Jan 13, 2023 – Notes Shabbat Call

01-13-23 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
7-10 PM ET 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Pastor Ioan is back in his native land, Bucharest, Romania tonight, and Maureen is in Florida, preparing to travel there for the European Prayer Summit at the end of this month! Pastor Ioan blessed this call and Maureen led us in receiving and putting on the full armor of God that will protect and secure us for what we are being called to do in the days ahead.
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:13-18
We prayed corporately and received God’s full armor, to be worn with the dignity it deserves!
From Today’s Prayer Focus – a portion from Jonathan Cahn’s book THE RETURN OF THE GODS read:
“From 2009 to 2018, the number of girls seeking gender transition treatments in the United Kingdom alone, skyrocketed by 4,515%. It was another phenomenon unprecedented in human history. What was equally unprecedented was the fact that the greatest increases in those seeking or being referred to “gender reassignment” were now young women.“
We were astounded when Pastor Ioan shared that when he paid the cost of the meeting room for the EPS at the Crowne Plaza in Bucharest, the amount was exactly the same…$4,515. which matched the figure above!
The price we had to pay for the room was exactly the amount of the increase in the number of girls seeking “gender reassignment.” God is showing us a sign in this, as He is calling us to bless Beulah (formerly known as Europe) by our presence and our prayer in this gathering! We thank Him for that call and for our ability to respond!
As we have been praying through Jonathan Cahn’s book, THE RETURN OF THE GODS we wondered what the connection is between it and our upcoming assignment. “BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!” was the word that was heard.
Pastor Ioan spoke about the situation in the USA now, (an imposter in the White House, Congress in disarray, and the failure of the SCOTUS to do their job). Through this gathering of united prayer on the continent of Beulah, God will move in miraculous ways and remove the demonic forces that have tried to take control of Beulah! Besides the reconciliation of Russia and Ukraine that we will be praying for, we believe that the Lord wants to use the Body of Christ in the USA to wake up the Body of Christ in Beulah and see demonic force known as the “queen of heaven” taken down and removed from her position of power in the EU…and beyond! AMEN!
We prayed into this:
- Carol (NY) while in DC Thursday night, there were 2 songs from the album REVIVAL IN BELFAST by Robin Marks: they were REVIVAL and SHOUT TO THE NORTH. We are that voice crying in the wilderness 24/7 and He is answering our cry!
- Beverly (CA) as we were praying in the Spirit, I saw a wall – made up of the of spirits that have been lining up in Beulah – and it was starting to have cracks in it…and it is coming down! We WILL SEE such a TUMBLING DOWN of that wall…and there will be a flood of salvations through out the world.
- Sherrill (TX) last night, the young CEO of Morningstar Ministries said he saw the dismantling of the EU. We rejoice in these puzzle pieces coming together and we declare that the EU is coming down and the demonic strongholds on that continent vanquished! Revival and the Great Awakening is coming!
- Jim (CA) Commanded the blessings of Psalm 133 over this upcoming gathering.
- Susan (GA) said that when we were in DC in April two years ago, another Romanian, Claudia, was with us. We were discussing something taking place between Israel, Romania and the USA. God brought it back “for such a time as this!”
- Carol (NY) said she remembered part of that conversation…that Romania was a key to Europe / Beulah.
- Diane (MT) blessed Romania, and that all who gather there will be blessed. She also prayed that as Lou Engel and many others prayed for homosexuals to come to salvation, that they will do so and be healed and restored! Any plan to keep the EU under demonic control will fail!
- Sharril (CO) was at The Call in Fredericksburg, VA in 2012 and Lou Engel said that 100 K would be set free and become leaders in the revival.
- Juanele (NC) shared that Julie Greene said 2023 is a year to be free…(a year of glee, prophesy, prosperity)…and we are free in every realm! Then Juanele declared freedom in numerous realms!
- Debbie (TX) thanked God for the revelation, and for allowing us to participate in what He is doing to FREE EUROPE and help her to take her rightful place as “Beulah!”
Pastor Ioan shared about “Europa”, a woman who was abused by the demonic “god”, Zeus. Her name was given to the entire continent! Its true name is Beulah! We have a covenant relationship with God and we will renew it now! (Evy and Randy will join us in Romania, with Kitty!)
- Debbie (TX) God is bringing us to Bucharest and mixing us with brothers and sisters from Romania, Beulah, and all over the world!
