Jan 9, 2019 – Prayer Focus

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call Wednesday, January 9, 2019
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 #
We have received several warnings about pending threats against the 24/7 call. We will not tolerate any demonic interference! We are taking measures to protect as well as to defend our 24/7 family and the call. At the top of every hour, the facilitator will take the first 3 minutes to bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss. They will then pray a shield of protection over the call and our 24/7 family
*The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our President and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for the protection of our President, Donald Trump and cover him with the Blood of Jesus.
Thank You for instructing and guiding him, giving him wisdom through Your Holy Spirit.
We bless his wife, our First Lady, Melania, their young son Barron and each of their family members.
We also cover our Vice President Mike Pence, his wife Karen and their family with that Precious Blood,
and include all those in the Trump Administration who are serving You and our nation! Thank You, Father!
Strategic Focus for Wednesday
The FEAR of the LORD – Day 5
“He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth,
and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,
so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him…”
Acts 17:26-27
In an attempt to resolve the critical issues involving national security and to end the partial government shutdown, President Trump met with the Congressional leaders in the White House Situation Room last week. During that meeting, some of the Democrats present balked at hearing a presentation that Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen had prepared to deliver,
When the leaders wouldn’t listen to the “hard data”…(“Don’t confuse us with the facts!”)...and the steps necessary to accomplish the goal of securing the border, President Trump made a decision to share the entire presentation with all the Legislature. So, he wrote a letter, attached the presentation, and had it personally hand delivered to all the Members of Congress.
Today, we are going to undergird this Administration’s effort, by praying into each of the points addressed in the President’s letter.
May all he has proposed come to pass! Lord, bless our President and those who are working with him, and enable him to remain firm in his resolve to preserve and protect our nation! Amen!
The White House
Office of the President
January 4, 2019
Dear Members of Congress:
Congratulations to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and her entire team, on her election to be Speaker of the House. I look forward to working together on our shared priorities for the American people, including rebuilding our infrastructure, reforming unfair trade deals, and reducing the price of prescription drugs.
Our recent bipartisan success on numerous legislative accomplishments such as Criminal Justice Reform, opioid legislation, and the Farm Bill, underscores the extraordinary achievements that are possible when we rise above party politics to advance the good of the Nation as a whole.
We pray:
- That there would truly be SHARED PRIORITIES that will cause the two sides to work together, overcome party politics and do the business of government, for the good of all!
As we begin this new Congress, our first task should be to reopen the Government and to deliver on our highest duty as elected officials: the security of the Nation and its borders.
It is the sovereign right of every nation to establish an immigration program in its national interest – lawfully admitting those who have followed the rules, while denying entry to those who break the rules or fail to meet the requirements established in law.
A nation that fails to control its borders cannot fulfill its most basic obligations to its citizens – physical safety, economic security, essential public services, and the uniform protection of our laws.
We pray:
- God says that He has “determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings”…
May we have the same care for the territory He has given us, and be willing to protect and preserve it!
I was grateful for the opportunity to meet with Congressional leadership at the White House this Wednesday to discuss the border security crisis, and the need for a government funding bill that secures the border and keeps Americans safe.
During the meeting, there was debate over the nature and extent of this crisis and its impact on Americans. It had been my hope that Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen would have the opportunity to deliver a presentation discussing the facts about the depth and severity of the humanitarian crisis and the security crisis that is now unfolding at the Southern Border.
However, some of those present did not want to hear the presentation at the time, and so I have instead decided to make the presentation available to all Members of Congress. I encourage you to review it carefully, to share it with your staff, and to discuss it with other lawmakers.
We pray:
- Father, we are grateful for a President who speaks out and “lays his cards on the table”. Though he has gone before the nation to plead his case, let it be heard in Heaven, where You will render a verdict in his favor! Thank You, Lord!
In crafting a Homeland Security bill, it is essential that we make decisions based upon the facts on the ground – not ideology and rhetoric – and that we listen to the law enforcement personnel on the front lines. The Southern Border is a very dangerous place – in fact, Border Patrol agents routinely encounter some of the most dangerous criminals, cartels, and traffickers anywhere in the world.
Effective border security must dramatically reduce the entry of illegal immigrants, criminals, and drugs; it must keep out terrorists, public safety threats, and those otherwise inadmissible under U.S. law; and it must ensure that those who do enter without legal permission can be promptly and safely returned home.
As the enclosed presentation makes clear, current funding levels, resources, and authorities are woefully inadequate to meet the scope of the problem. We are no longer in a status quo situation at the Southern Border but in a crisis situation. Status quo funding is not enough.
We pray:
- That as the President spoke the truth to those listening last night, hearts that had become numb were once again stirred on behalf of our nation…that those who have grown cold were rekindled…and that a new hope sprang from the hearts of those who had been discouraged, encouraging them once again!
