Jan 12, 2023 – Prayer Focus

Thursday, January 12, 2023 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“And this is the condemnation, that the Light has come into the world,
and men loved darkness rather than the Light, because their deeds were evil.”
John 3:19
We sing: Lord, have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch.
Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage
and for all the members of their family. We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.
For the restoration of Donald Trump to his rightful office.
In every situation and decision, let our President be led by the Holy Spirit,
so that he learns the truth and acts accordingly, for the good of the nation.
For protection, provision, and peace
for all working to expose the fraud and corruption of our elections!
As the SAVE AMERICA movement gains momentum, let those leaders that God anoints and appoints
take their places in the governments of each state and in our nation’s Capitol!
For us to receive and put on the full armor of God as we begin this hour,
that we might be protected as we stand in the gap and pray for our nation!
Strategic Focus for Thursday
The Returning of President Trump to the White House! – Part 132
For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.
But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.
Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”
Ephesians 5:12-14
Today, we enter Chapter 31 Priests, Gods, and Shadows In Jonathan Cahn’s book, THE RETURN OF THE GODS. In it, we will see that it was the line that the goddess crossed at the end of the 1960s that would trigger a metamorphosis of morality, ethics, values, society, culture, perception, and human nature of seismic proportions.
The Altering of Desire It was all there, implicit from the beginning, and made clear, over and over again, in the ancient inscriptions: “May Ishtar, Mistress of battle and conflict, turn his masculinity into femininity.” She was continually praised for her power to “turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man.” Implicit in the changing of sexuality is the changing of desire. A man transformed by the goddess into a woman would presumably now desire men. A woman changed into a man would presumably desire women. This brings us into the realm of altered desire. The goddess herself boasted of being able to change back and forth between female and male. Though unspoken, it would be implicit that her desire as a woman would be for a man and as a man, for a woman. Beyond that she was the one especially invoked when one was seeking to alter another’s romantic or sexual desire. She was the sorceress. It was her power to change desire. Pray.
Then there were her priests, her performers, the cultic ministers of her temples, the men who dressed in female garments and took on female appearance. They would serve as examples of her power to alter sexuality. But their transformation went beyond clothing or outward appearance. Some took on women’s names. Some would sing the cultic songs in the female dialect. Some even took on roles akin to consorts or wives. Pray.
Exile of the Assinnu Thus it was more than appearance or mannerisms. It was sexual. Ancient Akkadian texts give instructions to men on having sexual relations with the assinnu, Ishtar’s feminized men. It was thus a feature of the goddess’s worship for her male priests to perform sexual acts with other men. A large part of Ishtar’s priesthood would today be classified as homosexuals or gay, and her cult as one of androgyny, transvestitism, and cross-genderism. Pray.
When Western civilization turned away from paganism and the gods and goddesses went into exile, the condoning of homosexuality and other related behaviors came to an end. When the goddess went into exile and her temples closed, the assinnu priests and her other cross-gendered cultic personnel left the temples and followed the goddess into exile. They disappeared. In the new era and civilization, gender-crossing practices such as homosexuality and transvestitism would be seen as immoral, sinful, inversions of the natural order. Such things would now be proscribed by codes of morality, societal convention, law, and Scripture. The licentiousness and transgressions for which the goddess’s sanctuaries were known would now fade into history, become distant memories, and then be forgotten. Pray.
The Emergence of the Shadow Men But if the goddess was to return, what would we expect to happen? We would expect that the values and practices of her cult and worship would return as well. In other words, if the goddess whose religion involved the acceptance, the open practice, the sanctification, and the enshrinement of homosexuality was to return, then her return would again bring about the acceptance, the open practice, and the sanctification of homosexuality, and its re-enshrinement in Western civilization. And that is exactly what would happen. The goddess would cause homosexuality to come out of the shadows, out of the realm of the forbidden, and introduce it to a civilization to which it was alien and taboo. And when that would take place, it would not be so much a diverting of the sexual revolution but its logical conclusion. Pray.
