
Jul 15, 2022 – Notes Shabbat Call

Jul 15, 2022 – Notes Shabbat Call

07-15-22 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call

7-10 PM ET 712-770-4340 code: 543555 # 

Pastor Ioan opened the call with blessings for all who are joining us tonight. Maureen said that as we have been reading and praying into Mario Murillo’s new book: Do Not Leave Quietly: A Call for Everyday People to Rise Up and Defeat Evil, that our hearts have been stirred and hope is rising! As we come together tonight for this SHABBAT Call, let us renew that hope, knowing God is for us and that this nation SHALL BE SAVED and America will fulfill His end-times purposes! It’s time to rise and SHINE!!!

As always, we will first pray to receive the Ephesians 6 armor that God has so graciously provided for us.

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, 

and having done all, to stand.

 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 

above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”

Ephesians 6:13-18

We prayed corporately to receive…and wear the full armor of God with the dignity and grace it deserves.

We had a time of meditation regarding the armor of God, what it means to us and why we need it!

  • Mary Ellen (IL) thinks of the breastplate as something of steel, and often when someone in her space uses bad language, they apologize without even knowing me! 
    • Pastor Ioan said we are separated by this piece of armor, as He protects the core of our being – our heart!
  • Bev (MT) the breastplate divinely protects our hearts
  • Fifi (SC) the helmet of salvation protects our minds so we believe God and not what the devil, the “father of lies” suggests to us! 
    • Pastor Ioan said the Lord sharpens and renews our minds, so we understand His Word and WIll/
  • Fifi (SC) the shield of faith is powerful and protects us
  • Jim (CA) quenches all the fiery darts of the enemy…it’s sufficient for ALL of them!
    • Pastor Ioan said that while in the SF Bay area, we were attacked by the enemy, but the shield protected us! 
  • Audrey (CA) saw a picture of a small man under a shield holding over him to cover him by a larger man!
  • Kay (IL) spoke of the belt of truth around your waist. When we have the truth we know what to expect and what has been done through Christ, and we can walk in faith and be at peace.

Of all the armor of a soldier, the belt had a critical role: to hold their weapons. Paul connected this with the truth.

  • Angela (CA) we need the 5 fold ministry to lead us, and see that reflected in the feet that hare prepared with the preparation of the gospel of peace
  • Mary Ellen (IL) we need to know the Word….that is the preparation to go forward. 
  • Debbie (VA) it means having that mindset that you are ready…on alert…hearing God’s voice to do as He wills you to do! 
  • Susan (GA) it’s the reason why we’re here…to be prepared to go out and share the gospel/
  • Joan (AZ) as her feet touch the ground, wherever she goes, she prayed for those who live in that area, that they will come to know Jesus
  • Jim (CA) the preparation of the gospel of peace…SHALOM…we bring wherever we go….we carry it and destroy chaos. The Gospel has power! 
  • Sherrill (TX) The sword of the Spirit…the LIVING WORD OF GOD…is wielded like a sword, through the words of our mouths, and the Holy Spirit speaks through us!

Q. Is this armor of God given to us in the present moment, or once and for all? 

  1. IN THE PRESENT MOMENT! The past is history…the future is known by God… but we are to receive it and use it…NOW! 

Prayer requests:

We have been praying for Megan, the granddaughter of Rita Burton (CO), who is 31 weeks pregnant with her first child, a boy, and hospitalized due to high blood pressure and eclampsia. We received word late this afternoon that they will probably deliver the baby by Cesarean section tonight. We prayed corporately for a safe arrival for the baby and a speedy recuperation for the new mother! We offered individual prayer:

  • Angela’s daughter Asia (CA) was a preemie. She prayed for the mother and baby as the time to enter this world comes! (Asia has been part of our 24/7 National Children’s and Youth Prayer Call.”
  • Angela prayed that God has all under control, and spoke long life over the child. 
    • As Asia prayed, Pastor Ioan sensed an anointing over her and asked us to pray again, thanking Him for His love and goodness!
  • Kay (IL) prayed for Megan’s husband, Nate’s parents (atheists) to see how God is moving in this and be touched by Him, and believe
  • Joan (AZ) asked that God hover over the hospital room tonight, as she brings this baby into the world.

