Jan 4, 2019 – Notes Shabbat Call

01-04-19 Notes from the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
“International SHABBAT Celebration”
7-10 PM Eastern 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard,the beard of Aaron,
Running down on the edge of his garments.
It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion;
For there the Lord commanded the blessing—LIFE forevermore.”
Psalm 133
As we enter our first SHABBAT of 2019, we’ve come together as the 24/7 family at a crucial time in our nation’s history! There is a battle of tremendous proportions taking place, and before we speak another word, we want to joyfully announce and declare to all heaven and earth that there is no God but our God, there is no KING but Jesus and we are on the winning side! ALLELUIA! We sang to the Lord!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
For our Lord God Almighty reigns
Alleluia! Alleluia!
For our Lord God Almighty reigns!
Holy! Holy!
Are You Lord God Almighty!
Worthy is the Lamb! Worthy is the Lamb!
Pastor Ioan received an email from Philip Lemkin this morning, saying that he wrote about this before reading the focus for the day. When he went out to see his son Filip (21), he found him speaking that exact scripture aloud.
Then the Lord said to me, “Do not pray for this people, for their good. When they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and grain offering, I will not accept them.
But I will consume them by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence.”
Then I said, “Ah, Lord God! Behold, the prophets say to them, ‘You shall not see the sword, nor shall you have famine, but I will give you assured peace in this place.’”
And the Lord said to me,
“The prophets prophesy lies in My name. I have not sent them, commanded them, nor spoken to them;
they prophesy to you a false vision, divination, a worthless thing, and the deceit of their heart.”
Jeremiah 14:11-14
Tonight, we bind all activity of the enemy and cut off all evil spirits who would dare to interfere in this call!
We declare that this is a SACRED SPACE, and we are meeting in the PRESENCE OF THE LORD!
We come together as ONE BODY IN CHRIST, the Ekklesia, children of God who love and accept one another and allow the Holy Spirit to connect us! We welcome our brothers and sisters into our hearts.
We received the instruction to focus solely on Jesus Christ and to enter into a time of worship and praise for Him.
We offered a sacrifice of praise as we individually sang out and others joined in!
- Albert (CA) We worship You, Almighty God!
I worship You, Almighty God, there is none like You,
I worship You, O Prince of Peace, that is what I want to do
I give You praise for You are my righteousness, I worship You, Almighty God, there is none like You
- Troy (CA) Come, Now is the Time to Worship!
Come, now is the time to worship. Come, now is the time to give your heart.
Come, just as you are to worship. Come, just as you are before your God. Come!
One day every tongue will confess You are God. One day every knee will bow
Still the greatest treasure remains for those Who gladly choose You now
Come, now is the time to worship. Come, now is the time to give your heart.
Come, just as you are to worship. Come, just as you are before your God. Come! Come!
- Maureen (FL) You are beautiful beyond description!
You are beautiful beyond description! Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful for comprehension Like nothing ever seen or heard
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom Who can fathom the depths of Your love
You are beautiful beyond description Majesty, enthroned above
And we stand, we stand in awe of You We stand, we stand in awe of You
Holy God to whom all praise is due We stand in awe of You
- Troy (CA) a medley: Thank You for Being Patient with me! and This is the Day that the Lord has Made!
This is My Commandment that you Love One Another! Jesus is the sweetest name I Know!
We began to describe the Beauty of the Lord as we are seeing Him right now. There was a release of spontaneous affirmations about the Lord…along with a love for one another that was expressed with tears! The images came in rapid succession, from many on the call!
Pastor Ioan sensed that there are many who have souls that need to be healed: pain, sorrow, wounds we have received in our hearts. Jesus wants to reveal Himself to us and we need to ask for the healing of our spiritual eyes in order to see Him in the fullness of His Beauty. We want to see more of Your Glory, Your Beauty!
- We accept this cleansing and purging of our hearts, the hearts of the Ekklesia, as God:
- Takes away the sting of death from the loss of those we love
- Heals us from broken relationships
- Graces us to stop looking back and being disappointed by the things and words we expected to happen, but haven’t been fulfilled yet and help us to rejoice in what we have been given by Him
- Help us to give our families to God so that He can heal them from whatever divides them
- Takes away the disappointment in being the only one saved in my nuclear family
- Helps us to forgive those who have hurt us
- Release our pain in not being able to help those who are resistant to God
Pastor Ioan said that the word he received for the year 2018 was: “The Battle is Raging”, and that he was receiving this word right now for this year 2019: “This is the Year of the Revelation of the Beauty of the Lord into the United States”. Welcome King of Glory!