As each statistic below is read, please invite one person to pray into it!
- In fiscal year (FY) 2018, 17,000 adults at the border with existing criminal records were arrested by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and border agents.
- In FY2017 and FY2018, ICE officers arrested approximately 235,000 aliens on various criminal charges or convictions within the interior of the United States—including roughly 100,000 for assault, 30,000 for sex crimes, and 4,000 for homicides.
- We are now averaging 60,000 illegal and inadmissible aliens a month on our Southern Border.
- Last month alone, more than 20,000 minors were smuggled into the United States.
- The immigration court backlog is nearly 800,000 cases.
- There has been a 2,000 percent increase in asylum claims over the last five years, with the largest growth coming from Central America—while around 9 in 10 claims from Central American migrants are ultimately rejected by the immigration courts, the applicant has long since been released into the interior of the United States.
- In FY2017, roughly 135,000 illegal and inadmissible family units arrived from Central America. Of those, less than 2 percent have been successfully removed from the country due to a shortage of resources and glaring loopholes in our federal laws.
- So far in FY2019, we have seen a 280 percent increase in family units from FY2018.
- 300 Americans are killed every week from heroin – 90% of which floods across our Southern Border.
- Illegal immigration is a humanitarian crisis:
- 1 in 3 migrant women is sexually assaulted on the journey northward to the U.S. border;
- 50 illegal migrants a day are referred for emergency medical care;
- and CBP rescues 4,300 people a year who are in danger and distress.
Illegal immigration is NOT progressive – by every measure, it is unfair, unjust, uncompassionate, and cruel. Many people are killed. It hurts both those who make the journey and so many communities bearing the cost in lives, safety, and dollars.
Senator Chuck Schumer once said: “Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced that we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress on dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants who are here now, and on rationalizing our system of legal immigration. That’s plain and simple and unavoidable.”
We pray:
- Lord, end the “double mindedness” in our elected officials’ and cause their YES to be YES and their NO to be NO…no longer flip-flopping on positions, but standing for what is right and just for this nation!
Absolutely critical to border security and national security is a wall or a physical barrier that prevents entry in the first place. Members of both parties – including then Senators Obama and Clinton, current Senator Schumer, and many other members of the House and Senate -all voted for a hard, physical barrier. Walls work. That’s why rich, powerful, and successful people build them around their homes. All Americans deserve the same protection. In Israel, it is 99 percent effective.
We must also close the legal gaps in America’s defenses.
- Loopholes in federal law that prevent removals provide a magnet for illegal entry, and a lucrative business model for vicious coyotes, while overwhelming the U.S. immigration system.
- The worst loopholes incentivize the smuggling of minors. Under these legal loopholes, if an illegal minor, or those traveling with a minor, merely set foot on United States soil, they cannot be successfully returned home.
- This explains the profound increases in the arrival of minors travelling both alone and with adults on the dangerous journey to our border. To protect these children from abuse, and stop this illegal flow, we must close these loopholes. This is an urgent humanitarian necessity. Children are terribly used by criminals and coyotes to gain access to our country – they are the biggest victims of all.
The most pressing legal changes are as follows:
- Terminate the Flores Settlement Agreement – which is preventing families from being held together through removal; and
- Amend the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA), to allow for the safe and humane return of illegally-smuggled minors back to their families in their home countries.
Americans have endured decades of broken promises on illegal immigration. Now, is the time for both parties to rise above the partisan discord, to set aside political convenience, and to put the national interest first. Now is the time—this is the moment—to finally secure the border and create the lawful and safe immigration system Americans, and those wanting to become Americans, deserve.
We pray:
- That when President Trump made his case for a southern border wall directly to the American people in an address from the Oval Office last night, eyes and ears that had been closed to him were finally opened and people began to understand his heart and his desire to protect our nation!
- That as he highlighted our nation’s crucial security issues, there was a whole new receptivity by citizens to stand with him to help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN…and to BUILD THE WALL!
- That Democrats, who have previously resisted funding the wall, will be impacted by the Holy Spirit as the President speaks, and decide to put country over party, change their positions and support him.
- That Congressional leaders will accept the President’s invitation to attend another meeting at the White House today, to further discuss how to resolve these issues!
- That a comprehensive immigration policy is developed to replace the current one, filled with loopholes that only endanger our people and undermine the foundations of our Republic!
- That Vice President Mike Pence, who is working with the President on this matter, will be able to use his influence and sway some who are on the fence. He has said that “There is a genuine humanitarian and security crisis on our southern border” and it must be dealt with now!” Let it be so, Lord!
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love! The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
Be Strong…Courageous…Brave!
Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ!
God’s Champions for Life!
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
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