Jan 10, 2025 – Notes Shabbat Call

01-10-25 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
These first 10 days of January have been full…with the positioning of Mike Johnson as the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the swearing-in our 119th Congress on Friday, January 3rd. Then, the counting of the Electoral Votes by Congress took place the next Monday, January 6th when, in a joint session of the House and Senate in the House of Representatives at 1 PM ET, the electoral certificates properly ascertained for each state were counted, tallied, and announced. Now, the path was cleared for President Trump to assume office!
Two days ago, on Wednesday, January 8th, a high-level alert was sent out to the 24/7 family, and submitted to others in the Body of Christ, when Ps Ioan received this word:
“On January 19th, an assassination attempt on President Trump’s life will take place!”
Tonight, 10 days out from his Inauguration, we continue to stand in FAITH AND HOPE AND OBEDIENCE TO OUR CALLING…praying that President Trump will be alive to be inaugurated as our 47th President and then be enabled to serve his full term in office…to the GLORY OF GOD!
So, as we begin this call tonight, we lift our President to the Lord and receive for him and ourselves the Ephesians 6 armor that God has graciously provided, so we are all fully equipped for the battle we’re engaging in!
Troy (CA) led us in this prayer.
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth,
having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:13-18
We prayed corporately, receiving that precious armor.
Then Ps Ioan shared that when you receive an understanding from the Lord, it is like a burden!
What he heard 2 days ago was like that…a burden… that the assassination attempt on President Trump’s life would take place on January 19th!”
He asked Albert (CA) to share what he had responded to our alert: “I sat down at my laptop, while talking to our Daughter (she’s at work), and I said to her, “I awoke from a dream this morning @05:30. In the Dream, I was President Trump’s Body Guard, and I foiled an attempt on his life!!! This is the 3rd Dream that I’ve had about President Trump where we were in Gary, Indianna, around the neighborhood I grew up in. 3 minutes later I opened this eMail from You, and WOW!!! The Prophetic Confirmation of this message Blew me away!!!”
Maureen said that many of us have felt as if we are President Trump’s bodyguards…and many report feeling as if we’d take a bullet for him! Ps Ioan shared a story about Dr. David Livingston, a missionary to Africa, being told by natives that planned to kill him, that they couldn’t get to him because there were 39 beings protecting him! At home in Scotland, he heard from a pastor on that very night he would have been killed, there were 39 intercessors in the church praying for him!
Link: Testimony about Dr David Livingston by J.John
Ps Ioan said that his main concern is that someone in President Trump’s entourage will betray him and try to take him out! With 44+ of us on the line, as we begin tonight’s call, we prayed, flowing in intercession and crying out for the preservation of President Trump’s life…as well as for the life of our nation!
We invited others to pray:
Fifi (SC) the spirit of wisdom and revelation is making it clear that we are bodyguards for the President and we also have the angelic presence to minister to him.
Albert (CA) in the dream, there was a man close to the President that I kept my eye on. He was the one who attempted the assassination. He said that Indiana was key in the dreams I had.
Ps Ioan said we should pray for that person, whoever they are, to be neutralized and run away in terror. We prayed corporately asking that the HAND OF GOD would come against him.
Prayer requests:
William (Bill) Long (OH) is in the hospital, following his 3rd heart attack. Maureen spoke to him right after he came out of surgery this afternoon, in which he had two stints put in. We pray for his total healing and peace for him, his wife Cherry and daughter Valerie. God be with them all!
Dee Ott (IL) has received a diagnosis of cancer after an MRI, which showed a mass on her hip, and is causing such pain in her hip and right leg that she can’t bare to stand. She has asked for prayer…so we will stand for her! (Maureen spoke to her today, and to Wendy Moate, her co-facilitator, when they were together, and assured her of our prayers!) Cathy (FL) wrote: I know God hears us and has counted the very hairs on her head. I am praying in the spirit at every opportunity. Thank you for your love for all God’s people and especially for Dee.
