
Jul 2, 2022 – Prayer Focus

Jul 2, 2022 – Prayer Focus

Saturday, July 2, 2022 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call


1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)

We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!

“Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow

of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 

and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Philippians 2:9-11 


Worthy of every song we could ever sing, worthy of all the praise we could ever bring,

worthy of every breath we could ever breathe…we live for You!

Jesus, the name above every other name, Jesus, the only one who could save

Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe…we live for You. Oh, we live for You!

Holy, there is no one like You, There is none besides You. Open up my eyes in wonder

And show me who You are and fill me with Your heart and lead me in Your love to those around me

Worthy of every song we could ever sing, worthy of all the praise we could ever bring,

worthy of every breath we could ever breathe…we live for You! Oh, we live for You, Jesus!

Jesus, the Name above every other name, Jesus, the only One who could save,

worthy of every breath we could ever breathe…we live for You. Oh, we live for You, Jesus!

And Holy, there is no one like You, There is none besides You. Open up my eyes in wonder

And show me who You are and fill me with Your heart and lead me in Your love to those around me

Holy, there is no one like You, There is none besides You. Open up my eyes in wonder

And show me who You are and fill me with Your heart and lead me in Your love to those around me

And I will build my life upon your love, it is a firm foundation.

And I will put my trust in you alone and I will not be shaken.

And I will build my life upon your love, it is a firm foundation.

And I will put my trust in you alone and I will not be shaken…I will not be shaken! 

The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly 

for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump, 

and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!

We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage

 and for all the members of their family. We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.

In every situation and decision, let our President be led by the Holy Spirit, so that he learns the truth and acts accordingly, for the good of the nation. 


For the removal of Joe Biden and restoration of Donald Trump to his rightful office.


That as the REDEMPTION of the AMERICAN REPUBLIC takes place, those leaders that God anoints and appoints will take their places in the governments of each state and in our nation’s Capitol! 


 For protection, provision, and peace 

for all working to expose the fraud and corruption of the 2020 election!


For the strengthening of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 

and for new intercessors to join our 24/7 family in praying for our President and the nation! 


Strategic Focus for Saturday 




Standing in the GAP – Part 21

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

John 8:32

Today we conclude our prayer and study regarding The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates. It has been a joy to journey together through this teaching, and an encouragement to us all to “stand in the gap” for our beloved nation! Be blessed as you boldly share what you’ve learned, and help others understand about it! Pray. 

 The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates 



Let us examine each of these three governments from Scripture.

Concerning family government, Colossians 3:20 states, “Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.” Notice this verse of Scripture says children are to obey in all things. There are no limitation clauses that limit the parent’s authority, nor the extent of the child’s obedience. Yet no one takes the parents authority as being limitless, nor the children needing to grant unlimited obedience.

All are agreed a father should not tell his child to go rob the corner gas station because if caught the child will face less severe punishment than he. Rather, the father has a duty before God to instruct the child in honesty and hard work, and to abhor theft. Hence, the father does not rule autonomously. He does not get to contravene the law of God just because he has a position of authority. The authority he has is delegated to him from God, and he has a duty therefore to govern his home in accordance with God’s rule. So a child who is told by his father to go rob the corner gas station would be right not to obey his father. Pray.

Also, regarding church government, Hebrews 13:17 states, “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.” Again, in this verse also there are no limitation clauses that limit the church officer’s authority, nor the extent of a congregant’s obedience. Yet no one takes their authority as being limitless, nor that those under them must give unlimited obedience.

Suppose a pastor was skimming out of the offering plate for his own personal gain and a congregant learned of it, but the pastor told him to not tell anyone so he could continue to steal. No one would think the congregant wrong for telling the elders anyway. Pray.

Yet, when it comes to civil government, some Christian leaders tell their people that they should always obey, even though there are limitation clauses when it comes to obedience to civil authorities

God’s intent for rulers is that they be a terror not to good works, but to evil (Romans 13:3). 

