Jan 23, 2024 – Notes A Call to the Wall

01-23-24 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
The on-site team for the 24/7 assignment in American Samoa has had a powerful time in the Lord and with His beautiful Samoan people! As they head home on Thursday, we pray for traveling mercies as they go! We also bless all those who remained off-site… “on the wall and on the call”…covering our on-site team. We are one body, and we do not stand alone! Thank you!
Pastor and Chief Mauga led us as we prayed to receive the full armor of God, according to Ephesians 6:10-18,
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Pastor Donald prayed over our team and our time together here! He prayed for the upcoming election in 2024…let Your will be done as the votes are cast and let no scheme of the enemy prevail!!!!
We prayed corporately into that and then Pastor Mauga prayed and blessed the upcoming election.
Today, voters in New Hampshire went to the polls in their State Primary. We ate standing for and with President Trump for complete victory!!!!
We took individual prayers for President Trump:
Janis (MA) gave a great report that President Trump has been declared the winner in NH!!!!
Aida (MI) all his opponents will withdraw, and he will go forward.
bless Nikki Haley …”out of the race”
Suzanne (ME) sent blessings from Hawaii, where she is visiting her husband who is working there. She blessed us and President Trump from Oahu.
Joan (AZ) prayed that he continue to win every Primary!!!! She blessed AS and the people here as a descendent of William Penn. Let them be a light in the darkness and a joy to the world!
Daniel (TX) Thanked God hope giving President Trump words of wisdom and knowledge to be able to deal with those around him. He rebuked the voices that rise up against him! No more! SHUT UP! He prayed for the President to call the nation to repentance!
We prayed corporately that Nikki Haley would have the fear of the Lord come upon her and exit the race…gracefully. The polls closed at 7 pm …and needless to say: DJT won!!!
Maureen prayed for Nikki Haley’s conversion. Let her be convicted and saved…along with her entire family. Let that be the first fruit of our prayer tonight!
Robert (OK) prayed for President Trump and that he would be wise in what is good and that You would soon crush satan under his feet.
Susan (GA) thanked Pastor Ioan for the moment when he poured out the oil of joy…and sang a new song about it!
Prayer requests / Praise reports:
From Andrea (NC) Asking for agreement in prayer and prayer as the Spirit leads. They say my husband, Gary, has sepsis and is in ICU for monitoring. Please agree with me in prayer that Gary shall not die but shall live and declare the works of the LORD, the Great Creator of the World, in Yeshua’s name, Amen. Follow up Praise God!!!! My husband Gary will be discharged tomorrow for rest, restoration, and healing at home, PTL! Heartfelt gratitude for the prayers and love ♥
We prayed corporately for President Trump’s physical protection:
Maureen then prayed that he would be the first recipient of the freedom from the “corruption of man and flesh” represented by Tagaloa.
Pastor Don followed that, sealing it in prayer for him!
We paused just before 9 PM, as we do nightly, to pray for the J6ers.
Brad (DC) prayed for justice, restoration, peace, and the courage to endure til they were freed.
Ps Don (AS) released blessings on them from AS.
Mary Ellen (IL) asked got healing in the hearts of family members of those languishing in prison.
Audrey (CA)
Daniel (TX) led us in singing the National Anthem, uniting our hearts with the J6ers,
as we joined them from states across our nation!
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!\\
We are so blessed to be here in AS
and our team shared with those on the call about our reflections:
Maureen shared how we ministered to friends of Tia, whose birthday we celebrated at dinner yesterday. As we were preparing to eat, there was a prayer need presented and we all immediately stepped into that need, not regarding our dinner that had arrived but caring for the need. Then we ate and were totally satisfied!!!!
As we each shared our reflections, the power of the Spirit flooded the room, and the love was freely released “from Heart to heart” in the room as and across the call!!!!!
We prayed for Ps Don and Hope and we particularly prayed for the healing of Hope’s heart, as her mother had just transitioned and taken up her new residence in Heaven. The love flowed freely and we prayed that all residue from the hurt of the loss would be removed from her memory, emotions, and life! Freedom to live in the afterglow of her mother’s love… graced with a shimmering veil, sparkling and full of light, that covers her continually…and encourages her as she operates in the anointing of the mantle the Lord has given to her!
Pastor Mauga shared how he’s received what God has done in this assignment, and how he was blessed to be called to participate, and how the devil tried to stop him! He overcame and declared that the fire received here will flow N, S, E, and W from AS.
Ps Don explained about the Pacific Islands movement called “DEPP SEA CANOE VISION. He shared how the International date line is now located right in the middle of the two Samoas…American Samoa where it is 3:37 pm on Tuesday, January 23rd, and in Apia in Eastern Samoa where it is 3:37 pm on Wednesday, January 24th.
Revival is starting here…at the ends of the world…and will move eastward covering HI and AK…to the mainland of the USA. We welcome the REVIVAL
Evy led us in singing
🎶 There is revival in the land!!!! 🎶
Randy (DC) affirmed that REVIVAL has started here and will flow Eastward to the entire USA.
Robert (OK) affirmed all that has taken place and shared that he was asked to lead a worship ministry called SONG OF JOY MINISTRIES!!
Daniel (TX) shared his joy in being allowed to administer baptism to a precious young man last night at 9:30 pm on his 58th Birthday…making it the best of his life!
Susan (GA) Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end.
We sang Psalm 133 and then shared in communion and closed by blessing and sharing God’s love with all on the call!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We need a FT Facilitator for Sundays at 8 AM ET,
(Contact Maureen to volunteer to serve…407-810-4665)
All of our participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour each week.
That “two by two” Biblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
See the list of available hours on our website: https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/facilitation-and-co-facilitation-needs/
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com
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