Jan 31, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Sunday, January 31, 2021 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“Give unto the Lord, O you mighty ones, give unto the Lord glory and strength.
Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”
Psalm 29:1-2
We sing: When I Look into Your Holiness
When I look into Your holiness, when I gaze into Your loveliness,
when all things that surround become shadows in the light of You…
when I’ve found the joy of reaching Your heart, when my will becomes enthroned in Your love,
when all things that surround become shadows in the light of You…
I worship You! I worship You! The reason I live is to worship You!
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call has not changed!
We are called to intercede hourly for the safety and security of President Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection and cover him with the Blood of Jesus,
asking that he respond to every situation by the leading of the Holy Spirit!
We thank God for exposing and foiling every plan of the enemy that is set against him,
and for the angels to be stationed to surround and stand guard over him continually!
We bless the First Lady, Melania, their marriage and all the members of their family.
We forbid and bind any backlash planned against them
and any of those who faithfully served in or supported his Administration.
The 24/7 NSPC continues to stand for righteousness and justice in our nation
and affirm Donald Trump as our duly elected President!
We pray for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and all those complicit in their ascension to power.
They have come into office through fraud and deception,
and we ask that their crimes against this nation be exposed and that they be removed from office!
We pray for ourselves and our loved ones, as we put on the full armor of God!
We pray for the total healing of our sister, Repeka Nuusa (TX), and for the health of all our 24/7 family.
We ask that the coronavirus be sovereignly destroyed by Almighty God!
We pray for the fake news, the corrupted social media and big tech “giants” to be taken down
and for Godly platforms to emerge to serve the needs of our people!
Strategic Focus for Saturday
Praying for the Resurrection of the Nation – Part 11
“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads.”
Ezekiel 22:30-31
In Ezekiel’s day, there was no one to intercede for Israel. No one understood the danger God’s people were in, and with no one to “stand in the gap”, Israel was in peril! Today, God has called us as intercessors for this nation…and we have accepted the call and taken our positions on the “wall of this nation.” What an honor we have been given!
The word “intercede” comes from the Latin “inter” (between) and “ced” (go). It literally means “go-between”…“stand in the gap”. As 24/7 intercessors, the main assignment to which we are being called at this crucial hour is to “stand in the gap” for the United States of America. Our nation is in crisis, and wickedness and iniquity have been given free rein through the current puppet government which has come into power…and immediately began orchestrating untold evil in our nation.
We pray:
- That as we “stand in the gap” interceding for our beloved country, the Lord will cause us to effectively complete our assignment, filled with the joy of knowing we’re in exactly the right place at the right time! Pray.
Those who have given themselves over to this level of intercession, who have answered the call to “stand in the gap” for this nation, are in good company! Moses “stood in the gap”…literally “stepping between” the Lord and the people who had stirred up His righteous anger! His intercession caused God to relent and not wipe them out!
Let us read about this first incident of Moses’ “gap-standing” and how he had a “heart to heart” talk with the Lord. How might we be led to pray, as we identify with him and where we are in our current national situation.
And the Lord said to Moses, “I have seen this people, and indeed it is a stiff-necked people! Now therefore, let Me alone, that My wrath may burn hot against them and I may consume them. And I will make of you a great nation.” Then Moses pleaded with the Lord his God, and said: “Lord, why does Your wrath burn hot against Your people whom You have brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand? Why should the Egyptians speak, and say, ‘He brought them out to harm them, to kill them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth’? Turn from Your fierce wrath, and relent from this harm to Your people. Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Your servants, to whom You swore by Your own self, and said to them, I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven; and all this land that I have spoken of I give to your descendants, and they shall inherit it forever.’ ” So the Lord relented from the harm which He said He would do to His people.
Exodus 32:9-14
This second scripture from Psalms reinforces the power of standing in intercession on behalf of others before God…”in the gap”...
“Therefore He said that He would destroy them, had not Moses, His chosen one, stood before Him in the breach (gap – perets), to turn away His wrath, lest He destroy them.”