Julia Bernhard (KS) daughter Jill said: Mom is continuing treatment for breast cancer from home and does telehealth with her Arizona MD. A painful rash over her breast needs to go! She continues with many supplements, diet, and juicing. I started a prayer call for her every Monday at 9 pm CT. And would you know it? It hss turned into a ministry! People come on and she prays for their healing!!! 1-667-770-1236: Code: 9277323 (We have prayed for years our entire family would be intercessors! 6 of us are on Monday nights. God is GOOD!)
Jill and baby Weston Caleb – 1 yr old.
We prayed for our brother and two sisters asking for perfect healing and a peace that passes all understanding!
Annie (SC) asked for prayer for her prayer partner Kathy Robinson (PA) – and led us in praying for Kathy’s heart and for her blood pressure.
Bernadette (NY) asked for prayer for a child Tayia who needs a new, sound heart so she can get out of a wheelchair and live a normal life! She also asked for a young lady who is getting divorced from a man who is a homosexual, and he is fighting to get custody of their 5 year old son! Stop that, Lord, and let that child be safe!
Annie (FL) her daughter Rebecca is going through a divorce and needs Godly counsel, for she doesn’t want to get a lawyer or to fight with her husband.
We lifted them all up in prayer!
Today was the date set for President Trump’s sentencing hearing in the “sham” NY trial. This morning, he posted: “I know it’s early, but I wanted to message you before my sentencing begins IN A FEW MOMENTS. It’s truly unbelievable that they’re bringing this case today – all designed to bring chaos and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power during this crucial time. I’m sure Acting Justice Merchan is full of joy this morning, being PRAISED by the radical left as he prepares to label me a felon just days before my inauguration. This politically orchestrated attack is a deceptive, rigged show.”
AND IT WAS! The far left Dems are HELL-BENT on destroying President Trump and the entire MAGA movement. They will use any means necessary, including lawfare! As we learned late last night, SCOTUS denied the application by President Trump to have delayed his sentencing hearing 5-4, (with Roberts and Barrett voting with the 3 liberal justices.) When he received the news about the denial, President Trump took it well and said it was a fair decision.
Today’s hearing began at 9:30 AM ET, with President Trump attending virtually. Prosecutors agreed with the judge in rendering an “unconditional discharge”, yet “very dramatically” accused President Trump of a “lack of remorse” and “unsubstantiated rhetoric against the criminal justice system!” Constitutional Law attorney Jonathan Turley said: “This was a made up crime that should never have been allowed to go to trial, and is beneath the NY court system.“ After Todd Blanche, the President’s attorney, addressed the court, President Trump spoke, and not holding back, he said his accountants had logged legal expenses and that “voters have been watching …and voted decisively.” He also said: “This is a great embarrassment to the State of NY.” It was obvious to all that LAWFARE was on trial and that the NY court system lost its legitimacy!
Virtually all legal scholars had agreed that there was NO CRIME, and have called for a DROPPING OF ALL CHARGES brought against the President!
Jonathan Turley: “The 2024 election proved to be the largest verdict in history after years of lawfare and biased media reporting came to nothing … Polls show the public saw these cases as lawfare and Merchan is widely viewed as causing precisely that “immeasurable damage” with his handling of the case.”
Gregg Jarrett: “Merchan is desperate to stain the incoming president with the label ‘convicted felon’.”
Alan Dershowitz: “This is the worst instance of Stalinism in my 60-year career. ‘Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.’ So Letitia James, the Democratic attorney general, and Alvin Bragg, the Democratic DA, tried to find a crime to convict Trump of, but they couldn’t.”
Andy McCarthy: “Clearly, there is no public clamor to see Trump sentenced prior to taking the nation’s highest office. There is, instead, a spiteful New York progressive Democratic interest in branding the Republican president-elect a convicted felon.”
Now that the NY case is concluded, we pray that God will arise on President Trump’s behalf and cause SCOTUS to take the appeal and deliver the radical left the most humiliating and decisive defeat of all time.
We prayed into that corporately!