We have two prayer requests from Jojo and Arnold Brewer, our dear pastor friends from Barrow, AK

1- Jojo had a stroke last week, was flown to Anchorage for treatment and is now resting at home. 

2- They have also asked for prayer for their niece, Nanmak Crosby (35 years old), who has incurable issues, from which she has suffered for 30 years. She has constant pain, and can’t be touched. Her parents, Randy and Virgie Crosby, have been traveling from Alaska to Texas and California to seek medical help for years. They travel in an RV now, due to flight restrictions, and are currently in the Seattle, WA area. We prayed corporately for Nanmak. 

  • Pastor Ioan suggested that they might want to take her to a Mario Murillo meeting.
  • Maureen suggested that since they are in WA state, they might take her to the Spokane Healing Rooms of John G. Lake. They are open from 9-4 M-F and you can just go in and get prayer!
  • Audrey (CA) brought Nanmak to the Lord in prayer
  • Bobby (WI) has a granddaughter named Megan, who is 34 weeks along, and in the same situation with childbirth issues. We prayed for her as well…
    • Maureen said it is all about LIFE! TO LIFE…l’ chaim! 
  • Debbie (TX) shared a praise report about healing and asked that the healings needed tonight to take place!
  • Justice (NY) was a part of the Healing Rooms of Buffalo and lived near the one in Spokane. He will try to connect with them.
  • Sally (WY) lives in Spokane and said there may be Healing Rooms in Seattle. 

We prayed for Jojo to have complete healing after this stroke. We then offered individual prayers:

  • Annie (FL) prayed for total healing by the stripes of Jesus
  • Mary Ellen (IL) asked that she be healed and that her entire circulatory system be covered with the Blood of Jesus, with no blood clots. Purify the flow and let the recovery be so fast, that the doctors will be amazed. 
  • Bobby (WI) some endure suffering for years, and endure from one day to the next, by the anointing You give them. Help her during this difficulty, and give her hope and understanding so they do not miss the jewel in the hardship! 


Yesterday, Fatima let us know that as of July 31st, she will no longer be serving as our 24/7 Scheduling Coordinator. Pastor Ioan and I and the 24/7 NSPC family are so grateful for the 5 years that she has served, interacting with and training our facilitators and working them into the schedule. She will continue to serve as the State Coordinator for our 24/7 TN SPC and will join us in praying whenever she comes on the call. 

We ask that you pray for the strengthening and encouragement of those who are facilitating each hour for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call. We pray that those who are currently on the call will be willing to partner with a current facilitator, so every hour will be covered in the Biblical ”two by two” model. This will eliminate the constant need for subs, as each hour will have two facilitators covering it together! 

We will also be encouraging new participants to volunteer to be on for at least one hour, at a set time each week, so they can learn the process and then move into facilitation in the future! 

We pray that each one who comes to the call will take it as their personal invitation from God to invite and recruit

others to come and serve on the wall to intercede for President Trump and our nation! All for ONE and one for all! 

As of now, we have 21 hours (of 168 / week) in need of a permanent facilitator to lead that hour each week. If you are willing to facilitate or co-facilitate (the “two by two” model) for any of these, please contact us ASAP! Reply to WTKOG13@gmail.com (Our schedule is kept on Eastern Time…so please convert for your time zone.)

1 AM ET – Tuesday 

4 AM ET – Monday and Wednesday 

5 AM ET – Thursday 

12 PM ET – Tuesday

1 PM ET – Tuesday and Thursday 

2 PM ET – Sunday and Monday 

3 PM ET – Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

4 PM ET – Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 

5 PM ET – Monday 

6 PM ET – Wednesday 

9 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday 

10 PM ET – Saturday

When we invited Fatima to share, she blessed and thanked all those who made sacrifices along the way! We prayed corporately in gratitude for her service and blessed her for the things that she will accomplish in the future for the King and His Kingdom! 



Republican Wisconsin State Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has indicated that another presidential election in the state may need to take place if allegations of massive fraud in the 2020 election can be proven in court. According to their report, Republicans in Wisconsin held a press conference that alleged ballots collected in absentee drop boxes in the state were illegal due to the state Supreme Court’s recent ruling. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled strongly last week that absentee drop boxes were illegal and that unsecured drop boxes during the 2020 presidential election violated standing statutory requirements by circumventing the personal delivery of ballots to a clerk or a clerk’s authorized representative.

