower in the White House who will tell all about the cocaine user.

Diane (MT) Expose all re: the cocaine. Have mercy on our land. We pray for JUSTICE in Jesus’ Name.

Debbie (TX) You are faithful to Your Word, and You said You would “SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE, SHAKE the evil!” Now is the time for Your JUDGMENT and MERCY. You are reestablishing law and order, giving us a drastically smaller government, and we thank You for freedom in Christ Jesus. Bring him back without having to undergo the arduous nature of another election. You cause all things to work together for the good of those who love You!



Tucker Carlson stated that President Trump is the “most significant thing to happen in American politics in 100 years,” in Friday’s episode of Russell Brand’s “Stay Free” podcast. The comment was flanked by high praise for the 45th president after Brand asked Carlson his thoughts on Trump. “I love Trump, said the former Fox News host. Following this, Carlson expressed his gratitude for Trump “because he reoriented the Republican Party against the Republican leaders.” Prior to Trump, the GOP was known for its interventionalist policies, but Trump reversed the party’s direction with his America First agenda.

Additionally, Carlson said that he was “struck” by Trump’s views on foreign policy. Referencing the war in Ukraine, Carlson stated that Trump is the only Republican with “stature” questioning support for America to intervene. According to Carlson, Trump “is right. And everyone in Washington is wrong.” In addition, Carlson explained how the war is transforming the world, impacting global economies, and modifying regions through immigration. Furthermore, the media personality exclaimed that “words matter” regardless if Trump is the Republican nominee or the 47th president. Further, he asserted that Saying something true out loud matters, and he is saying true things about Ukraine and God bless him,” he said. That’s how I feel,” added Carlson.

We prayed corporately for this and then offered individual prayers.

Joan (AZ) protect Tucker and let us see a swift return of President Trump to the White House

Ray (FL) Thank You that President Trump has never backed down in being proud to be an American. Thank You for all those who are aligned with him in respect for our nation and our foundations. We pray for a mighty revival.

Diane (MT) read these Scriptures: Psalm 1 and Isaiah 54:17 She thanked God for watching over President Trump and blessed him. Let those who are acting amiss realize what they are doing to this nation!

Kay (IL) President Trump is not just a blessing to us but to so many nations! Many are now suffering, and even though he is not the “sitting” president at the moment, he is the authentic one!

We paused just before 9 PM, to pray for the J6 political prisoners, 

seeking DIVINE INTERVENTION to correct the GROSS INJUSTICE being done to them! 

We will continue to stand strong, courageously, and boldly, on behalf of them and this nation! 

We ask that those who have been harmed be recompensed for all that they have suffered! 

 At 9 PM, Carol (NY) led us as we joined the J6ers in singing the National Anthem.

Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,

praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones, 

and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States July 11, 2023

“Joe Biden should not be dragging us further toward World War III by sending cluster munitions to Ukraine—he should be trying to END the war and stop the horrific death and destruction being caused by an incompetent administration. These unexploded cluster munitions will be killing and maiming innocent Ukrainian men, women, and children for decades to come, long after the war—we pray—has ended. If, as Biden inadvertently admitted, the reason for sending cluster bombs now is that the United States is “running out of ammunition” (a great breach of classified information), that only further emphasizes the urgency of immediately de-escalating this bloody, dangerous, and out of control conflict. It certainly means we should not be sending Ukraine our last stockpiles at a time when our own arsenals, according to Crooked Joe Biden, are so perilously diminished. 

There could be no more vivid proof that Joe Biden’s policy of endless war in Ukraine has tremendously weakened the United States than the humiliating admission that the USA is now out of ammo, something our enemies are undoubtedly salivating over. This “admitted” weakness is an invitation to enemies all over the world. Joe Biden is needlessly and dangerously leading us into World War III, which would be a nightmare beyond imagination — obliteration

We must stop this insanity, immediately end the bloodshed in Ukraine, and return to a focus on America’s vital interests. Most importantly, we must completely rebuild our depleted military so it is once again so strong—like it was just 3 years ago when I rebuilt it—that no nation would even think of threatening our people. We must have “PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH” and in a short time, the Presidential election of 2024 will produce that result.”

We offered prayers for President Trump:

Carol (NY) thinking of Teddy Roosevelt, his spirit came out from among the politicians…”walk softly and carry a big stick!” Let President Trump do so, and we ask for him to come back in a swift move.’We ask for Mercy!

John (NJ) Let the high walls of the media and the power of the Deep State fall. We pray for the spirit of Liberty to sweep this nation and for people to support President Trump and to stop this needless war!

Ray (FL) the Word says that in the last days, You will pour out Your Spirit on all flesh and that You would turn the hearts of the fathers toward their children. Let men not deny their responsibilities but be willing to pay the price…that they would MAN UP and take responsibility for their families, wives, and children!

Debbie (TX) Pour out wisdom on him, so he will have a keen discernment about the military-industrial complex. Show him how to secure America.


Rudy Giuliani – ‘The Left’ Is Engaged In Widespread Child Sex Trafficking: ‘This Goes a Lot Deeper Than We Realize’

Rudy Giuliani is at it again with yet another “wild rant”, this time focused on what he considers a widespread endorsement of child sex trafficking from the left. These claims came from Giuliani’s appearance on the Monday edition of Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast. During their interview, Giuliani mentioned that he finally got to see the new film Sound of Freedom. The faith-based film covers the topic of child sex trafficking and follows a federal agent on a quest to rescue children trapped in an abusive environment.

