
Jul 2, 2023 – Prayer Focus

Jul 2, 2023 – Prayer Focus

Sunday, July 2, 2023 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call


1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)

We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!

The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. 

And they do not rest day or night, saying:

“Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!”

Revelation 4:8 

We sing: Only a Holy God

Who else commands all the hosts of heaven? Who else could make every king bow down?

Who else can whisper and darkness trembles? Only a Holy God!

What other beauty demands such praises? What other splendor outshines the sun?

What other majesty rules with justice? Only a Holy God!

Come and behold Him, The One and the Only!

Cry out, sing holy! Forever a Holy God! Come and worship the Holy God!

What other glory consumes like fire? What other power can raise the dead?

What other name remains undefeated? Only a Holy God!

Come and behold Him, The One and the Only!

Cry out, sing holy! Forever a Holy God! Come and worship the Holy God!

Who else could rescue me from my failing? Who else would offer His only Son?

Who else invites me to call Him Father? Only a Holy God! Only my Holy God!

Come and behold Him, The One and the Only!

Cry out, sing holy! Forever a Holy God! Come and worship the Holy God!

Come and behold Him, The One and the Only!

Cry out, sing holy! Forever a Holy God! Come and worship the Holy God!

Come and worship our Holy God!


The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly 

for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump, 

and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!

We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage

 and for all the members of their family. We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.


For the restoration of Donald Trump to his rightful office.

In every situation and decision, let our President be led by the Holy Spirit, 

so that he learns the truth and acts accordingly, for the good of the nation. 


For David Clements, as he undertakes the assignment to connect with President Trump,

to see the declaration of a National Day of Repentance in which all Americans can take part! 


For protection, provision, and peace 

for all working to expose the fraud and corruption of our elections!

As the SAVE AMERICA movement gains momentum, let those leaders that God anoints and appoints 

take their places in the governments of each state and in our nation’s Capitol! 


For us to receive and put on the full armor of God as we begin this hour, 

that we might be protected as we stand in the gap and pray for our nation! 


Strategic Focus for Sunday




The Returning of President Trump to the White House! – Part 285

Our God comes and will not be silent; a fire devours before Him, and around Him a tempest rages.

He summons the heavens above, and the earth, that He may judge His people:

“Gather to Me this consecrated people, who made a covenant with Me by sacrifice.”

Psalm 50:3-5

Our focus today is on the second part of a conference call with intercessors in PA, led by Abby, our dear sister in Christ, and with contributions from other PA prayer leaders. Let us glean from them as we read and pray into it. 

Evelyn: Joan, the 89-year-old w direct descendant of William Penn, found out about her Penn history through a cousin in Britain. There, seniors are allowed to take free college courses. Her cousin took one on genealogy and found she was related to Penn and told Joan. Only God can work all of these things together…and our prayers apparently factored into it all. It was exciting to hear how God brought everyone’s pieces together. He was knitting them all together…as in creating a patchwork quilt. We saw the George Fox quilt on the wall at Pendle Hill – something very deeply meaningful to me. It “spoke” about walking freely over the land and seeing that hill. There was darkness and an ocean of light and love would come. God was calling Fox to bring the light in the midst of darkness. Pray.

Lori Fields was also with us. It was a joy for her to see this, after all the work that they have done to help everyone learn about the Holy Seed, writing the first book on it! There are more original writings we are finding in the historical documents. Penn’s writings were the first models of how to have peace and unity between the Nations. Another fruit I was given this afternoon was a connection to a woman who was their Ambassador to the UN. I was able to send my article to her about revisiting Penn and Penn’s model from history and we will talk this afternoon. So things are happening all over the world. just rejoice in what the Lord is doing… finally…finally. Pray.

Evelyn: When you were sharing about the goose feather, I found one at Penn Treaty Park and handed it to Mary. Then, the next day, I found another goose feather, then another. Feathers aren’t something I normally find a lot of. So God is continuing to speak in many different ways. I believe that things are happening… unfolding…like the dimmer switch being turning up. Penn’s words were that the oceans of life and love are overcoming the darkness. Though the enemy may try to create issues through people, it’s still God’s work being done. We knew that something significant happened that day at Penn Treaty Park. Pray.

You were mentioning Debbie Trikota; she is the one that has all of those history books, so we’re going to connect. While at our library, I found two other books on Indians in PA and the “walking purchase hoax of 1737”. It’s like this favor of God is opening up His Story, History for His Glory. God, we thank You for all the pieces that You are bringing together, and that Your gracious power and love have knit together and are keeping people sustained like this 89-year-old woman…keeping her “for such a time as this” to be able to make that declaration. She’s from Britain and has lived in Canada where she met her husband and had four sons, then they moved to Phoenix. She flew to PA from AZ. All the things you are putting together…all the connections! 

