Jan 13, 2017 – Notes Shabbat Call

01-13-17 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
from 7-10 PM (EST) Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555#
We opened with Pastor Ioan reminding us that the Focus for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call for today was “Dwelling at the FEET OF JESUS”. We enter into this sweet SHABBAT and rest in His Presence together! That is what He is calling us to during this next week. REST! Enjoy His Presence! What a message! Alleluia!
In this world there are many causes, and as we discern their sources, we will know which we are to be involved with and which to let pass us by! As He leads, guides and directs us, we’ll find His sweet rest for our souls! We trust in Him and give no place to the flesh…just put aside all concerns…and know His perfect Will will be done!
Lord, we give every concern, trouble, and thought to YOU! Help us to move in the right direction…for this journey with Him is processional, progressive and exponential…moving forward, making progress and exploding and propelling us to new levels! We have no doubts…we abide in trust!
Maureen sang:
I have not trusted You the way You want me to, I now intend to do that, oh, Lord!
I have not trusted You the way You want me to, I now intend to do that, oh, Lord!
To do what You want me to!
Pam sang:
Turn my heart, oh, Lord, like rivers of water, Turn my heart, oh, Lord, by Your hand.
Til my whole life flows in the river of Your Spirit, and my name brings GLORY to the Lamb.
Lord, I surrender to Your work in me, I place my life within Your loving hands!
Turn my heart, oh, Lord, like rivers of water, Turn my heart, oh, Lord, by Your hand.
Til my whole life flows in the river of Your Spirit, and my name brings GLORY to the Lamb.
Nga sang:
You are my Hiding Place, You always fill my heart with songs of deliverance, whenever I am afraid,
I will trust in You, I will trust in You, let the weak say I am strong in the strength of Your love!
Several people then shared that they were touched by this sharing and were going to rest in the Lord and turn their concerns over to Him…knowing He is able to do all that is needed! ALLELUIA!
Maureen shared that she was doing the same thing (trusting God) with the coordination of facilitators for the next assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call…the “FIRST 100 DAYS”. She has been “pressing in” to be sure we have a seamless garment with facilitation as we transition from the first assignment, “70 Days of Prayer” into the “FIRST 100 DAYS” of the new Administration, which begins next Friday, on January 20th. Lord, You are in control and will touch and draw those who are to serve in this assignment…whether it be to facilitate for one of the 24 hour slots, release their time slot, shift to a different time slot, SUBSTITUTE when needed or simply participate…as they continue to be part of this 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call.
Sophia shared a song: “I HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOU!” and we all agreed that He was encouraging us tonight and we were encouraging one another with stories of how we were experiencing His love! (and that was the challenge in the FOCUS today…to take the time to share your testimony of what it has meant to you to Dwell at the FEET OF JESUS.
When we sign the New Covenant of God, and we agree that we are His and He is ours, we no longer can be part of two Kingdoms…(the kingdom of this world and the Kingdom of God). When we step up to sign it, and renew our vows to Him and confirm the New Covenant with Him, we will be declaring that we are exclusively HIS…and a part of the Kingdom of GOD.
Viviana sang: It’s a new season and it’s coming to us!
Rita sang: Hosanna! (originally an appeal to God for deliverance…now has become our praise for deliverance received …for us and for our nation!!!!!)
Carolina sang: Hosanna in the highest!
As we moved into taking communion together before Pastor Ioan departed for the airport to fly to DC from Romania, he shared an overview of what has taken place on this journey thus far.
· He spoke of how this call has connected us and allowed us to know each other and begin to truly love each other…as the Holy Spirit has led, guided and directed us on this call.
· Between now and when we welcome the King of Glory into this nation, a tremendous confrontation will take place…and we must be on watch…on the walls…knowing we are united together.
· His Manifest Presence will touch not only those in DC but across the United States…and it will be the same everywhere.
· On January 20th, as we have the solemn ceremony of signing the document together and renewing our vows before the Lord, we will receive an anointing of JOY as we are anointed with a special oil of JOY.
· God will do everything at the right time in the right places…and His perfect Will will be done in… every detail!
We are about to enter a new era, a new season for our lives, for our nation, for the world! We must be ready!
· Make us ready, Lord! Let this be our cry: “PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD!”
Ioan blessed each of us with the JOY of His Presence and whatever oil we have will carry that blessing of JOY. Let us all share and share alike in the blessing and rewards of being sons and daughters of God, and use up to show forth His Manifest Presence to all who encounter us! AMEN!
We took turns speaking blessings over Ioan as he departed for the airport to come to our nation…a blessing!