From The Gateway Pundit: Judge Juan Merchan on Friday sentenced President-elect Donald Trump to unconditional discharge in his New York hush money case. Under New York state law, it’s a sentence imposed “without imprisonment, fine or probation supervision.” According to the law, such a sentence can be appropriate when the judge “is of the opinion that no proper purpose would be served by imposing any condition upon the defendant’s release.” Essentially, it’s a way to wrap up the hush money case without Merchan having to jail Trump or provide any other sort of punishment that could interfere with his return to the White House. That charge is what’s called an “E” level felony in New York — the lowest-level felony — which doesn’t mandate incarceration. Using it, New York judges have given that sentence in matters ranging from tax to speeding to weapons to trespass cases.
When Ps Ioan spoke to David Clements today, he was in court in CO, defending Tina Peters, who was the Clerk of the Court who exposed the corruption in the elections in 2020! Ps Ioan asked David about the unconditional discharge, and learned that it is the lowest level of punishment available for a felon…and allows them to continue to besmearch President Trump with that FELON LABEL!
We learned that two hours after the sentencing hearing, President Trump’s appeal was filed with SCOTUS!
Ps Ioan said that if there is someone who must be totally FREE in “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” it is the President! We prayed for peace of mind for President Trump, and that those involved with this persecution and prosecution be brought to JUSTICE for what they have done to him! The only ONE to control his life and mind should be the Lord Jesus Christ!
Debbie (TX) You tell us to stand up for the oppressed, and President Trump has been severely oppressed. We ask that You not only set him free by we declare HOW DARE THE ENEMY CALL HIM A FELON! We say NO to that and declare JUSTICE COME FORTH! Let those who have dug this pit fall into it!
Mary Ellen (IL) as a felon, he can not carry a gun. She prayed the part from the Book of Judges where Jael took a tent peg and drove it through the head of Sisera, the enemy general! She prayed over the appeal process and asked that the fear of God come upon the justices of SCOTUS so they stand against this lawfare!
Fifi (SC) Ps Ioan hit it on the head when he asked us to pray for President Trump’s soul. The only way for him to be filled with SHALOM is to trust in the Lord with all his heart and lean not on his own understanding! She asked that he focus on the Lord so that zeal for God’s House surrounds him.
Angela (CA) President Trump has been given supernatural diplomatic immunity. This was a MOCK TRIAL…a sham…and he needs to be completely free in the natural and in the spirit! No man can take from him that which You have authorized him to have! Those who are corrupt have fallen under this jurisdictional order and cannot supercede his authority! Haman was “impaled” (hung) on his own gallows. The enemies of the cross, and of President Trump, are under subjection to the King of kings! The Blood of Yeshua prevails and speaks on his behalf!
Nancy (WA) shared Romans 8:33 “Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.”
Bernadette (NY) “He whom the Son sets free is free indeed!” DJT has suffered for righteousness sake and is blessed.
Kay (IL) You are a God of righteousness and desire to bring justice into every situation. You are exposing the corruption in the NY court system. These unrighteous judges will be exposed for their unrighteousness!
Susan (GA) the gag order is removed now…and we speak freedom to him. She thanked God for setting him free!
What a wicked man this Judge Juan Merchan is! He delivered his sentence to President Trump today in the unprecedented lawfare case against the former US President and most popular US President in history. Merchan declined to impose any punishment on President Trump in his sentencing, but he did allow Democrats their talking point and the fake news will happily introduce President Trump as the first criminally sentenced US President in history. The crooked leftist judge then wished President Trump, “Godspeed in your second term in office.” This ought to be a warning to EVERY Republican in the country that New York City is a dangerous place to create a business or hold a residence. President Trump’s lawyers repeatedly demanded Merchan recuse himself over conflicts of interest involving his daughter Loren Merchan. Her political firm made tens of millions of dollars off of her father’s case against Trump. The entire case was a setup to get Trump. At some point, Judge Merchan and Alvin Bragg need to be investigated on this egregious abuse of the judicial system.