President Trump celebrated the win last week on social media in a statement posted to Truth Social, calling on Speaker Vos to “do what everybody knows must be done.” He added, “We need FAIR and HONEST Elections in our Country…” 

A video surfaced showing Speaker Vos discussing the subject. “You can’t go back and re-do the election, you just can’t,” he stated in a video shared in their report. However, he added, “…If there is an overwhelming amount of fraud, that is proven in a court of law, not just suspicion, not just something that we think happened…that’s the only time that you can go back and do something like that.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

We prayed into this corporately, so that everyone will recognize that there was fraud and that their election would be decertified. Let truth be revealed and accepted, and the fraudulent election rectified! 

We offered individual prayers for this matter:

  • Carol (TX) prayed for Vos and all those aligned for righteousness across the nation in the key states (AZ, NV, NM, PA, MI and WI) that the election would be decertified in all of them
  • Mary Ellen (IL) prayed for VOS and for him to stand!
  • Bobbie (WI) A group of 8 “prominent conservatives” reviewed the 64+ cases brought on behalf of President Trump, and said that they were without merit…and that conservatives need to move on! 

Maureen said that she does not accept that! 

  • Susan (GA) this is maladministration! 


Statement from President Trump, on the passing of his children’s mother, Ivana Trump:

“I am very saddened to inform all of those that loved her, of which there are many, 

that Ivana Trump has passed away at her home in New York City

She was a wonderful, beautiful, and amazing woman, who led a great and inspirational life. 

Her pride and joy were her three children, Donald, Jr., Ivanka, and Eric. 

She was so proud of them, as we were all so proud of her. Rest In Peace, Ivana!”

*Out of love and respect for Ivana, our big Arizona Rally (Prescott) will be postponed until next Friday.

The medical examiner said. Ivana Trump died from the “injuries she sustained after falling down the stairs” in her apartment. We prayed corporately for the President, who, along with their 3 children and 10 grandchildren, was deeply affected by the loss of his first wife. Comfort and console them all! We then prayed individually:

  • Bobby (WI) heard an interview with Ivana, in which she said Ivana conducted herself with respect for and spoke well of the President. Thanked God for the good memories they had. 
  • Nadine (TX) It’s hard on the kids and grands, and a hole is left in their hearts that only Ivana could fill! Let them laugh and remember the good times.
  • Debbie (TX) the respect she had for him was two-way, and he cared for her as she cared for him…ex’es or not! Let this tragedy bring them all closer to You, Lord, and comfort them through it all!
  • Carol (TX) President Trump is a model for other men who have divorced, in the way he speaks respectfully about and treated his former spouse …the other parent! Do not let the media put a bad spin on this during the funeral.
  • Joan (AZ) prayed for any guilt to be removed, that they might feel for not being there when Ivana passed on. Comfort her elderly mother who has lost her daughter. 
  • Sharon (Paraguay) let the soul ties between them, and the direct line they had to one another, be replaced with a direct line to You, Lord.
  • Joann (MO) President Trump has said that he is not the man he was years ago…and asked that he be there for his children, since their mother is no longer there. Let the media not play into this, but respect their privacy!
  • Tesi (FL) prayed for healing dreams for all of them. Show them their mother in heaven…I pray she made it! 
  • Joann (MO) thought about Joe Biden and asked that he at least offer some sympathy to the family.
  • Carol (TX) Donald lost his brother 2½ years ago, and it was a huge loss! 


We prayed earlier this week for Biden’s trip to Israel. Our prayers have been answered, when yesterday, The Jerusalem U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Joint Declaration was signed in Israel, and at least the major concerns about harming Israel did not happen! Two of the statements included:

  • Israel thanks the United States for its ongoing and extensive support for deepening and broadening the historic Abraham Accords.”
  • “The United States stresses that integral to this pledge is the commitment never to allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon, and that it is prepared to use all elements of its national power to ensure that outcome. “

* We prayed corporately, grateful for the preservation of Israel and no harm done by Biden’s visit.

