Jan 23, 2019 – Prayer Focus

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call Wednesday, January 23, 2019
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 #
We have received several warnings about pending threats against the 24/7 call. We will not tolerate any demonic interference! We are taking measures to protect as well as to defend our 24/7 family and the call. At the top of every hour, the facilitator will take the first 3 minutes to bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss. They will then pray a shield of protection over the call and our 24/7 family!
*The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our President and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for the protection of our President, Donald Trump and cover him with the Blood of Jesus.
Thank You for instructing and guiding him, giving him wisdom through Your Holy Spirit.
We bless his wife, our First Lady, Melania, their young son Barron and each of their family members.
We also cover our Vice President Mike Pence, his wife Karen and their family with that Precious Blood,
and include all those in the Trump Administration who are serving You and our nation! Thank You, Father!
Strategic Focus for Wednesday
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
2 Timothy 1:7
As President Trump continues to move forward (KADIMA!) in securing our borders and protecting the nation, he has garnered the support of those who are aligned with his vision and mission for our nation, and at the same time, encountered intense opposition from those aligned with darkness, seeking to eventually control our nation! Those courageous souls, who are only too aware of the agenda of darkness, are speaking out, hoping that the church and this nation will awaken before it’s too late! They are not afraid, but are bold and brave!
Recently, an Egyptian woman, writing under the pen name “Magda Borham”, issued a critical warning to the people of the United States, urging Americans to wake up or be wiped out by Islam, which is an immediate, CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER … as it plans an Islamic “invasion” through “immigration”.
We pray:
- For our President to persist and be victorious in his goal to reform our US immigration system!
Magda clarifies what few Americans have yet to understand…that Islam is not a “religion”, rather it is a totalitarian political ideology that rejects the basic principles of freedom and liberty protected by our United States Constitution. Islam and its accompanying Sharia law stand in direct opposition to and are totally incompatible with our legal system! There can be NO acceptance of Sharia in the United States!
Let us pray into these items on the Islamic agenda, demolishing them in prayer and reversing the curses they intend to bring upon our beloved nation by speaking blessings over the nation instead! ALLELUIA!
We pray:
- That the Muslim Brotherhood will be frustrated in all attempts to network or coordinate between like-minded Islamist organizations;
- That the Muslim Brotherhood will no longer be able to infiltrate and take over existing Muslim organizations to realign them towards the MB’s collective goals;
- That they will be exposed and no longer be able to use deception to mask the intended goals of Islamist actions;
- That the financial networks they are trying to establish to fund the work in the West will be fruitless.
Listen to the cries of the Copts of Egypt, the Christians of Syria, our brothers and sisters in Iraq, Sudan and Pakistan, and believers from every other country which is controlled by Muslims and ruled by the spirit of Islam. You will hear bone-chilling descriptions of the horrors that Islam has inflicted on them! No one knows the mentality of those enmeshed in Islam more than those who have suffered at the hands of Muslims.
- As they are forced to live under the demonic system of Islam, their faith, lives and ability to provide for their families are all impacted.
- They barely exist, with a grave shroud of darkness covering them and their loved ones!
- They terrified that if someone finds out that they are Christians, they will be reported to the authorities!
Christian church set on fire by Muslims!
Having lived in Egypt for more than 30 years, Magda exhorts the Western world nations to see the tears and harken to the fears of the minorities in every Islamic society. Their tears tell the true stories of Islam. The blood of victims to Islam is crying out, calling the world to wake up…before it’s too late! She speaks passionately of the suffering of those in the minority in Islamic-controlled nations, including herself, as a woman who has lived through Egypt’s dreadfully alarming transformation into an oppressive, Islamic country.
Having to witness and experience Islam turning her home country into ruins was heartbreaking! She warns us that Islam and its followers are now threatening to bring the same fate to our country. She writes:
- Islam is a supremacist, racist, political, and social ideology wrapped in a thin peel of “religious” rituals.
- It seeks domination and supremacy over all other systems and religions.
- It is worse than Communism, Fascism, and all other evil world systems combined.
Magda has warned Americans that they will suffer the same fate unless they end the senseless immigration policies that are enabling Muslims to freely invade with the intention of destroying America from within. She points to decades of failed liberal policies that have eroded American values, and argues that Muslims are using our own laws and policies against Americans, to our detriment.