We prayed that the boomerang HITS HARD when President Trump returns to office and the new DOJ looks at Juan Merchan and his daughter’s crooked business dealings! We prayed that if God intends to deal with this, it will be handled according to His will!
Ps Ioan prayed for an investigation that exposes the “puppet masters” pulling the strings!
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump and his wife, our First Lady Melania, honored the late President Jimmy Carter, who died on December 29th at 100 years of age. Before huddling with Senate Republicans for a wide-ranging discussion on his legislative priorities in the first 100 days — including border security and energy reforms a beaming Trump told reporters about his return to the legislative complex. “It feels great! We’re going to get the results, and we’re going to make America great again.” The First Couple then proceeded to the Capitol Rotunda, pausing solemnly for about a minute in front of the 39th President’s casket. Trump had fiercely admonished Carter in the past, but recently praised him for having done “everything in his power to improve the lives of all Americans.” Senate Republicans later erupted in applause as the once and future Commander-in-Chief joined them to begin deliberations about his second administration’s agenda. “Hail to the Chief!”
“Seated together… in the midst of the enemy camp!”
Back row: Al Gore, Mike and Karen Pence;
Middle row: Bill and HIllary Clinton, George and Laura Bush, Barack Obama (sans Michelle),
Front row: Joe and Jill Biden, Kamala and Doug Emhoff.
Maureen reflected on the sour looks and the unhappy countenances on these former first couples.
Ps Ioan asked us to pray in thanksgiving for the Trumps continuing to stand out as light in the midst of darkness!
Trump on talk with Obama at Carter’s funeral: “It did look very friendly, I must say. I didn’t realize it, how friendly it looked.” He said he saw the clip on Fox “and I said, ‘Boy, they look like two people that like each other.’ And we probably do.”
Ps Ioan was reminded of the promise to David Clements that we would pray for the CO Clerk of the Court, Tina Peters, who has been jailed for 9 years after being one of the first to expose the corruption in the 2020 election.
We prayed corporately for her.
Update from Tina Peters by David Clements: https://t.me/theprofessorsrecord/17880
The idea was floated by David Clements, that since the actions of Nancy Pelosi and the members of the J6 Unselect Committee caused irreparable harm to the J6 prisoners, that the funds being given to the corrupt Congressmen and women would be taken away from them and given to the J6 prisoners! We prayed into it!
We paused just before 9 PM, as we do nightly, to pray for comfort for the J6ers,
asking that they would experience the sweet Presence of the Lord in their prison cells tonight!
We prayed corporately, lifting up all who have been accused, tried, and imprisoned…
persecuted and prosecuted unjustly!
Then, in solidarity with the J6ers, Maureen led us in singing our National Anthem all across the nation.
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that let them be comforted and at peace in their cells tonight,
knowing that when January 20th comes, that they will receive the help they need!
Pray for California. It is in ashes!
Parts of the Pacific Palisades look like the firebombed cities of World War II, with photos and videos showing block after block of rubble and smoldering ashes from the hills to the Pacific Ocean.
Statements regarding “California burning” by President Trump
“Governor Gavin “Newscum” should immediately go to Northern California and open up the water main, and let the water flow into his dry, starving, burning State, instead of having it go out into the Pacific Ocean. It ought to be done right now, NO MORE EXCUSES FROM THIS INCOMPETENT GOVERNOR. IT’S ALREADY FAR TOO LATE”!
“Fire is spreading rapidly for 3 days — ZERO CONTAINMENT. Nobody has ever seen such failed numbers before! Gross incompetence by Gavin Newscum and Karen Bass….And Biden’s FEMA has no money — all wasted on the Green New Scam! L.A. is a total wipeout!!!
“One of the best and most beautiful parts of the United States of America is burning down to the ground. It’s ashes, and Gavin “Newscum” should resign. This is all his fault!!!”
“The fires in Los Angeles may go down, in dollar amount, as the worst in the History of our Country. In many circles, they’re doubting whether insurance companies will even have enough money to pay for this catastrophe. Let this serve, and be emblematic, of the gross incompetence and mismanagement of the Biden/Newscum Duo. January 20th cannot come fast enough!”
