Jan 3, 2023 – Prayer Focus

Tuesday, January 3, 2023 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.
Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them”
Psalm 127:3-5
We sing: Lord, Have Mercy on Us!
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch.
Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage
and for all the members of their family. We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.
For the restoration of Donald Trump to his rightful office.
In every situation and decision, let our President be led by the Holy Spirit,
so that he learns the truth and acts accordingly, for the good of the nation.
For protection, provision, and peace
for all working to expose the fraud and corruption of our elections!
As the SAVE AMERICA movement gains momentum, let those leaders that God anoints and appoints
take their places in the governments of each state and in our nation’s Capitol!
For us to receive and put on the full armor of God as we begin this hour,
that we might be protected as we stand in the gap and pray for our nation!
Strategic Focus for Tuesday
The Returning of President Trump to the White House! – Part 122
“The integrity of the upright will guide them, but the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them.”
Proverbs 11:3
Concluding Chapter 25 and beginning 26 of THE RETURN OF THE GODS, today, we will see how poor children were a commodity to be purchased by those who had the means to do so, and sacrificed in place of their own offspring.
The Racist God Diodorus Siculus writes of a secret transaction concerning the child sacrifices of his day: “They had been accustomed to sacrifice to this god the noblest of their sons, but more recently, secretly buying and nurturing children, they had sent these to the sacrifice.” In other words, the rich were buying children from those who were not rich, in order to sacrifice them in place of their children. Plutarch writes of similar transactions: “…and those who had no children would buy little ones from poor people and cut their throats as if they were so many lambs or young birds; meanwhile the mother stood by without a tear or moan.” So it was poor children who were more adversely affected by the child sacrifice than the rich. It was poor mothers who were more likely to offer up their children. And far more of poor children than the rich were placed on the altar. Pray.
Even this was replayed in the modern version of child sacrifice. Abortion was weighted against the children of the poor and of minorities. The child of a poor family and particularly of a black family was far more likely to be killed by abortion than the child who was not black or poor. And there were now American cities where more black children were killed through abortion than were actually born. It was one of Molech’s many evils that he hated the poor and downcast and was a racist. Pray.
A Culture of Cannibals In the pagan world it was believed that child sacrifice resulted in benefits not only for the individual who offered it but to the entire society. It would bring the god’s favor and enhance the public good. If a misfortune or calamity came upon the land, it could result in the sacrificing of multitudes of children to appease the god and bring relief to the land. So the Roman philosopher Porphyry writes: “The Phoenicians too, in great disasters whether of wars, or droughts, or plagues, used to sacrifice one of their dearest, dedicating him to Kronos.” So the modern practice of child sacrifice was likewise hailed for its beneficial effect on the “public good.” The killing of babies was said to benefit society not only in freeing women to pursue careers but for holding the promise of breakthroughs in medicine and health. To further enhance this “public good,” and to increase their profit margin, the abortion industry engaged in the sale of baby parts harvested from the murdered children. The spirit of Molech, having mixed children’s blood with profit, had created a culture of cannibals. Pray.
Molech’s Priests The Greek philosopher Plato wrote of how the Carthaginian culture viewed child sacrifice: “With us, for instance, human sacrifice is not legal, but unholy, whereas the Carthaginians perform it as a thing they account holy and legal.” So the Carthaginians not only legalized the practice; they deemed it as holy. Even this ancient dynamic was replayed in America and the modern world. The killing of an unborn child was not only legal but was hallowed as a sacred right to be praised, celebrated, and venerated as something beautiful and sacrosanct.
In ancient Israel it was the priests of Molech and Baal who would hallow the murder of children by speaking of it in religious terms. Who, then, are the modern-day priests of Molech? They are the ones who perform the act and those who sanctify it, the corporations that profit from children’s blood, the political leaders and legislators who fight to ensure that Molech’s temples remain overflowing with offerings, and the radical activists and ideologues who speak blessings and praises over the savage act as they lead women to the altars. Pray.
Blessings and Sacraments The following are some of the actual words spoken by those who sanctify the killing of unborn children. Notice the framing of the act in religious and spiritual terms—as well as the word sacrifice:
- “Our culture needs new rituals as well as laws to restore abortion to its sacred dimension.”
- “Abortion [is] a major blessing, and…a sacrament in the hands of women. It is not immoral to choose abortion; it is simply another kind of morality, a pagan one.”
- “Abortion is a sacrifice.”
- “Abortion is a sacred act.”
There is nothing else needing to be written here. Nothing could in any way add to or take away from the significance or horror of such words. Pray.
There was a specific place in ancient Israel where the mystery of Molech was centered and came to its most dramatic conclusion. It would usher in the nation’s judgment. Does it have a modern parallel? And does it contain a warning for another civilization and another nation?