They are to praise or reward those who do good (Romans 13:3). 

He is to be an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil (Romans 13:4). 

These are limitation clauses. This is God’s definition of good government. Pray.

These limitation clauses clearly show the God-given role of the ruler or magistrate. When the civil authority governs according to God’s intended function for his office, we are to “therefore,” as the very next verse says, be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake” (Romans 13:5). 

When they do the opposite of what their delegated authority requires of them, however, we are not to obey them, as the passages under the second convincing proof revealed. We may have to actively resist them. Pray.

The pastors of Magdeburg made an analogy between family government and civil government to make this very point: “Let us take an example concerning a father of a family. If he should come to his wife or grown daughters in his house with some scoundrels in an obvious attempt to prostitute them, then they, his wife and daughters, not only would not render their husband and father the obedience which they otherwise owe him, but when they are not able to preserve their chastity in any other way, they would drive him off with stones. 

By the same argument, when the admission of Caesar into a magistrate’s city brings with it a sure abolition of the true religion, the slaughter and exile of pious men – in this case, the defense of religion, of one’s own life and the lives of other innocent persons (which defense the magistrate of that city owes to God and to the citizens by the commandment of God) remove another part of the obedience owed to Caesar, that he should not offer obedience by admitting Caesar into the city, according to the rule of Christ, because the duties owed, when they come with injury to God and others, and joined with sin, ought not to be paid to anyone, not even to a father or a magistrate.” Pray.

Romans 13 is clear that the civil magistrate is to mirror the justice and law of God in the earth. They are to reward those who do good and punish those who do evil. They are to execute wrath on those who practice evil. Therefore, when the magistrate makes or advocates law that is contrary to the law of God, the Christian has the duty to resist and oppose such law, and obey God rather than man. Pray.

Romans 13:4 makes clear that the authority the civil magistrate possesses is delegated authority. “For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid: for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” This concurs with verse one which makes clear the authority given to the ruler is given to him of God. Therefore he is to govern in accordance with God’s rule.

God’s law and Word is the standard for knowing what is good and what is evil. As the passage continues, Romans 13:9 references the law of God. Why? Because it is the standard for knowing what is good and what is evil. It is the standard for both the public, as well as the personal lives of men. Paul is at that point in the passage moving from the public (the role of the magistrate) to the private. Both are in view. In other words, all men and all governments of men are accountable to the law and Word of God. Pray.

It stands to reason, that if we are to always obey the State, regardless of what laws or orders the government makes or gives, then we, in effect, make the State God. The pastors of Magdeburg addressed this point in their Confession. They wrote: “If God wanted superior magistrates who have become tyrants to be inviolable because of his ordinance and commandment, how many impious and absurd things would follow from this? Chiefly it would follow that God, by his own ordinance and command, is strengthening, nay, honoring and abetting evil works, and is hindering, nay, destroying good works; that there are contraries in the nature of God Himself, and in this ordinance by which He has instituted the magistrate; that God is no less against his own ordinance than he is for the human race.

The idea that we are to always obey the civil government because it is appointed by God is absurd. The subjection they are due is not without limits. When they pervert their God-given role and function and begin to reward those who do evil and punish those who do good, rather than reward those who do good and punish those who do evil, we have no duty to obey them, rather, we have a duty to obey God. We must not join in the magistrate’s rebellion against God, rather we must be true to the Lord. The Scriptures are clear on this. Pray.

Christians are the best of citizens. We subject ourselves to the governing authorities and obey them in all points of civil law, except in those points where they clearly contravene the law and Word of God. The pastors of Magdeburg declared this to Charles V in their Confession. The pastors wrote: “As for other matters relating to your rule, we will gladly render obedience – as much as we are able and we owe you. The profession of our religion has diminished nothing from it; so that much true dignity and encouragement for the obedience owed rather flows from it for you. For we teach with the apostle Paul that you are the vicarious minister of God for promoting good works, and that obedience is owed to you in this role, just as to God, not only because of wrath or fear of your sword, but also because of conscience, that is, fear of the wrath and judgment of God.