“Governor Gavin “Newscum” refused to sign the water restoration declaration put before him that would have allowed millions of gallons of water, from excess rain and snow melt from the North, to flow daily into many parts of California, including the areas that are currently burning in a virtually apocalyptic way. He wanted to protect an essentially worthless fish called a smelt, by giving it less water (it didn’t work!), but didn’t care about the people of California. Now the ultimate price is being paid. I will demand that this incompetent governor allow beautiful, clean, fresh water to FLOW INTO CALIFORNIA! He is the blame for this. On top of it all, no water for fire hydrants, not firefighting planes. A true disaster!”
We prayed corporately into our President’s words, and for all those who are responsible to be removed from positions of authority where they are of NO GOOD to the people of California! We offered individual prayers:
Angela (CA) they have been praying for rain in CA, and God showed her how this was a set up for a money grab…using problems like this to fill their “war chests,” ill gotten gain! How tragic that Newsom cares more for a fish than his own people! She prayed that Newsom and Karen Bass (Mayor of LA) resign. (Isaiah 22:19 God will pull them down from their positions.) Some of this is judgment, and God will be a present help in time of need. Underground tunnels will be exposed where the children have been trafficked. Expose the corrupt people who let people die in place of fish! Recall these evil leaders and put them out!
Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Kristin Crowley was fired by Mayor Karen Bass on Friday afternoon, Kristin was summoned by Bass this afternoon, about 4 pm. She came back from that meeting, hugged her staff goodbye and left. She said she was fired.
“A Miracle Has Happened”: James Woods Returns to Find Home “Still Standing” in Fire Ravaged Pacific Palisades Neighborhood Actor James Woods returned with wife Sara to the couple’s fire-ravaged Pacific Palisades neighborhood on Friday, discovering that their home survived the massive fire that started Tuesday and destroyed many of the homes, businesses, and schools in the Los Angeles suburb, including the homes of their neighbors. Like many people who fled their homes during the flash fire, Woods assumed his home was destroyed, given that large flames were literally at his backyard. Woods posted late Tuesday night he was notified on his iPhone that the smoke detectors had gone off at his home: Woods was stunned when he returned home on Friday. “A miracle has happened,” Woods posted upon finding his house survived, though he reported the home suffered “smoke and other damage” but is amazingly still “standing” and “intact.” Woods also told the story of how he rescued an elderly neighbor who was abandoned by a caregiver, who left him behind!
Nadine (TX) prayed for the entire situation, for the first responders, the firefighters, and all in harm’s way!
Let healing take place and let them find their identity in You!
Our beloved sister Maryal Boumann of PRAY CALIFORNIA posted: “LORD GOD, You are kind and merciful, even when we don’t deserve it. May Your people pray for, and help others as we are able, and shine Your Light and Love into dark places, reflecting the hope and peace we have in You. Amen.”
Devin Schubert of Pray California posted this plea:
To all those boasting their prophetic words that Hollywood and California would burn down and be judged if they don’t repent…whether God told you or not, it’s not the point of this post. I want to share about heart posture – a heart check.
🤔Make sure you’re not utilizing a platform to put yourself on a pedestal saying “Look at me, look at me!” instead of being on your knees crying out for God to change His mind if He sees 100 worthy, 10 worthy, 1 worthy! – check your heart.
🤔Make sure your heart is in the right place, that you are not being in California or Hollywood rescuing people and sharing Jesus because you “knew” this would happen… if your kids lived there you’d be doing all you could. – check your heart.
🤔Make sure you’re opening up your doors, buying hotel rooms, gas, anything to support families that have now lost everything – check your heart.
🤔There are believers there you know…don’t they deserve to be helped? – check your heart
God operates out of a place of LOVE…a heart posture of a Loving Father! Say what you will as God instructs you, but ALWAYS do it from a place of LOVE! While He HATES SIN, He still loves His people that were created in His image. Let’s show love to people that are losing everything right now. Maybe it’s time for everyone who had that word to be like Nehemiah, and go rebuild California…because that’s where God’s heart is.
