
Jul 12, 2022 – Notes A Call to the Wall

Jul 12, 2022 – Notes A Call to the Wall

07-12-22 Notes for “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President Donald J. Trump”

8-10 PM ET Tuesdays 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call

712-770-4340 code: 543555 # 

As we came on the call tonight, we had an urgent prayer request from our 24/7 AK SPC Coordinating team members, Marilyn and Richard, asking for prayer for Anchorage Mayor Bronson, who is a Christian Conservative. Libs in the Assembly (City Council) — 6 of the 9 Assembly persons are either pro- or active LGBT — are trying to oust him from office. We prayed corporately for Mayor Bronson, asking that they would be unable to remove him and that the intercessors would be there to stand for righteousness and defend him! 

We then took individual prayers:

  • Richard (AK) blesses Marilyn and Windy as they go on-site to pray during the meeting
  • Debbie (TX) Isaiah 63:11 Then he remembered the days of old, Moses and his people, saying: “Where is He who brought them up out of the sea with the shepherd of His flock? Where is He who put His Holy Spirit within them?”
  • Windy (AK) confuse and confound the plans of the enemy. Turn this around for Mayor Bronson, as our prayers line up with You so that Your Kingdom will come and Your will be done in AK!
  • Marilyn (AK) let Your angels go before us in this matter

We prayed again, for the intercessors on site to speak out publicly, and for confusion and miscommunication in the camp of the enemy, so that nothing they have planned can take place!

We asked the AK intercessors what they felt about President Trump’s meeting in Anchorage on Friday night. Richard and Marilyn were not there, but they said it was a good gathering, with great peace and joy! Windy attended with her family and noted that it was disappointing when he used bad language and people would cheer. She would have loved to see more God-centeredness and focus on Him! We have prayed that God would tame his tongue and be led by the Holy Spirit in his expressions. We prayed again corporately and thanked God for protecting the President on his AK trip and for all the good things that took place! 

Last Friday, during our SHABBAT CALL, we received the exhortation of President Trump to: “Fight on, America, Fight On! We are reading and praying into Mario Murillo’s book, Do Not Leave Quietly: A Call for Everyday People to Rise Up and Defeat Evil. The combination of the two is like a call to arms…the sounding of an alarm for patriots…and a “one-two punch” to the stomach of every complacent Christian “taking up oxygen”, but doing nothing to stop the erosion of our rights as Americans! 

Tonight, as we gather together on this call, we are a mobilized House of Prayer for the nation…one that is committed to fight for our freedom…on our knees, in the trenches of daily life, and at the polls! God, help us! 

We now pray to receive the Ephesians 6 armor, which has so graciously been provided for us by our loving and protective God. 

“Take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 

above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit”

Ephesians 6:13-18

We prayed corporately, receiving that full armor of God, and asking to wear it with the dignity it truly deserves! 


Suzanne Bauer, our 24/7 Maine SPC Coordinator: The National Governors Association is meeting in Portland, Maine this week, July 12-15 This is such an opportunity for them to come together and do what is best for our nation’s people, but they need help from the Spirit of Truth. Suzanne said Republican Governors Nohemi, Hutchinson, and Reynolds have asked Kimberly Genau from Alabaster House in DC to host a prayer meeting where they and their spouses can be prayed for. We prayed into this corporately, and expressed our gratitude that they are asking for prayer!

Renee Fortin from ME said that when the two parties meet, they caucus separately. The Governor of Maine, Janet Mills, is a pro-death advocate. We pray that she would so overplay her “wickedness” that others would see through it and recoil from her. Let her be removed from office and no longer lead the beautiful state of Maine!


In the meantime, the “faux” leader of this nation (Joe Biden) is now in Israel. We pray that he will not do anything that might harm Israel…thus, stirring up the anger of God against our nation

  • We realize that over 74% of the Jews in the USA voted for the Dems and Biden. 
  • Some of the richest among them were involved in the fraud and stealing of the Elections, like Mark Zuckerberg.

The Seventeenth of Tammuz is a sad day for the Jewish people. It will begin during the evening of Saturday, July 16, 2022, and end on the evening of Sunday, July 17th. According to the Mishnah, five calamities befell the Jewish people on this day:

  • Moses broke the two tablets of stone on Mount Sinai;
  • The daily tamid (burnt sacrifices in the AM and PM) offering ceased to be brought;
  • During the Roman siege of Jerusalem, the city walls were breached, leading to the destruction of the Second Temple on Tisha B’Av;
  • Prior to Bar Kokhba’s revolt, Roman military leader Apostomus burned a Torah scroll;
  • An idol was erected in the Temple.

Whoever comes against Israel will come under judgment from God! Most Americans love Israel and would do her no harm, but this faux administration is not among them! (Neither was Obama, who is pulling the strings of Biden’s administration.) We pray for the bond between Israel and the USA, and declare that Jerusalem will remain UNDIVIDED! We further declare that Joe BIden does NOT represent us or this nation! 