- We welcome Your healing tonight, Lord Jesus!
- We need continuous healing, a purification of our hearts, in order to be of service to our Father!
- We ask that this spreads out and that a supernatural healing comes to the entire Body of Christ in this year! Thank You, Lord, for taking away the pain!
His HOLY FIRE purges, restores, and removes the burning fire of pain that cripples us. Let His All Consuming Fire take away all the pain, and sanctify us and make us whole! He is taking down all spirits of infirmity and there is healing power in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, as He comes and touches us with His FIRE! We receive You.
All-consuming fire, You’re our heart’s desire, and We love You dearly, dearly, Lord!
You’re our meditation, and our Consolation and we love You, dearly, dearly, Lord!
Glory to the Lamb! You are the GREAT I AM, seated on Your Throne. You are God Alone!
Holy Spirit, we ask You to forgive us for any time we have not acknowledged You, or denied You or refused to receive You before! From whatever streams or denominations, we come from, no matter what the teaching has been, we declare this night that we want more of YOU!
It’s a new day and we are being given a fresh anointing! We receive the power of God that is being released in our beings tonight. We receive the fullness of God: Father, Son and Spirit, the Holy Trinity, and say we embrace and welcome His Presence in our beings! We acknowledge that God has all authority over us and our lives and give ourselves to Him completely!
We sang:
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh (Holy, Holy, Holy)
Kadosh kadosh kadosh, Kadosh kadosh kadosh
Adonai Elohim tz’va’ot. Adonai Elohim tz’va’ot
Holy holy holy, Holy holy holy
O Lord our God, Lord of hosts
O Lord our God, Lord of hosts
Who was and Who is and Who is to come
Who was and Who is and Who is to come
Asher hayah V’hoveh v’yavo
Asher hayah V’hoveh v’yavo
Who was and Who is and Who is to come
Who was and Who is and Who is to come
It is our right as His children to declare the beauty of the Lord…and we were encouraged to speak it out!
One thing I have asked from the LORD, that I shall seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the LORD and to meditate in His temple.
Psalm 27:4
In that day the LORD of hosts will become a beautiful crown and a glorious diadem to the remnant of His people;
Isaiah 28:5
Your eyes will see the King in His beauty; they will behold a far-distant land.
Isaiah 33:17
Right now, our hearts, souls and bodies are very light! As we “turn our eyes upon Jesus,
and look full in His glorious face, the things of earth grow faintly dim, in the light of His glory and grace!”
We took communion and Andrea George (NC) led us in receiving the bread, the Body of Christ, broken for us, thanking Him for all He has done for us!
“Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha’olam, hamotzi lehem minha’aretz.
Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth.“
Paul McGuire (NY) led us in receiving the Blood of Jesus, the cup of salvation, declaring:
“Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha’olam borei p’ri hagafen.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. Blessed are YOU, Who brings forth fruit from the vine”
Nancy McGuire prayed following communion and we sang: TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS and
OH! THE BLOOD OF JESUS! We then continued in song for several minutes…
Pastor Ioan said he was challenged this afternoon before the call to understand exactly what was taking place in our land! He heard the word “CIRCUS” and checked the google pages about it! He found this: “Bread and Circuses”…was coined by the satirical Roman poet Juvenal (circa AD 100), who accused his fellow citizens of selling out for bribes of ‘bread and circuses.
“Two things only the people anxiously desire — bread and circuses.”
- This phrase reflected his deplorable of the declining heroism of Romans after the Roman Republic ceased to exist and the Roman Empire (ie Global Government in our days) began.
- The government kept the Roman populace happy by distributing free food and staging huge spectacles.
- “Bread and circuses” has become a term for government policies that seek short-term solutions to public unrest.
- It is a superficial means of appeasement, something, as extravagant entertainment, offered as an expedient means of pacifying discontent or diverting attention from a source of grievance.
- It uses propaganda for diversion to an altered state of reality that is defined by the politicians and the political parties.
In Congress right now, we are seeing this principle in action. We no longer affirm those who “perform” in that Congressional “circus” …and we will not take part in its “counterfeit” entertainment.
We took the remaining time of the call tonight to pray for the President and his team, thanking God for President Trump and blessing him in all he does! These prayers flowed like little streams, which rushed happily down the hillside to merge into ONE MIGHTY RUSHING RIVER! Let the RIVER FLOW!!!
In closing, we cry out:
“Baruch haba b’shem Adonai!
Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!”
and together, we say:
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love! The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
Be Strong…Courageous…Brave!
Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ!
God’s Champions for Life!
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
With blessings and love for a glorious New Year 2019…
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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