God bless those who are in the fires, recovering from the floods, preparing for the snow storms, tornadoes, hurricanes… loss. Make yourself known to them. Visit them! Send your angels to minister to them! May they encounter You like never before with peace beyond all understanding, Give them restful sleep through the night. Turn things meant for harm into good! Send revival to America…to California…to your Body!
We offered individual prayers:
Angela (CA) let those who receive hard words, release them with true love of God, not harshness. Give us compassion for California. Let us show them Your love!
Bernadette (NY) during this time of stress in CA, open eyes to eternity so they can perceive Your love! Let them be saved from the fires of hell…as You send a mighty revival and touch hearts and save lives! Let heavenly fire come down and let it travel across the country as a mighty revival.
Velvon (OK) he lifted up the occupied state of California and asked that God pour out His Spirit on all flesh and the fire of God consume them all in His love! Draw them from the N, S, E and W…and touch their hearts for YOU! Let Your Blood cover California and raise it up again to be a beacon on a hill! Even now, Newsom is on his way out and the men and women of God are on their way in!
Susan (GA) thanked everyone for prayers. Her sister lives there and is OK. PTL! Let the Lord wake up the people to stand against the evil government and fight to keep their property! It is their heritage!
“We, the People” own the land!
Maureen said that the warning came that corrupt people might try to use taxes to take the property of those who have lost everything! Protect that land and the rightful owners!
Audrey (CA) said it would be the 2025 taxes will be impacted. She prayed for Newsoms heart to be converted, and for him to be changed! Let three be a Divine wake up across the governmental agencies in CA and those who occupy offices! Let this be a wake up call for all of California…believers as well as others!
Beverly (CA) thanked all for their prayers, they had a touch and go this afternoon s the winds blew the firs away form their home! She prayed that the insurance companies would be honorable and pay out to those who lost their homes! Don’t let them lose their insurance. Somehow miraculously find a way to let them maintain their businesses after paying out for so many years! They are expecting higher winds next week.
Carol (TX) Insurance companies cancelled policies in Carolina before the hurricane hit, and may try to do something there in CA as well.
2025 Annual Notice – Significant California Laws Effective as of the Date of this Notice
Pertaining to Residential Property Insurance Policies,
including those related to a Declared State of Emergency
RE: The inauguration: Evy and Randy (at the DC Prayer Tower) will host our 24/7 family on site in their prayer room on Sunday evening, January 19th, for a light meal at 5 PM followed by a time of prayer on Sunday evening at 6 PM ET. Debbie and Daniel (TX) are coordinating this time together and will join us on the call at 6 PM ET Sunday evening, to pray together for the Inauguration. Please join in on that call!
If you are going to be in DC, please let us know ASAP, so that Debbie can add you to a text group so you can stay in touch with all those who are going to DC. Send name, cell and email to us ASAP. Maureen 407-810-4665 / Debbie 214-870-6650
Please continue to UPHOLD and PRAY for President Trump and JD Vance
as we move through these last 10 days until January 20th!
Ps Ioan and Maureen led us in receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus,
then we closed the call singing SHABBAT SHALOM!
With love and blessings.
Maureen and Ps Ioan
We NEED FT Facilitators to cover these hours weekly!
*** Please see if either might fit into your schedule!***
(Convert Eastern Time (ET) to that of your own time zone!)
3 AM ET Wednesday
2 PM ET Sunday
Using the “two by two” Biblical model, we also have “Co-Facilitators” to help Facilitators carry the call.
(This ensures us each hour is always covered…and the need for subs can be eliminated!)
We need those who are willing to step up and stand in the gap for the 24/7 NSPC!
(Contact Maureen to volunteer to serve for an hour a week…407-810-4665)
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch hearts, Lord, and cause our 24/7 family to be open and willing to rise up and serve
as we intercede for our nation’s destiny and deliverance!
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