
Jan 17, 2024 – Prayer Focus

Jan 17, 2024 – Prayer Focus

We have been continuously praying for God’s justice and the reversal of injustice in our nation. The Judicial Action Group, led by our brother Philip Jauregui, is coordinating prayer at the US Supreme Court in DC tomorrowThe Supreme Court’s “Esther Moment” in the 2023-2024 Term. We of the 24/7 NSPC will be praying into their assignment today, preparing the way and undergirding their efforts from our states across the nation. 

Using the Book of Esther, we can gain strategic insight on how the SCOTUS Justices can accept their “Esther Moment” and correct the abuses of lower courts which have persecuted Donald Trump and other Americans. 

We pray: 

That our SCOTUS Justices, like Mordecai and Esther, will align with God and His justice, choose to fear God, and stand boldly for justice as they serve the purposes of God in this nation, issuing justice like King Xerxes. Pray.

As we begin, we pray the following over the justices of the US Supreme Court:

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 9:10

“Let the fear of the Lord be on you [judges]. Judge carefully, for with the Lord our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery.” II Chronicles 19:5-7 

We pray: 

Father, bring Your Justice to every Supreme Court case this year. Reverse all injustice. May our SCOTUS Justices welcome a fresh “baptism” in the Fear of the Lord – and the FIRE OF THE LORD – so that they will rule justly, with no partiality, and enable our elections to once again be fair and true. Pray.

There will be prayer for several pending cases; we lift up these cases to the Lord! 

US v. Trump (Jack Smith’s corrupt criminal prosecution of President Trump for fake J6 insurrection). 

Status: SCOTUS has properly rejected Smith’s expedited appeal; the case is in the DC Circuit Court.

Just result: Not guilty.

Trump v. Anderson (Colorado Ballot Access case; CO removed DJT from the ballot for fake insurrection.) Status: the case is at SCOTUS with oral arguments set for February 8th.

Just result: President Trump is placed on the ballot in CO; causing that to be the same in all 50 states.

Fisher v. U.S. (criminal prosecution of J6ers with inapplicable financial fraud law to prevent document 

destruction; the result also applies to Trump). 

Status: SCOTUS has taken the case and should rule on it in the Spring.

Just result: Order that the J6 “insurrection” is a fraud / do not allow the financial fraud law to be used to prosecute J6ers or Trump.

NY v. Trump (NYC DA Alvin Bragg’s corrupt criminal prosecution of Trump / fake allegations of falsifying business records).

Just result: Not guilty – full exoneration of Trump.

NY v. Trump (NY AG. Letitia James corrupt civil fraud trial for valuation of Trump business assets). 

Status: awaiting final judgment, with an unjustified gross fine of $370,000,000.

Just result: An Appeals courts in NY or the SCOTUS will fully reverse, with zero liability by Trump.

Georgia v. Trump (DA Fani Willis corruptly filed criminal indictments against Trump and 18 others who properly sought to prevent election fraud and stolen elections in the Georgia 2020 elections.) 

Status: case is pre-trial. Recent allegations that Willis used tax-payer funds to pay her lover $650,000 in legal fees for prosecuting Trump. They also used that money to fund their lifestyle and trips.

Just result: Not guilty – full exoneration of Trump and allies.

We pray:

That the Justices choose to fear God and be protected from any other fear that would tempt them to ignore the truth and withhold justice. Let the results of each and every case align with God’s justice! Those will be the only acceptable ones! Pray.

Take time to pray into any of these as time permits!

We pray:

For Philip and all those intercessors who participate with him in this JAG initiative…protection, wisdom, discernment and holy boldness as they pray! Pray.

For the Justices of our SCOTUS to emerge from this saturating prayer with a fresh zeal for Truth, Justice and the American Way! Pray.

That the people of our nation will stand alongside President Trump, and remain engaged in this BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA until VICTORY is won! Pray. 

That the members of Congress will fully investigate and bring a swift end to the Biden crime family and those associated with it: Obama, Clinton, Comey, and all the corrupt individuals concerned, convicting them of treason and restoring righteousness and justice for all!! Pray. 

Protect and strengthen our 24/7 family and bring in new intercessors who are called to this assignment with us, to pray for our President and our beloved nation! Prepare us for our NEXT STEPS in this Battle to Save America! Pray. 


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