Pastor Ioan noted that inflation is 9.1%, but that after this Declaration was signed, the market rose! We believe that this is due to the fact that Israel was blessed, and not harmed! (*** See full document below!)


“For the day of the Lord upon all the nations is near;

As you have done, it shall be done to you; Your reprisal shall return upon your own head.”

Obadiah 15

Starbucks goes woke—links executive pay to minority hiring quotas…for more than three decades, Starbucks has been committed to building a culture where everyone is welcome. We stand as an ally to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community – affirming every way people may choose to identify.

Between June 2021 and May 2022, The Starbucks Foundation has provided more than 300 grants to non-profit organizations supporting LGBTQIA2+ communities, totaling more than $700,000. Many of these organizations were nominated by partners based on neighborhood partnerships they have developed in service of their local communities. Starbucks makes $50,000 donation to the National Center for Transgender Equality, which advocates for policies that increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people.

Starbucks joined over 170 companies and the Human Rights Campaign in an advocacy statement to address and oppose policy actions or legislation that discriminate against the LGBTQIA2+ community. “The statement reiterates our position that every person deserves consistent protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. ”

NEVER GO FULL WOKE: Starbucks Closing Stores in Dem-Run Cities, CEO Says ‘America is Unsafe’

Schulz blasted Democrat-run cities for rampant crime: “America has become unsafe,” he says. “It has shocked me that one of the primary concerns that our retail partners have is their own personal safety,” Schultz said of conversations with employees. “And then we heard the stories that go along with it about what happens in our bathrooms, the issue of mental illness, the issue of homelessness, and the issue of crime. Starbucks is a window into America,” he added. “We have stores in every community, and we are facing things…the stores were not built for. We are listening to our people and closing stores.”

*Maureen said that for years, she has refused to patronize them, and many other Christians still do

  • Nadine (TX) affirmed that, and said that to partake is to enter into covenant with darkness. 
  • Debbie (TX) said that the family of God needs to be aware of where we spend our money. 
  • Carol (TX) said to be aware of the Hallel meat (that which adheres to Islamic law, as defined in the Koran.) There is a lot of that at Costco. 

We prayed corporately, asking for the bankruptcy of those companies that are aligned with darkness, and that we be made aware of and convicted about what we need to do as far as who to do business with. 

We offered individual prayers: 

  • Mary Ellen (IL) Blessed and support those struggling in their small businesses, so they thrive and grow. 
  • Debbie (TX) our government has special deals with companies like AMAZON, using taxpayer dollars to subsidize these corporations.
  • Carol (TX) we have a responsibility to speak out and ask why the government is giving privileged money breaks to certain companies.
  • Joann (MO) give us wisdom to know what we can not partake of…we can‘t have the holy with the profane


Pope Francis Speaks Out Against Joe Biden’s Stance On Abortion During New Interview. Pope Francis reportedly took aim at Joe Biden’s radical stance on abortion during an interview with Univision published earlier this week, saying it conflicts with Church teachings on the subject. In a two-hour interview, Francis, though careful to say he isn’t too familiar with U.S. legal practice, asked, Is it fair to take a human life to solve a problem? Whatever it is? Is it fair to hire a hitman to eliminate a human life?” He also referred to specific scientific research showing, that “one month after conception, the DNA is already there.” The pope then branded this stance as non-negotiable.” 

These comments come after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade last month, returning the issue of abortion back to each individual state. When the subject of conservative American bishops denying Communion to prominent Democrats based on their political views came up — Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are on that list — Francis simply said, “I leave it to [Biden’s] conscience and that he speaks to his bishop, his pastor, his parish priest about that inconsistency.” (Source: Religion News Service)

We prayed in gratitude for Francis’ positive statements for life…and asked that Biden and other Catholic members in government will recognize their spiritually impoverished status. 