- Sharril (CO) heard that many of the countries in the EU were having a resurgence of patriotism for their own countries.
Prophetic message for the nations of Europe – received by Pastor Ioan Peia
November, the 29th 2010
I was on a plane flying to Brussels for the European Prayer Network meeting.
The First Vision. I saw in my spirit how over the entire continent there were spreading the roots of a tree – a fake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, a tree that is the representation of the rebellion and disobedience towards God. It is drawing its sap from the kingdom of the evil one and all over the continent, these roots are sprouting shoots out of which other trees are growing. They are so pleasant to look at, their leaves are rustling restfully, numbing the consciousness and reason of the mind, having fruits that are suited to everyone’s taste.
All you need to do is to get closer to it, and people without discernment are rushing onto it. The Christians are also drawn to it, enticed – “come, taste, enjoy, and make the tree grow” (the EU funding received by the Christians as well, binding in chains while creating illusions).
Any exterior structure of this tree – that is not the tree of life, is sucking the life out of those who come to find pleasure in it. This tree does not grow near the river of the living water (Judeo-Christianity), it is a work of getting wayward, lost in the dark that God is allowing so that He may have mercy on all.
The Second Vision. With my eyes closed, I was meditating on what I had seen in my spirit. When I opened my eyes I saw a minaret perfectly drawn by the light coming in through the airplane window on the back of the chair in front of me. This image remained perfectly still until I received the second prophetic message.
“If God’s people do not turn away from their evil pleasures and from this EU tree chaining, the entire continent will have Islam as its master.
Because they rejected the Lord of Heaven and Earth Who is good and Whose mercy endures forever, they would be given in the hands of a cruel master, who would rule them by whip and scorpion scourging, until they would see their own children taken away and made slaves, until they could speak nothing without being afraid. They will see and live what it really means not to come to the Tree of Life.”
EU vs. Beulah
Come out of it, separate from it until the wine of her (EU’s) whoring is not numbing your will and reason. Church of the Lord, do not break the marriage covenant with your Man. You truly saw in Israel what the covenant with your Creator and Savior was all about. How great is the affliction that comes upon you when you are breaking the Covenant!
Turn back, stay within the covenant, and do not go whoring, I cannot watch your whoring around. I will protect the pure who are Mine and who are not getting drunk with the wine of whoring (bunches of people drinking from the tree roots sap, who are getting drunk with EU fruits sap).
As for you, oh, man (Adamah), I will have you cry and call the ones who have not defiled themselves to come out. You shall speak up boldly about what you have to say and shall not be silent so that I may fulfill My will and judgments regarding this generation of people. Do not fear them, I am your utterance and your voice mightily sounding.
Oh, if they would listen to what I say to them through my servants, the prophets! There would come good days and My healing would be blooming in their lives. Anyone who touches this tree and anyone who is touched by it will surely die. Cut it and throw away any binding you have with it.
[Where could we live far from it?]
“You saw what a private domain (Eruv) meant for the Hebrews. Use the possession right of this world and make for yourselves private domains belonging to My sons and daughters, in whom the righteousness should dwell.
In this way, I will be with you and I will sanctify you, even if an entire nation would turn wholeheartedly to Me.
This will be the place of escape for many. Your children will live if you will make these Eruv Beulah areas during your time.
SANCTIFICATION, UNITY, TAKING IN POSSESSION, STEWARDSHIP ACCORDING TO MY WILL and you will be happy amidst storms, surging billows, and troubles that are to come over this part of the world.“
November, the 30th 2010
For the principality over the EU
You see yourself and you are seen as a beautiful woman, dressed up in beautiful apparel. You boast that Satan – the ruler of the kingdom of darkness, is in a marriage covenant with you. As you want all My children to drink from the wine of your whoring, (for its power is drawn from this wine), I will strip your raiment off (I will tear them, I will make them rags) and you will be put to shame before the entire universe. I will make you sit in the place prepared for you and for the one you chose to be your master.
December the 1st 2010
In Brussels
For the Church. She whored and lived not with the Lord but with His adversary. Now when she has made up her mind to be His wife, the world tells her: “Never in eternity will you ever be with your Husband for you were someone else’s before Him!”
The Lord tells His beloved: I love you with everlasting love. I have decided to be with My Treasure (Exodus 19:6) in the wedding chamber but she forsook Me and went after foreign masters.