Chapter 26 The Valley of Hinnom
The prophet looked out into the valley where the Lord had sent him. It was the site of the nation’s darkest of sins. He had been told to go there to deliver a prophecy of judgment: “Because they have forsaken Me and made this an alien place, because they have burned incense in it to other gods whom neither they, their fathers, nor the kings of Judah have known, and have filled this place with the blood of the innocents.”
Ashes, Bones, and Blood It was the Valley of Hinnom, the ground that bore witness to the depths to which the nation had descended in its fall from God. It was filled with blood, ashes, and little bones, the evidence of murder. The people had come to that valley to worship their new gods and “burn their sons and their daughters in the fire.” The prophet was Jeremiah, known as “the weeping prophet,” for the tears he shed over his nation’s fall. It was beyond his fathoming how a nation so blessed, so favored with promise, and so filled with the revelation of God could descend to the horrors in the Valley of Hinnom. But the gods had accomplished it. Their aim, from the beginning, was revealed in the end, in the Valley of Hinnom. The goal was destruction—of the nation’s children and of the nation itself. The gods had caused mothers to forget their motherhood and lift up their babies to the molten god that would destroy them. The gods had deafened the nation to the screaming of their little children on the altars in the valley. Pray.
Millions on the Altars America had its own Valley of Hinnom. It was every place in which the nation’s unwanted children were put to death. Israel had killed thousands of its sons and daughters. America had killed millions. From the time that their murder was legalized in the early 1970s, America had spilled the blood of approximately one million children every year. By the second decade of the twenty-first century, it had killed over sixty million of them. It was a Valley of Hinnom of unfathomable proportions, of endless blood, ashes, and little bones. How could it have happened? How could a nation that once prided itself in being Christian, under God, and the moral beacon of the world have fallen into such depths of evil? Pray.
Their Blood Crying Out It happened just as it had to ancient Israel, in a progression of seduction. The spirit of Baal had caused America to believe that departing from God would bring it freedom. The spirit of Ishtar had convinced it that if it abandoned its moral safeguards for instant gratification and sexual abandon, it would find fulfillment. And the spirit of Molech had promised to grant it the blessings of an unhindered life if it would only allow him to take away its children.
Baal, Ishtar, and Molech, the dark trinity of Israel’s fall, had again seduced a nation and an entire civilization. The promise of their seduction would remain unmet. It would lead instead to a state of brokenness, emptiness, and now death. The paganization of America and Western civilization was now reaping its most bloody of fruits. The once Christian civilization was now taking part in the most pagan of acts—the killing of its own children, their blood crying out to heaven. Pray.
The Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, America
- When Germany turned away from God and the Christian faith, the powers of hell were unleashed. The result was the murder of six million Jews and a world war that would see the perishing of tens of millions.
- When Russia morphed into the Soviet Union and turned away from God and the Christian faith, the result was, again, the murder of tens of millions of people.
- When America began turning away from God and the Christian faith, the result was the murder of over sixty million children. The removing of God and, in particular, the Christian faith is a most dangerous thing. The murder of sixty million American children far exceeded anything Molech had accomplished in ancient times. But the parable said that when the spirits return to the house, they come back over seven times worse than at the start. And Molech’s death toll in the modern world would be greater still.
America’s welcoming in of Molech would ultimately lead other nations to do the same. Taking into account these other sacrifices of Molech, the killing of unborn children all over the world, the number of those murdered on his altars, the fruit of a world turned away from God, would far exceed one billion. Pray.
A Warning From Hinnom The prophet Jeremiah warned Israel as to what would happen to a nation that had once known God and now lifts up its children as offerings to the gods. The end is destruction. There are few things that so invoke the judgment of God as the killing of little children. The words of the prophet would now warn a civilization that had also once known God and was now offering up its children. The blood of millions now covered America’s collective hands. It had departed from God and was now standing in the Valley of Hinnom, with ashes, bones, and blood—the blood crying out to heaven and likewise in danger of judgment. Pray.
We pray:
- In repentance for the killing of our children and for setting such a grievous example for the other nations of this world! Forgive us, Father, and restore our land. Pray.
- For President Trump: Guard, guide and govern his every word and action; protect him from all enemies, without and within; help him discern rightly about counsel given by those who advise him. Pray.
- In thanksgiving for all the conservative candidates who will “stand in the gap” with us and our President, engaging in this BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA, and rejecting the “usurper” and those pulling his strings in this faux administration, removing them from office! Pray.
- Protect and strengthen our 24/7 family and bring in new intercessors who are called to this assignment with us, to pray for our President and our beloved nation! Pray.
REVIVAL – from Heart to heart!
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