Jan 8, 2019 – Notes A Call to the Wall

01-08-19 Notes from “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we enter into the call tonight, our “plate is quite full” and we will adapt our time to be able to listen to the President’s message at 9 PM ET. We will start with giving testimony about what the Lord did in our midst during the SHABBAT Call last Friday evening. We shared what happened to us: Pastor Ioan shared that he had been touched personally and felt relief – Praise God!
- Marcy (TX) felt the fire of God in her like never before
- Debbie (VA) she saw Jesus sitting at a table, laughing! When she gets down and feels heavy, she thinks of that and is thankful for it
- Sandra (LA) God was making all of us new!!! The Holy Spirit came and took away the hurt and pain. He did a circumcision and I thank Him for that!
- Bev (NC) come like a consuming fire, burn in my life and take away the dross
- Marcia (NC) spoke it to the Lord and gave Him all the pain from the 2 miscarriages last year, and thanked Him that they are carrying another baby, due in August!
- Cindy (LA) prayed for Marcia and the baby who is in her womb to be delivered safely
- Denise (AZ) prayed over her womb and blessed her
- Andrea (NC) In His Presence is fullness of JOY…and healing…the lifting of burdens…by Your Amazing Love, Father!
- Nina (MI) my father introduced me to Christ and it was the best gift I’ve ever received – he was rushed to the hospital with heart issues, and the Lord told me ALL IS WELL as I sat there on Sunday, they told her he was well and being released!
We then prayed corporately and gave thanks to the Lord, blessing Him for healing and renewing us, and enabling us to continue in the battle. ALLELUIA!
Your kindness leads me to repentance, Your goodness draws me to Your side
Your mercy calls me to be like You, Your favor is my delight
Every day, I’ll awaken my praise, And pour out a song from my heart…
You are good, You are good! You are good, and Your mercy is forever
You are good, You are good! You are good, and Your mercy is forever.
SECURITY ALERT! Recently, we have received several warnings about pending threats to the 24/7 NSPC. Reports have come to us by those who have discerned that “high level witchcraft” is attempting to infiltrate and ultimately destroy the call. We have been called by God for this assignment, and will not tolerate any demonic interference! We will protect and defend our 24/7 family and the call. We bind all forces of evil, cast them down into the abyss and pray a shield of protection over the call and our 24/7 family now. Amen!
In order to secure the call, these measures are going into effect immediately:
- At Midnight, January 11th, following the Friday evening SHABBAT CALL, the password for the console will be changed. From that time forward, only current trained facilitators will have the password.
- Each will be responsible for keeping it CONFIDENTIAL…and it is not to be shared it with anyone..
- When facilitating, you need to BE ON THE CONSOLE…(or have another trained facilitator with you who is on the console assisting you). If there is any disturbance, argument or debate, that caller is to be dropped immediately! We’re here to glorify God, not to debate darkness! BE AWARE…and protect the call!
- We must know those who labor among us.
- If you need a sub, please ask another trained facilitator to cover your hour. They are the ONLY ones allowed to lead the call and access the console.
- If someone volunteers to sub for you, email Fatima at nationalstrategicprayercall1@gmail.com with their contact information. She will follow up with them and begin a vetting process.
- It is never your option to ask an untrained person to sub for you. If someone has not been vetted and trained, and they obtain the password and access to the console, they can do serious
harm to the call. NEVER give out the password!
- Each participant must take personal responsibility for the 24/7 call.
- Follow the focus, observe the protocols and enforce them.
- Back each other up, and support other facilitators who might be having difficulty with a caller who is distracting and taking the call off track…step in and redirect to the focus!
- If you get knocked off, get back on…and don’t distract! There is no need to talk about it. FOCUS!
- We operate in submission to the Holy Spirit and in mutual submission to one another. Do not allow anyone to seize control of the call by teaching or preaching or speaking over 1 minute at a time. (Do not be manipulated or intimidated by someone who says: “…but the Holy Spirit told me to share this!”)
- Keep a KINGDOM PERSPECTIVE! We are one Body in Christ and are a House of Prayer for the Nation. We come from a myriad of denominations, so we do not speak ill of any church or group.
- Share about this call with those you are in relationship with: family, friends, church groups, fb, et al. Copy the daily focus off our 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call fb page to your fb page. Let others know they can copy and use it as well.
- The new password will be sent to the current facilitators by a special email before midnight. Please check your inbox and use it from then on!
Maureen shared about the importance of following protocols and Pastor Ioan prayed for all of us to guard and protect the call, and to have discernment and revelation as we pray for this nation, without interference from the enemy! Help us to love and encourage one another as You cleanse the call so we can do our assignment!
We began to pray for our President as he prepares to come and speak to the nation from the Oval Office! Several weeks ago, the Lord asked us to raise up a spiritual firewall of protection on the borders of our nation. Now, we need to raise up a physical wall to protect the land as well! The enemy knows that there is coming a time when he will be cast out, and he is pulling those from the nations who will carry the demons in, giving them entry! There is such a confrontation tonight, and we are called to be with him in the battle. We will stand and undergird our President, supporting him in prayer, lifting his arms, as Aaron and Hur did for Moses!
- Janis (MA) I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will contradict
- Thelma (TN) confusion to his enemies and the angels chase them
- Ina (MO) he has his full armor on and no one can touch him
- Andrea (NC) as he speaks, people will be drawn to him and to the truth
- Roberta (TX) the anointing on him will be like a “father” to the nation, and as they hear, scales will come off eyes and they will feel love
- Bobby (WI) if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto Me…and God will draw men to the President as well
- Cathy (FL) there will be enough Democrats hearts will be touched by the love in his heart for the country and they will be won
- Cindy (LA) blessed him and her voice was so comforting, Maureen exclaimed how she loved her! It was as at the Visitation, between Mary and Elizabeth, with each one pregnant, and the babe in Elizabeth’s womb leapt as Mary, carrying Jesus, approached! ALLELUIA!