Psalm 106:23
Besides Moses, there are others who had the courage and insight to “stand in the gap” and intercede…
Abraham stood and negotiated with God for Sodom. Far be it from You to do such a thing as this, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be as the wicked; far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” Genesis 18:25
Stephen prayed for those stoning him. Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep. Acts 7:60
Jesus…the Master of “standing in the gap”, prayed from the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Luke 23:34 The Lord continues to intercede for us. “Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. “ Hebrews 7:25
Having faithfully maintained our position and posture “on the wall of our nation” for the past four years, we have experienced the joy of knowing that we have been called “for such a time as this”. We have not hesitated or turned back, and we are still moving forward (KADIMA!) in obedience to that call!
We pray:
- That as God shows us the things that have stirred His anger against this nation, we will humbly, yet boldly follow the example of those who came before Him to “stand in the gap” and intercede for our nation and people. Pray.
- That as we pray together on this Sunday, we are asking for the RESURRECTION of this nation! Let us see the tomb empty and the grave clothes laid aside, as a new era begins for this our beloved land! Pray.
Despite the fact that there is significant evidence that he was not “duly elected,” Joe Biden “assumed” the presidency last week, bringing his hard-left agenda with him to the White House. On the 48th anniversary of the infamous Roe v Wade decision, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris issued a statement saying that “the Biden-Harris Administration is committed to codifying Roe v. Wade and appointing judges that respect foundational precedents like Roe.” That provoked some of our spiritual leaders to find their voices and speak out against these “imposters” vile and wicked actions that is stirring up the anger of God!
Let us pray into these as the Spirit leads.
- Cardinal Raymond Burke of Wisconsin condemned the Biden’s plan, saying:
“We live in times when it can seem that the evil one is succeeding in his program of lies and death. In our own nation, the federal government wants to codify as law the totally unjust decision of the Supreme Court which made legal abortion-on-demand and to impose upon schools the teaching of the iniquitous gender theory. At the same time, it threatens to deny the freedom of religion, the freedom of citizens to follow God’s plan for the world and for man, inscribed in nature itself and written upon every human heart.” Pray.
- Archbishop Joseph Naumann, of Kansas City, said:
“It is deeply disturbing and tragic that any president would praise and commit to codifying a Supreme Court ruling that denies unborn children their most basic human and civil right, the right to life, under the euphemistic disguise of a health service. Since the first century, the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.” Pray.
“Public officials are responsible for not only their personal beliefs, but also the effects of their public actions. Roe’s elevation of abortion to the status of a protected right and its elimination of state restrictions paved the way for the violent deaths of more than 62 million innocent unborn children and for countless women who experience the heartache of loss, abandonment, and violence.” Pray.
- Cardinal Burke concluded:
“In the face of such seemingly ineluctable developments, we are naturally tempted to discouragement and even to the abandonment of the battle against the evil one and his program for lies and murder. But Christ is with us to win the battle if only we engage it—yes, with our seemingly little and insignificant forces. Our weak and poor hearts united to the Royal Heart of Christ the King become strong and rich for the transformation of our homes, and thus of our neighborhoods, our nation and our world. We also know and trust the word of Christ. ‘Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.’” Pray.
“The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders; The Lord is over many waters, the voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.”
Psalm 29:3-4
We pray:
- For the strength of the Spirit as He activates and enables us to “stand in the gap” in the days ahead! Pray.
- That after 244 years of being a nation dedicated to You, Lord, please do not allow Your wrath to be released against us and our nation. Pray.
- That You will relent from the righteous punishment we deserve for the sins of this nation and give us, Your “chosen ones” another chance to rectify the wrongs and fulfill Your will! Pray.
- During these past four years, You have shown us the destiny You have chosen for this nation. Remember Your promises, forgive us our trespasses, deliver us from our enemies and bring healing to our land! Pray.
(Resources: gotquestions.org / myredeemerlives.com / Patrick Delaney, LifeSite News)
The link is here so you can listen to the songs ahead of time and be familiar with it.
Please do not play it on the call. Either sing it or pray it!
NOTE: We will not tolerate any demonic interference on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call. As necessary, bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss and lift up the Name of Jesus in song, then pray a shield of protection, deliverance and healing over our CC line and our 24/7 family, and immediately return to the focus.