Philip (from Australia) spoke the Aaronic blessing over Ioan in Hebrew, then read aloud John 8:14-20 for Carolina…and said that Jesus drank the 3rd cup and ate the bread, the afikomen and that was the last food and drink he had in this world! As we have eaten this bread and drunk of this cup together tonight, we have partaken of HIM, together! ALLELUIA!
We declare again that we have appealed to God for deliverance…and now we release our praise in advance for the deliverance that is being received…for us and for our nation!!!!!
CJ, a representative of Native Americans, sang and played the drum for us.
We discussed the oil of Joy that Ioan shared about!
· Psalm 45:8 tells about the ingredients in the oil of JOY! And Donald Trump will be our 45th President!
· (…and 8 is the number of new beginnings!)
· one of the intercessors shared James 5:13 “…let them pray over him, anointing him with oil…”
· Psalm 133 “…like a precious oil coming down…”
As Esther shared about the image of oil in Psalm 133, we see that the oil of the anointing is being poured out on us now, and will be poured out on our new President and Vice President on January 20th as they are installed in their offices and positioned as leaders in our nation! As God’s representatives, Ambassadors of the Kingdom, the Body of Christ in this nation, the ekklesia, the gatekeepers…we release our blessings and that blessing of and for them will be like the oil that is released to flow upon them as they are set in place as President and Vice President as God’s chosen ones! (We took a minute to “watch” as that oil flowed down over all parts of the body!)
Dallas gave us three scriptures about the anointing of the King by God’s prophets:
· I Samuel 15:1 Because the Eternal One sent me to anoint you as ruler over His people Israel, listen to what the Eternal One, the Commander of heavenly armies, has to say: “I will punish Amalek because they waylaid Israel in her path out of Egypt.
· I Kings 1:34 Zadok and Nathan, listen. When you arrive at Gihon, anoint Solomon as Israel’s king. Sound the trumpet, and proclaim, “May King Solomon have a long life!”
· I Kings 19:16 Anoint Jehu (Nimshi’s son) as Israel’s king, and Elisha (Shaphat’s son from Abel-meholah) to replace you as a prophet.
Aida shared about WWI when her grandfather who lived in the Ottoman Empire was about to be found and shot by enemy soldiers…that he wanted to take communion before he was killed and all that he could find was sand…so he took communion with sand…and the soldiers left without even seeing him as he hid behind a door!
Sophia shared about how God had touched her and caused her to stop in her tracks and listen to Him as He spoke to her, and took away her anger and fear!
Oltea (a Romanian) shared about experiences of His amazing love…personal experiences…rather than head knowledge.
· She shared a story about the love of God for her daughter, who was hit while driving her car and it was totaled, but she was not injured! A merciful and miraculous proof of His love!
· Another time when her child was in the hospital when they had no money to pay the $10K bill, they prayed for 3 days…and later found that the account was -0- balance because some charity picked the bill up and paid it!
· Oltea shared about the derivation of her name – from Lady Olga – who exhorted her son to die for her country!
We were reminded by Dallas that there are acts of surrender, love, zeal for God…sacred worship of our Lord that are written in the transcripts of Heaven about us. Every second we have spent in His Presence, every moment we have surrendered to Him, all the acts of worship are recorded for all eternity! AT THE END, WE WILL CAST OUR CROWNS DOWN AT HIS FEET!
Let us resolve to CHOOSE CHRIST for ourselves every moment! Let us choose to be like Jesus at all times!
Let us go to scripture to be strengthened, for comfort, to rejoice, to experience His love! What He has removed and forgotten, we have no right to remember!
Esther reminded us that He loves us with everlasting love! He is drawing us to Himself…and he loves us deeply. We will make it through – with Him next to us – and we will get to the other side…and have VICTORY!
Joyce shared her reflections about the loyalty of a dog…and how the Father is looking for those who will be faithful, loyal and honoring to Him… as our dogs are to us! When we are in the Presence of the Master, let us want to be, desire to be, and long to be at His feet…loyal, content and true!
Ydia shared that last night, she had a vision of a bride en route to meet her groom…and realized that it is we who are the bride…what a blessing!
We closed the call with Ydia offering a blessing for Israel and Rita offering a song: “The spirit of the Lord is flowing free…and let it flow through me”…and then she released the shofar sound from her throat (to seal all that has been done in prayer this holy night! Alleluia! Amen.
Praying as we prepare to depart for DC…and that GLORIOUS DAY we have been anticipating as we have been CONTENDING AS ONE! ALLELUIA! AMEN!
Maureen, Ioan, Dallas
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