Although we cannot consider that all men equally comply with this doctrine, nor can we bring that about ourselves, nonetheless we can promise you this with the strength of a promise which is said about our ministry (“my word will not return to me void” Is. 55. Likewise, “Your labor will not be in vain in the Lord”) that we will give from our Churches the greatest possible number of men who, if they be able to enjoy their own religion through you, will declare their obedience toward you in all owed and upright duties, and loyalty without hypocrisy, out of true love, not so much love of receiving fruit from you, as love of you yourself, perhaps more than all those whom you say are obedient to you, so that you mistakenly mark us for the crime of contumacy and rebellion.

Although we are not able to look into the hearts of individuals, still, let us plainly affirm this about the city’s general attitude and will: that except for the preservation of our religion, nothing else is sought; that when this is gained, our Senate and citizens will be most obedient in all their proper duties according to your Majesty’s laws.Pray.

In this example, the pastors are making clear to Charles that they are his best citizens; that they obey in all areas, except where the law or Word of God is contravened.

Even when we disobey an unjust or immoral law, we benefit the ruler and the people of the nation as a whole.

  • We benefit those in authority because, due to our disobedience, they are confronted with the reality of their rebellion against God. Our Christ-obeying disobedience gives them the opportunity to recover themselves, and turn from their unjust and/or immoral deeds. Pray.
  • We benefit the people of the nation as a whole because we act as a check against tyranny. Our fealty is to Christ first, not to man, therefore when the State makes law that commands that which God forbids or forbids that which God commands, we obey God rather than man. This benefits the entire nation. The tyrant government is not allowed to continue unchecked in its tyranny. This is one way in which Christianity preserves liberty for a nation. Pray.

As Christians, we suffer at the hands of the State due to our disobedience of their unjust or immoral laws or decrees. The rest of the nation benefits from our suffering because we help rein in a tyrannical government. This has been the history of the Church. But the ungodly don’t see it. They prefer select parts of history where Christian men affirmed the pagan doctrine of the divine right of kings by positing an unbiblical interpretation of Romans 13 and teaching unlimited obedience to the State. Like Daniel said to Darius in Daniel 6:22 “O king, I have committed no crime against you.” In other words, an unjust or immoral law is no law at all. As Christian men and women, may we stand true to Christ, and to the law and Word of God. Pray.

We pray:

  • Lord, we thank You for the freedom we have gained in knowing the TRUTH. Give us the grace to “stand in the gap” against unjust and evil laws, as Lesser Magistrates, in the Battle to SAVE America! Pray.
  • Protect and grant each one of Your people and give them great favor as they address the various matters that must not be obeyed in their own areas of influence! Pray. 
  • Let Lesser Magistrates across this land see the light of TRUTH and enter into the process of exposing and rectifying fraud in the election process! Pray.
  • Guard and protect our 24/7 family with the Blood of Jesus, as we engage with and undergird patriots across this land who will “stand in the gap”, in this BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA! Pray.
  • Bring President Trump forth quickly, and guide him as he prepares to return to the White House. Pray. 
  • Protect our Supreme Court Justices and their families, and honor them for their stand for LIFE! We speak PEACE to the streets of our nation…foil any plans for backlash! Pray.
  • Protect the sovereignty of the United States of America and do not let it be compromised in any way! Remove Biden and all those who have betrayed our Constitution and sold us out! Pray.
  • Let our homes get in order so that they might be places for Your HABITATION and sanctuaries for others! Pray.
  • That we will joyfully release the LOVE of GOD from our hearts over this, our beloved nation. Pray. 


Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it! 















To read/print the entire Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates use the following link:


To print the Focus, use the attached PDF file


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