Jan 12, 2019 – Prayer Focus

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call Saturday, January 12, 2019
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 #
We have received several warnings about pending threats against the 24/7 call. We will not tolerate any demonic interference! We are taking measures to protect as well as to defend our 24/7 family and the call. At the top of every hour, the facilitator will take the first 3 minutes to bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss. They will then pray a shield of protection over the call and our 24/7 family
*The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our President and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for the protection of our President, Donald Trump and cover him with the Blood of Jesus.
Thank You for instructing and guiding him, giving him wisdom through Your Holy Spirit.
We bless his wife, our First Lady, Melania, their young son Barron and each of their family members.
We also cover our Vice President Mike Pence, his wife Karen and their family with that Precious Blood,
and include all those in the Trump Administration who are serving You and our nation! Thank You, Father!
Strategic Focus for Saturday
The FEAR of the LORD – Day 8
Radical Holiness, Unity and Perfection of Love!
“For You have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.”
Psalm 116:8
January 19, 2017 – some of our 24/7 NSPC team worshiping in front of the White House in DC
When John, son of Elizabeth and Zacharias, Jesus’ cousin and forerunner, said about Him:
“He must increase, but I must decrease” John 3:30,
he was speaking an understanding that we all must come to, as followers of Jesus, in our walk with Him.
We are watching a modern day example of that in our beloved President, as he grows in God’s love and grace!
God has indeed “delivered his soul from death” and for that, we rejoice and give God all the glory!
Out of our President’s own “definitive encounter” with God, much fruit has been produced! Guided by the Holy Spirit, he is moving in a way that both reflects his love for God and zeal to see this nation’s Godly foundations restored and our national covenant with the Lord renewed! We are praying daily to see that fully come to pass!
Once a person realizes what Christ has done for them, they are stunned, overcome, amazed by His love! They yearn to grow deeper in that love, to restructure their lives in a way that is pleasing to God! Looking for ways to be closer to Him, they long to hold onto and feel that sweet intimacy that began at the “first encounter”!
We pray:
- Aren’t we like that, longing for His Presence and seeking His guidance in our lives? Take time to tell Him that – praying corporately – and then offer individual prayers, sharing our heart about it with Him.
Once we are truly “rooted and grounded” in Christ, many of us want to find others who have experienced such a life changing encounter, so we can connect with them…and hopefully grow even further in our walk! All too often, we are disappointed when we don’t find what we are looking for…or when we share with others and they “throw cold water” on us, saying that what we have experienced is just emotion, or deception. They are unaware that that kind of relationship with God exists, and that they are being used to quench the Holy Spirit that has taken residence in us and longs to express Himself through us! Forgive, bless and release them…and go on with God!
We pray:
- Lord, You have touched my life and flooded my soul with Your Spirit, to heal, restore and “make all things new”! Give me grace to forgive, bless and release those who don’t get it, and go on with YOU!
In order to effectively co-labor with Christ, to be a fully effective participant in what He is doing in the earth at this hour, we must yield every area of our existence to His Lordship, allowing Him to rule and reign over our lives. As we “decrease” and He “increases”, He will lead us to the people we are to be connected with and show us our assignments!
Participating in the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, interceding on the wall of our nation, is one of these! Together, we daily receive and implement His marching orders…His specific strategies…blueprints from heaven…and see how wondrously the Holy Spirit directs our intercession and activity – day and night – on behalf of our President and our nation! THE FIRE ON THE ALTAR IS KEPT CONTINUALLY BURNING…IT DOES NOT GO OUT!
We pray:
- Father, we thank You that YOUR HOLY FIRE burns on the altars of our hearts and in the HOUSE OF PRAYER for the NATION that You have created as the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call. Help us to remain individually aglow and burning with Your Spirit, and allow the fire on the altar of the 24/7 to draw those You desire to be united with us in this assignment, and keep away those who are not in alignment with You.
When we report for duty, we take our positions on the wall, listen to what He says to us, then pray back to Him what we have heard! Offering sacrifices of praise and intercession to Him, we pour out our hearts and rejoice in the awareness of His Holy Presence. As we pray together, prefer one another, and “complete, rather than compete”…we see the fulfillment of the verse which says: “every joint supplies” and find that we are taking delight in one another…loving one another…as our Father does us…and He is glorified tremendously by that!
As we faithfully follow God’s directives, we find we are being more and more impacted by His Spirit. We are led into a deeper “unity of the Body” and consider “radical holiness” and the “perfection of love” as the “norms” in the KINGDOM! These three qualities that we speak so often about to our 24/7 family become a reality in our lives, and as we welcome the KING OF GLORY into our individual lives, we rejoice to see His influence extending from the “microcosm” of our inner circles to the “macrocosm” – the larger arena – of our communities, cities, states and nation! God is taking ground, and our “ground” is the first plot He wants to possess!
We pray:
- Thank You, Father, for teaching us, Your children, how to live together in the 24/7 family according to Psalm 133 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!”
Help us to continually keep You at the forefront of everything we do and say, guarding that unity and protecting the bonds of love that have drawn us together in this sacred assignment!
Praying for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo:
An American patriot, serving on the front lines of this Administration, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo needs our prayer. “Speaking truth to power” is not just a game for the socialist Democrats who have infiltrated the Congress; in the real world, what is spoken by the Spirit through His servants has power! Secretary Pompeo is one of those!
Speaking at the American University in Cairo on Thursday, he sharply differed with former President Barack Obama placing blame on the US for strife in the region in a 2009 statement. Pompeo said:“ ..it was here, in this city, another American (Obama) stood before you told you that ‘radical Islamist terrorism does not stem from ideology…that 9/11 led my country to abandon its ideals, particularly in the Middle East, and that the United States and the Muslim world needed a new beginning’.“
The results of Obama’s “misjudgments” have been dire.
- the US abandoned its allies, was “timid” about asserting itself, “grossly underestimated the tenacity and viciousness of radical Islamism” and remained silent as Iranians tried to rise up against the oppressive regime in Tehran.
- “Wishful thinking led us to look the other way” as Hezbollah built up its weaponry in Lebanon
and we did nothing as Syrian President Bashar Assad gassed his own people.
- “Our eagerness to address only Muslims, not nations, ignored the rich diversity of the Middle East, and frayed old bonds. It undermined the concept of the nation-state, the building block of international stability, and our desire for peace at any cost led us to strike a deal with Iran, our common enemy.”
The Secretary of State went on to say: “The age of self-inflicted American shame is over, and so are the policies that produced so much needless suffering. Now comes the real ‘new beginning.” He promised that the Trump administration was ushering in a new era of US foreign policy. “We have rediscovered our voice. We have rebuilt our relationships. We have rejected false overtures from enemies. And look at what we have accomplished together.”
He emphasized America as a force for good in the region, citing accomplishments under Trump’s leadership: the pushback of Islamic State, withdrawal of more troops and personnel from Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and building a coalition to push back against Iranian influence.
He eased fears about the withdrawal of US troops from Syria by pledging US commitment “…to partner with our friends and vigorously oppose our enemies, because a strong, secure, and economically viable Middle East is in our national interest – and yours. Let me be clear: America will not retreat until the terror fight is over.”
We pray:
- That the relationship between President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo remains strong, grounded in their individual relationships with You, Lord, and their love for this nation and her people.
- That You will protect and guard their hearts diligently, Lord, as they work together to reverse the curses that have come up on our nation from those who did not serve You or us!
- May You “increase” as we “decrease”, Lord, allowing You to lead and guide our nation…Your nation.
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love! The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
Be Strong…Courageous…Brave!
Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ!
God’s Champions for Life!
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
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