Jan 18, 2019 – Notes Shabbat Call

01-18-19 Notes from the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
“International SHABBAT Celebration”
7-10 PM Eastern 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
NOTE: Please pray for our sister Denise Diehl, AZ, who is fighting cancer and in much need of prayer.
As we entered into this night’s SHABBAT, Maureen asked us not to be shocked that on tomorrow’s focus, there is a picture of a child, who has been torn apart as it was aborted, and then the blessed relief-giving contrast of a precious Mother, laughing and holding her beautiful child! It horrifies us, but must be shown and exposed!
As we watched the news about the MARCH FOR LIFE today, we noted that not much of the media covered it, and even the ones that did gave it minimal coverage. We are praying for the end of this insanity, the needless slaughter of our offspring, and the return of this nation to our God!
Tonight, those who merged in DC to stand for life are returning to their homes, going by car, plane, bus and train to the places from which they came! We prayed corporately, asking for traveling mercies for them, and that the angels would conduct them safely home, protecting them all along their way. Let them enjoy the AFTERGLOW of what they have participated in for LIFE, and feel God’s pleasure in their sacrificial offering of denying their own comfort to stand out in the cold…together…and speaking up for LIFE!
Indeed, it was a remarkable day, as thousands gathered on the National Mall to MARCH FOR LIFE heard our dear President say that he stands with them and will veto any legislation that includes funding for abortion. That was just the “tip of the spear”, as speaker after speaker affirmed life and the ending of abortion in our nation…then the people of God marched for life in the streets of DC, praising Him and praying blessings on the unborn!
As we moved into prayer, Maureen shared that she was sick to her stomach and ready to burst into tears over that tragic picture we have used in tomorrow’s focus! We stopped to pray, to bind the evil spirits that want to impact or affect this call in any way, to cause discomfort and distract us from what we need to pray as we speak out against abortion tonight!
Pastor Ioan said that he sensed that this pain in the belly is related with the confrontation of the spirit of death…and that since we are BORN AGAIN and FILLED WITH HIS SPIRIT, everything that has ever happened in any of our pasts is forgiven and is under the Blood of Jesus. As we prayed, we felt the release for the Lord, even though the enemy tried to hold us back! God is giving us the fresh water of LIFE! We welcomed the Presence of the Holy Spirit, and received a fresh infilling from Him!
If we, in such a conflict, is attacked by evil spirits, imagine how the President, his family and all those working with him in the White House and this Administration are attacked, along with those in Congress and the Supreme Court! We bind the evil spirits operating on Capitol Hill, over the United States and the three branches of government! We cast them down into the abyss and declare that
“The Lord is our Judge, The Lord is our Lawgiver, The Lord is our King; He will save us”
Isaiah 33:22
We sang:
Mighty Warrior, Dressed for battle, Holy Lord of all is He!
Commander in Chief, bring us to attention. Lead us into battle to crush the enemy!
Satan has no authority here in this place, he has no authority here.
For this habitation was fashioned for the Lord’s Presence.
No authority here!
Jesus has all authority here in this place, He has all authority here.
For this habitation was fashioned for the Lord’s Presence.
All authority here!
We prayed for our President:
- Kathy (IL), Sandra (LA) and Philip (CA) began this portion of intercession, and declared Psalm 70:
“Make haste to help me, O Lord! Let them be ashamed and confounded Who seek my life; Let them be turned back and confused”
- Sharill (MO) asked that we sing the MIGHTY WARRIOR song again, together! We did!
- Marilyn (KY) covered the President with the full armor of God… “Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:14-18
- One of these days his tweets will change and he will be “praying in the Spirit” instead!
- Maureen suggested that his tweets might be practice for those “future expressions”!
Pastor Ioan reminded us that before the final Kavanaugh hearings, God asked if we believed that the President spoke prophetically? We agreed that he did, which then led us to decide that we must support his position. He will continue to have public statements – as he did today – we will affirm and support him.
- Audrey (CA) felt that VP Pence is a “HUR” and we are “AARON”s…holding our President’s arms up! We sang VICTORY IN JESUS together!
