Jan 6, 2017 – Invitation to participate in the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call – 2nd assignment: the “FIRST 100 DAYS”Jan 6, 2017 –

Maureen Bravo
From: maureen@libertyprayernet.org
January 6, 2017
Dear ones, brothers and sisters in Christ, and Forerunners of Transformation!
A huge “THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU” to all of you who have served in facilitation on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
during our first assignment, “70 Days of Prayer”, leading up to the January 20th Presidential Inauguration.
We extend that “THANK YOU” to all those who participated in the call or prayed for us as we administrated this precious work of the
Holy Spirit. Without your “YES!” to Holy Spirit’s prompting and your prayerful, willing and joyful commitment, this 24/7 effort could
not even have been launched, much less sustained for these past 55 days! (Grace! Grace!)
As we move forward to January 20th…the “2nd Day of the Battle”,…a “Day of VICTORY”…that “GLORIOUS Day” when our nation
corporately transitions from darkness to LIGHT, we will take up our second assignment, covering the “First 100 Days” of the
Administration (January 20th – April 29th) in strategic prayer and worship. We will watch as the Glory of God fills this nation
once more, from border to border, coast to coast and see each reproach removed, one by one, from our midst!
As we make our preparations to launch out into this next phase of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, we are calling the
Body of Christ to serve again as facilitators for each of the 24 hour slots. We joyfully invite you to participate with us in what
Holy Spirit is doing through, with and in us. As “Guardians of the Hours” and “First Responders” who served in the first initiative,
these options are available for your participation in this second assignment:
· You may choose to continue in the same time slot as facilitator for this next assignment;
· You may release your time slot, and another ministry / group will come on and serve as “Guardian” of that hour;
· You may want to shift to a different time slot (as one opens up).
In any event, we pray that you and your team will continue to be part of this 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call!
Please let us know your desires ASAP. We are operating under tremendous time constraints, so your confirmation of choice
immediately would be appreciated! Thank you.
However you decide, please know that we are eternally grateful for your presence and prayers as our “companions on this journey”!
God bless us as together we bless America!!
Contending As One!
Dallas, Ioan and Maureen
Cell #:
Time of Service (Eastern time):
___ I choose to continue in the same time slot as facilitator for this next assignment;
___ I want to release the time slot for which I have been serving as “Guardian” of the hour;
___ I would like to shift to a different time slot (as one opens up).
___ I am willing to serve as a SUBSTITUTE as needed.
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