- Bobbie (NC) remarked about Maureen’s exclamation and said that when we hear the President’s voice tonight, we will fall in love with him all over again, blessing him for his courage and love for our nation
- Juanele (NC) protection and safety, wisdom and revelation to the Secret Service to protect him
- Kelly (CA) Psalm 37:23-24
- Bev (NC) Psalm 9:19-20
As the prayers flowed, so did our tears! We began to intercede with sobs and moved deeper into the Lord, to a place of confident trusting that He was going to do something that would astound us all! OUR HOPE IS IN YOU, GOD!
9 PM – 9:15 PM President speaks to the Nation from the Oval Office
“This is a crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul!”
“This is the cycle of human suffering that I am determined to end!”
“The government is shut down for one reason only…Democrats will not fund the wall.”
“Walls are not built because we hate the people on the outside, but because we love
the people on the inside!”
We prayed corporately, blessing the President, and asking God to make the people of this country receptive to his message! We then prayed into what we’ve heard the President say, and then Pastor Ioan said that there is a question rising up in the minds of millions of American citizens right now: “WHY NOT BUILD A WALL?”
We prayed for the average American, to have an understanding about this and wonder: “Why not?”
We noted that we felt an assault in the spirit and stopped to pray that off. We spoke to whatever spirit it was that tried to interfere on the line a moment ago, cancelling its ability binding it! We prayed on, especially for the meeting that will be held in the White House tomorrow.
Maureen shared about “the visitation” as referenced with the people hearing his voice as Bobbie prayed earlier: “And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Luke 1:41 Let them respond as Elizabeth did…as they heard his voice! Alleluia!
Several of our 24/7 family offered prayers, and Ydia remarked at the discernment and maturity in the President tonight, calm, cool and composed! Elizabeth had a vision of the President like a father sitting on a porch, with a shotgun, protecting his family! He is a WATCHMAN! ALLELUIA!
9:45 PM
Allan Parker joined to give an update on yesterday’s PRO-LIFE intercession, and did a Q&A with our team.
- We had “air superiority” from the beginning, and took over the park before anyone else got there – peaceful, quiet / the worship teams on the “ground” did a great job / it was a great day!
- The Judge came out of the shoot saying that the pro-abortion pleadings were very confusing / he was trying to cut through the deceit and trying to get to the heart of the matter – he was harder on the plaintiff’s side than the pro-life side. Then the Judge took it under advisement.
- Atty Beth Klusman, the AG designate, did a magnificent job / Susan heard the word “Esther” and told the atty that she was an Esther and that the Lord had selected her for this…“the King is extending His scepter to you”
- Atty for the abortionists stumbled in her presentation
CONTACT INFO: Allan Parker, The Justice Foundation
www.thejusticefoundation.org info@txjf.org www.themoraloutcry.org
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Thank you thank you thank you Lord and intercessors!.
This praise report could go on for page after page after page and I am glad that we will have eternity to share these reports and praise God forever. Thank you to the national prayer teams and the state of Texas people who participated in such depth.
The day began with air superiority in the air. With midnight to midnight prayer coverage through NSPC national strategic prayer call. An intense AND FOCUSED prayer call began again at 11:30 AM and went to 3:30 PM.
Air superiority was achieved when we arrived at the republic park and we were the only people on site and we claimed the high ground immediately. The other side had alerted their team to come to what they called the People’s lawsuit. But their side seemed to of been driven away in prayer. Not very many showed up. And those that did arrived late. This small a showing was quite unusual for Austin Texas. In fact the lawyer for the abortionist was almost late to the court appearance and only made it by a few minutes which is unusual. The State’s Attorneys on our side were occupying the courtroom for a good 40 minutes before the hearing and much prayer went up by us.
Former Senator Wendy Davis who became very notorious for her filibuster of a state law which was later passed but struck down ultimately by the Supreme Court showed up for the hearing. They are planning to make a movie about her glorious exploits in the pink shoes and Sandra Bullock wants to star in the movie. Pray that this movie never see the light of day but that shows you how serious the national team is about this lawsuit. But that victory at the Supreme Court has emboldened them to try to abolish all regulations in all states.
The State’s Attorney Beth did a magnificent job and presented the oral argument extremely well. The court actually began by questioning both sides beginning with the abortionist about the clarity of their pleadings. He felt that the plaintiffs were being very confusing and we need to continue to pray for continued clarity.
The judge took the motion under advisement which means that he did not announce a decision and I believe that he is still praying about the decision. He said that he and his team, which includes his briefing attorneys, will be working on the case trying to reach clarity as to what needs to be done. Pray for wisdom, clear thinking avoidance of deception of the abortion industry and their pleadings. He seemed to be able to cut through the fog at times and hammered the abortionists lawyer with some serious questioning.
It may take several weeks or more until we know the result. So please keep praying until then. Allan
Maureen shared a Word received yesterday: “God wants to reinterpret what we have interpreted!”
and said she felt as if it referred to the overturning of ROE v WADE. AMEN! Let it be so, Lord!
We prayed corporately for Allan, blessing him and assuring we are with him as he fights for LIFE!
We closed with a final prayer for the President, asking that he rest well and be encouraged after tonight!
We asked for open hearts for those who will meet tomorrow, and resolution in the best interests of our nation.
We love, bless and thank all of you for your sacrifice of praise and intercession!
Pastor Ioan and Maureen
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