
Jul 6, 2022 – Prayer Focus

Jul 6, 2022 – Prayer Focus

Wednesday, July 6, 2022 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call


1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)

We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!

“Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.”

Revelation 20:6

We sing: Glorious Day 

I was buried beneath my shame. Who could carry that kind of weight? It was my tomb…‘til I met You!

I was breathing but not alive. All my failures I tried to hide. It was my tomb…‘til I met You!

You called my name and I ran out of that grave, out of the darkness into Your glorious day!

You called my name and I ran out of that grave, out of the darkness into Your glorious day!

Now Your mercy has saved my soul. Now Your freedom is all that I know

The old made new, Jesus, when I met You!

You called my name and I ran out of that grave, out of the darkness into Your glorious day!

You called my name and I ran out of that grave, out of the darkness into Your glorious day!

I needed rescue. My sin was heavy, but chains break at the weight of Your glory!

I needed shelter. I was an orphan. Now, You call me a citizen of Heaven.

When I was broken, You were my healing. Now, Your love is the air that I’m breathing.

I have a future. My eyes are open. ‘Cause when You called my name 

I ran out of that grave, out of the darkness into Your glorious day!

You called my name and I ran out of that grave, out of the darkness into Your glorious day!


The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly 

for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump, 

and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!

We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage

 and for all the members of their family. We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.

In every situation and decision, let our President be led by the Holy Spirit, so that he learns the truth and acts accordingly, for the good of the nation. 


For the removal of Joe Biden and restoration of Donald Trump to his rightful office.


That as the REDEMPTION of the AMERICAN REPUBLIC takes place, those leaders that God anoints and appoints will take their places in the governments of each state and in our nation’s Capitol! 


 For protection, provision, and peace 

for all working to expose the fraud and corruption of the 2020 election!


For the strengthening of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 

and for new intercessors to join our 24/7 family in praying for our President and the nation! 


Strategic Focus for Wednesday 




Standing in the GAP – Part 25

“Blessed are those who keep justice, and he who does righteousness at all times!”

Psalm 106:3

This article by Jeffrey Tucker, entitled: The Mighty Gorsuch vs. the Administrative State: Quotes from West Virginia vs. EPA will give us a deeper understanding of this ruling by SCOTUS and what it can initiate. Let us read and pray into it on behalf of many righteous rulings by our Supreme Court in the days to come!

The power of the administrative state to destroy liberty and property – to blast through legislation, science, and judicial oversight – was never more on display than in the last two and a half years. One would hope that the deep bureaucracies would have learned their lessons on how not to respond to a new pathogen. There is no evidence they have. Pray.

Regardless, the real problem is much deeper. It has to do with the status of the administrative state as the effective governing apparatus of the US. It’s not Congress and not the President. It’s the vast and permanent bureaucracy of 432 agencies and 2.9M bureaucrats who are unreachable by any standard of personnel management. Dealing with this problem absolutely requires that we get back to fundamentals on what kind of society we want and what is the role of government. Pray.

These issues are newly alive, and have come up with a Supreme Court decision in West Virginia vs. Environmental Protection Agency. 

  • The EPA had long imposed an expansive view of its discretion under the Clean Air Act. The court said no: the EPA has been acting illegally all along. Pray.
  • This decision echoes a similar federal court decision in Florida concerning the CDC’s mask mandate. The court said the CDC is acting illegally. Pray.

Just because the EPA is tasked with certain acts of administration doesn’t mean it can do whatever it wants in service of the goal

  • “We would not expect the Department of Homeland Security to make trade or foreign policy, even though doing so could decrease illegal immigration,” said the main opinion. Pray.

Clearly, we have a problem that cries out for a mighty rethinking of everything. Just such a statement has been made in the concurring opinion of Justice Neil Gorsuch. Here are some choice sections:

“But no less than its rules against retroactive legislation or protecting sovereign immunity, the Constitution’s rule vesting federal legislative power in Congress is “vital to the integrity and maintenance of the system of government ordained by the Constitution.” It is vital because the framers believed that a republic—a thing of the people—would be more likely to enact just laws than a regime administered by a ruling class of largely unaccountable “ministers.” The Federalist No. 11, p. 85 (Alexander Hamilton). From time to time, some have questioned that assessment.” Pray.

Following that great quotation from the Federalist Papers, Gorsuch adds a devastating footnote, one of the best I’ve read in modern court documents. It concerns the legacy of President Woodrow Wilson. 

“For example, Woodrow Wilson famously argued that “popular sovereignty” “embarrassed ” the Nation because it made it harder to achieve “executive expertness.” In Wilson’s eyes, the mass of the people were “selfish, ignorant, timid, stubborn, or foolish.” He expressed even greater disdain for particular groups, defending “ the white men of the South” for “rid ding  themselves, by fair means or foul, of the intolerable burden of governments sustained by the votes of ignorant  African-Americans .” He likewise denounced immigrants “from the south of Italy and men of the meaner sort out of Hungary and Poland,” who possessed “neither skill nor energy nor any initiative of quick intelligence.” To Wilson, our Republic “tried  to do too much by vote.(Ouch. So much for the “Founding Father of Progressivism!”)