Note: the US House voted TODAY on the Women’s Health Protection Act, the most radical abortion bill Congress has ever seen. https://p2a.co/R2c1I5e. This bill would effectively eliminate all pro-life laws currently in place that protect women, children, and healthcare workers from violating their consciences, going way beyond Roe v. Wade, which allowed abortions through all 9 months of pregnancy. Measures such as parental consent, informed consent for pregnant women, conscience protection laws for healthcare workers, and restrictions on taxpayer funding for abortion are popular among all Americans and must be maintained. This bill would unjustly remove all such bipartisan measures and invalidate other life-affirming state laws. Policies that protect unborn children who are capable of feeling pain and have heartbeats from abortion will also be eliminated. The vote was 219-210 in the House for this bill. We declared that they would all be voted out of office! 



SOUND THE ALARM! New Mexico Has Become the New Frontline of The Pro-Life Movement!

Abortion corporations are flocking to New Mexico, where abortion remains unregulated up to delivery for any reason, even for minors without parental consent! Join local, state, and national leaders at the epicenter of Post-Roe America to speak out and discover how YOU can be a part of the next pro-life solution!

Tuesday, July 19, 2022 ● 7 pm MT ● Las Cruces, NM



We thanked God for all He’s done in the past week and asked for His continued blessings as we go forward into the next! As we took communion together, we remembered that the way we are to remain united is to celebrate the Paschal Meal together as Christ commanded. As we closed, we sang: SHABBAT SHALOM! 

With love and blessings to all! 

Maureen and Pastor Ioan




Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com

The Jerusalem U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Joint Declaration

July 14, 2022

• Statements and Releases

The leaders of the United States and Israel, President Biden and Prime Minister Lapid, met in Jerusalem on 14 July 2022, and adopted the following Joint Declaration on the US-Israel Strategic Partnership:

The United States and Israel reaffirm the unbreakable bonds between our two countries and the enduring commitment of the United States to Israel’s security. Our countries further reaffirm that the strategic U.S.-Israel partnership is based on a bedrock of shared values, shared interests, and true friendship. Furthermore, the United States and Israel affirm that among the values the countries share is an unwavering commitment to democracy, the rule of law, and the calling of “Tikkun Olam,” repairing the world. The leaders express appreciation to former Prime Minister Bennett, who led the most diverse government in Israel’s history, and under whose leadership this extraordinary partnership has continued to grow stronger.

Consistent with the longstanding security relationship between the United States and Israel and the unshakeable U.S. commitment to Israel’s security, and especially to the maintenance of its qualitative military edge, the United States reiterates its steadfast commitment to preserve and strengthen Israel’s capability to deter its enemies and to defend itself by itself against any threat or combination of threats. The United States further reiterates that these commitments are bipartisan and sacrosanct, and that they are not only moral commitments, but also strategic commitments that are vitally important to the national security of the United States itself.

The United States stresses that integral to this pledge is the commitment never to allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon, and that it is prepared to use all elements of its national power to ensure that outcome. The United States further affirms the commitment to work together with other partners to confront Iran’s aggression and destabilizing activities, whether advanced directly or through proxies and terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

The United States and Israel note that nothing better reflects the steadfast and bipartisan support of the United States to Israel’s security than the unprecedented Memoranda of Understanding on security assistance signed by successive U.S. administrations over the last few decades, and that these arrangements demonstrate in word and deed that the United States considers Israel’s security essential to U.S. interests and an anchor of regional stability.

The United States strongly supports implementing the terms of the current historic $38 billion Memorandum of Understanding in full, which honors the United States’ enduring commitment to Israel’s security, as well as its conviction that a follow-on MOU should address emerging threats and new realities. In addition, the United States is committed to seeking additional missile defense assistance in excess of MOU levels, in exceptional circumstances such as the hostilities with Hamas over eleven days in May 2021. Israel appreciates the U.S. commitment to the MOU and for providing an additional $1 billion over MOU levels in supplemental missile defense funding following the 2021 conflict. Further, the countries express enthusiasm to move forward the U.S.-Israel defense partnership through cooperation in cutting-edge defense technologies such as high energy laser weapons systems to defend the skies of Israel and in the future those of other U.S. and Israel security partners.

Israel thanks the United States for its ongoing and extensive support for deepening and broadening the historic Abraham Accords. The countries affirm that Israel’s peace and normalization agreements with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Morocco constitute a critical addition to Israel’s strategic peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, all of which are important to the future of the Middle East region and to the cause of regional security, prosperity, and peace. The countries note that the historic Negev Summit, initiated and hosted by Prime Minister Lapid, was a landmark event in joint U.S.-Israeli efforts to build a new regional framework that is changing the face of the Middle East.