Her message is straightforward:
- Muslims will use our own democratic laws and values against us.
- They will do it successfully because we are “sleeping” as if we are in a deep coma.
We pray:
- That those in the Islamist intellectual community, trying to establish think-tanks and advocacy groups, to publish “academic” studies to legitimize Islamist positions and to chronicle the history of Islamist movements will collapse and dissolve;
- That social networks they attempt to build (with schools, hospitals and charitable organizations dedicated to Islamist ideals) will fail;
- That Muslims will NOT be elected to positions in our government, nor in private organizations or unions;
She tells us that leftists are “useful idiots” in a perpetual state of shame and self-loathing and that they will be the first victims of Islam once it takes over.
- Muslims use them (the leftist liberals) as a “stick” to torment and beat Christians and conservatives, but even they will never ever be accepted as friends to the Muslims, and they will definitely be their first victims. Leftists, liberals, progressives, Antifa, Code Pink and so on are all appeasers of Islam. Appeasing evil is cowardice. They are foolish people who “feed crocodiles, hoping they will eat them last.” They are the enemy within your countries.
- Your country is like your house. You expect visitors to respect you and respect your rules, not the opposite. Visitors must appreciate your kindness and your generosity for receiving them into your home and not imposing their own rules on you.
- This is your house, own it, honor the obligation to protect it and defend it. If a visitor doesn’t like your rules, he can leave. Nobody forced him to visit and nobody will prevent him from leaving. As he came to your house by his own choice, he can leave your house freely or by force, if required.
She notes that Islam is rooted in racism and bigotry.
- The labels Muslims use against non-Muslims (Islamophobic, bigot, racist), she says, are actually a reflection of Islamic ideology. Islam is the only religion / ideology that specifically orders its followers to kill Jews and Christians, an obvious hate crime.
Magda tells us that we must be aware of the fact that Muslims are projectors of themselves.
- They accuse you of what they truly are. They accuse you of being racist, while they are themselves racist. Islam is all about racism.
- They accuse you to be a hater, while they themselves hate unconditionally. Islam is full of hatred incitement and violence.
- They accuse you of being a bigot, while Muslims act supremacism and are bigots themselves.
We pray:
- That campaigns to incite hatred by Muslims against Jews will fail;
- That all jihad terror cells worldwide will be exposed and removed;
- That the funds to perpetuate and support jihad around the world will dry up and fail to materialize.
Remember, she tells us, that Muslims always portray themselves as ‘victims.’ This is their greatest weapon against you in the West.
- Victimhood enables them to act violently and gives them the pretext to attack non-Muslims around the world. It fuels them more and more with hate.
- This hate generates more violence and this victimhood allows them to silence you and stop you from resisting their agenda.
- This is why the easiest thing for them is to label those who criticize Islam or reveal its reality as ‘racist’ an ‘Islamophobe’ or ‘bigot.’”
America must listen to these warnings so that the same fate that Magda and those minorities have endured throughout the Islamic world is not ours! We must know who our enemy is and defeat him now!
We pray:
- That attempts to force existing Western institutions to be converted and put into service of Islam will fail;
- That Muslim “security forces” who are set up to inflame violence and keep Muslims living in the West “in a jihad frame of mind” will fail;
- That those who support jihad movements across the Muslim world through preaching, propaganda, personnel, funding, and technical and operational support will be removed;
- That the agendas calling for the total liberation of so-called “Palestine” from Israel and the creation of an Islamic state as a keystone in the plan for global Islamic domination will both fail.
Specific Prayer Topic for Today
Praying for our Supreme Court and the Judicial System
US Supreme Court (demonically inspired) Decisions
- 1962 Prayer is taken out of schools
- 1963 Pornography is legalized
- 1973 Roe v Wade abortion was legalized as the law of the land
- 1980 Ten Commandments are removed from the schools and the public arena
- 1985 The “moment of silence” in schools is forbidden
- 1989 Nativity displays are banned
- 1992 Prayer at graduation is banned
- 2000 Prayer at sporting events is banned
- 2015 Same-sex marriage is legalized
Oh, Lord, forgive us! Reverse these curses and heal our land!
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love! The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
Be Strong…Courageous…Brave!
Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ!
God’s Champions for Life!
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
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