I have not chosen you because you are perfect but because I love you. I am breaking your chains and cleansing your life and past. I am anointing you with My love’s oil and I mortify everything that is old in you. I hold you to My breast and tell you that I love you with everlasting love.
Do not hearken to whatever the world and your enemy are saying. Look unto Me and listen to the words and evidence of My love. And I will protect you, and watch over you and they will not ever call you Forsaken – Europe – anymore, but they will call you Beulah, for you, are married to Me for eternity.
Rejoice and celebrate with Me, I will be yours and you will be Mine. Who could separate us?!
For EU. Since you have united yourself with your lovers so that you would hurt My people (Israel), and lying in your bedding you are making plans to destroy the one who is stuck to My heart, I will make you feel the burning of the scourge because you wanted to scourge, see your house desolate because you wanted My house wasted; you shall not find your rest and wander in the four corners of the world for you did not let My people rest in the land I gave them.
Your sons and daughters will get what you wanted My people to have. The foreigner shall live in your country, in your house, and there will be another who will tell you what to do, when to stand up and when to sit down, when to pray and when to be silent. You will become the byword of the world, you who once used to shine like a queen in your precious attire.
Pastor Ioan shared that when he arrived in Romania, he went shopping to purchase groceries and saw that all the prices had doubled, and many things were 5 times more…because of the war in Ukraine. The entire continent is suffering! Many want to come from poorer parts of Europe and Eastern European countries…and Pastor Ioan has challenged several of his friends to help some of the poorer ones to be able to attend. One brother in the UK is sponsoring 20 people and we are hoping others will also…sponsoring those who cannot attend on their own! (Specifically, we want to bring children from a Christian gypsy community to come to lead worship.) If you want to contribute toward the EPS:
ZELLE contributions to 407-810-4665
snail mail a check to: WTKOG, Inc, 1566 Grace Lake Circle Longwood, FL 32750
Pastor Ioan and Maureen shared about our visit with Audrey’s mother, Eulis, on the occasion of her 103rd Birthday, Sunday, January 8th. We were impacted deeply by the experience, as were Audrey’s sister, niece, and Eulis’ family and friends!
The family reported back to Audrey that “something happened in that room…there was a spirit of love…such an experience of love that will go down in all our hearts!”
Audrey said: “These two people were sent on a mission to DC, and this was a “moment” …we just don’t understand the preciousness of it all…but for all those that were in that house that day…there was a spiritual movement! They won’t ever be the same!”
Albert encouraged her to LOVE DC and pray for it. She said she does!
We paused at 9 PM. as we do nightly, to sing the National Anthem, in unity with the J6th prisoners!
We prayed on-site for them in DC, and now, we sing corporately with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
Links to what took place during our January 2023 Washington DC assignment:
The Holy Convocation to Pray for SCOTUS and our J6 Prisoners
The Holy Convocation to Pray for SCOTUS and our J6 Prisoners – January 5, 2023, Washington DC
Interview with Professor David Clements – January 8, 2023
Washington, DC January 6, 2023 – time of debriefing
Richard shared about what his wife Nariann has gone through with her leg surgery Yesterday evening, and how she has come through it, with him by her side, serving and caring for her! We honor Richard for giving that loving care…that every wife wants from her beloved spouse. We prayed corporately for them!
Pastor Ioan shared his perspective / an overview of the DC trip.
Our team was welcomed by Evy and Jane at the DC Prayer Tower on Thursday morning, January 5th, where we met for our first session of prayer and preparation for the JAN 6 activities. Professor David Clements and his traveling companion, Ken Beyer (MI) joined us, and we had a spirit-filled morning together! We prayed for the Brunson case and the PA case, and asked that the Lord’s WILL BE DONE in each! Then had a meal in the presence of our enemies in DC, and enjoyed every bite!
We went from there to the Capitol and as we waited on the Lord there, we enjoyed a glorious sunset set to the strains of worship in song and dance. At one point, Pastor Ioan turned his back to the Congress, and said these people do not represent me…and we all agreed and turned our backs to the Capitol! We then turned back around and said as one: YOU ARE FIRED!