The Two Priesthoods The dynamic could be seen in the goddess’s ancient cult of worship. Her female priests and workers, the harimtu, the kezertu, the samhatu, and the istaru, engaged in sexual activity outside of marriage, but they did so with men. So sexuality was at first removed from the one context, that of the marital covenant, but remained within the other, male-female sexuality. But with Ishtar’s male priesthood, from the assinnu to the gala, the divorcing of sexuality from its natural or traditional context, its decontextualization, was taken to another level. The goddess’s male priests removed sexuality from gender, from its biological context of male and female. Thus they represented a deeper level of decontextualization. One priesthood led into the other—or one stage of decontextualization and deconstruction would lead into the next. Pray.
The Deconstruction of Sex In the same way, it was the sexual revolution that led to the normalization of homosexuality. If sexuality could be removed from the context of marriage, as in the sexual revolution, then it could also be removed from the context of gender, as in the normalization of homosexuality. It was for that reason that the seminal event that introduced homosexuality into the mainstream of Western civilization did not take place at the beginning of the sexual revolution in the early 1960s but at the decade’s end. And as with Ishtar’s male priesthood, it would represent a further and deeper stage in the decontextualization and deconstruction of sexuality. It went hand in hand with another of the goddess’s works. She had already begun separating husbands and wives and blurring the distinctions between male and female. If men and women were now interchangeable in every other realm, then it was only a matter of time before they would be seen as interchangeable in the realm of sexuality. So the emergence of homosexuality in American and Western culture was the fruit of several movements, all of which had a common denominator—the goddess. Pray.
Seismic Night It would all come to a head in 1969, on a summer night on the streets of New York City—in an explosion. It concerned a bar called the Stonewall Inn. It would lead into days of rage and violence and would trigger a new movement and a cultural transformation. It was there in the streets of New York City that the goddess would make her stand and bring what had been hidden in the shadows into the spotlight of American culture, then Western culture, and finally the world. Her agenda was ultimately to take a Christian civilization, alter its values, its perception of marriage, gender, and sexuality, until it had been transformed into a pagan civilization. As with the other transformations, it would have to be carried out step by step, first by mentioning the unmentionable, then by making the shocking familiar. From there the culture would be moved to toleration, then acceptance. That which was once unmentionable would become established, celebrated, championed, and then enforced. As she had introduced the transformation on the streets of New York, she would then introduce it into media, film, theater, television, music, politics, law, the educational system, children’s cartoons, cereal boxes, everywhere. It would continue its saturation until there was hardly a facet of modern culture that had not been touched or altered by it. Laws would be overturned, and what was formerly illegal would now be celebrated. The overturning of something so basic to civilization as the male-female paradigm and norm would prove especially potent in the transformation of American and Western culture.
The Other Coming Out When the gods departed from Western civilization, the open practice of homosexuality went with them. Both disappeared into the shadows and fringes. Therefore, the reappearance of homosexuality onto the center stage of Western civilization, its reemergence from the shadows and closets of that civilization after two thousand years, was a sign—there were others who were also reemerging. There were likewise coming out of the shadows at the fringes of Western civilization after two thousand years—the gods.
Round 2 would signify, as well, another change of colossal magnitude. With the disappearance of the gods and that of the open practice of homosexuality, it was a sign that Western civilization had turned to the gospel, to the Christian faith. Therefore, the return of homosexuality to the center of Western civilization was a sign not only of the return of gods but of a seismic change with regard to spirituality. It was a sign that Western civilization was turning away from the Christian faith. After nearly two thousand years the bond joining together that civilization and that faith was beginning to dissolve. Each major step taken toward the establishment of homosexuality would be matched by an inverse step toward the disestablishment of Christianity. Every movement to celebrate homosexuality would lead to an inverse movement away from Judeo-Christian faith or the attacking of biblical values. The embracing of the morality embodied by the goddess was both a measure of and an instrument for the dechristianization of America and Western civilization. Pray.
We pray:
- That this progression of evil would stop here and now… with us! We stand against it and call upon the one true God to come and take His rightful place, and to utterly destroy all other usurpers to His position! Pray.
- For President Trump: Guard, guide and govern his every word and action; protect him from all enemies, without and within; help him discern rightly about counsel given by those who advise him. Pray.
- In thanksgiving for all the conservative candidates who will “stand in the gap” with us and our President, engaging in this BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA, and rejecting the “usurper” and those pulling his strings in this faux administration, removing them from office! Pray.
- Protect and strengthen our 24/7 family and bring in new intercessors who are called to this assignment with us, to pray for our President and our beloved nation! Pray.
REVIVAL – from Heart to heart!
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