I heard an old, old story, how a Savior came from glory
How He gave His life on Calvary to save a wretch like me
I heard about His groaning,of His Precious Blood’s atoning
Then I repented (repented) of my sins and won the victory
Oh victory in Jesus, my Savior forever He sought me and He bought me with His redeeming Blood,
He loved me ‘ere I knew Him and all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood.
- Peter (FL) Three pro-life stories have been made and are being released: Gosnell, Roe v Wade, the Movie and Unplanned…and there will come a time when the people of this nation will look back on this era in unbelief, that some of us could have slaughtered over 60 million of our children, and celebrated death!
We prayed corporately, lifting the President and all those who are being confronted by that spirit of death!
- Kay (IL) there is such power in LIFE! Like a seedling pushing through hard ground to get to the sun (SON) and the life it provides, we know that every child is precious and has potential to bring goodness into the world and display Your Glory in a lifeless world! We ask for forgiveness for not crying out enough, and now we are AWAKE, ALERT and TAKING ACTION! GLORIFY YOURSELF in us as we move forward in this land, for LIFE!
- Sharill (MO) this Sunday night, Jewish people celebrate is the New Year of the Tree,and the planting of trees and thank God for the trees of righteousness
- Mary Ellen (IL) THERE IS GOOD NEWS! TEXAS refuses to fund PP, and the President won’t sign any bills that fund abortion, and there is so much good news that is not reported!
- Marguerite (MO) There is another “blood moon” this weekend! The refracted light of the earth causes the moon to look red…”The heavens are declaring the GLORY of the Lord” and they are speaking for the Lord! We are coming to the fullness of time and things are converging together! We have Your heartbeat and the mind of Christ…and it’s because of You that we see and understand the times and seasons!
- Jane (MD) the Jewish people feel the moon stands for Israel, and it will only be seen in the US. She spoke about the “Women’s March (march for death) in DC tomorrow, and prayed for the weather to be bad for them tomorrow
- Marie (MI) said that on the day President Trump was born there was a blood moon. This Sunday is the middle of his first term in office!
The fake news is always against the President. There is such a “web of lies” surrounding him, it’s like walking into a spider web and being covered with the unseen threads…and being slimed. The BuzzFeed article slandering the President has just been denied by Mueller tonight, and other articles were shown to be false.
We prayed for Nancy Pelosi, 78, who has done many things…(most of which we would approve of, due to being demonically possessed, and her distorted and dark political leanings and dispositions). She is on her “last legs” now, and this will probably be her last term as Speaker. She became involved in politics at 12 years old, and developed a love for power, a Jezebel spirit, has 6 children, and shares a house with her husband.
She has used her power to place many other demonically possessed people to KEY Positions:
- Maxine Waters will Chair the House Financial Services Committee, and Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be on it
- Ilhan Omar will be on the House Foreign Affairs Committee
We prayed for her to come to know the Lord and be redeemed from the perversion she’s been inundated by.
- Kathy (IL) read the words to: Trust and Obey
When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still, And with all who will trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies, But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear, Can abide while we trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet. Or we’ll walk by His side in the way.
What He says we will do, where He sends we will go; Never fear, only trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
And ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise, Just to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! Oh, for grace to trust You more!
- Nancy (MT) shared that she knew those last verses and had them in her heart all day…and sang them out!
- Mindi (TX) had one child and a very difficult delivery, then became pregnant. During her check up, she was told that her body couldn’t survive the delivery and that this was simply a “blob of cells”. While in the abortuary, she felt numb, and did not want to do it. Her husband insisted he didn’t want to lose her, and when she was put on the table, she told them she couldn’t go through it and tried to get up. They held her down, knocked her out and aborted her. She was 29 then, and years later, although she had repented, she was going through so much torment and God told her she had been forgiven and to walk in that forgiveness. We shared about Allan Parker of the Justice Foundation and Cindy Collins who works with post-abortive women through the www.MoralOutcry.com.
- Mary Ellen also suggested another ministry: SILENT NO MORE and the healing that can come to them as a couple!