The United States and Israel welcome in this regard the meeting held in Manama, Bahrain on June 27th, forming the Negev Forum on regional cooperation. The United States welcomes these developments and is committed to continue playing an active role, including in the context of President Biden’s upcoming visit to Saudi Arabia, in building a robust regional architecture; to deepen the ties between Israel and all of its regional partners; to advance Israel’s regional integration over time; and to expand the circle of peace to include ever more Arab and Muslim States.

The United States and Israel also welcome the opportunity to participate in a quadrilateral (hybrid) meeting, together with the leaders of India and the United Arab Emirates, in the context of the I2U2 initiative, bringing together these four countries to advance cooperation in economy and strategic infrastructure, and demonstrating the importance of this new partnership, first launched by their Foreign Ministers in October 2021.

The United States and Israel reiterate their concerns regarding the ongoing attacks against Ukraine, their commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and affirmed the importance of continued humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine.

The United States and Israel affirm that they will continue to work together to combat all efforts to boycott or de-legitimize Israel, to deny its right to self-defense, or to unfairly single it out in any forum, including at the United Nations or the International Criminal Court. While fully respecting the right to freedom of expression, they firmly reject the BDS campaign. The two countries will use the tools at their disposal to fight every scourge and source of antisemitism and to respond whenever legitimate criticism crosses over into bigotry and hatred or attempts to undermine Israel’s rightful and legitimate place among the family of nations. In this context, they express their deep concern over the global surge in antisemitism and reassert their commitment to counter this ancient hatred in all of its manifestations. The United States is proud to stand with the Jewish and democratic State of Israel, and with its people, whose uncommon courage, resilience, and spirit of innovation are an inspiration to so many worldwide.

The United States and Israel commit to continuing to discuss the challenges and opportunities in Israeli-Palestinian relations. The countries condemn the deplorable series of terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens in recent months and affirm the need to confront radical forces, such as Hamas, seeking to inflame tension and instigate violence and terrorism. President Biden reaffirms his longstanding and consistent support of a two-state solution and for advancing toward a reality in which Israelis and Palestinians alike can enjoy equal measures of security, freedom and prosperity. The United States stands ready to work with Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and regional stakeholders toward that goal. The leaders also affirm their shared commitment to initiatives that strengthen the Palestinian economy and improve the quality of life of Palestinians.

The United States and Israel enjoy extensive bilateral cooperation and dialogue between their two countries in many critical spheres – from groundbreaking collaboration in science and technology, to unique intelligence sharing and joint military exercises, to shared efforts in confronting pressing global challenges such as climate change, food security, and healthcare. To complement the extensive existing scientific and technological cooperation between their two countries, and to bring their cooperation to a new height, the leaders launched a new U.S.-Israel Strategic High-Level Dialogue on Technology to form a U.S.-Israel technological partnership in critical and emerging technologies, as well as in areas of global concern: pandemic preparedness, climate change, artificial intelligence, and trusted technology. This new technological partnership will be designed to boost the countries’ mutual innovation ecosystems and address geostrategic challenges.

In this same spirit, the United States and Israel affirm their commitment to continue their shared and accelerated efforts to enable Israeli passport holders to be included in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program as soon as possible, as well as their support for increased collaboration on operational cyber exchange and on combatting cybercrime. The leaders state that all of these initiatives, and countless other joint endeavors, undertaken between their peoples at every level of government and civil society demonstrate that the U.S.-Israel strategic partnership is indispensable and makes an outsized contribution not only to the good of American and Israeli citizens but also to the good of the Middle East and of the world.

With this record of remarkable achievement and with a sense of the incredible promise that the unparalleled U.S.-Israel relationship holds for the future, the United States and Israel warmly welcome entering the 75th year of this extraordinary partnership. 

Signed at Jerusalem on the 14th day of the July, 2022, which corresponds to the 15th day of Tamuz, 5782, in the Hebrew calendar, in duplicate in the English language.

Joseph R. Biden Jr. 

Yair Lapid

Prime Minister of the State of Israel

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