Jan 22, 2019 – Notes A Call to the Wall

01-22-19 Notes from “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
We opened this time of prayer for our beloved President by praising the Lord with this old hymn:
“Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him in the morning, Praise Him in the noon time,
Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him ‘til the sun goes down!”
As we came together tonight, we praised the Lord, and delighted in being able to do that together! We relish the unity of the Spirit that has blessed us so deeply on this 24/7 NSPC, and although some have been challenged by today’s focus regarding the “rapture”, we are ONE in the Spirit, and together, we declared our unity in Christ and our freedom to love one another, despite any “rapture” positions we have “held” in our walk with the Lord.
Pastor Ioan shared that the main thing that has caused people to be divided in the Church was the topic of “how to do baptism”…with so many different practices, in different streams, all who believe that they are “right”! There is a similar situation with the “rapture” and “tribulation” teachings…with people calling themselves ”pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-trib”…and they all think that their eschatological position is “right”.
We had a time of corporate intercession and then took time to share our individual responses to what the Spirit has shown us today!
- Laurel (WA) it’s “not a matter of salvation”
- Debbie (VA) the earliest disciples believed in “post-trib” but only in the 20th century did “pre-trib” come in
- Katie (CA) there is unity because we are all talking to You, Lord, and will not be divided…but remain ONE!
- Joyce (WI) delighted to read today’s focus. I never read “pre-trib” in scripture so it was a joy to me
- Ina (MO) was taught “pre-trib” rapture but never quite understood how, if all the Christians would be leaving, others would be saved…now it makes sense
- Becky (FL) she also was taught “pre-trib” rapture, but now is open to learning the truth and hopes we will love each other no matter when it happens
- Jane (MD) we will go through suffering and tribulation and must be prepared
- Kay (IL) Israel is the vine and it will go through tribulation, Jesus went through it, and we will, too.
Pastor Ioan said that the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:10 “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings” and we will experience that in the coming days. If we want to be “friends” of Jesus, we must share in His sufferings. We want to please Him first, in all situations! (And the gift of prophecy is given to those who are His friends…who enter into His sufferings!)
- Joan (AZ) grew up in England during WWI and we were all suffering at the same time. We all helped each other, and then as times became easier, we weren’t so close. I don’t care about “pre-, mid-, or post-trib”, I just want to be close to the Lord!
- Susan ( ) stay focused on Him and accomplish what He wants to accomplish
- Peter (FL) understand what’s ahead so we are not deceived about what we believe; Jesus learned obedience through what He suffered; He said to “watch and pray”; we need to listen and stay in communion with Him.
- Janis (MA) surprised about the focus, and the idea of being removed so we don’t suffer didn’t seem accurate to me; see what’s going on now, on this call, sharing and talking so sweetly about these things
- Sherrill (TX) Shared how Corrie ten Boom as a child wondered whether she would be faithful, and that when she needed it, the grace would be there!
Pastor Ioan said he believed in the rapture, when we are all caught up with the Lord in the clouds! It will be beautiful! When he was in Germany, he saw it in the spirit! Apart from the beauty and the excitement of the moment, it will take place in the blink of an eye and we who are His will all be with the Lord in an instant! The rapture is not about fear. The best moment in humanity will be the wedding feast of the Lamb, which will follow the rapture!
- Nina (MI) I struggled with this, very much so. I am an analyst, who served darkness, and now serve Christ. She said as a Christian she suffers every day when she sees people heading to destruction and they won’t turn back.
- Joan (AZ) believes in the rapture at the end of times, and most of us are there with her
We moved into prayer for the President and thanked God for his persistence and patience as he waits on the Lord for how he is to proceed. He will not stop speaking the truth and we not stop supporting him.
- Although he has been available to meet and negotiate, the Dems have stonewalled and refused to meet with him.
- The White House is planning to proceed with State of the Union Address, despite Nancy Pelosi’s impolite
We prayed corporately and then individually for our President:
- Sandra (LA) let him continue in his bold stance as we decree Psalm 91 over him and we declare that NO weapon formed against him will prosper.
- Desiree (NY) prayed for this young PR girl Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Forgive my state for its’ sins against You, Lord.
- Kay (IL) Open the eyes of the blind and open the ears to Your voice! Let them see through what is going on and no longer receive or believe the lies!
- Dee (IL) the mind is the battlefield…and we have to fight. We pray for the President’s mind, guard it by the Holy Spirit, and order his steps as You give them to him.
- Albert (CA) let the President be judged by his works, which are good for the nation and glorifying God
- MaryEllen (IL) fill him with peaceful, holy rest and speak to him in a dream!
- Joyce (WI) prayed for him
- Laurel (WA) bound the President to the will of God and His purposes
- Laurie (OR) the forces / the demonic powers that are coming against our President are so powerful but HE Who is in us is greater than he that is in the world
- Roberta (TX) Fear and faith do not go together. We believe Psalm 18:48 He delivers me from my enemies. You also lift me up above those who rise against me; You have delivered me from the violent man.
- Carol (TX) the enemy will bow before him
- Ina (MO) “God resists the proud but He gives grace to the humble”…and the President casts all his cares upon the Lord and resists the devil and he flees!
- Sophia (NJ) He delivers me from my enemies. You also lift me up above those who rise against me;
You have delivered me from the violent man. Matthew 18:18
- Becky (FL)
- Debbie (VA) the meek will inherit great peace
- Janis (MA) give the President grace to deal with his enemies
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has now claimed that the world will end in 12 years due to the President’s refusal to acknowledge “climate change”.
Speaking in an interview with FOX News tonight, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said: “I don’t think we’re going to listen to [Ocasio-Cortez] on much of anything — particularly not on matters we’re gonna leave in the hands of a much, much higher authority — and certainly, not listen to the freshman congresswoman on when the world may end.”
Pastor Ioan asked why the enemy chose to use AOC in this battle? We prayed for her deliverance and salvation.
We read the following verse:
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness,
has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:6
Pastor Ioan asked us to meditate on it in the coming days! When we have an experience with God, the LIGHT that comes from Him is different from any other kind of light! It is the LIGHT OF GLORY! It comes from every direction and invades our being! Welcome this light and ask Him to show you the light that shines in our hearts!
Thanks to all who participated in this call!!
We love and bless you all!
Pastor Ioan and Maureen
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