Pastor Ioan said it is a time of deliverance of the sin of the past and a “reset” for the nation – God is starting afresh with this nation! We declare that abortion is dismantled in this nation in this new season! The President has declared “Enough” of abortion, and a new season comes! 46 years of death is ended…and LIFE returns to this nation! The guilt of the past is taken away, and there is forgiveness for the innocent blood that has been spilled. All the guilt is covered by the Blood of Jesus!
Repentance leads to forgiveness!!!
- Bobbie (NC) wondered if the blood moon reflects the blood of all the holy innocents that have been slain
- Audrey (CA) read verses of ONCE FOR ALL!
Behold this King so innocent A crown of thorns upon His head Feel His heart, His heart of grace
Behold this Man of suffering Who bore the cross and all our shame Breathe again, this mystery
Nailed to a cross There in our place Oh Lamb of God You made a way Once for all
You died so I could live again Once for all
You washed away our sin Streams of mercy and love Flowing free forevermore
And Your blood ran down Once for all
The scars of love can still be seen On Your hands and on Your feet We feel Your heart,
Your heart of grace
Heaven’s gates opened wide You have raised us up to life We breathe again, this mystery
In the shadow of the cross We see our shame for what it was And feel Your heart, Your heart of grace
We see Your power breaking through And all that we’ve become in You We breathe again, this mystery
Up from the grave, now raised to life, Oh, Son of God, We lift You high!
- Richard (AK) sang Oh, The Blood of Jesus and prayed for the women
- Mindi (TX) prayed for those who will be marching for death / abortion tomorrow – especially for the women
- Joyce (WI) prayed that the KING OF GLORY will be welcomed into hearts tomorrow
As we prepared to pray for tomorrow’s “march for death” (the so called “Women’s” March), Pastor Ioan asked us to we decree a “firewall of protection” around DC, to stop the multitudes that will be coming in from carrying the evil spirits that want to influence and destroy our nation! God is raising up a spiritual wall to protect our Capitol, Washington, DC. and the demons who intend to enter on the hosts who carry them, have NO AUTHORITY to enter!
This march tomorrow is a band of marginalized groups joining forces to fight a common “enemy”…in the form of the “white male”, otherwise known as the patriarchy, which was personified in Donald Trump. But we note the omission of Jewish women in leadership at this event…which is intentional!
We prayed corporately for the Jewish women who were thinking of attending the march tomorrow and asked God to keep them home...to refrain from attending the “march for death” tomorrow, instead, being with their families, celebrating Shabbat – uniting in what connects them as Jews – not marching with those who divide us as Americans.
We took communion and declared that this nation belongs to God and no one or nothing will take it from HIM!
Yesterday, the Lord told us that we have an assignment for at least 10 years…we have the rest of this term, and then President Trump’s 2nd term, followed by VP Pence’s Presidency! Lord, bless us as we serve! A total of 12 years…governing authority!
We closed the call expressing love and blessing to each of our dear 24/7 family!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
Additional notes:
The Women’s March:
The first March was held in January 2017, and for it, the Jews were omitted and none of the speakers spoke about the protection of Jews.
- Angela Davis, called for a free Palestine. Marchers had so wrongly conflated women’s rights with hatred of Israel.
- The International Women’s Strike, co-sponsored by the Women’s March, included “Justice for Palestine” among the causes that “are…the beating heart of this new feminist movement.” One of the eight promoters of this event was Rasmea Odeh, a terrorist convicted for her role in two bombings in Jerusalem in 1969, one of which killed two college students. (She has since been deported to her native Jordan.)
- Linda Sarsour, the Palestinian-American co-chair of the Women’s March, is clear about her stance on Israel. In 2017, she told The Nation that a Zionist could not call herself a feminist.
- Besides being anti-Semitic, the Women’s March leadership offer unwavering support of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.
- Deep-seeded anti-Semitism was obvious from the very first meeting between march organizers, with Carmen Perez and Tamika Mallory reportedly refusing to include Jewish women in leadership positions because, they alleged, Jews bear the “collective responsibility as exploiters of black and brown people.”
(Author: Melanie Notkin)
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