Gorsuch continues. 

“But by vesting the lawmaking power in the people’s elected representatives, the Constitution sought to ensure “not only that all power  would be derived from the people,” but also “that those entrusted with it should be kept in dependence on the people.” The Constitution, too, placed its trust not in the hands of “a few, but  in  a number of hands, so that those who make our laws would better reflect the diversity of the people they represent and have an “immediate dependence on, and an intimate sympathy with, the people.” Pray. 

“Today, some might describe the Constitution as having designed the federal lawmaking process to capture the wisdom of the masses.” 

“Admittedly, lawmaking under our Constitution can be difficult. But that is nothing particular to our time nor any accident. The framers believed that the power to make new laws regulating private conduct was a grave one that could, if not properly checked, pose a serious threat to individual liberty…. As a result, the framers deliberately sought to make lawmaking difficult by insisting that two houses of Congress must agree to any new law and the President must concur or a legislative supermajority must override his veto.” Pray. 

“Permitting Congress to divest its legislative power to the Executive Branch would “dash  this  whole scheme.” …In a world like that, agencies could churn out new laws more or less at whim. Intrusions on liberty would not be difficult and rare, but easy and profuse.” See The Federalist No. 47, at 303 (James Madison); No. 62, at 378 (James Madison). 

“Stability would be lost, with vast numbers of laws changing with every new presidential administration. Rather than embody a wide social consensus and input from minority voices, laws would more often bear the support only of the party currently in power. Powerful special interests, which are sometimes “uniquely” able to influence the agendas of administrative agencies, would flourish while others would be left to ever-shifting winds. Finally, little would remain to stop agencies from moving into areas where state authority has traditionally predominated.” This sounds exactly like the world we’ve lived in since lockdowns! Pray. 

Gorsuch continues with a history lesson, citing all the important law papers and books. 

“With the explosive growth of the administrative state since 1970, the major questions doctrine soon took on special importance…. 

  • In the 1960s and 1970s, Congress created dozens of new federal administrative agencies. 
  • Between 1970 and 1990, the Code of Federal Regulations grew from about 44,000 pages to about 106,000. 
  • Today, Congress issues “roughly two hundred to four hundred laws” every year, while “federal administrative agencies adopt something on the order of three thousand to five thousand final rules.” Beyond that, agencies regularly “produce thousands, if not millions,” of guidance documents which, as a practical matter, bind affected parties too. Pray. 


“And while we all agree that administrative agencies have important roles to play in a modern nation, surely none of us wishes to abandon our Republic’s promise that the people and their representatives should have a meaningful say in the laws that govern them.”

“When Congress seems slow to solve problems, it may be only natural that those in the Executive Branch might seek to take matters into their own hands. But the Constitution does not authorize agencies to use pen-and-phone regulations as substitutes for laws passed by the people’s representatives. In our Republic, “ it is the peculiar province of the legislature to prescribe general rules for the government of society.” Because today’s decision helps safeguard that foundational constitutional promise, I am pleased to concur. Pray. 

To be sure, such high philosophy and clear thinking on representative democracy does not on its own dismantle the beast, but this case did rule against the EPA, just as previous decisions have ruled against the CDC. It’s a great start.

More than that, the Court seems finally to have gained clarity on the real problem, the complete distortion of the system established by the Constitution’s framers in favor of an indefensible dictatorship by the administrative state. Pray. 

If this is where American jurisprudence is headed – all in reaction to the utter shock that came with the lockdowns and mandates – we have every reason for long-term optimism.

We pray:

  • Lord, we thank You for the courage and holy boldness of Justice Gorsuch in his concurring opinion on the EPA case. Let it be infectious, and in the next session of SCOTUS, let that spread to the other Justices, for Your Glory and the good of our nation! Pray. 
  • Please continue to extend Your mercy to us, Lord, as we dig out from under the mess we got ourselves into and move forward to retake our country. Pray. 
  • Help us to restore our founding principles, and as laws are made and adjudicated, to honor You above all else! Pray.
  • For all those who boldly “stand in the gap” in each of our 50 states, interceding and fighting courageously in the Battle to SAVE America! Protect each one and grant them great favor in their areas of influence! Pray. 
  • Raise up Godly elected officials across this land who will uphold the TRUTH and expose and rectify the fraud in the 2020 election! Pray.
  • Guard and protect our 24/7 family with the Blood of Jesus, as we engage with and undergird patriots who will “stand in the gap”, in this BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA! Pray.
  • Bring President Trump forth quickly, and guide him as he prepares to return to the White House. Pray. 
  • Protect our Supreme Court Justices and their families, and honor them for their stand for LIFE! We speak PEACE to the streets of our nation…and ask that You foil any plans for backlash! Pray.
  • Remove the usurper Biden and all those who have colluded in betraying our Constitution…and sold us out to the enemies of the nation! Pray.
  • Let our homes get in order so that they might be places for Your HABITATION and sanctuaries for others! Pray.
  • That we will joyfully release the LOVE of GOD from our hearts over this, our beloved nation. Pray.

(Resource: JeffreyTucker, Brownstone Institute) 


Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it! 















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