Father, let Your glory unlock the people groups like the Quakers who could walk at Pendle Hill past a quilt and past booklets declaring the word of God and yet are still in the dark. Bless the Lenape people who were hurt and betrayed. Thank You that this is the hour You are turning up the dimmer switch. You are opening up the atmosphere so that people who have not seen the light or love would feel it and open to You! Let there be divine appointments and connections. Thank You for Your plan and for each life that is on this call and for making a deposit in our areas of PA. Pray.

Pennsylvania is the Keystone State, often called the Quaker State. We declare that the Quakers are quaking again. They were a big part of the underground railroad, the suffrage movement earning women the right to vote, prison reform and so many things that benefited society. We call for their activation for the glory of God and the benefit of all people. Bring a unity of faith to all people. We bind the works that would try to steal, kill and destroy and try to get in and accuse falsely. We say no to that. The Glory of God has been released and is growing and increasing in Jesus’ Name Amen. Pray.

Martha: Evelyn, you just mentioned, we’ve heard you say it and we’ve quoted it “Quakers are going to quake again.” I was immediately reminded of the headline this morning in the Inquirer about the events that took place last week. This is something that we can all pray about. The Philadelphia Inquirer is not friendly to Christian causes and somebody evidentially alerted them to the fact that there was a Christian group at the Quaker Center last week. So they published an article with this headline, and I’m just declaring that this is a prophetic headline. “The Quaker Retreat Center in Deco was rattled by Christian.” Rattled as shaken. So, even from the Philadelphia Inquirer, the media that mocks Christianity, they are prophetically claiming that the Quakers are shaking. Father, we are claiming and thanking You that we will see the Quakers shaking again under the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray.

Abby: I pray that they get rattled into the Kingdom. If they are going to quake again, they need to have the Holy Spirit. And I pray that this new path… from this reaffirming of the Penn Treaty, would get into the film. That we would get John Norwood into the film and get the fruit of what happened into the film as the new paths begin. 

Let there be unity between the original people of the nation, and all over the world, that the Holy Seed planted by God into the Nations would come forth with our legislation in PA. That the model is there. We have the legislators writing the bills. We just need them to be able to pass and not be stopped by opposing leadership. 

So, God, we pray not only for this exciting thing that just happened but now the exciting report will come forth with all the renewal for our land. And even right now we are getting on the expressway in Scranton and I just pray that a documentary is going to come out about the revival that happened in Scranton because what God is doing in the region will be the final taking of the land from the Lenape in that purchase. I pray all along the trails against betrayals, that the Spirit of the Lord would bring new life, new restoration, restoration of all things. Pray.

Karen: Father, we have heard testimony and we thank You for what we heard this morning that proclaims Your hand in the midst of our affairs. That even when it looks impossible, even when things seem to be dark, then You are at work. Suddenly, You bring forth a shift. You open a door of revelation and restoration. You have started this great reconciliation with the Lenape, cleansing the bloodline of William Penn and causing the repentance that is being done in Scranton with the Walkie Purchase. There will be suddenlies that will start to happen throughout Pennsylvania and especially in our government. We proclaim the good news of our King who has entered in. You have ushered in this King of Glory and we thank You for those who came and sacrificed to do that. Pray.

Abby: I bless you all with the fruit of breakthrough across this state. Be watchful to see opportunities and what God’s doing and the freedom that’s coming forth in your County. Pray a hedge of protection especially around the legislation because they are just ramming the bills through as fast as they can to finish the budget for democratic purposes. We pray, God, that the funding goes to Your purposes and that You preside over the financing, how it’s used… and in all the legislation, You’ll have the final vote, Lord. May You be reflected in the breaking through of the Holy Seed, in Jesus’ Name. Pray.

We pray:

– We bless all those who were a part of this assignment and those who pray now for it, having learned all that God did through us in reaffirming the trust, love, and friendship with the Lenape! Pray.

– For all the tribes and nations in the USA and abroad to dwell in unity and peace with one another, that God might be glorified in their midst! Pray.

– That the people of our nation will stand alongside President Trump, and remain engaged in this BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA until VICTORY is won! Pray. 

– That the members of Congress will fully investigate and try the “usurper” Biden, along with Obama, Clinton, Comey, and all the corrupt individuals concerned, convicting them of treason and restoring righteousness and justice for all!! Pray. 

– Protect and strengthen our 24/7 family and bring in new intercessors who are called to this assignment with us, to pray for our President and our beloved nation! Prepare us for our NEXT STEPS in this Battle to Save America! Pray. 


 Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it! 















REVIVAL – from Heart to heart! 

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