We offered individual prayers:

  • Mary Ellen (IL) Prayed for mercy for the USA and for Israel, and the bond that is there between us!
  • Carol (NY) sang Isaiah 62:1 For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a lamp that burns.”
  • Susana (GA) this time is known as the DIRE STRAITS in Israel, and they are going through much

Yesterday, we received information that Iran now has enough uranium to make high-grade nuclear bombs! Previously, Israel had said that they would attack Iran and solve this matter. Now, with the new liberal PM of Israel, that may not happen. An alliance is being formed between Russia, Turkey, and Iran against Israel, and China. We, as ONE NATION UNDER GOD, can NOT stand against Israel, but must pray for the salvation of our nation and the return of President Trump to the White House! We prayed for President Trump’s swift return to the presidency, the move of the Spirit in our midst, and for the peace of Jerusalem!

We invited individual prayers:

  • Mary Ellen (IL) when President Trump was in office, the libs shook in their boots. Today, the Gateway Pundit called out Liz Cheney for her participation in this “Jan 6th Kangaroo Court.” She read Psalm 94:15-23 
  • Janice (AZ) I Chronicles 28:20 And David said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God—my God—will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.We ask for a swift return of our President to the White House! No fear! 
  • Richard (AK) let “we, the people” bring him back, as we walk in righteous anger needed to get him back and restore our country
  • Nancy (MN) the Lesser Magistrates had to know that “We, the people” are behind him, fighting with him!
  • Susan (GA) Israel is the root; we are the branches. As we go through the dire straits, we are going through them as well. Cleanse and prepare all of our houses for what is next.
  • Carol (NY) came back from the (MJA) Messianic Jewish Alliance Conference and lifted up the minds of the Israeli defense against the drones being sent against them. Protect Israel and give strategies to take the drones out!
  • Fatima (TN) thanked God for all the love that has been placed in our hearts for President Trump and for Israel. God is showing us that His Word is unfolding and that no one will prevail against Him as He defends His land! She prayed for Israel and for those there who will be saved. She prayed for Jared and Ivanka Kushner who are walking in New Age, not the path of God! Let us not call what is evil good, or call good evil! 

*** Rita Burton (CO) interjected on the call, with an emergency need. Her granddaughter Megan, in her 30’s, and her husband Nate, have been trying to get pregnant, and she is now 30 weeks along, carrying a little boy. They live in North Dakota with Nate’s parents, who are atheists, and Megan has just been taken to the hospital, with high BP and eclampsia. This is a serious attack from the enemy! We prayed corporately for her. * Eclampsia…The condition in which one or more convulsions occur in a pregnant woman suffering from high blood pressure, often followed by coma and posing a threat to the health of mother and baby. There are problems with the blood vessels that connect the placenta, the organ that passes oxygen from mom to baby, to the uterus. 


In a statement on Truth Social, President Trump wrote

“Isn’t it INCREDIBLE that the people who Cheated, Rigged, and Stole the 2020 Presidential Election, 

for which there is massive and incontestable evidence and proof (and now even the Wisconsin Supreme Court just ruled that Ballot Boxes, which are impossible to control & easy to cheat with, are ILLEGAL!), 

are totally protected from harm (the FIX is in!), and the people that caught them cheating are being investigated.

The President’s comments highlight the fact that Democrat lawmakers are investigating him and Republicans, despite evidence pointing toward Democrats benefitting from a “rigged” 2020 election. The Jan. 6 Committee continues to claim Trump caused the Capitol riot and attempted to overthrow the U.S. government after the November election. At the same time, Republicans have witnessed how the Democrats and news media refuse to acknowledge or debate the evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

We prayed for the President to be protected from their vicious assaults, and also for those being persecuted by this fraudulent committee to be preserved from their vile accusations. Set the captives free, Lord, and removed those on this committee who KNOW that they are doing evil…and planning on getting away with it! We say: “NO!”


FL Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is taking action to strengthen election security in the Sunshine State by toughening penalties for election-related crimes and eliminating ballot drop boxes. We have taken action to protect the integrity of our elections by making ballot harvesting a felony,” DeSantis wrote on Twitter, “strengthening voter ID, eliminating drop boxes, and banning Zuckerbucks.”

In early June, DeSantis pledged a staggering $14 million to support election integrity in Florida, vowing that the financial investment was “proof that in Florida, we take election integrity seriously.” The move to funnel more money into election integrity came shortly after DeSantis signed SB 524 into law in April, which created a landmark Office of Election Crimes and Security.

“If you ballot harvest in the state of Florida, this is now a third-degree felony,” DeSantis said during a recent “Just Say No to Ballot Harvesting” press conference. He also added that you “are not getting Zuckerbucks in any of this stuff.” (“Zuckerbucks” refers to alleged dark money that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been known to funnel into election processes. For example, Zuckerberg contributed more than $400 million to the 2020 presidential election processes by diverting it through non-profit organizations.) We prayed for Governor DeSantis and for other Governors to follow his lead! 


Mary Ellen (IL) shared that she met David Clements this weekend, as he passed through Illinois to MI. It was a joy for her to finally meet him in person…along with his family and his dog! A beautiful sharing!

We thanked God for all that He has allowed us to pray through tonight, and for all the good that He is doing in the earth! We asked that God touch us all with His healing power and that His Holy Spirit would come as a flow and infusion of life into each of us! We shared in communion and closed with hearts lifted in gratitude! 

Blessings and great grace to each of our 24/7 family members! 


Maureen and Pastor Ioan




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