The movie has been labeled “a box office triumph for QAnon believers,” by Rolling Stone magazine. And the film’s star, Jim Caviezel, has been linked to the movement. But regardless of what kind of movies you prefer to watch, Giuliani suggested on Monday that if you have criticisms about this film, you’re part of the child trafficking problem.

“Everybody has to see that movie. And the left’s reaction to it is very, very telling that this goes a lot deeper than we realize. This whole perversion of our children. This is a sick thing that’s going on. When you attack a movie like this, there’s a motive for it,” Giuliani said. “Amen,” Bannon replied.

We invited comments about it:

Tesi (FL) saw Jesse Watters interview the Secret Service officer, Tim Ballard, who was the one the movie was made about. 

Suzanne (ME) had no electricity in the movie theater as a transformer blew and it couldn’t be shown. In another theater, one of our intercessors stood up and prayed for the release of the children! Let many others follow suit! 

Mary Ellen (IL) A complaint is being presented to the US Catholic Bishops, as many churches are being given money from the government to care for these children…and they are being released to traffickers. 

Beverly (CA) heard Tim Ballard and Jim Caviezel in an interview with Jordan Peterson. It was great! Stay til the end of the show’s credits have rolled, to hear Caviezel speak off-script! 

Ydis (FL) I have posted several interviews on this, and will share them with you!


By the direction of President Trump, more women, and children have been rescued from human sex trafficking than all other presidents combined. Human trafficking is the number one highest profit industry in the world and America is the number one customer. Our government is now being run by drug-addicted, mentally ill psychopaths. It’s always been about the children and they couldn’t continue to let President Trump get in the way.

We prayed into that!

Tesi (FL) Let there be an end to this sin, and let President Trump be the one You use to end it! 

John (NJ) Thank You for this movie, which scratches the surface of the depravity in this nation. This is demonic, it is spiritual warfare. Caviezel quoted Jesus: “It would be better to have a millstone tied around your neck…” Let the Word of God go forth and shake all that divides us. We need true unity to break this!

Mary Ellen (IL) Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord! Leet that Word transform, deliver and save all involved in trafficking. Free the children.

Beverly (CA) prayed for the people who have been caught up in pornography, going from one thing to another… for “bigger and bigger kicks”…only to find themselves in so deep they don’t know how to get out! We break the bonds of that addiction now, over those in our nation who are ensnared by that addiction. Unleash that release on all who are going on porn sites, and let the truth pour into their hearts and minds, causing them to be set free. 

Ydia (FL) spoke of young people ensnared by trafficking. There is another movie to come, filmed in the DR

Barb (WI) after it’s no longer in theaters, it will be available for churches to show it…let them get involved and show it to their people.

Nadine (TX) it was tastefully done, and respectful in difficult situations, and I was quite impressed. It was done perfectly! As we watched the documentary, you could see how the Holy Spirit was working each step of the way. 

  • Maureen said she could see the Holy Spirit moving on Jim Caviezel’s face as he was speaking. 

Barb (WI) the children were cared for and not exploited during the filming. Everybody can tell the story…we each must do our part in sharing about this. Listen, and God will show us each what to do! We dare not hesitate.

Kay (IL) prayed for the church…saying it is hard for the church to admit this, as it, sadly, is involved. We come before You and ask that You deal with those involved in this. Cleanse Your Church, and remove the evil within it so it can be used to help these little ones…for Your Glory! 

Pastor Ioan said the angels of the children are forever before the face of God, reporting on what is happening here. The current reports are not favorable! The US is in a mess…even more with this child trafficking. They are the most sensitive in the nation, and if we do not protect them, we have no future in the USA. 

The Church can be disobedient, and not act, or it can come into unity to fight against the evildoers. A precondition for revival is unity in the Body of Christ, and fighting together in unity for the children! It’s not about the movie, but the challenge to come together to fight as one against this evil! 

We have a common enemy and a common goal…to fight and save the children! We must support and endorse and pray for this…to reach the hearts of children all across the USA. As we do, we will pray for revival to come! 

Bobbie (NC) Psalm 8:2 “Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength,

because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and the avenger.” 

We prayed corporately into this matter, asking God to bring the unity necessary to take this evil down, set the captives free, and see many brought into the Kingdom! This work of revealing the evil will be completed as we come into unity against it…wherever it manifests. That is the most fearful thing for the enemy.


We shared in communion together and bid one another farewell for the evening. 

Blessings and love, 

Maureen and Pastor Ioan



ALL SLOTS FOR FT Facilitation are now covered! PTL! 

All participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators for one hour each week. 

That “two by twoBiblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated! 

We now have ***117 *** co-facilitators…and call forth the other *** 51*** to fully secure the call! 

PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)

Hours needing Co-Facilitators: 

12 AM ET – all slots filled

 1 AM ET – Saturday

 2 AM ET – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

 3 AM ET – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 

 4 AM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

 5 AM ET – Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday

 6 AM ET – all slots filled

 7 AM ET – all slots filled 

 8 AM ET – all slots filled

 9 AM ET – Sunday, Thursday and Friday

10 AM ET – all slots filled 

11 AM ET – Tuesday

12 PM ET – all slots filled 

 1 PM ET – all slots filled 

 2 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday

 3 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday 

 4 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 

 5 PM ET – Tuesday, Saturday 

 6 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday 

 7 PM ET – Monday, Wednesday

 8 PM ET – Monday, Saturday 

 9 PM ET – Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday

10 PM ET- Friday, Saturday 

11 PM ET – all slots filled

May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.

Touch our hearts, Lord, and cause us to be open and willing to step up to serve!

Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work! 



Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com

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