Before leaving Congress, a young woman, a livestreamer named Corrine, who had been so deeply wounded by the things that had taken place to so many of her friends, approached David Clements and joined our group! She needed prayer and we obliged, then we all shared in the anointing of joy. It came upon us quickly, and it impacted many (if not all) of those we encountered at the Gulag. Then we went to the DC Gulag, to be with the J6 prisoners in prayer and praise outside the detention center.
Toward the end of the evening, a man approached us with a bullhorn, spouting profanities at the crowd, attacking the J6 members, and those who were there supporting them. He was trying to drown out the voices of J6 prisoners who were sharing with us by phone, and singing the anthem with us at 9 PM!
On January 6th, the 2-year observance of the J6, we went to the SCOTUS, staked out our place, positioning ourselves at the foot of the steps, sitting in chairs in a semicircle, with the verse EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW etched in stone on the face of the building. With witches to the right and agenda patriots to the left, we were in the middle of a cacophonous setting, in which we could barely hear one another. But we held our ground and bore it!
As we waited on the Lord, Pastor Ioan asked us to pray for Justice Clarence Thomas, who carried the spiritual authority in the Court, for Justices Amy Barrett and Sam Alito to hold up his arms and support him, and then finally, for Justice Brett Kavanaugh to BE A MAN and for Justice Neil Gorsuch to make a decision and stick to it! There was a sense of JOY in Pastor Ioan as he realized that the Justices were free to make their own decisions in these two critical cases, in the Presence of God, Who had taken over the Court in 2022, when Roe v Wade was overturned. The Lord had removed the principality over the SCOTUS and was there HIMSELF! Now, the SCOTUS Justices had the opportunity to rule freely! The destiny of the nation was no longer to be decided by demonic powers, but by “We, the people”!
David Clements had gone into SCOTUS to use the facilities and was inside when we were preparing to partake of communion, on the street between the SCOTUS and the Congress. He was our representative inside where the cases were being heard!
On Friday evening, while doing the SHABBAT CALL at the Gulag with the J6 prisoners, Maureen suffered hypothermia in the extreme cold. We tried to warm her up, but she took a hit and is still recovering from the cough and congestion that came on from that. (Thank you all for praying for her quick recovery…which is in p process!)
During this time, there were 15 votes taken…in an attempt to secure Kevin McCarthy as the Speaker of the House for the 118th Congress. A mighty band of 20 representatives held out for conservative matters, until they achieved all that they had wanted to implement and had received promises for!
We said goodbye to the members of the 24/7 team Sunday morning, and they had departed for their home states, Pastor Ioan did interviews with David Clements and with Randy and Evy, before he flew to Romania!
We shared in receiving a sweet communion, then closed the call singing “SHABBAT SHALOM!”
With love and blessings to all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
“Could you not tarry one hour?”
Two of our facilitators, subbing for the past 3 months during the 4 AM ET Tuesday and 1 AM ET Saturday slots, have had to give up these two hours. Who among us can take one of them?
We also need facilitators for the 3 PM ET Friday and the 4 PM ET Sunday. Who is willing to step up?
To our 24/7 family: Please, sign up to serve for one hour each week as a “Co-Facilitator.”
The “two by two” Biblical model will assure that every hour is covered… and the need for subs eliminated!
We now have *** 111*** co-facilitators…and call forth the other *** 56 *** to secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
Hours needing Co-Facilitators:
12 AM ET – all slots filled
1 AM ET – Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday
2 AM ET – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
3 AM ET – Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
4 AM ET – Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
5 AM ET – Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
6 AM ET – all slots filled
7 AM ET – all slots filled
8 AM ET – all slots filled
9 AM ET – all slots filled
10 AM ET – all slots filled
11 AM ET – Monday, Tuesday, Friday,
12 PM ET – all slots filled
1 PM ET – Friday, Saturday
2 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday
3 PM ET – Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
4 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday
5 PM ET – Tuesday, Saturday
6 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, and Saturday
7 PM ET – Thursday
8 PM ET – Monday, Saturday
9 PM ET – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday
10 PM ET- Friday, Saturday
11 PM ET – all slots filled
Ways to connect with the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call and have access to our information:
Our 24/7 NSPC Truth Social –https://truthsocial.com/@247NationalStrategicPrayerCall
Our 24/7 NSPC Telegram Channel –https://t.me/nationalstrategicprayercall
Our 24/7 NSPC Telegram Group – https://t.me/joinchat/2ktpOlvELsNiMzMx
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